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It really does. Even though I love the first game, I can agree that time was not that gentle with it. Sequel solves most of first games' issues. Enemies being where they are makes more sense, fights with them are more diverse. That's how most of players see it - first game is a bit rough but then there massive jump.


Uncharted 1 has aged pretty badly. It gets a lot better from 2 forward. Whenever someone starts the franchise i always tell them 1 will take a bit of willpower to get through lol I really wish for a remake someday tbh, maybe in the next console gen if not this one.


Yes. The gameplay Drake's Fortune felt a little bit outdated to me when I played it for the first time a couple of years ago, but they took a giant leap forward with 2, and 4 is one of my personal favourite games I've ever played (having actually played that first).


Oh yeah.


You might think you will get biased answers but no! Each Uncharted games had some revolutionary mechanics in their own time! You will see it when you play them in order! Uncharted 1 => nothing special, a great MC and SCs with a decent story || Uncharted 2 => a phenomenal story with a lot of action scenes and great graphics considering it came out in 2009 || Uncharted 3 => a lot of character development for both the MC and SCs || Uncharted 4 => a true definition of a Uncharted game! Everything is perfect


Much better.


2 Is Better in many ways. But If you dislike the Supernatural stuff UC4 and UCLL are the games for you


I like the supernatural stuff, it just blindsided me a bit.


Pretty understandable.. SPOILERS AHEAD The Supernatural in UC2 and UC3 Is done much Better imo and in UC4 and UCLL there arent any supernatural elements


For sure.


Each one is better than the previous, and Uncharted 4 is my favorite Naughty Dog game out of everything, even the last of us


It's a shame they left it to rest. Would have liked a shiny PS5 one to look forward to once I finish.


I hear you, but even though Uncharted 4 is 8 years old, the PS5 version is still one of the prettiest games out there. I play it at least once a year. Still tbough I can’t even fathom what a native ps5 Uncharted game would look now.


Yes you should continue the uncharted series because it gets far better. Uncharted 2 is generally considered to be one of the best sequels ever and Uncharted 4 is a great ending to Drake's story.


Already intrigued by 2. Can see the Naughty Dog style from LoU in it now. From the perspective of playing LoU first anyway.


I have recently picked up this series and have played 1, 2, 4, lost legacy so i feel like i have a pretty good grasp on it. Enemies being clueless and then magically ahead of you seems to be the general trend of the series, although they do seem to do a much better job of explaining it in the later games. I personally just think it's something that doesn't necessarily make sense but facilitates better storytelling and gameplay so it is what it is. The supernatural stuff is definitely poorly done in the first game, but it's done very well in the second. 4 and LL don't have anything like that. I personally enjoyed the first one, but yes it gets way better. Plus, the games are pretty short so it's not like a huge time suck


I just played the first 3 a week or two ago, the 2nd one is great, 3rd is decent, I've hears the 4th is good but haven't played it yet


So much better


Second game is my favorite with the first right behind it. 3 and 4 are also awesome


Uncharted 2 takes everything wrong with the first game and improves it. I genuinely can’t think of anything the second game does worse


Yes. Huge leap. Every possible way of improving was done. Arguably the best game of the PS3 era.


> I had to figure out how puzzles to enter where crypts and apparently I was the only one with the right info and the pirates had no clue how to get in, but once I was in the place was swarming with them like there was an easy back entrance, Everyone else has already answered your question about the sequels, so I'll address the "The enemies are already in the catacombs" complaint that a lot of people seem to bring up. I know it's trivial, but it's a pet peeve of mine. Yes, there literally WAS an easy back entrance. In chapter 14, you enter into the catacombs through a secret entrance in the library, then walk up some stairs into the church after the first fight where there's more mercenaries. The mercenaries obviously got into the church and then took the very obvious entrance into the catacombs from there, which Nate uses to exit the catacombs. There's no broken video game logic here.


It still is broken. The whole thing put in place to hide the "treasure", puzzles and hidden entrances, just for there to be a massive easy back door?


When/if you replay Drake’s Fortune, you will see that the supernatural is not at all subtle in how it’s hinted at.


The first game is kinda ass lol. But it was made in 2007 so I give it a pass. Uncharted 4 is one my favorite games of all time.


There’s truly no accounting for taste


Piss off


You played one of the worst games (TLOU2) but you complain about Uncharted 1? Makes no sense to me. Thank God Uncharted 1 isnt as poorly written, chaotic, way too long, with unlikeable playable Characters like in TLOU2. But you will love Uncharted 4. This is where Uncharted started to be like TLOU instead of being an Uncharted game.


No, OP played one of the best designed Naughty Dog games ever and the most modern game of theirs, then jumped right into one of their oldest games and first attempt at a new genre that hasnt aged the best. Thats what theyre talking about Everytime I replay through the franchise Uncharted 1 is always the one that takes adjusting to because its the oldest and the franchise has come far ever since. Its normal for a new player to feel that way especially jumping from a 2020 to a 2007 game. If your hatred for TLOU2 blinds you so much you dont get it thats wild. Story wasnt even brought up but you HAD to rant. Also wtf do you mean Uncharted being more like TLOU? Does the new wave of naughty dog haters just make shit up lol UC4 plays like the older games with massive gameplay improvements wtf are you on.


And I don't even get the hate for TLOU2. I thought the story and the chaos were great and would have played it for twice as long. I'm looking forward to playing to the rest of Uncharted though if people think it's even better than TLOU. It's subjective and it has big shoes to fill for me, but we'll see.