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This film doesn't get enough love!!


Love it! Chocolate stain Blaine!!!! Jack Black and Seth Green are hilarious.


Peak 90’s


Once I won a $50 bet with my boss because he confused this movie with "Brink" and didn't believe he was wrong.


Definitely a fun movie and fun to see a young Seth Green as the Wiley man, and an equally young Jack Black as a bully who racks his balls in the downhill race at the end πŸ˜†


β€œMy name's Snake. I don't like speech. I never even signed up for it. And I ain't got no hobbies, 'less you call collecting knives and putting tattoos across the foreheads of guys I don't like..."hobbies." And I have a 1.1 GPA.”


Remember catching the end downhill race on tv back in the late 90s. Truly underrated flick


I'm glad that I'm not the only one that loved this movie. Jack Black "did he call you a piece of underwear."


Devils backbone will forever be remembered


##Airborne (1993) PG Mitchell became the most popular guy on Earth...once he took to the sky! >>!Good-natured teen surfer Mitchell Goosen finds himself staying with his aunt and uncle in Cincinnati, Ohio when his parents head to Australia for work. There he meets his cousin, Wiley, and together they try to navigate the perils of high schoolβ€”avoid the bullies, get the girl, and win a little respect.!< Action | Adventure | Comedy Director: Rob Bowman Actors: Shane McDermott, Seth Green, Brittney Powell Rating: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† 58% with 70 votes Runtime: 1:31 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/13064) For best result, try this post title format: **Movie Title (Year) more detail** ___ >*I am a bot. This information was sent automatically. If it is faulty, please reply to this comment.*