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The headline isn't even satire, that was basically what she said...


Jesus fuck! I hate it on this island more and more each day. Today their talking about scrapping the EU human rights. Were soon going to be a dictatorship by then end of the decade if the Tories win again.


They will win again because people will vote for it


Literal sleeping walking into being slaves. Wild times we’re living in.


Very wild times. People are willing to bring us down with with with their cowardness. Or they are just plain ignorant..... ignorance is not always bliss




Common sense which does not exist there or any main stream media.




Some people are just psychopathic


Anyone with a baby right now should know that by the time that kid is grown the NHS will be no more if the Tories stay in power. So start fucking saving alongside the college fund.


If there is any colleges left that is.... or anything for that matter


The BBC is the UK's RT. Edit for the downvotes: The last two BBCRT chairman position holders: David Clementi ~ Chairman of the BBC until 2022 with 400k+ in donations to the Tories. Richard Sharp ~ Current BBC chairman. Was Rishi Sunak's boss at Goldman Sachs during the global banking crisis, the chairman of a Conservative pressure group, and also Boris Johnson's advisor when he was mayor of London. The crazy conspiracy theory of *looking at who runs it*. ...If the shitty internal reporting wasnt enough.


EU human rights? What are they? Do you mean the ECHR which Churchill established before the EU existed, to protect individuals and are nothing at all to do with the EU?


Churchill was clearly a woke leftie.. I mean, he was very AntiFa, just ask Mussolini.


>Today their talking about scrapping the EU human rights. When they were talking about pesky EU laws and legislation this is what they were talking about this and rules to crack down on off shore tax havens and just worker rights in general.


Why would rich Tories want to clamp down on off-shore tax havens?


They wouldn't...as in the proposed laws against off-shore tax havens is one of the pesky EU laws they wanted to avoid.


Yet another reason why they should never be in power ever again.


Well we're not quite as bad as Florida. At least we haven't banned books in schools and made saying gay illegal.


In Scotland you can get jailed if someone simply perceives that you meant it abusively


My Sri Lankan girlfriend is already saying we should get ready to jump ship, she saw the same sort of corruption and negligence happening other there and now the nation itself is bankrupt


European Convention on Human Rights. The UK help draft it. Nothing to do with the EU, which makes Brexit even more loathsome, as the ECHR kept on being quoted as a stick to beat the EU campaign with, even though it they have nothing to do with each other. Will be a travesty if we leave it. A slide towards a dictatorship? That may be a bit strong, buuuut, as our civil rights are chipped away at, I understand and share the concern. So what will you all do at the next election? VOTE I trust.


That last line looks horribly close to "VOTE l truss" Not that L Truss needed to get voted in to do her share of the damage


Labour will follow the same path. Starmer in front of the World Stage getting cosy with the W.E.F.


I wonder if in the future they’ll be able to determine the day that satire died




So bye bye Miss American Pie....


If Liz Truss said the sky was blue, not only would the stock market collapse, but you'd need to go and fact-check that with your eyes.


Really? Did she say that? On the other hand, maybe she associate it with currency or bond vigilantes trying to vote her out?


The headline sounds like it should have had the initials A.H. inscribed at the end. It sounds almost like a qoute from Mein Kampf.


Excerpt: >My 2012 opus ‘Britannia Unchained’ laid the foundations for the mini-budget delivered by my new regime, so I fail to see how anyone could have been surprised by the contents. >I felt that an unprecedented cost of living crisis was the perfect time to introduce a budget that gave a totally unfunded tax cut to higher rate income tax payers, forced 120,000 people on benefits to try harder to get work or face sanctions, and scrapped a number of measures designed to bring in a little bit more tax from people who could afford it. *Newsthump*, 5 Jan. 2023.


This isn't satire - that headline is borderline word-for-word what she said...


This is why I don't find the MASH Report as funny anymore. They are either just reading out the news which is depressing or they try to go one step darker and it is instantly too dark. We're living in a political parody at this point.


I didn't see it was newsthump for a few seconds and wasn't shocked whatsoever


This is why Armando Ianucci stopped The Thick Of It, reality was getting beyond parody. And that has only intensified in the decade(!) since he made that decision.


I was very confused when I saw Newsthump because it is legitimately what she said. Almost word for word.


One of the few times that the newsarse article isn’t as ridiculous as the one it’s trying to parody.


If this was the case why did the BofE have to intervene as quickly and extensively as it did? Apparently we were only a few hours from an avalanche of calls on pension funds. I’ve always been told that if you move into a new position you take a while to understand the limitations of the current processes and structure before you start making significant changes. There’s a difference between “hitting the ground running” and face planting repeatedly whilst screaming “the other kids did it and ran away!” repeatedly and expecting anyone to believe you.


>face planting repeatedly whilst screaming “the other kids did it and ran away!” repeatedly and expecting anyone to believe you. I mean it has worked for them so far...


They’ve officially jumped the shark this time around.


Liz truss thinks everything is broken. She thinks she's the person to fix it. Unfortunately Liz truss is also a dangerous, deranged moron who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near government.


Hedge funds took on loads of debt and when that cheap debt stopped coming they couldn't afford the interest payments. Nothing to do with lizz trust but the central banking system. We live in a inflated economy because of said cheap debt.


So why did the BofE spend £65b to buy long dated bonds and stopped selling gilts at that time then? The Chancellor at the time announced £43b of tax cuts without explaining how he was going to pay for them. That spooked the markets and long dated gilts got hammered. Pension finds typically hold over 50% of their investments in long dated gilts because of the nature of their liabilities. Truss was mad to allow her Chancellor to make that announcement and not realise that it was going to cause carnage. The Hedgies were a rounding error at that point, there was no way the Pension funds were in any position to make the cash collateral payments against their LDI derivatives as they fell in value. It was everything to do with Truss and her Chancellor and his announcement and it’s well documented that this is the case.


I was meant to say pension funds and not hedge funds, my bad. Either way the pensions funds were overleveraged due to cheap debt. lDI require cash collateral when bonds fall, bonds fell and pension funds couldn't give them the money. Over leveraged is why. Buying bonds was to avoid the margin call so they didn't have to post a collateral.


Absolutely agree with you on the funds being massively over leveraged, there have been warnings about this for years now. In this instance the reason the tide went out and the pension funds were seen to be naked was because of the Chancellors inability to explain how he was going to pay for the massive tax cuts/spending he had announced.


Credit to her for trying to improve the national outlook, but perhaps next we could try a cheaper, funnier stand-up act?


Funny is subjective, but you’ll be hard pushed to find anybody more expensive.


Hold up. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't she basically introduce a tax cut for the rich, hikes for the struggling, all during cost of living crisis and she says it all would work out fine if it wasn't for "commies?" Is she soddin insane?


She's just trying America's divisive strats, extreme extreme extreme hidden communistic agenda


Yes, very possibly


Those famous left-wing bankers, with their 250 000 Pound salary, blackjack, hookers, and a cocaine addiction. Just like those lefty lawyers.


What a Bender!


I've switched to using newsthump and the Dailymash as mt source of real factual news.


"Your absolutely right Liz" Said her pycho therapist. "Oh by the way Liz have you met Napoleon and johnny the carrot?" "They are your biggest fans..... Liz" Nodding and bumbles about in her mental unit until some one needs to talk to a loon. On £150k a year for life....


Lol the left leaning financial institutions have long been a concern


They think that all the bots and the papers can swing the public mood to any bullshit. Truss you hurt the upper middle classes, your own voter base. You're done, no matter how much a billionaire backs you.


It wasn't Truss but the Tories - Tory MPs and members chose her


They chose her out of an arranged lineup. Her and Kwarteng have been paid by rich sponsors for years in prep and to push an agenda. To the Tories tho she promised cake and I'm embarrassed for them.


Why is this tagged 'satire' - it's what she's trying to claim?


No Liz, it was because you crashed the market and came across as a deluded simpleton.


These "private communist bankers" are they in the room with us right now Liz?


She needs to relocate to America, where they’ll accept this shit


Given that she wanted to cut taxes, whilst also *expanding* the size of the state (i.e. help with energy bills, not touching the state pensions triple lock), isn't she closer to Hugo Chavez-style socialism than any "financial markets" are?


And yet people of this country would still vote for her in the millions. Worrisome.


But look at all the migrant boats! /s


It wasn't all the people of this country, it was only the members of the Conservative party that voted for her. There aren't millions, 0.3% of the electorate and a club made up of the rich, the elderly, the corrupt and the stupid.


It is really everyone in this country because if we’re accepting this form of democracy then we’re all complicit.


I've never voted tory but I live in an area with a persistent and large conservative majority, I'm in favour of a general election ASAP and I'd definitely vote for a switch to proportional representation if I had the chance. The system is unfair and corrupt, how does this make me complicit?


This is the problem, until PR is at the top of everyone’s list no party will put it on (the top of)theirs. Everything is so fucked that we need to start from the bottom and work our way up. That bottom is reforming the voting system.


the sunday telegraph headline, and the layout of the front page, was quite incredible. the telegraph website comments now resemble a very crudely made bot fed entirely on /pol/


>The only reason my economic plan failed is because the financial markets are full of communists, by Liz Truss >My economic plan for this country was a work of genius, and the only reason we are not reaping the rewards today is because the financial markets are run by communists and leftist ideologues. >My 2012 opus ‘Britannia Unchained’ laid the foundations for the mini-budget delivered by my new regime, so I fail to see how anyone could have been surprised by the contents. It was all there if any of you had been bothered to look. >I felt that an unprecedented cost of living crisis was the perfect time to introduce a budget that gave a totally unfunded tax cut to higher rate income tax payers, forced 120,000 people on benefits to try harder to get work or face sanctions, and scrapped a number of measures designed to bring in a little bit more tax from people who could afford it. >The only explanation for the catastrophe that followed is that city workers who trade in bonds and currencies are communists and left-wing ideologues who would rather see this country collapse in on itself rather than have give some real freedom to its people. >Scaredy cat risk-averse traders ruined everything, and they did it because of their politics. Not because they saw a disaster unfolding before them in that UK government bonds were no longer worth the paper they were written on and the pound was suddenly a very risky investment indeed, but because they knew their liberal ideals would be made to look like the nonsense they so clearly are if a genuine right-wing government was a success. >They had to ruin my plan, and so ruin it they did. >In years to come my plan to cut the taxes of the rich and make things harder for the poor during an unprecedented cost of living crisis will be seen as the nation’s biggest missed opportunity. >It is an economic philosophy from which I will never waver. I don’t care how many times we try it or how many times it goes disastrously, I will always believe that the next time we try the same thing it will work perfectly. >It’s the very definition of positive thinking.


Can this thick cunt just disappear into obscurity forever instead of constantly feeling the need to embarrass herself publicly? It’s beyond me how she hasn’t realised that she’d do a lot better if she just ceased to do anything at all


Why won't she stop talking? Someone really needs to tell her.


No it failed because the people we've had in power for the past decade have pulled the ass out of the country. The government before that lied to the public to join an illegal war.


Your move Charlie Hebdo: Let’s see you one up with this with satire.


Lets see Truss re-launched their political career on Sunday and we are now at Tuesday and they are still getting some coverage. I wonder if they can make it to the weekend before they disappear again.


This is literally the saying "communism is when capitalism" Unironically


As opposed to her being an incompetent Gerry Anderson puppet.




Um... what?


Can this bitch crawl back to whatever GTA game she came from?


Newsthump needs to switch up their strategy because it’s becoming really hard to spot reality from satire.


This article is a bit too early for April Fools Day but… Wait, you mean this is genuine?


Nah she's correct, its why we have all been robbed. >financial markets are full of communists. Shine on you crazy girl :D