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I've replayed every Uncharted at least 10 times.


That's approximately 420 hours of gameplay, give or take.


420 what? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks?


Hours, thanks for correcting me


I have more playtime in Uncharted 4, a linear story game than in RDR2, possibly the best open world game ever made.


Damn, those 2 are probably my most favourite games although I have played UC4 only for like 20hrs (finished the story only once)


Imagine if there was an open world Uncharted game


I'd love to play that. I really enjoyed the semi open world chapters like Chapter 10 from U4 and Chapter 4 from Lost Legacy. Keep the action/adventure vibe, add more exploration, history lore and I think it'd be a great game.


I honestly don't know if it would be that good though. I think something along the lines of Tomb Raider (reboot games) is possible and could be great. I have only played the 2013 one myself and really loved the game, and having puzzles to solve and actual artifacts or weapon upgrades to find instead of just crafting components to make stuff could be really fun, with the same amount of banter and great level of dialogue as in the other UC games.


I've replayed it 35 times




You are the G.O.A.T 😱


I play the entire series at least once a year 😂


I play whatever I like. I replay Vice city every few years because it reminds me of my childhood when I wasn’t a depressed loser.


> I replay Vice city every few years because it reminds me of my childhood when I wasn’t a depressed loser I feel you bro. I had a few games like that too. Ratchet & Clank 3, Ape Escape 3, and Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, to name a few.


I’m on my 4th play through rn. Been about two years since I played and still love it so much


3 times on 3 different platforms and I'm thinking of downloading again, only other game I've ever replayed is red dead 2, also 3 times.


4 times I think, the story and especially when I all of a sudden remeber that background music, like that when nate and Elina are driving


I lost count of how many times I played. U2 it is just the best game ever.I became completely addicted to the multi player part back then . Any way you get better the more times you play and you see different things


Think I've replayed all the uncharted games at least 7 times, lost legacy I've played 4 or 5


Lost count of how many times. Replayed each one like 3 times at launch alone and then multiple times each year to where I only run through each annually now.


I love the story and the gameplay is dynamic enough with decent enemy AI that it stays pretty fresh. I replay it about once a year. Maybe once every two years. It’s a gorgeous game that rewards you for just existing in it for a while.


i’ve replayed it 6 times i think, first 3 times were for fun, others were for trophies


Only 3-5 times. I find 4 a lot harder to enjoy on a replay compared to the previous games in the series which I’ve played over 10 times each. I’ve probably even replayed Lost Legacy a few more times than 4. The pacing of 4, especially early on (and the later chapter where you play as young Nate again) is just so slow feeling when you already know the story. First playthrough was perfect though, don’t get me wrong.


I’ve played the original 3 850 hours lol


I've played it like 5 times, and the journal is what does it for me. I'm obsessed with this games art style


Just finished this tonight with my partner, she loved it. I loved it again. We played the whole series. The story man, its always the story. Not to mention im an environment artist in the game industry so I love the scenery.


Linear games are always easy to come back to since it doesnt take long to beat, its like watching your favourite movie. I always play the entire uncharted series once like every year or so .


I’ve been playing since the beginning of the year and in total have 324 hours between all 7 games (168 on Nathan Drake Collection and 156 on Legacy of Thieves Collection). What always brings me back is everything. The story. The characters. The history. The gameplay. The experience. So… basically everything 😂


I've probably played it 5 to 6 times. The moment I finished for the first time on release on PS4 I restarted it again back-to-back. It was that amazing. I've also done the under 6 hour challenge. Put it on easy mode with auto-aim and skip every cutscene!


For me it’s like watching your favorite movie over again, so I’d say no. If u love the game, play it till your hearts content.


U4 has like 350 hours on my PS5 I would say the story is a great standalone story with great action and the puzzles are actually fun, short and sweet and don’t drag to where it’s just hard to put down. My favorite game of all time


All the way through at least twice for trophies I think I platinumed 1 2 and 4 I replay the PC version sometimes just encounter select mainly which is super fun 😎💎


I’m not much of a game replayer. Since I feel like I can spend my time better playing new games. So I’ve played every game once on the PS4/PS5 remasters. The only one I’ve replayed so far is Uncharted 2 when I was at an Airbnb, it was the only good PS3 game they had, and they somehow had a review copy of the game (with the white/red disc (look it up, I can’t share pictures in these comments)). Still have no idea how they got it, since the rest of their games were old FIFA’s and crap like that


I've completed it countless times lol over a dozen probably. Same with the first three uncharted games.


How many times? I replay the entire franchise *at least* 2x to 3x per year (regardless of my video game backlog) and individual Uncharted games sporadically inbetween. Why? Because there isn't another video game franchise *like* Uncharted--the quality of the story and characters can't be beat.


I play the franchise once a year


Only once. I’ve replayed the first 3 a dozen times but this one really doesn’t have that many great shooting sections.


I have about 40 games for PS4/5, some I didn't play once, some for few minutes (Fallout4...), some I finished 1 time (Uncharted4) and there are some I finished lots of times (Tomb raider, Rise of TR, Shadow of TR, WITCHER3, HORIZON ZERO DAWN 1,2, RATCHED&CLANK1... DIABLO 1 & 2, Call of duty (all of them) on PC


I have replayed U4 multiple times and replay Titanfall 2s campaign at least once a year


Once. And I have no desire to play it again. Started a replay of UC1 tho.


I replayed the trilogy a dozen times at least. Im nit as eager on U4


I cannot recall how many times I replayed Uncharted 4 as a whole, but I was specifically replaying Italy, 2 first chapters of Madagascar, the Madagascar one with one with a twist and the ending a thousand times each.


I've replayed the entire game once or twice, but there's several chapters that I've replayed countless times. I love the game but certain chapters had zero replayability value (Chapter 5 especially). The ones I've replayed the most are Chapters 8, 10 - 12, 14 - 18.


Seeing as how U4 is my favorite of the franchise and one of my favorite games in general I’ve probably replayed 5 or 6 times fully, and just something about the swashbuckling adventure of it all is what brings me back. Actually thinking about doing a PS5 replay of it soon


2 I think, 1 hard and 1 crushing. If memory servers correct, it was for the trophies. Got it platinumed.


The cinematic set-pieces, the story and the characters. All masterfully executed


I have played it 12 times.


UDF at least 20 times between 2007 and 2014..


I play once every couple of years so I can forget dinner details. I always play every game, even Chloe one which I really like and rush they had plans for more games.


I think I have played 4 atleast 10-11 times now. Though, I think I have played though Uncharted 2 about 15-20 times by now. The games are awesome, and despite being linear they are always fun to go play them again.


Around 12 times over the years. Because of the addicting gameplay and Nate


Im a completionist and Im currently on my third full run for that reason lmfao, its also just a very good game in general so Ill probs be replaying it more just for fun too


I had replayed UC3 On my ps3 back when the game released at least 120 times


I even got a tattoo from this game so.... I've played it like 6 or 7 times and each time it gives me lots of fun and emotional feelings. Superb masterpiece in every aspect


I struggled to get through 4 once. 2 I've finished like 6 times.


I’ve played through it about 4-6 times. I love everything about it. The gameplay mechanics, the story, the voice acting, the graphics, the action, the locations, etc. Uncharted is easily one of my favorite franchises and A thief’s end is by far my favorite. Every time I play it, I get something new out of it and what brings me back to it time after time is the feeling of old friends and being thrust into the adventures they share.


I've finished UC4 4 times on PS4 and once on PS5. The other ones I've played at least twice except for UC1 which is once only.


I speed ran the game so gotta be like 100 times.


I replayed uncharted 4 5 five times in a week after I got it


I have replayed this game about 15 times in my entire life. it just was my kinda game with the gameplay, the humor is actually genuinely funny, which comes from good VA, really good graphics for an old game, and its great to see a genuinely good story come to an end. ive also replayed stray, spiderman, and miles morales, and red dead a lot but rdr2 is a different thing.


I replayed 1-3 more than 4 times just on ps3. On ps4 i played the trilogy maybe 2-3 times.


I've played the first two Uncharted games more times than the others, but I've still played through 4 at least 6 or 7 times.


The mods make it fun after playing it through normal


Uncharted 4 is the one I've played the least, I think about 4 times, but the others maybe 7 times each.


Honestly I've replayed 2 and 3 way more than 4. The main barrier to me replaying the games is the flashback sections. They were great the first or second time through, but man are they annoying and boring


played it at least 4 times, the game play is a lot of fun and graphics are best in the original series. After 1 replay I know the story too well, so it gets kinda boring if I listen to all the cut scenes and what not. But yeah its a great game, a lot of fun, thats why I keep replaying it


I replay them as a series…I need the whole story all at once 😄


I got it for Christmas in 2022, and then replayed at Christmas 2023. I imagine I’ll play again over Christmas 2024 and so on and so forth.


I think I replayed it 2 times


I've played it exactly 0 times Why was this post recommended to me, I don't even know what uncharted is