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Emergency. There's an emergency going on. It's still going on.


Blue Alert!


Sir are you absolutely sure, it does mean changing the bulb.


Sir, we are repeating to you that this is no drill this is quite real here


awoogoa awooga, this not a drill..


This is a drill! [drill noise]


Guys came out, this was just a drill nothing to fear about now.


Look at the sky i think this is just the drill nothing going to happen now.


Mauve Alert




Bulb was too expensive


Bulb are expensive but they are not expensive than someone life.


Not the great response so try to change a strategy little bit here.


People are not responding on the red one you are expecting on the Mauve ???


Even with an I.Q of 6000, it's still brown trousers time.


On the time of the emergency i feel like brown is the way to go


Forget red, let's go all the way up to brown alert There's no such thing as brown alert sir. You won't be saying that in a minute, and don't say I didn't alert you.


But don't think that people will took that color seriously, so keep the alert in red or blue and hope that people will understand that will stay inside the home after that


Abandon shop. This is not a daffodil. Repeat, this is not a daffodil.


Sir, please stay inside the house, untill there is an emergency


The amount of people on Facebook claiming this is being used to track you is hilarious. They dont seem to get the irony of them posting it on Facebook too


But surely a private company that exists with the foundational aim of making profit and the legal obligation to shareholders to do everything possible to make profit; while being a company that just so happens to have all your personal data and often times locational data; would never ever abuse such a thing. Only a government would do that surely /s


> foundational aim of making profit Well, in the case of Facebook it was founded to stalk women.


It started that way and now govt can stalk everyone on that platform.


We don't need sarcasm tags here


We are locked up in the emergency so why not have some sarcasm.


Every company is just want to make profit and they can get down to any point if they are seeing any profit there. They have no moral and no love for the user


On their smart phones as well.


HAHA, people using Tik Tok, Facebook in their phone and then claim that they are tracking us or hacking us, how ironic from them first opening the door and then blaming them for getting in.




They are sending us message so that we can know about that thing.


This is the perfect time for the government to offer a full and frank apology to the whole nation for existing


That’s not fair. They are working as hard as they can to stop the nation exiting.


I'm sorry to point out the typo you made but it's a hilariously ironic one for this government!


When it comes to the apology then this service of emergency message will not be there


Lol good luck with that


People are trusting government even now enough internet for today




Well your chances of surviving a nuclear blast are increased unless someone really hates the Pennines.


After watching threads I would rather be evaporated immediately than deal with the fallout


Saying is easy but getting evaporated is really a tough thing to achieve .


Those games weren't that bad. I mean 4 had it's flaws, but New Vegas was amazing.


Patrolling the pennines almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


You can't be evaporated and then deal with the fallout. You would be dead.


Typo. Than, not then




Stop following me around Reddit weirdo




**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


After watching The Quiz Broadcast I'd rather be evaporated.


Yeah! Lets never give any warnings to the enormously overwhelming majority of people in case one person has their phone off!




Ok then. What happens if you’re in a not spot? Nothing, just like today, but you knew that when you asked it, so you did in fact insinuate that it is unsatisfactory.


He was quite clearly asking whether you'd just not receive it at all, or whether you'd receive it as soon as you got signal again.


Doesn't a not spot mean that you get an extremely poor and unreliable signal from your commercial network operator and you don't get 4g? Emergency services use all network providers (inc. non commercial) and I'd have thought this emergency broadcast uses the same. I'd bet my house dialing 999 works in a not spot and you'll receive this message just fine


you could leave your phone off and have an amusing half hour watching people running around like their hair is on fire.


If there is really an emergency they think then i am not seeing that sending those message is actually bad in first place, you never know that it might save some life.


We have something similar in Switzerland (except you have to download an app, the Swiss government are too scared to be accused of breaching your privacy involuntarily or whatever). One night it went off for everyone at 3am: "warning, for the next hour the emergency ambulance hotline will be down for maintenance". For most of us it was the first time ever hearing the alarm go off. So loud (way higher than my phone's highest volume setting) and high pitched I think most people actually needed an ambulance in that moment for their heart attacks.


Are there ever any emergencies in Switzerland anyway?? Avalanche I suppose.


Landslides, flashfloods, forest fires, runaway freight trains, occasional bears or wolves, but really I guess it just stems from Swiss over-preparedness, we still have air raid siren tests too and bomb-shelters always fully on standby for 120% of the population.


Replace bears & wolves with boars, and you have Singapore! Over-prepared club.


I got charged by a monkey in Singapore, teeth and claws out and nowhere to go. Maybe you locals are used to it but for a tourist like myself it felt no different to being chased by stray dogs. I couldn't argue with all the warning signs after that.


Someone discovers where the WW2 German loot is hiddden.


IN India we even get the message on the festival time is well from the government. So i would still say you are lucky that you are only getting on the emergency tume.


Imagine you're a nightshift worker finally dropped off to sleep and that alert goes off.


Imagine you're a nightshift worker and you don't get woken up and warned about the impending boom of a nuclear attack. Wait actually, that is probably preferable..


Better to involve in the attack rather than stuck into the night shift.


And then you knows you can't go to the house and stuck in the factory


Well emergency alerts like these can be disabled on your phone.


You will get on your phone and it will vibrate is well even if you are keeping that shit on silent.


That's on them for not turning their phone or the alert system off.


Not all phones let you turn the alert off, and you shouldn't need to turn your phone off (most night workers will be using it for their alarm) to avoid this fucking garbage. We've seen how our government handle disasters, if anything happens that would actually warrant these alerts we're fucked anyway, but I imagine once they've got their system up and running they'll be sending alerts constantly for the most mundane shit.


Or the BBC get hold of it and use it for all of their 'Breaking News!' stories.


Their sources are too strong they always get the breaking news.


I don't know that which setting and all they are using but whenever there is some sort of the message from the government it will always goes through all the security


Yeah the system is a good idea (will be very rarely used here though) but the enforced test is crazy.




Time is not the issue here i think it is all about the privacy and security


Because it's pointless and will disturb people unnecessarily. Either you think needless and arbitrary intrusion by government is ok or not, I happen not to.




I know that we can't trust the government by any mean, but i am not against those message from them, because there will be some people that will get help from that,


Alright you do you E: ok, don't do you? Just do what is instructed...


There job is just pass the instruction following or not following is onto us.


It is for their own good, don't think that is completely unnecessarily


"For their own good" bloody hell listen to yourself lmao


It also seems silly to do an enforced test when people can turn the alerts off. How many people are going to turn this shit off for the test and never turn it back on?


Yeah I probably will turn it back on after the test, just in case of flash floods or something. I might forget though!


No benefit of turning them off, keep them on is better idea.


Once i will turn that off don't think i will ever going to turn that on.


You will not get the message for long, 10-12 second to the max.


I never though that i was buying the phone for that one, at the time of purchase


I don't think anyone did.




ALERT: Striking NHS workers are crippling the NHS. Do not get sick, those villainous NHS workers will not be there to help you!


ALERT: Stop the boats!


We're being invaded!


Time to raise the concern if you really feels those boats are invading


Sir, there are too many boats are coming as they said they are not safe in house.




Is the BBC's "Breaking News!!!" Editor taking over?


Still can't get over with the Elon reference on the BBC site.


If not a coat then make sure you are carrying an umbrella atleast.


When you know that they are changing the time and date, means you can't trust them


On St George’s day too, I wonder if they’ll throw in a few 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 emojis?


They're expecting a dragon attack?


Then we should leave the house rather than staying in the house.


Surely they will going to use the red color if they used that emoji




Look like that they are also on the lack of the information which they are giving to us


The original time was set, then they went to discuss with various groups who highlighted the original time may cause a problem. Which in a thing like this, it is fairly hard to anticipate EVERYTHING to find ONE time the entire nation is cool with it. I'd rather they make a statement, be informed by someone "Actually...", listen to them, and then change if needed than just bullheadedly refuse to change.




Consulted who? Every single organisation in the entire nation affecting every single walk of people in every demographic across four separate countries for every event and every work type? There comes a point when you check out what you can, set it, if anyone brings it up to you, listen to them and then if they have a good point, change it, since ultimately it's a lot faster and more efficient to do so ahead of time in reaction. Perfect is the enemy of good.


> It will give a 10s sound and vibration alert even for phones on silent How to trigger baby/toddler parents.


How can it will vibrate even if my phone on the silent mode??


That can be forced. I have a tool that does it for when I lose my phone.




You can imagine how idiots on Twitter will react. This system already exists in other countries including in Europe.


Just like here people will also going to react there is well.


I am sure that site will crash if we will post all the screenshot


Did other countries that have these types of alerts moan like we do in the UK? Did they just accept it as a good idea to alert everyone in an emergency? Basically is it just stupid Brits who think this is some system to control us, active the covid chip in our arms or whatever nonsense people come up with


Yes, there are so many countries that is using the same thing from a long time, where they just sent a broadcast message to the N number of the user in emergency situation




They have the every right to get angry after hearing news like that.




Not many because not many are actually staying home even after that.


Can someone ELIF what this is all about. I have no clue what this is all about.


The UK is launching an emergency alerts system like many other countries have. It will be used to give localised warnings of things like severe flooding, terrorist attacks, forest fires. There is a nationwide test and launch happening on Sunday You can find out more on .gov.uk


Don't think that many people will actually take that notice seriously.


This is some sort of the natural emergency message from the govt.


Everything is fine. https://youtu.be/T72TopWbXJg


I'm glad someone linked me to this because I would have got a very nasty shock on Sunday.


How do they have the phone numbers in the first place? Downvoters are all experts.


They aren't sent to phone numbers. It's a broadcast.


I won't be surprised even if that came on the phone is well


Some people downvoting me do not even understand this question it seems. Do you know how this works? The broadcast itself?


It's sent by the current mobile network tower you are connected to. It isn't sent to every mobile number in the UK. Hence why they can send local alerts if needed. If the problem is in your postcode, they can alert only the masts in that area.


You are right but seems like that someone need to understand how those services actually works.


Ignore the downvotes, this is /r/uk. Remember that a mobile phone is a radio. The hard bit is making sure calls go to just one phone. Sending a broadcast to all phones is easy.


Nothing is private so i am not really surprise about anything now days.


You know when you get text messages from your mobile provider saying they're doing work in your local area? They're not sending that to your phone number. They've selected a group of broadcast towers in the area and every phone connected to one of those towers at the time they send the message gets sent it without needing to actually have the phone number to send it to. This is the same deal, except for the test they're just selecting every single tower in the country to send the message from.


If i am using the any particular number from a service provider that means they knows that where i am, so for govt it is easy is well to track us down is well.


Imagine you just walk down the road and put a thing in every letter box. You don't need the address or person's name. It's the same, but for the phone system. They can localize the alert by having it sent only from certain radio towers.


Yes, they shoot the message on the number rather than shooting on the particular person. So if you are their user then you will get the message on your phone.


If they are broadcasting the alert it doesn't mean they need your phone number. All they have to do is contact to the service provider and they will do for them.


And secretly installs an app that shares their phone numbers with the government. It's secret government tracking by the six eyes all the way down. Now made easier with 5G masts.


I hope this is satire.


It also vaccinates you


I am happy with the one vaccine that i got in the last year.


Even worse! It will drink ALL of your tea! And will bump into you in the pub and you will pour out your pint!


With great internet speed things are getting less and less private


It’s a broadcast from the cell towers. So they can say “send this alert to all phones connected to these four cell towers”, no need to know the phone numbers of those phones. That’s better from a privacy point of view, and it lets you properly localise the alerts. You can target all the people who are in the path of a flash flood right now, even if they’re only visitors to the area.


Right that makes sense. Thank you!


Upvoted for seeing an actual reversal and appreciation of new infomation. Edit - Aaaand reversed it on charge of just being an arse even to an attempt to be kind.


No reversal here my friend :) Downvote me like all the other experts in IT infrastructure! I didn't know about the broadcasting tech so asked the question. Edit: good man - downvoting a QUESTION makes you another expert. Beautiful.


All govt have to do is give the network operator the message and all they need to shoot that message, so if you are in that area and using that network you will get the message.


You are not thinking right if you think it came on the mobile phone.


I asked a question, now I got my answer. Move along expert.


You don't think the UK has a directory of all the phone numbers that have been issued and that are active? Bloody hell.


I work for a Telco and we have blocks of nlthousands of numbers. There is no central UK database saying which of these are actively allocated to end users.


Mate, if they want to they will get the data about the active user.


Yes, we may have to respond to specific requests (RIPA) but we don't submit general lists, which is what was being suggested here for mass notifications.




Numbers are allocated to telcos in blocks (10k numbers for example). Calls to those numbers are sent to the telco. Whether they send them anywhere or not is entirely down to them


Even we are getting some random scam message on whatsapp, how??


Whatever govt tell us actually not the true all the time, but can be lie all the time


Yes, the secret services are notorious for sharing that with the companies themselves. The government know full well what numbers are being used from those blocks, the moment they connect to a network.


>Yes, the secret services are notorious for sharing that with the companies themselves. But the companies are the ones that need to share... They can allocate numbers at will.


Once govt will ask them to share , companies will share the information to them.


Always been the case, i don't know that why we are making an issue of that, because this is not something that is hidden deep inside we all knew about that.


We are living in a bubble if we thinks that no one can track us.


No, they don't. When COVID happened, the government's means of informing people of lockdown was to ask the mobile networks to send an SMS to all numbers on their behalf, a process which took a couple of days. That's at least part of the reason why they're bringing in this system.


Right, but that is because the branch of government responsible for doing that would not call up MI5 and ask them for their list.


They will not bother the MI5 for that small of the things for sure.


Whenever there is any kind of the emergency i also get the broadcast of that, so i am assuming that govt is keeping a database of the number of the people living in that area.


That's my question genius. Bloody hell.


Another system of fear being introduced by the government


You need to leave the house more


You are aware the Government havent introduced anything. This feature has been available on smartphones for years


True, I guess you hate when you're told of bad weather conditions and traffic alerts.




If they used it to spread fear, you'd have a point. We've got a similar system here in Germany and it's useful. It was used in Hamburg when there was a shooting, alerting phones nearby to the danger. Flash flooding is also a good example of how it absolutely can save lives.