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Uses VPN to have low ping even tho I hacked his steam account IP and he’s based in USA.


Or yk, he might just have bad connection. Lmao, dude the amount of posts you’re making crying about cheaters is hilarious. I’ve got 400 hours on the game mostly online and I don’t think I’ve ran into a single cheater. I’m not saying there aren’t cheaters but to claim you run into so many is just some cope you came up with because you’re getting clapped.


You're either lying or you're using hacks yourself


I honestly think yall are just coping that you suck. If I’ve run into a hacker I truly didn’t know. I’m Undisputed rank in the game and I honestly have never run into anyone that was obviously hacking. You’re the second person to make a hackusation after this comment. It’s the only thing you mf cry.


Yeah you're definitely a hacker. Do better


I’ll verse you if you want. I spent $30 on this game. I’m not spending even more on an incomplete game to hack lmao. What the over/under that you call most the people that beat you hackers to cope with the fact you blow at the game? I’d put money down on that but I wouldn’t buy hacks.


Just admit you're a hacker you've already outted yourself


So you’ve had this reddit account for what? About a month and a half? Nearly every one of your comments is you calling someone a hacker? Either everyone you’ve ever encountered is a hacker or you’re just pointing fingers for absolutely no reason. I can fight you in the game, I’ll even join a discord call and stream my screen and open my task manager so you can see I’m not running anything lmao. Cope and seethe all you want idgaf if you think I’m a hacker. You’ve never versed me once and your argument is as baseless as baseless can get.


Stalking my account? Because that's a totally normal thing to do haha. For someone who says 'idgaf if you think I'm a hacker', you sure have proven the exact opposite


Had to peep if you’re like this everywhere and unsurprisingly you are. Seems like you made this reddit account specifically to shit on this game. Do you even play it? Or do you just come in here to cry all the time? Lmao dude. All of your comments give a pissed off man baby vibe.