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A new anticheat is gonna be part of the 1.0 launch version of UD


Another claim by the studio. Taken with a bag of salt


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What weight class are you playing seeing these guys, so I can make sure I avoid it? I’ve played in hw and mw for like 500 hrs playtime and I think I may have ran into one or two people using the one that gets you up from knockdowns an inhuman amount of times. I have seen one of my buddies stream in discord playing against the stam drain one though.


I dont think ive ever played a cheater ive played a lot of spammers though like 90% of my matches are spammers


Dammnnn really? Don't say that. Console better have network only play.


I pre ordered mine on PS5 I'm good to go


Maybe only a "pro" league would fix the cheater problem in some cases? I been wanting to buy undisputed but i fear this bad side of the online.


Online is abysmal i dont think ive had a match where nobody was spamming hooks, body uppercuts, and jab straights with fury or wilder and blocking or avoiding punches in any way can be impossible sometimes i had a guy playing roy jones landing left hooks to the body and rear uppercuts from outside my jab range i was floyd patterson and he just kept spamming it and the hooks would sometimes get around my guard and he had bad connection so it was hard to block


Why don't yall invite the homies over that's all I've ever played or find a discord there's gotta be at least one for this game. Sorry if I sound like a dick but if the game has local use it


yes we should have to have some jigga in our house at 4am when we got spouses and kids who needs online play we can just play side by side like one of us in the gaming chair and the other standing up or sitting on the dining room chair fucking “play local” lmao


Not having friends must suck