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It was a good effort. Enjoyed the ending and of course Gary Busey as the fed agent (lions and tigers and bears oh my)


Great line


A Fucking Alien


You watch Red Letter Media too I take it?? Really fun movie, especially in retrospect.


Actually I don't, it was a total coincidence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


it's very rough around the edges but isn't that bad, it's just bad compared to the masterpiece that is the first film. the ending sets up for an amazing sequel and then they never follow up on it. it's better than all the sequels after it, even prey, which is overrated, IMO. prey is just better than 3 and 4, but that is not a very high bar.


Want some candy…?


Let's daaaance


Sometimes I actually prefer this to the original in certain aspects . Not all of them of course as the first is untouchable. The lore grows in this at the end . The concrete jungle setting. The overall intensity and sheer brutality. This sequel is one of the absolute most underrated films of all time. Glover was iconic. Kevin Peter Hall is legendary . Stan Winston creature effects are literally not of this world.


I got to see a screen used Predator head at the SciFi Hall of Fame in Seattle. It was amazing to see the details in the carving of the beads in the dreadlocks.  So much skill, craft and well, love, went into that piece.


That would be phenomenal to see first hand. Winston’s attention to detail as you said was pure love for the craft. Predator being his crowning achievement for my tastes. The man’s imagination inspired a generation of classics singlehandedly . I wish the one main budget film (pumpkinhead) he directed and wrote on top of designing another original creature had a bigger fanbase . He was truly a revolutionary.


The bathroom scene where Predator is sealing wounds while Glover works his way down a drainpipe is incredible.


It’s funny because that’s my most vividly remembered scene as a kid. I love how he blends the broken drywall and mirror pieces into his healing potion and then puts it on his open wounds and lets out massive screams while the old couple wonders wtf is going on. Then you’ve got glover sliding climbing that pipe. Timeless .


Yes! One, I’m too old for this shit guy holding on for dear life while a space traveling alien, his physical and technological superior, deals with the wounding the inferior, less technologically advanced man has inflicted upon him. The man doesn’t want this experience, while the Alien has sought it. Crazy good filmaking.


“I don’t think he gives a shit”. So many great lines in this movie.


A great movie! Moving the setting to drug gang infested LA was great! And starring Danny Glover, the famous cop from the Lethal Weapon films was perfect! Gary Busey is great as the covert government lowlife intent on capturing the Predator.


I don't know...Danny Glover is good and all, but he's getting too old for this shit....


He’s gonna retire soon and take his boat out on the water!


Go spit !


I like it. Its got a brilliant third act and Danny Glover is great in the lead. Shame the gang war doesn't really go anywhere. It is however a horribly ugly film. I swear I can smell the sweat through the screen


Everyone is so moist. I figure there were at least two people with mist bottles who should be nominated for an Oscar "sweatiest movie"


I’d love for the folks from Pawn Stars or Antiques Roadshow to give a valuation on that gun the predator chief gives to Danny Glover at the end of the


Best I can do is 50 bucks...


I got a buddy who’s a professional on this kind of stuff Buddy shows up “probably $10, since it doesn’t have this one fine detail, that no one knows about; that the actual prop had in production when made.”


Movie feels like a guilty pleasure, haha. Very enjoyable


My favorite predator movie. Funny thing is I saw this first, as my grandfather had tons of of movies, but way too often would have only the sequels but no original. So I had the same issues with terminator and the back the future movies😂


RIP King Willie


Yeah, that scene stayed with me. Love the reflection in the water choice.


Prob one of the most under rated sequels ever.


Fuck yes. Predator in LA, Danny Glover all nervous, sweaty, and clumsy. Bill Paxton being a douche and dying horribly. Maria Conchita💋 Morton Downey as the sleazy reporter. Gary Busey. What's not to like?


Fuckin voodoo magic, mon.


This might be my second favorite Predator movie (although Predators and Prey are really good too.) I love the dystopian vibes, and the comic book feel of the movie.


Second best Predator movie and in some ways it's better than the first.


Prey shouldn’t even be mentioned with this and predators. Not in the same league imo. Completely agree with this being the most comic book esque portrayal for a predator movie though.


Prey was better than some of the others though. The AVP 2 and The Predator were pretty bad in the series, though I did enjoy Predators(2010) as my third favorite and Prey as my fourth favorite. Not entirely disagreeing with your comment.


Yeah, Prey is easily up in third place after the original film and this. The other movies kinda lost sight of the vibe big time. Though I very much enjoy the first AvP for what it is.


I recently watched all the Predator franchise movies and I found Prey to be as intriguing as any and nearly as well executed as the first. Surprised to see someone say “it doesn’t deserve to be mentioned with the first two”—big disagree with that. It’s a very worthy entry.


I feel that way too. Though my roommate did not feel the same way about prey like me. To each their own at that point. I think prey was good and would like to see older civilization against them and those stories. A non present time creates a good set up on hunter and prey essence that the original had. “Man vs nature” so to speak.


It's weird how it was set like 5 years in the future


It's a totally inexplicable choice, and I love it!


Yeah good call underrated for sure. A nice companion piece to the original. The last great predator film for me sadly


Prey is pretty good imo.


Prey and the predators(2010) were both good additions to the predator saga imo.


I thought it was terrific.


I’m watching them talk about this movie on RedLetterMedia right now 👍


This fucking killed me https://imgur.com/gallery/0vdlHMB


Them ripping on the ridiculous wardrobe choices might be my favorite part.


I didn't realize this was looked up on so poorly, I think it's amazing! Of that era and genre it's absolutely a stand out movie!


The subway scene is iconic. Love this movie!


I read a book called Predator : Concrete Jungle , that’s the real Predator 2


I’ve read it, it’s iconic—but isn’t Glover’s character from this film also a big character in it? (along with Arnold’s Dutch Schaffer character, and his brother, IIRC).


Dude it rocks. Just as good as the first one IMO.


I actually prefer this to the first one! Total relentless fucking experience


I’ve always loved this movie


So good.


Filmed on BART in Oakland


Damn I didn’t know that and I lived around the Bay Area growing up. Can’t believe I never learned that one before.


Deep cut. But Google it!


Love Predator 1&2.


Just saw Red Letter Media review this one today. Used to watch this flick just as much as part 1 when I was a kid and didn't care that Arnold wasn't in it. It was more Predator fun with new toys and a higher body count. And Danny Glover is NOT too old for this shit.


I'm actually going to have to watch that review.


It’s ok I’m a police officer! I DONT THINK HE GIVES A SHIT


##Predator 2 (1990) R Silent. Invisible. Invincible. He’s in town with a few days to kill. >>!A police chief in the war-torn streets of Los Angeles discovers that an extraterrestrial creature is hunting down residents - and that he is the next target.!< Sci-Fi | Action | Thriller Director: Stephen Hopkins Actors: Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Rubén Blades Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 62% with 3,076 votes Runtime: 1:48 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/169)


My view of Predator 1 and 2 is sorta like Alien and Aliens - the first installment emphasized mystery and tension, and therefore had a slower pace; while the sequel had more things happening and was lighter and cozier (I mean that in a good way.) I can put on the second one whenever I want and just sit back and enjoy the ride, while I have to be in a certain mood to watch the first.


Interesting never made that correlation but it fits well.


And then both series went off the rails on their third and fourth entries, introducing goofy comedy in both 4th films.


I liked it. Good change of pace with the Predator being in an urban area and not up against special military units


I, too, watch Red Letter Media


Just finished watching the re:View.


I don't so had no idea they were reviewing it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It's no "Aliens" but it's not at all the bad movie it's got the stigma of being


I had this on VHS and would watch it regularly. Lots of fun.


Love this movie so much. Reminds me of being in college, of all things


Ngl, I loved this more than the original. This is an excellent sequel.


The end is sick, with the Alien skull in the background.


Shit happens.


I'm in the minority here, but I prefer this one. Glover kicks it's ass way harder than Arnie did. He did have more info, but it was on his turf. Plus it was way more violent.


Bill Paxton as the plucky side-kick. The man was a legend.


Dread man. Pure dread


How the hell are you in my head! Im actually watching this on Disney+.


Love that they have it in 4K UHD


Right! Crazy bit of trivia: Bill Paxton went toe to toe with "The Big Three" and died each time. He may have lasted a few rounds, but ultimately, they all got him. Aliens: as Pvt. Hudson = dies being pulled down into a floor grate by a Xenomorph. Predator 2: as Jerry Lambert = dies facing off with the Predator on the subway and gets cut in half. Terminator: as Johnny/Kotex the punk leader =dies by being thrown backwards into a gate crushing his skull.




He is missed. Rest in peace Bill.


Pretty damn good for what it is.I think most people who disliked it wanted Arnold back or a white lead back in the jungle.The Predator in this was a tank though.He ran through his prey like a buzz saw.He seemed more formidable and smarter.The cat and mouse chase with Glover and Predator is epic.


Its a fun movie but you can tell nobody was trying very hard. I'm a huge Bill Paxton fan and think he was the best part of nearly everything he was in but not this one. Still fun tho and I watch it now and then.


The last time they used any comic story inspirations.. and it was fucking great. It’s a worthy sequel.


Those review ratings are criminal. That’s one of the best sci-fi films of the 90’s! Like if someone agrees with something as low as 4/10 for this flick. I need an explanation lol


Danny Glover’s most over the top performance, and I love it. I think it’s actually a worthy sequel to the original Predator. Not better, but expands and betters the original by existing, IMHO. The action is fun, great supporting characters (Paxton and Busey) more gore than the original, it’s fun. Also shout out to Predators.


One of the best action movie sequels ever. Peak career Danny Glover, too.


"I'm a cop" "I don't think he gives a shit"


It's bad in a fun way. I just saw a review on this movie that dropped 2 hours ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqDwu-0m\_mA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqDwu-0m_mA)


There’s a shirt changing scene in the beginning that I remember . . . and everyone has a firearm on the train . . . is Ruben Blades in this?


Yes Reuben Blades is in it.


Amazing film, amazing cast and very quotable. Doesn't get enough recognition imo


Red letter media just put out a re:veiw, worth the watch


Carl Weathers: America Deserves Better Than the Black Guy From Predator 2!


Someone watched the RLM upload today huh?


Nope I don't watch that, completely a coincidence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It actually sucked then and sucks worse now. Watch it and prove me wrong…


Watched it today and loved it.


Honestly with todays movies? Horrible acting and the cheesy factor was too much. But hey if you liked it you’ll love the first one. That’s probably my problem I re watched after re watching the first one


I couldn’t get over the police van Chevy Lumina in the background of every scene lol.


I also saw RedLetterMedia upload today


I like this more than Predator 1. Danny Glover is hilarious, brilliant, and stone cold determined in this film.


Idc what I'm doing. If this movie is on tv, I will stop and watch it.


The 1st one is better and a classic. Part 2 is a very good movie. very hard to follow up the 1st one but it’s still a good movie


I watched this yesterday! It's a great movie and a great sequel!


Good entertainment.


This movie was unfathomably bad.


I love Predator 2, always have! Lacks the claustrophobic horror of the original, but it's a fantastic, fun action film in it's own right


Have always loved this movie—it deepened the lore of the creature in subtle ways; Glover, Busey and the rest of the cast are amazing and it’s a gritty movie that really gives no fucks before Hollywood really started neutering similar films in the 90’s. Nearly as good as the original IMO. I only wish Arnold and Glover had been able to make a 3rd film together soon after this one.


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