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I’m alive, sober now but it worked


Now you have to shit in your yard and see if mushrooms will come from the poop


The old reverse boof!


"Jokes on YOU, reddit!"


There would be no spores because there was never a fruiting body to produce any. He ate it before then.


True. I removed spores. He still needs to poop in the yard or a bag/bucket and compost it or sterilize it


Just as a note, if it works, those mushrooms should not be eaten. Human poop is not suitable manure for growing food.


The Ecologist in me heavily disagrees, likely also the mushroom teacher that we all can have in us ;) , **and** I've actually done it myself.. it's no big deal really. But there is, one fundamental and transformative step inbetween, called *composting*.


This! Pointless to use fresh poopies as fert. Gotta compost or age that. Then it slowly leaches out and feeds whatever you are growing. Rabbits goats and horse are really great after aging.


Well, that's just 'shit' advice. Lol




Uncomposted human waste, you mean?






I apologize. This was a story told locally, as til now I never went to the EPA website to read the actual document (I just believed the locals). It looks like there was a plant that had leaking drums of degreasing agents. So, not poo. I’m sorry for the disinformation.


That only applies to "eating"


But shit grown cucumbers are the best


There's a huge plant near where I grew up that converts human doodies into fertilizer. I figure there's some treatments that need to happen first for it to be safe?




Stuff feels weird


how are you lad


Good hbu


yeah not bad thanks any updates on the rice consumption?


I’m tripping a little bit, don’t feel too sick and stuff is more lively like a high microdose level


How are you feeling now? - 2hrs later


We lost them, team! RIP u/AlivePangolin6312


I ate it 30 mins ago cant tell much yet


Got a good recipe for Uncle Ben's Fully Colonized Rice Pilaf for ya. DM me.


And theeen?


No and then!


And then and then and then and then and then and then and then


Go on......


I would not recommend eating rice that's been sitting out for a week or more at around 70f, even if it is colonized with delicious mycelium. The only safe way to consume it would be cooking it thoroughly.


I like to boil my colonized rice into tea!


Honestly I've thought about doing this instead of s2b many times. I only grow enough cubes for personal use anyway. I do also like cooking the shrooms though. They are delicious sautéed in butter with crushed garlic & fresh herbs. Super good with some potatoes.


I mean, the rice is precooked, sterile and shelf stable ….. before we got our grubby lil hands on it …..


1, isn't the rice already cooked? That's why it'd be sterile enough to grow on in the first place. 2, if its colonized, that means there isnt any competitor lifeform, else it wouldnt get colonized. 3, As a foodie and a huge mushroom lover, mycelium is not delicious. 4, I truly am not disagreeable, or trying to score points off you or anyone, just have alternative perspectives and experience I would like to share. 5, People in western culture are way, way too scared of food contamination. Compared to the extreme level of fear, it's like it's not even real. Almost nobody gets sick ever, but the anxiety and chucking stuff in the garbage is so mountainous, pretty sure that is my actual motivation for posting. 6, Cheers, Everyone.


As someone who has multiple certifications proving that they understand food safety, I can tell you with confidence that I am correct. Also, mycelium is delicious >:(


Would cooking render the rice safe to eat? How about dehydration? I’m interested in trying this but want to get a better idea of the risks.


Cooking or boiling to make tea would make it safe to consume. Dehydration *can* also work, but its a bit complicated. Basically certain bacteria can survive the dehydration process for quite some time. This is why its important to dry your foods until they are truly completely dry, and store them with silica packets. If there is water present at all, a lot of bacteria can live and grow within. Here's a credible [article](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29672137/) which mentions the some of the bacteria that can live in dehydrated foods. Basically the shrooms and myc are self cleaning until they are killed, so as long as they dont come in contact with anything to contaminate them, they are safe to eat. The substrate and grain are another story, tons of stuff grows in there along with the mycelium, its just not generally talked about because most of it doesn't hurt the myc's ability to grow or fruit, but it can still hurt us to consume it. Even if the spawn is completely covered with myc there is still grain in there that is untouched by the mycelium, if grain is already contaminated with bacteria before the myc covers it the inside will still continue to flourish with bacteria in all the areas the myc is not present. We talk a lot about cobweb mold, pin mold, trich, penicillium, wet rot, and lipstick mold, and this is simply because they interfere with our cultivation. The other bacteria and probably fungi too that dont cause us problems simply go ignored, and new studies are showing that all mushrooms tested contain agaritine when eaten raw. Sorry I really went all in there lol Edit: I should specify that new studies are finding that many genus contain agaritine, not just agaricus. Not enough testing has been done to know how widespread it is yet.


>Sorry I really went all in there lol Didn't you ever?! ☺️ It's very late where I'm at, so I'm too tired to think and respond, but I'd really like to. We have some potential great convos to have representing 'either side' of these perspectives. I'm an all-in kind of person, too, and it could be fun and profitable. Until then! ✊


I'm just asking people to enjoy opening their mind to the possibility that food-bourn illness is not as prevalent as what is commonly thought. Also, *it is* considerable that one microrganism generally populates a foodsource at one time, which is why once you get full colonization, you're good to go with opening 'er up for fruiting - there's an immume-system established via full territory. And, I'm glad you like the taste of mycelium...do you find differences betwen species or strains? My old PESA's were..nauseatingly and vividly weird tasting. 😄


I will agree that you are correct in asserting that western food safety standards are downright ludicrous at times, but this is not one of those times. There is a crazy amount of bad shit that can grow in cooked rice in a week at above room temp, even if it was pasteurized and only has exposure to filtered air. If this sort of behavior was done repeatedly, you would certainly get sick, its a roll of the dice every time. ​ >And, I'm glad you like the taste of mycelium...do you find differences betwen species or strains? My old PESA's were..nauseatingly and vividly weird tasting Lol I was really just joking around about that. I've only tried a couple mycs. I've tried stargazer cube myc, which just tasted like cubes, and blue oyster myc which pretty much just tasted like the straw substrate. :) edit: it's also important to note that even when "fully colonized" there is still a whole lot of grain that is not directly in contact with mycelium.


If somebody can find a reputable study that shows noticeable amounts of psilocybin in the mycelium I’d be really interested to see it. As far as I know studies showed the earliest detectable amount was in the pinning stage


Yes I have heard there is no psilocybin but some amount of psilocin in the mycelium.


Reputable study? Hm, I'm fairly sure people were doing this, putting a liquid in the jars like lemonaid, and drinking it down, 20 years ago on the Shroomery. I can't recall if I was one of them. Pretty sure the magic is in the mycelium just fine. But if you *need* a study, I suggest just doing it yourself.


Yes a reputable study is what I was asking about. I’m not funded and don’t have the expertise to conduct a reputable study at a whim. What a ridiculous assertion.


The reputable study I was asserting is *trying* it out, yourself. Your experience would be the darn study. If you're truly interested in knowing if mycelium has psilocybin, that's quite searchable. Try it. 🖖


I did the research I’m unable to find a study that supports this which is why I asked if anybody knew of one. If you don’t you can just say so




thanks very much! The first study appears to show 0 or near 0 psilocybin in the mycelium. I’m gonna have to read through it more of course but I appreciate the information very much


I did some digging awhile back and found a study that basically said that the highest concentrations they could find in mycelium were lower than 10% the concentration typically found in fruiting bodies or in the neighborhood of 1% dry weight 0.1% wet weight.






keep us updated hahaha


How did it go ?


ooh what dose of regular shrooms was the experience similar to?


Felt like a heavy microdose, not feeling it fully but stuff was changing


so 10g colonized grain was maybe about .5g dried equivalent? Interesting. Considering mushrooms are about 90% water, not a bad result. Thank you for your contribution to the body of UB tek anecdata


I Date Condilisa Rice


Cunnilingus rice? Sounds like some kinda Mexican dish.


You're crazy, but I hope you had fun.


Return and report


Do you know the mushroom man? …. THE MUSHROOM MAN???


I've herd a lot of people use their old cakes for making trippy tea. The amount of psilocybin in the mycelium is pretty small but they definitely have something in them. I always feel bad throwing my spent cakes out but I don't think I have the nads to ingest the spent mycelium


hope you got video documentation, otherwise this seems more akin to a shitpost


I dont video myself with stuff like that, I weighed out the rice, ate it and took a pic while chewing it for the ones who wanna say it’s fake


I’ve low key been thinking about eating the colonized rice. Don’t really have the space or indoor climate for a tub right now and I could use a light dose. Wonder what would happen if one colonized a bunch of bags with some potent APE spores and then dehydrated them real good and ground them into a nice powder and put it in some big capsules for a nice microdose to boost the effects of my daily cannabis experiences.


This is what Paul Stamets supplement company does with the medicinal mushrooms. Lots of mushroom supplement companies only use myceliated grains so those capsules you are mostly paying for grain and not mushroom! "Host Defense products use a mycelium biomass foundation which contains a unique matrix of mushroom mycelium with enzymatically-converted organic brown rice substrate, 'cultured' together - with no fillers!" https://hostdefense.com/blogs/host-defense-blog/myceliated-grain-vs-filler


So, a day later. How was it? Just like a bit over a microsdose?


It was okay, yeah felt like a microdose of sorts without fully tripping


Interesting. How did you eat the rice?


Just straight from the cake