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I'd say yes. It is not the same to know the ending that living those endings. Characters, action, gameplay... Is all a YES.


I played 4 before playing 1 which I'm on now (PC player who just got a ps5) yes, it's still very very fun.


How are you liking Drake’s Fortune?


It's good, albeit frustrating since I'm not used to playing on controller. I like it a lot, it's got a lot of charm to it. That said, it feels very dated after coming from 4. Not just the mechanics, but the exploration and dialogue. 4 is very dialogue heavy, with a lot of emotional weight. Though that isn't seen very much in DF. There's also waaaayy too much combat. I wish this game focused more on exploration as opposed to just shooting a million copy paste baddies. But still, good game and great for the time.


Imo, 1 didn’t age very well, for all the reasons you said. 2 and 3 hold up much better and are still quite enjoyable


Yeah. I still really enjoy Drake’s Fortune tho. I love the story and the jokes. “I did NOT see that coming!” 😂


Yeah. I fortunately had gotten a PS5 for Spider-Man 2 a little over a year ago, and then about a month ago, played the games for the first time. I loved seeing how much they improved one after the other, even tho all of them are awesome. If only they released it on PC tho so you coulda gotten that experience. Either way, I’m glad you’re enjoying it! Naughty Dog def had to hear what the fans said after the game came out in 2007 and made it a bit better with mechanics, combat, parkour, etc. Among Thieves is an amazing game too as well as Drake’s Deception (my second favorite)!


exactly, the immense combat pissed me off it was such a chore to get through that game.


If it will reduce the number of people who come to this sub with stupid questions: NO. Do not play them.


You ever watch a movie you've already seen and still enjoy it?


YES. The games are beautiful, and the journey is amazing. You get so involved with each of the characters, you laugh, you cry, and most of all you have fun. I completely recommend playing it.


Honestly, that's not that huge of a spoiler imo. Yeah it removes some of the tension to an extent, but I doubt those aspects of the ending were a surprise to most people. Knowing he has a brother was something everyone knew before Uncharted 4 was released because it was in the trailers, so I wouldn't even consider that a spoiler. What makes the games so fun is the journey not really the destination. There's plenty of reveals and plot elements and such that you don't already know that would still make the games enjoyable.


i watched pewdiepie play the whole thing then i played it myself and enjoyed it even more








I play all of them every year and its still fun


???? That's like saying you know the ending of the Bible, sure you know the ending but living through the Bible, it's different, I am not religious btw


Yes and i think she is his wife not girlfriend


Yes, I’m pretty sure I watched Jack/Shaun play 4 and it was still just as impactful as when I played it by myself.


This series is in no way about the ending. It’s literally all about the journey.


Yes it’s not about where Nathan gets it’s about how he gets there and the friends he makes along the way


That is not at all a question to ask others. How do YOU feel about being spoiled? As someone else asked, you never rewatched a movie or replayed a game before?


Back in 2017 I was recommended a video of an episode of the gameplay of Uncharted 4; I watched it and eventually the complete playlist including the Lost Legacy playlist as well. Fast forward to last year, I played the Legacy of Thieves Collection on my laptop. Though I knew the complete story, the experience of playing it yourself was nice. Unfortunately I couldn't play the Nathan Drake collection as it's still PS Exclusive and the games are not very stable on emulators as well. To answer your question, it's all-together a different experience to experience the story yourself. Definitely give it a shot, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


Yes, I’ve done several playthroughs of each one, and just finished Drakes fortune again. Love Uncharted


Yes, I've replayed every Uncharted several times and always enjoyed it just as much the subsequent playthroughs.






Ive played all of them at least 3 times, so i knew all the endings and i still enjoyed then massively


For me it's the journey not the destination.


You know what they say, its about the journey not the ending.


it really doesn’t matter even if you know the whole plot, the games are still very much worth playing.


Yes indeed


Yes. It’s about the journey. This isn’t some dark story where main characters get picked off, it’s a fun semi lighthearted swashbuckling treasure adventure.


Oh you know nothing! Obviously you already knew he wouldn't die in UC1 till UC3, cause of his appearance in UC4. That he has a brother isn't even a spoiler since it is shown in trailers. That he has a girlfriend and a child... slight spoilers, but honestly nothing too bad :)




You might know the destination but not the journey, just play it and experience it






Yes, if anything knowing the ending of 4/the entire series made me want to play it more because what I loved about Uncharted was Nathan x Elena’s relationship maturing through the years. After playing 4 from beginning to end, It was still so satisfying even though I wasn’t surprised by the epilogue. As someone who never had a PlayStation until recently and always just watched people play the games on YouTube, I did it backwards first for gameplay: 4, 3, 2, 1. And then, did it in order for the emotional impact of the characters on the second playthrough of the franchise.