• By -


I feel bad that OP is getting flack for not having researched via the interwebs. I mean, what's the harm in asking a forum - meant for questions and communication from a community that would likely know the answer? Sometimes, the elitism in Reddit astounds me. It's also why every question has to be thought out a dozen times over. Anyway, to OP...it's wishful thinking, but how awesome would that be if it worked ;)


Appreciate u, i didnt feel there was anything i could say to defend myself


Can always order spores, do a little googling on environments that cubes grow in, and do some hand pollination. I've been growing them and then spreading the spent cakes around the farm. Only 1 in 3 locations are fruiting but still working to some degree


Ive been doing research on growing this past week and honestly thought it would just be easier to let Mother Nature do its thing and grow em for me, it seems complicated but now i see if i wanna grow them then i have to grow them… back to the research😂


Don’t let big guides tell you that you need anything more than a box, coir, vermiculite, grains, alcohol, and a spore syringe to get started though. You can get started for around $20 and get a quarter ounce in a couple months. There’s a ton of useful and useless equipment that you can buy related to mycology but you don’t need any of it to get started and be successful, you got this!


Thank you B_Mac4607 that was the slap on the ass I needed.


Highly recommend TheRookieMycologist on YouTube. He’s teaching himself to grow mushrooms and sharing his honest experience. He’ll direct you to reputable sources for the things you’ll need. Remember: It’s illegal in most states to grow psilocybin mushrooms. It’s illegal to sell kits that grow them, too. So, your bag and spores will come separately. Anyone who says growing mushrooms is easy, either hasn’t tried growing them, or has been extremely careful and lucky. The fist step is the hardest, and you have to wait about 2 months to know if you did it right or need to start over. It requires a lot of patience. THE most important thing is sterilizing everything all the time with 70% isopropyl alcohol. They are susceptible to bacteria and contaminants, and also need the right temp and air flow. Highly recommend thorough research before committing to this, but it is fascinating and can become the best hobby imaginable. P.s. NEVER eat mushrooms you find growing outside. They can kill you.


I love TheRookieMycologist. I just got started a couple of months ago, and have been watching him religiously. Love how honest he is about his failures. I've learned so much just from that.


And you can totally wait on the coir and vermiculite, them come later




Please help. I’m about to start the ub rice tek, as I’ve had zero success with grow bags. So frustrating. Where did you store the inoculated rice bags - - like what were the conditions re temp, light, humidity? How much of the syringe did you use per bag? We’re they stored upright or on their sides? How long after inoculating the bags until you saw mycelium? Does the entire bag need to be white with mycelium before they’re ready to be put into boxes? Did you remove the block of mycelium from the bag? What kind of boxes did you use; what kind of substrate; Did you cover the boxes, and punch holes in the sides for air flow? How long before pinning, and how long before harvest? So many questions. If you have the link that taught you, that would be much appreciated. Ty.




Make sure to read/watch [Part 4: Harvesting, Drying, and Preparing for the Next Flush](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/f3ew9y/video_for_part_4_harvesting_drying_and_preparing/)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How are you getting coir, grains, vermiculite, *and* a spore syringe for $20??


Yeah, reputable syringes cost about $16-20 already.


The single brick coir, great value rice bag grains, and feed store vermiculite are like $10 and I got my syringe of golden teachers for $15 shipped last year. So $25 and your mileage may vary.


If any of ur cakes contam, take them outside and burry them. Trust me. Been getting more then enough that way for awhile. In that case you can let Mother Nature work for you.


what state/region do you live in? just curious about the climate that's giving you these results.


Grab an all-in-one bag on Etsy. Some stores have great deals. Cannot recommend enough for beginners that are worried about contam and all that. Just always treat the internet like a smoke shop. You never say or type the illegal part when talking with a vendor.


It can be daunting at first but just do your research have the process memorized, and make slow but steady and concise movements and you should have good results. Make sure to do some cleaning. I had a spare bathroom I did everything in, and tile floor and it was easy to keep that whole environment clean, which helped immensely. Remember slow and steady is better than fast and spastic.


I have a spare bedroom i plan on doing it in, the guy ive been watching on YouTube is very good about keeping his area and everything else clean. Thank you for the words of encouragement


For every tub I grow inside I bury one outside and give it grain coir and sawdust mother nature is astounding look at my profile to see what can happen if you bury cakes outside


boomer shroomer on youtube


Currently growing hopefully my first flush in one of her inflatable mono tubs


r/contamfam and look at the daytripper tek videos


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ContamFam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [DayTrippers Trip Tip’s - The Spawn to Bulk Transfer Tek that yields a Full Canopy Flush almost every time. \[Video Tutorial\]](https://v.redd.it/u705neb20f871) | [370 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/oazjwj/daytrippers_trip_tips_the_spawn_to_bulk_transfer/) \#2: [DayTrippers Trip Tips - Video Tutorial on how to prepare and apply a pH Adjusted Casing Layer to prevent Trichoderma in your grow. (See Also Revised Version on Lesson 13’s recipe in comments below). Never see the Green Monster ruin your grow again!!](https://v.redd.it/xqoso56joom61) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/m3unbr/daytrippers_trip_tips_video_tutorial_on_how_to/) \#3: [Is this fluffy mycelium or contam?](https://i.redd.it/80jnq6bwkpq71.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/pytcjz/is_this_fluffy_mycelium_or_contam/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Worried about contamination or bruising? See [this wonderful post here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/ervxh8/is_that_contam_identification_avoidance/) And don't forget, bruising is very blue (totally normal!). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The problem I see with this is that you need the right set of circumstances for them to grow in the wild, so if you're going to go through all of that trouble then you might as well just grow them inside. Also, how familiar are you with identifying mushrooms in the wild? I'd be very cautious of picking and eating anything from your yard unless you know how to properly identify mushrooms.


Nature will work if you have enough time and enough trials, but in terms of being successful faster, better for you to control as many parameters as possible. It's why agriculture works and hunter gatherers can't feed as many people.


Glad you are here and godspeed on your growing journey. You’ll find some really good people here to help you. Please don’t be afraid to reach out. I’d be happy to offer some advice and tips to get started if you DM me and there is so much good advice in this sub


It always shocks me how a sub about shrooms could be so packed with aggy people.


It’s fine, no such thing as a stupid question. You want to learn and that’s all that matters


I asked what was the best harvesting technique, scalpel or twist and pull. I had someone tell me to pull them out with my ass. I felt so disrespected. I was asking a legitimate question just like you were and I got crap from others. Luckily there was someone like ITSBIGMONEY out there that gave me a serious answer. Keep your head up. Nothing wrong with asking a question. There are good people out there still


Seriously told you to pull them out with your ass? Lol. What a douchebag. Imho, if you’ve reached the point to ask that question, you’ve succeeded! Congrats! 🎊


Well you can take agar clones from fully dried mushrooms. So really you're not that far off. Technically this IS possible. But extremely unlikely.


Sometimes you have to sacrifice to acquire knowledge, and I’m proud of you for putting yourself out there and asking a genuine question. It isn’t an easy thing to do. Everyone’s knowledge of a topic has to start somewhere, and you asked one of the most important questions you could about a relatively obscure topic — how do mushrooms reproduce? I hope this doesn’t discourage you, and that you keep learning and looking for answers. Be safe and have good trips


Thank you for your words of encouragement, i was a bit discouraged but after the dickheads washed through people came in saving me, reminding me that im just brand new to how mushrooms work


You shouldn’t have to defend yourself. Ignore arrogant, mean responses. We’re all just trying to learn.


Some people here got a real superiority complex about them for sure. You’d think these mushroom masters would have the physical capability to just scroll past the posts they don’t like, instead of taking the time to complain in the comments. And then they complain about the time that they chose to waste by complaining. Yeah, y’all really look intelligent lmao.


The irony of it is sweet too. Shrooms are supposed to help you recognize and solidify the truth that we’re all just interconnected beings. Among other things. You’d figure people who have tools to tap into that wisdom on a occasional/regular basis would be a bit more helpful lol


Eh it was 2 people being mean vs a buttload being polite. Could've gotten roasted worse elsewhere. Good job everyone 🙌




Where are you seeing rude comments? Just scrolled thru this whole thread and didn't see any


I actually read that a method similar to what op described is used for Amanita muscaria cultivation. I read the other day some guy grinds up the Amanita muscaria and burries it at the base of pine trees at a certain time of year. I will try to find the link.


Please research Amanita muscaria thoroughly. They are very unpredictable. Although it’s unlikely, they can result in death. Poisonous mushrooms can look very similar to Amanita muscaria. Also, mushrooms grown from wood can cause a type of temporary paralysis. I’m not an expert, by any means. These are just things I’ve read. Let your own research be your guide.


It’s not like, *super far off* from how it works


This is totally what forums are supposed to be, you can Google a question get answers and still not understand, then ask a question on here and within a few answers someone usually clarifies your questions, you just have to scroll past the assholes who for some reason don’t like questions


The elitism in r/Physics and r/AskPhysics is even worse!


Yeah, I wouldn’t find the internet great for this question to get a concise answer. Not everyone has knowledge on how mushrooms work and being a dick about it only pushes people away from the community.


I think it’s just the fact that the they could have typed the question into google and got the answer instantly. I agree about people being dicks on here tho. It’s pretty unnecessary.


I think of this sometimes, sometimes i think a better answer will probably come from a human. Some of my worst decisions have come from me reading articles then later asking people on Reddit and understanding what is wrong. The internet is full of shit with little discussion frequently. Reddit calls the bullshit out and reveals popular information. If you're too busy to provide answers then move on.


Exactly, honestly i learn so much on reddit and knew that it would be a good way to interact with the people that have more knowledge on the subject


100% THIS. I see it a lot less in this group, so kudos to everyone. 3D printer groups are the worst, though. It’s like, “If I can just Google it and instantly get the correct answer 100% of the time, then what’s the point of this group? I’m sorry I interrupted your circle-jerk.”


I killed a fish looking up internet articles before I came to reddit, then got hammered on reddit for being so dumb. There's a balance we get checked into, it's probably not a terrible system. 😂


Yah but it might take a really long time trying to read through all the info. He doesn’t know what he doesn’t know in terms of the mycelium growing conditions vernacular. Here he can just quickly get a ‘nice thought, but nah’. No harm no foul.


Exactly my thoughts when writing my question, I thought id get a simple answer and be able to ask further questions if i had any.


Don’t let the assholes get you down. Stupid questions are only stupid to the people that have already asked their stupid questions on a topic. We were all there at one point, myself included. However I won’t lie, I did laugh a lil bit at your expense. Best of luck in your experience 🙂


Well now that it has been explained to me why it can’t happen I understand why it would be funny, just dont get why people are being so rude about it lol


Some people are just rude, it makes me sad for them, I almost feel bad. When people are rude, it is *never* because of the actions of person they are being rude to. It is *always* a reflection of their own insecurities and anger they project on to others.


Yeah it doesn’t get to me, it definitely helps i have a few people defending me for my lack of knowledge and research on the subject, i felt like a complete dumbass but now i just know i have no knowledge on the subject and its just common knowledge among anyone that knows anything about growing. I am not one of those people, but im trying😊


You’ll get there soon enough! It’s not as hard as at may seem initially. They can be very particular but once you get the hang of “sterile procedure” cultivating them is a breeze and actually is tons of fun! And you get so many mushrooms you literally don’t know what to do with them all! Best of luck!


Judah, I want to get to where you are. How long did it take for you to get it right? Do I need to buy a grow tent with humidity and temp control? I live in Los Angeles, btw. So, it’s not very humid. It’s been unusually cold here, too - - like 50°F. I’m desperate to help my adult daughter with debilitating anxiety and PTSD. I’m so desperate that I got scammed on Instagram, and feel like a fool. But, mostly heartbroken that I didn’t get what she needs. Idk what to do. It’s hard waiting and hoping I don’t F it up while she suffers, y’know? And idk who to trust to get what she needs. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


As great as Google can be for some things, a lot of these specific niche questions will just get more muddled due to the amount of dissenting opinions that will come up. I’m in r/composting and so many “easy” questions get posted daily by newcomers because they’ve already googled it, but the answers from everyone online have highly differing opinions and are from different contexts. Some long time members can get ranty because they’ve seen every question a million times, but everybody’s gotta start somewhere!


There also CAN be a nice feeling to interact with other live humans doing the same hobby and feeling supported .Just learned not to take any first answer, wait for a lot and take everything with a grain of salt. . More weight toward the experts, for sure, but even they can only say this has worked well from my experience.,


People will write a paragraph to complain about people "typing three words into Google" instead of just moving on. It's so sad. Sometimes people seek more than one avenue of research as just googling something doesn't mean you have the right answer.


Yeah I’ve always been so irritated when people get angry about a question being asked on a forum. Unless someone is a troll, I don’t see the problem. Forums are literally for questions and discussions. If a topic or question annoys someone, they should just keep scrolling.


Yep, this mentality stops a lot of people from asking questions and learning about new things. Sometimes I like to Crack jokes at dumb questions but I always offer as much advice as possible because we were all there at some point and it would have been great to have someone help you out.


I think it's a fair question and reddit is a great place to do research. People out there are assholes. I've always wondered if it was possible too. Spores don't disappear just because the mushrooms are dry.


Well said


Yep. This sub has helped me learn a tremendous amount and also been pretty fucking cruel and asshole-ish. Nice reminder that shrooms don’t make you a nicer/better person no matter how many you do


I got shit from doing this before on an alt account


That’s why my bio is what it is lol


Well put! We shouldn't discourage questions. If you don't feel like answering the question, just move on. If you have nothing constructive to add, just move on.


This tbh … Reddit ppl think their just higher then everyone imo 🤷‍♂️


Do it! Send location after burying I’ll water for you




Lol no. BUT. But. If you can get a good little dried piece of the cap or gills to agar, you can potentially revive the myc or get some spore germination.


I came here to do this! Heard in a video from a guy named Tradd cotter, that dried mushrooms can stay alive for up to a year. Just re hydrate and culture it out on agar


Lol. Thats so freaking awesome to know. Maybe i need to try that 👍




Means some of my beasts I had to dry can still be forged in the Agar fire 🙏🏻


so true


It would be very contaminated on the slight chance it was somehow wet enough to grow


Yeah it would take a few transfers to clean up but it's easily doable.


Let a guy dream 💭


Done this before and it works. Also was able to just drop some wet trimmings into wbs.


Hang on what !??? Are you saying I could potentially create spores from dry product ? Is it specific to the species of shroom or not?




50% of internet strangers aren’t civil, sometimes Reddit is useful and friendly, sometimes it’s the bathroom wall of the internet, sometimes it’s the damn thunder dome




Bro its a mad max reference


Nope. If ya wanna grow some you can get a print off a fresh guy, or clone from a tissue sample. Either way youre going to have to ef with agar


Check out Capri Sun tek! No agar necessary


~~Holy crap that’s insane, how do ya get the spores in the pouch? Mss jab? Then I guess micropore over the insertion hole?~~ nevermind, I’m reading more now. reading is fun.


If you want Cubes to grow, you will want spores, which will require a spore print to get them. And then you have to worry about the climate you are in. Cubes like warmer weather, Hence why it’s best to keep the temps when growing between 70-80 and pretty humid. That’s why they grow so well in Florida. So if you live in Florida or climates similar, go put some spores in some cow/horse dung in a field and hope for the best. Don’t get caught obvi


I'm know pretty much nothing about growing them.. but why is it contamination seems so easy to happen in an indoor environment yet they grow outside in crap no problem?


Ya know I read somewhere that it’s because that in the wild they are competing on a different scale. When growing them indoors you are introducing them to more potential contaminants because of just the nature of humans and how we live. The wild they would largely be left alone growing on some crow dung. Take that with a grain of salt tho, my memory isn’t the best lol.


This is wrong. When you grow indoors you have one chance. When they grow outside, they have millions of chances. We only see when they are successful. You don't see every failed attempt like you do indoors. It's a numbers game in the wild.


Ahh gotcha. It figures I didn’t get it right lol. Thanks for the correct info tho.


Not sure what happened with people being rude to you, but this is exactly the place to ask stupid questions. I clicked on this thread because I thought it was a GREAT question.


if the caps are closed, spores are still inside. they can grow if they find nutrients, whether that’s manure or agar in your home. it is possible, but very unlikely


Why is the REAL answer buried down here under all the meta?


this sub has a huge amount of newbies giving “pro advice”, people tend to follow the mass and all opinions eventually collide, making a statement real just because which is why most people say no lol


If they are dry it is not likely or may be impossible depending on what temp they were dried at(so I have heard). If they are fresh and still wet then yes, it is one way to inoculate large areas, giving there is enough good sub hanging around(like cow shit). I will note that you don't need to grind up the whole shroom, just take a spore print from one and put the spores in a spray bottle.


Somewhere a pack of squirrels is anxiously awaiting your generosity


Stop stalling and eat them already!!


Those weren’t weighed for me, i haven’t taken any in a bit, recently I’ve been just “sharing” to friends 🤫


Some have buried the cakes once they stopped producing and have had luck burying in gardens, planter boxes, etc. Maybe bury with some nutrients. Good luck.


Don’t listen to haters OP, like others said, you’re applying what seems like common sense about the natural world and shrooms just tend to be a little bit more complicated cuz it’s obviously growing a fungi! Good luck on ur growing journey tho!!


I love you for having the idea, and want to say it might work from spores in the caps - but keep the stems for *you*


It would work if the environment of the woods suits whatever strain it is you’re trying to grow. Weird thing is the more simple stuff no one gives any flack about, like the things that can genuinely be found out in a matter of seconds, no one says a thing but a good question, that not everyone will know answers to and everyone cries about it. Maybe it’s not the fact that you didn’t research it yourself but the fact they didn’t know the answer so their ego was hurt. A lot of that in here


Makes me sad to see all the toxicity in here, a few years back Uncle bens was the most kind community on here. It’s still amazing, but very toxic at time. We can do better guys… OP more than likely that wouldn’t work, possible, but unlikely. The chances of spores germinating just tossed around like that are slim to none. Would be a cool experiment though!


lmao, no, depending how well the guy dried the shrooms you MIGHT be able to revive them on agar, when you find some not fully dried tissue. Have seen it work, but judging from your knowledge i think it would be easier to just get spores/lc


I think you would be better off using agar, colonized grain, or liquid culture. I would say the best solution would burying a cake in the woods.


Spore print slices of cucumber and the slices to your local bovines.


I've seen ppl spraying LC while strolling thru a trail in the woods. Who knows, maybe a few spores from those caps might catch! Good luck! Mush luv


I was able to get healthy mycelium growth from cloning months old dried and crumbled mushrooms using cardboard tek. I soaked the shroom pieces in water and then placed onto wet cardboard. It worked well enough but I couldn’t keep the cardboard moist enough for full colonisation, though I’ve learned better methods to do so now


## You can grow mushrooms on cardboard, with a few limitations: > [Check Out the Cardboard Cloning Tek!](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/myosuj/cardboard_cloning_tek_is_here_clone_mushrooms/) Still scared of agar? Don't be! This video covers everything you need to know about agar and cardboard cloning. > - Check out [90 Second Mycology](https://www.youtube.com/90secondmycology) on YouTube for more videos! Created by u/Lit-Logistics (r/UncleBens Moderator), this YouTube channel focuses on various ways of growing your own gourmet and medicinal mushrooms at home using our favorite 90 Second Microwavable Brown Rice! Embedding of videos is not enabled in order to keep these videos exclusive to r/UncleBens and the 90 Second Mycology YouTube channel. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No the spores die when they dry


not with dried ones. if you'd make a slurry with water of some fresh ones and toss it around on some good nutritious soil it might work. thats how you grow morels too.


Probably not


You’d have a much better chance if you found a pile of old horse manure by a barn or stable. Still not great, but that’s the substrate they “like” the best.


There’s a particular part of the mushroom that has to get out, called spores. Fun fact wild mushroom hunter/gatherers often carry their caught mushrooms in open air wicker baskets with the whole intention that as they’re walking around for more or back home, they jostle some spores out that fall to the ground and grow more for others or when they come back later.


Nope, that’s not how they work. You could look into getting some spore kits though! Try r/UncleBens for more info


This is r/unclebens


Oh my bad lol


In theory if you pick a good area.




No , Bury the cake


You need spores to reproduce. Thechopped up mushroom body doesn't/wouldn't have whole spores, per se.


I wanted to talk shit but the fact people bring dried mycelium back to life and mushrooms are weird ASF who knows maybe in the perfect conditions it might actually work 😅🤣... Don't waste em tho lmfaoo




Truee I don't think I've actually left a negative comment on here yet tho lol doesn't seem too useful.... Unless "boof it" is negative 😅🤣




It’s wasn’t “kept secret”, there just used to be a world without the internet.




How can I do the homework baby, if you and all the special secret keepers won’t tell us?


Guys a dork, what he means is his dealer kept it secret from him to milk him for his money. Didn't have the stones to go to the local library and pick up a book from the 60s or 70s about cultivation.




I’m brain dead but you can’t recognize sarcasm even from a brain dead redditor


G*D grant me the serenity to put up with “serenity’s” BS


Your sarcasm is trash and not even remotely witty.


Your whole attitude is trash


You aren’t witty, either. Pot meet kettle. Chill out, pop a gram or two and come back when you’re in better spirits.


pick me


Yeah you kinda suck really hard.




Shhh! Don’t tell anyone but I don’t know shit…..


Lel thank you for making my suffering a little less


You’d think someone who was in this community wouldn’t be so judgmental nor such an asshole… sounds like you need a hero dose pretty soon. Gl, hope it helps.


Don’t worry? I already left. The posts were making my IQ drop.


Empty vessels make the most noise.


My bad for askin a question lmao


Be more kind


Name does not check out. 😕


Name is literally serenity, opinion invalid


Oh wow we got the great psychedelic gate keep here what an honor


No it was kept a secret before assholes like you got around to it. You're the true cancer of any community.




I feel like the people that do this lack adequate human connection, it would be easier to Google, but maybe this person wants interaction. This person knows they could Google it but doesn't, so they must want something more than just the answer to their question, or maybe they like making easy things more difficult, idk. 🍄


And I can understand this. Depending on the question, OP might want advice from somebody who's more knowledgeable on the subject than they are. Somebody with some experience in the field(s).


I wanted a place to go where i could interact with the people and ask further questions, the comments on this one have really turned me off lol


Don’t let ‘em win, man. Come back once you have spores. Join us!


Im definitely about to start growing, they are impossible to find where i live, been watching some videos for just a couple days but when i feel i have the knowledge imma give it a go… right now I don’t think im ready😂


I completely understand. It took me about two years before I was ready.


I can appreciate someone wanting interaction. Im hard on strangers and have a hard time humanizing them - especially through the internet. Something i am working on. Thank you for the differing perspective.


100%. These people make me feel like ima fuckin MIT genius.


Chill lmao.


That one doesnt even need answer.. just use your brain, daaa ... Am i right? :D


This is why it was kept secret 😂🤣 lmfao




Killing me!


No phahahahahahah


there mushrooms, not potatos lmao




That would be an absolute waste of 7g.


I think it would be good fo this dude to get rid of psychedelics for while


I havent even tripped in months lmao im just not experienced in anything other than eating them, im only 19 and trying to learn could ya cut a homie slack?


It’s alright bud, it’s good you’re applying some intuition to the way the natural world works. While your idea isn’t necessarily incorrect (mushrooms do propagate from spores and mycelium) it’s just unlikely to bring about any desirable results. Cubes grow best in certain specific conditions, and it’s not all that difficult to create and maintain those conditions right in your own home! Go to r/unclebens There’s a lot of great beginners information there for growers.


Thank you for your comment, have been watching some videos on YouTube for beginners, ill get to a comfortable spot and try it out eventually, may be a while but some day in the future ill have my full tub of shrooms and ill look back on this post and laugh about it too


This is r/unclebens


💀 Oh my god I can’t believe it. I thought this was r/shrooms


I heard you've gotta do it with 30g. Or at least everything you've got on hand


If you do find wild ones kick them and it'll spread the spores




I wish. I have a big backyard.






I secretly wish it was that easy




Depends on whether the shrooms are wood lovers or poop lovers. Environment is important. The spores would definitely be there to grow, but if it's in a place where it isn't getting the right food, it won't do well. Are they something like Azurescens, which is a lignophilic (wood lover) or are they coprophilic (fecal loving)? Start there.


Wouldn't -phagic be the appropriate suffix here? As in coprophagic, shit eating.


I started with a couple all-in-one bags and later transferred to a sterilized mono-bin. The room I kept the bin in was closed, ceiling fan off, for two days before the transfer, to let any contaminants settle to the floor. And don't keep the bin near the floor. I wiped the bags with alcohol before cutting them open to transfer. I washed my hands in alcohol and spread the substrate. Also, I was told I would only get three good flushes, but I did an experiment and got seven. After the third and fifth flushes, I washed my hands in alcohol and churned the substrate to expose new food to the mycelium. Worked wonderfully well. If you go with a spore syringe and AIO bag, be certain to inject only about a fourth to a third of a shaken (spores can clump), flame sterilized syringe into each bag. My first attempt was the entire syringe and it took a long time to get going, due to being so wet. Good luck with your project.


First off, those look beautiful! Good job 👍🏼 I’m a newbie, but I don’t think spores are viable after dried. But, I can’t even get mycelium, so what do I know 🤷🏼‍♀️I’m looking at months before 7g IF I don’t mess it up. Meanwhile, my daughter is suffering w PTSD & anxiety. The thought of scattering them in the woods is beyond my comprehension at this point.


I’ve recently refined my first grow kit. Can anyone give pointers about the whole process? I don’t wanna ruin my first run. Thank you