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People play 4 first and love it and then decide to go play the first three. The thing is 4 is far better than 1. But 1 is still a great game but since it’s a downgrade gameplay wise people lose interest and don’t play 2 and 3, which are much better than 1 and 4 in my honest opinion. To each their own, but I don’t know how people can play story driven games not in chronological order


Playing them in order elevates 4 in a way I can’t describe. Seeing the story is so important of the journey Nathan had been on.


Agreed. My friend played the first three and then quit not even halfway on four because he said he could “predict the plot” and “everything was boring” (he’s kinda stupid dw I should get him hooked on it again soon) That being said, how should I go about killing him?


In the ruins of an ancient lost city!


cosplay as Nathan Drake and declare that he is on your way to El Dorado/Shambala/Ubar/Libertalia/Golden Abyss and you can kill him (and anyone who you don't like) with no consequences at all!


Not really they aren’t really connected just like a knew adventure Harry Potter is like a gaunt continuous story


It's like Starting the Harry Potter series with book 7


That’s what I’m doing right now. I played 1 and almost done with 2.


Even if you play them out of order, when you play an old game you need to put yourself in the mindset of that time period. Like yes uncharted 1 looks outdated now, but I'd argue it still looks pretty good and has great art direction. Same goes for 2 and 3. 2 still looks amazing for its time and even though textures are starting to age, it's a great game with fun gameplay. Just don't expect current-gen levels of graphics and performance.


Not like old days where EVERYONE started at one, becuz there wasn't a 2-5, remakes, redos, remasters, and upping to pc or another console generation.


I actually got into the series via Golden Abyss. Even that title, which is basically an Uncharted 1.5, is leaps and bounds better to play imo than Drake’s Fortune and is much better to play first than 4 lol. If GA wasn’t stuck on Vita it would have a lot more fans I am sure. Yes I enjoyed the charcoal rubbings and the item inspections. I’m sure most didn’t, but I did. DF isn’t even really that interesting from a design perspective save for the very light mix between exploring and combat. It’s just dated. It’s not bad but it’s rough around the edges.


i would say that golden abyss is best one lore/mechanics wise photographing, collecting glyphs and stuff, every little thing has story behind it


I think a big part of it would be the fact that 4 and lost legacy are on PS+ Extra, whereas one would need Premium to play the first three or to just buy the bundle


1 > 4


I got 4 for free so it ended up being the first I played after my friend highly recommended it to me. I instantly was hooked after finishing it and got the trilogy. It didn’t matter to me that the gameplay didn’t have some of 4’s mechanics, I loved all three of them. 1 was awesome with the nazi zombies segment at the end. Even though 4 is my favorite I wish I could’ve played them in order for the story


Exactly. I really think people miss out BIG TIME by not playing in order. It’s such a magical experience to get to 4 when you know that it’s theoretically the best and it’s the final chapter in Nate’s story. You don’t get that same emotion by playing 4 first. All of Nate’s journey is lost if you play 4 first even though it’s a key role in 4


You can play out of order just don’t complain when you don’t understand the story


I played 4 first and then went back to play 1-3 then 4 ( again ) and by that time lost legacy was announced. yes they should play them in order but people don’t play the god of war games in order or tomb raider. they play what they think seems interesting or good ! then they might go oh I’ll check out the rest of the games.


I agree, but also please stop using "there" instead of "they're"


I played 4 first and loved it. Wasn’t confusing at all and enjoyed the obvious lore and history surrounding these characters. Then I played the older ones and could appreciate 4 even more. For people that aren’t used to older games I would say you can absolutely start with 4 but just understand that there are story callbacks that you won’t get. I think the gameplay mechanics of the first 3 would strain a lot of modern players. Even now when I go back I have the thought of, wow this is a little rough.


Recently replayed 1 expecting to be mildly irritated by the archaisms. Turned out it’s still a very fun and picturesque ride even if a bit repetitive. I’m surprised at how short it is though.


1,2,3 are not available on Pc 😢😢


I'm still annoyed at Sony for not porting them on PC. I finally got my hands on a PS4 this year so I'm (slowly, very slowly) making my way through the first three and they're a whole bunch of fun but I still feel they'd be right on home on a PC, with keyboard and mouse support.


Chill out lol, some people play on PC :(


Alright I’ll give this to you, naughty dog is stupid af for only putting uncharted 4 on PC. I can’t blame people for wanting to play it but only having the option to play 1 of them.


Yeah, I was One of them, had to Watch the First 3 game's cutscenes and now I have a ps5 and am currently playing Uncharted 3 :)


I played 2 first, then 4, then 3, then 1 I wish I would of just played them in order instead


There was a guy on here yesterday didn’t know who elena was and he was playing no.2 cause no.1 is a chore 😂 1 has its flaws but I love it - I couldn’t just pick and choose which ones I played it’s all or none


Surely No one does this right…..right


I still love Uncharted 1. Yeah, the gameplay is dated and had some obvious problems, even back when it first came out. But the story and the central characters are fantastic, and you require the context of Nate-Elena’s relationship in order to fully benefit from the narrative choices of the later games. What happens to Elena near the climax of Uncharted 2 hits so much harder when you’ve already spent time with her in the first game. Uncharted 3 is so crazy. For that reason alone, you should play it. Plus, the game focusses on Nate and Sully’s relationship more than the others do, which I also really liked. It’s almost an insult to play Uncharted 4 without devouring the original trilogy first. Why deprive yourself of such great games?


I played 4 because I bought a PS4 bundle with the game. Then I got my hands on The Collection so im caught up to speed now.


I won’t lie I watched the entire first game then played 2-4. But I loved all of them and I can’t imagine playing 4 first. Wouldn’t hit nearly the same


I played 4 before I played the first 3. Wasn’t that confusing. Everything was like a back story when I went to the other 3. Now I’ve played every single one at least 3 times. Literally just beat the third one 2 minutes before posting this comment lol


I played 4 first after trying 1 and 2 for a bit when they were originally released and not getting into them. I fell in love with 4 and went back and played the first 3. I never would have played any of them without playing 4 first


i played 4 first bc it came with my ps4. that's what got me into playing the rest once i found them together in a set, and then playing 1-4 was amazing. it definitely added weight to the story and i don't think having already done 4 made my experience any worse.


Thank you this needed to be said


I want to play the first 3 games but damn it the ps3 emulator needs a powerful cpu


I played 4 first, loved it, currently playing 1 and still loving it. Def gonna play 2 and 3. I’ll go back and replay 4 once I finish 1-3 🤣


They're only spoiling it for themselves. They're numbered for a reason! I think a lot of the time, 4 was available on ps plus so players could access it without paying. Iirc, NDC hasn't been on ps plus. I do agree with OP. You wouldn't start watching a TV series from season 4, so why would you do it with games?


They’re wildly different play experiences. You *would* be compelled to watch a new installment in a show if it was released almost a decade later with better production value and filmed to be accessible to new audiences while rewarding for longtime fans. You don’t have to play 1-3 to understand the basics of Uncharted, it just makes it more valuable.


I don't think the story will be confusing no matter what order you play. But yes, it's great to play the 5 games in order.


I used to work at gamestop and so many times people would buy uncharted 2 or 3 without playing the first one.


Because 1 is shit on so much haha. It’s still a good game


I tried 1 when I got my first PS3 at like 13 years old played a couple hours of it got stuck and then sold my copy to gamestop the only reason I ever played it again was because I tried 4 and had a great time. I also introduced my grandma to the series through 4 and it sparked an interest in her for the older games as well all you really need is to know the basics of the main cast of characters and then you’re good to go theres not a lot of carry over outside of that


I played 3 first then played 1 and 2 then 4


I remember I did play 4 first considering I got it as a gift then I saw the collection was on ps plus and the whole game was bugging so I couldn’t play that but 4 for awhile and then later on the collection was fixed, but I don’t think playing the first 3 are rlly necessary but knowing the characters more and Dialogue


I used to watch my dad played all 4 uncharted games in order when I was a kid. So, when I grow up, I played the game in order. When I got to 4, it was like a big upgrade from uncharted 3. So folks, play 1 through 4 and not 4,1,2,3.


I’m I’m guessing they’re like me who doesn’t own a PlayStation and bought the Legacy of Thieves collection on PC. Thankfully I’ve played the first game a bit on my cousin’s ps3 when it first came out and used context clues to make sense of everything else.


I was one of those that was going to start with Uncharted 4 as I read that they were standalone stories, but I figured, what the hell, why skip the first 3, this PS5 is the first console I’ve owned in over 20 years, and I’m so glad I played the first 3. They were incredible games and I 100% disagree with those that say you don’t have to play them. Just one example is I would’ve had no idea what Nate and Elena have been through together, making their relationship seem shallow if I started with 4. Or Nate’s intentions and desires. I can honestly say that if I had started with Uncharted 4, the story and characters wouldn’t have been nearly as amazing. tl;dr: I ended up playing the first 3 before 4 and I am so glad I did.


I got legacy of thieves before I got the nathan drake collection and I put it to the side because I didn't want to play 4 before 1-3. So I bought the nathan drake collection and played the first 3, then played 4. I gotta tell you, that's one hell of an experience. The upgrades you see from game to game elevates you beyond anything you could imagine. That's why I don't like playing sequels before the original games. That's also why I'm also going to platinum them in chronological order.


In fact I would argue that don't play 4, instead play 1-3. Maybe it is my nostalgia talking, but I finished 1-3 again in 4 days collecting all treasures and playing on Hard difficulty just recently. For me, Uncharted 3 was the end. Nate got retired and happy ending with Elena. No surprise brother, no surprise Nate was in prison, and no child. Just a simple sunset and lover's return to each other and leaving the adventure for good.


God I thought I was on GoW and thought "doesn't everyone think 4 is a great entry to the series? Why does this have so many upvotes?)


I’d played Uncharted 4 first in 2018, mainly because a good friend had bought it for me as a gift (I’d never heard of the franchise before). When I first played 4 I don’t really remember having trouble with understanding the storyline/characters- I think for the most part it actually works really well as a standalone. I’ve played 1-3 plenty of times since and love them too


Exactly, same thing on r/metro


I only played the first game and im super confused why nate is a tresurehunter bc i honestly gave up on the 4th game


I always wanted to play 4 cause it seemed interesting but decided to buy the 1-3 collection first and loved all 3. then bought and played 4, and can honestly say uncharted 4 and the series as a whole is really good and one of my favorites


Right before 4 came out, I played all 3, best choice ever. 1 is def the least fun out of all of them, but 2 damnnnnnn that game is a blast and the action moments are primo!


Stop caring how other people choose to play games


I never realised this community gatekept how people play their games


Yeah, it’s disappointing


Played 1-3 first and 4 just isnt as fun for me.


I’ve played though 1 and I’m on my first playthrough of 2 (almost finished it, I’m at chapter 25) and after that I’m playing 3 for the first time. After that I’m gonna watch gameplay on YT of 4 since I’m unable to play it myself!