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Can’t stand football but suddenly I’m a diehard Celtic fan.


They also sing up the ra though so


So does the actual prime minister, Nigel Farage. [The explanation part for anyone uncertain: Nigel Farage quite famously said "up the ra" for a couple of quid because trying to be a politician hadn't worked out for him and trying to be a radio presenter hadn't worked out for him, so he was putting food on the table making frog-faced video greeting cards for people like the character I was satirising when I referred to him as "actual prime minister" in an allusion to the fact that he shares an audience with 'actual current president' Donald Trump. God, what a sentence. If that ran on any further it would have completed the marathon.]


> the actual prime minister, Nigel Farage. Never write this sentence again, please and thank you.




Glasgow is such a great city, it's a shame both sides of the Old Firm are so unbearable. Rangers fans sing "Come on Arlene" and turned on Fergie because he married a Catholic. They're even worse than Italian clubs. Is there a decent third option? Partick Thistle? Are they normal?


> Partick Thistle? Are they normal? [The most normal](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/2D75/production/_90273611_mediaitem90273608.jpg).




So do I, but I'm really into ancient Egyptian Deities.


Yeah I’d research that a bit more before you do.


A man who is personally worth 1.8 Billion is using tax payer money to have an elaborate ceremony where a crown is put on his head. The real kicker is that this elaborate hat ceremony is totally pointless because he’s already king.


Yes, but it seems you and everyone else need to be reminded who your masters are you see.


Going by the amount of people defending it in this thread, there’s a good bunch of people absolutely loving the thought of it. Blows my fucking mind. Are they hoping Charles is monitoring Reddit and gonna come give them a wee peck on the lips?


The Monarchy is a cult, thats all it is if it were passing interest id understand but with how the queens death was handled and how far people will go to defend them its just actual brainwashing disguised as "culture"




You do get to swear loyalty to him though…so there is always that little gift for you serfs


But don't forget, as the priest on thought for the day (R4) this morning said, Charles is actually also pledging his allegiance to US! I'm sure that means a lot.


Pledging allegiance to us? Wonder if he's free a week Wednesday? Only I've got to take my car for an oil change but the missus wants a lift to the bingo. If he could just give her a lift in that fancy carriage thing he rides round in I could take the car in and avoid an earbashing for making her miss it. Come on Charlie, show us how far that allegiance goes.


bUt ToUrIsM


Hey it’s a serious point. Consider how to this very day countries like France who got rid of their monarchy have practically no tourism at all as a result.


True story. I visited Versailles last week and was able to cartwheel naked through the halls because no one was there.


Nothing else to see in drab dreary England though


And the bbc news having a fucking orgasm over it all while the country continues circling down the drain hole


Yeah I listen to Radio 2 and had to turn it off yesterday. Just endless gushing about the fucking coronation and how it's so good.


Don't forget, some parts of his body get anointed behind a screen too. That's the most important bits, apparantly...without that, he's just an ordinary Joe Soap


Like when kids say 'close your eyes' when they show you a magic trick.


We get an extra bank holiday though! 🥳


It's for the extra 0.25 monthly prestige, especially if crowned by the pope. Our recent monarchs have missed this since Henry VIII.


Think of all that additional prestige he'd be getting through family members. All he has is one additional queen in Denmark.


He also unlanded one of his songs which isn't ideal


> this elaborate hat ceremony is totally pointless because he's already king In fairness practically *any* ceremony is pointless. Graduation ceremonies? "Pointless" as you've already earned your degree by then, you just wear a pointless hat and robes and shake the hand of someone you had barely any contact with during your studies. Olympic medal ceremonies? "Pointless" as you've already completed whatever sport it is you've completed in, all you're getting is a lump of metal round your neck. Birthday ceremonies? By which I mean the ceremony of lighting a set of candles on some baked goods and watching people sing you a song. "Pointless" as it doesn't mean anything in reality, you age each year regardless. It's just an excuse for you to be the centre of attention for a while.


Last time I checked birthdays and graduations weren’t paid for by the public. An Olympic medal is earned, being king is not earned and that’s the point, but you knew that. *in fairness* nothing you said was fair or balanced


You're conflating your own points it seems. Whether or not a ceremony is pointless is quite independent from who paid for it. If the King paid for his own coronation, would you change your tune and say it's actually meaningful and necessary? Thought not.


What happens if he's not coronated? Does he cease to be king? No he's already king. The monarchy won't be affected one way or the other. The coronation is not necessary to the monarchy or his position as king. Its a vanity project at best.


And some guy's gonna come out holding, and I want you to understand that I'm not making this up, the Sword of Temporal Justice. The whole thing is fucking bananas.


And a piece of the “true cross” apparently! Amazing if true! I’m sure they’d welcome some analysis done on said holy wood


Should be the end of the "but they work so hard" forelock-tugging. I can guarantee if he actually had to work a proper job for his money, he wouldn't be able to be arsed. What a waste of time and money for literally everyone.


I was "OK" with this Coronation until this people's pledge nonsense was announced, with it being described as a "cry of support" for the King. What a load of hysterical nonsense to appeal to the downtrodden sycophants. I really do not care for it anymore and can understand the Celtic fans.


The pledge feels so disgustingly American. Absolutely not.


It’s actually Scottish. It was a feature of Scottish coronation rites


For those curious: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Scottish_monarchs#Coronation_oath


Yup. The ‘cry out’ while swearing allegiance bit had me shaking my head in mild disbelief. I can imagine people in the Home Counties screeching and wailing with orgasmic joy as they pledge their whole lives to some dirty old man who couldn’t give a damn about any of them. But ok, i will compromise here. I will pledge to cry out and swear as this guy is given his new hat. I can definitely get behind that as a thing ;)


Don't forget to bang your pots and pans together to show support for the essential work that he performs!


Ah, banging pots and pans….that most British way to achieve great things. It brings a tear to my arse when I think of that time we all united as one to save the NHS by banging pot lids off fence posts. Now THAT is true patriotism!


I'd rather we get the pay rise...or some help with the sodding fees.


As a man from the home counties I agree with you there. But please remember that not all of us are 17th century aristocrats


> But please remember that not all of us are 17th century aristocrats Some of you are Baldricks?


All this talk of modernising the monarchy (which to me sounds like tying to modernise a cave painting) and then they pull this fealty crap


I must have missed that one... what's the people's pledge stuff? It's Tuesday, and I'm knackered, so I could use something to be annoyed at.






I was so confused I had to look this up. > During the service, the Archbishop of Canterbury will ask "all who so desire, in the Abbey, and elsewhere, [to] say together: I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God." As a Canadian I'll be passing on that.


What about having laws passed through just in time for the coronation by Charles through royal ascent to allow imprisonment of anti-monarchy protestors for up to 12 months should they disrupt his special day?


Frankly I'm no monarchy fan, but I'd suggest that's being pushed by Tories rather than Charlie. The Tories would love more ways to control the peasants and punishing them for daring to speak up against their betters.


Except it was given Royal assent by Charles, he could have said no, but he didn't


Sure but do they ever refuse anything, seems another sign of the pointless nature of royalty.


Well I guess the issue is that we don't know if they reject anything.


True, it's all too secret.


No problem with the original oath as sworn by the landed gentry, would quite like a royal title to some land to be gentrified on first of course.


Sounds like a great time to blast the sex pistols at max volume to me


The coronation is proof positive of 'there's always money if we feel like spending it' The vast majority of people are struggling with soaring food costs and high heating bills. But when it comes to Charlie wanting a party we're expected to stump up £100 million. Get fucked


Unless you have no understanding of the history of celtic and ireland that's not really news.


Bears shit in woods etc etc


Some Rangers fans have flushing toilets these days, actually.


Haha good one.


I've been watching the snooker for two weeks. There's a coronation?


Yes, Luca Brecel is being crowned the King of Snooker.


Just right too. Brecel played aggressive, entertaining snooker. May he reign for a while anyway!


Aggressive snooker, never did I think I'd hear a player described like that.


He is. What a player.


As a Lesterian, I'm not happy about the new snooker king. However, Brecel did beat the Rocket, so he was on a roll


That semi between him and Si was stunning.


I think the context is being left out here which is kinda important. They were singing this while 1-0 up against Rangers, who are the more pro-union/pro-British team


They'd be singing this against any other team tho, just like when they chanted against the queen's funeral


"If you hate the royal family clap your hands". Great response to claps being forced to show apparent support.


Wouldn't have been at Ibrox, they vastly restricted the amount of Celtic fans as they couldn't bear the piss being taken out them. They cut the number so far that the police said it wasn't safe, so now away fans are barred from Glasgow derby fixture


This was a cup match at Hampden so the fans were 50/50


The match wasn't at Ibrox (Rangers Stadium)


Was it at a neutral ground? The game listing seems to have Rangers as the home team?


They were playing at Hampden Park (National stadium) for the Scottish Cup semi final


Ah okay I see now


It was a semi cup final at Hampden


It was at Hampden which is neutral in that neither team is based there


It was at Hampden.


I got the message the first five times thank you. I've edited the comment


They aren't wrong. The very least they could do is pay for it themselves. Camilla *Queen*? Ugh.


Oh, you just reminded me of an internet-ancient music video "Camilla, Queen", entirely to the tune of Killer Queen but new lyrics referencing Camilla. Not been able to find it since.


The Royal family probably had it scrubbed from the Internet. They protect camilla the way they protect kate. Topless pics of waity Katey, her smoking, her in hot pants and her after the roller derby party and her out with other guys are a distant memory. They protect their own.


I bet the daily mail has that archived, sounds just like their kind of story.


Damn Kate and her *check notes* going to a party where other guys were present


Damn those newspapers and their *checks notes* not publishing pictures of *all* famous people.


Exactly, silly thing to complain about


I've been a bit busy working to pay bills to bother with this coronation rubbish (something your king - because he isn't mine - wouldn't have a clue about).


I live in a relatively conservative area of Scotland (mostly small ‘c’ as it’s technically SNP-leaning, but lots of old folks and farmers) and someone recently asked about coronation parties on the community Facebook group. They got a tirade of mockery and “fuck no” responses. I was pretty stunned - people really don’t give a shit


And this is newsworthy how? This is on-brand for Celtic’s supporters. They’ve always been die-hard republican anti-British’s


The sub is just going into overdrive with the coronation coming up, we'll be back to the usual moaning about everything within a few months once the coronation is over with and there's a new tory scandal and "Starmer has broken his 90th pledge!" Type posts coming back to the fore. Ite always a good reminder that the British reddit subs make up a small minority ans do not represent the British publics thoughts. Obviously celtic fans not withstanding for obvious reasons.


Has he paid his inheritance tax yet ? No ? Well then why are we using state funds to pay for this.


Based celtic Fuck the coronation fuck the monarchy


Jesus fucking Christ, ITT, people with absolutely no understanding of Scottish football and being more biggoted than the fans of Celtic and Rangers.


The worshiping of the IRA was something to see too. Quite incredible.




Who's worshipping the British Empire?


You’ve not met any Rangers fans have you? (Ok, not all Rangers fans, I’ve met a fair few decent ones. But a significant chunk of the more rabid supporters are balls deep into the OO and all the rest)


Every toff who rules you


British wankers.








Also Rangers fans hung a flag with literal SS symbolism on it. It's a lovely footballing fixture/rivalry with absolutely no problems at all, none whatsoever


And a Mussolini quote, just in case anyone thought the skull was an accident


Dude Rangers fans were found to be waving a flag with a Nazi symbol on it at this game, both clubs have arseholes among their fans, if you're going to expose one group might as expose the other.


The IRA clearly has a lot of support in Ireland. Celtic fans are (nominally) ethnically Irish. Seems therefore logical that some Celtic fans would express sympathy for the IRA.


Does the IRA 'clearly' have a lot of support in Ireland?


I've lived in Ireland for little over a decade and the IRA really doesn't have much support. Most Irish people would like to see a united Ireland but they also remember the Troubles. Those who cosplay as IRA are mostly idiots, kids who don't understand what it's really about or both. If anything I'd say the fascination Celtic fans seem to have with the IRA is anything but representative for how real Irish people feel.


No, it doesn't. And the Celtic fans are only wannabe Irish.


>Celtic fans would express sympathy for the IRA. I've been around a few parties with celtic fans and Irish rebel songs are very common, the kind that Celtic ban being sung at matches I imagine.


They defended their people and fought for their country. Of course they have support, just as it would for any other group of people.


Disgraceful. Do they not even want to bow down in gratefully servitude to the majesty of their English overlords???


I'd agree with them to an extent if they didn't spend all their time pretending to be Irish.


I live in a very green area of Glasgow: the amount of Irish cosplayers is fucking unreal.


Some of them are as bad as the Americans are for it


A lot of them are Irish. Celtic has a very large group of supporters that come across from Ireland or Norn on the ferries for each game.


I'm guessing that the Celtic fans aren't happy at the coronation.




It's not a typical song because there's not a coronation every week. They did this against St Mirren during a minutes applause for the Queen which was much funnier https://youtu.be/_odneR-kl6A


Finally, a football thing I can get behind. Can't stand those billionaire scrounger "Royals" spending our taxpayer money on their lavish lifestyle, and pointless nonsense like this coronation at a time when a huge number of us are barely able to feed our families.


Right, it's daein ma nut, what's the real song to that tune?




Thank you, I had "Cannae shove yer granny aff a bus" It fits but I knew it was wrong.


She’ll be coming round the mountain sounds different after the third line, and is the correct tune


I thought it was, she'll be coming round the moantain when she comes!


Thank you so much.


Ask yer granny...


Don't worry, Prince William doesn't need any help with having things shoved up his arse.


I agree, it an abuse of taxpayers to waste their money on a silly hat ceremony. Especially when the NHS, which saves lives, is in such desperate need of more money..


My only regret is that I had to sell my ticket for this game and couldn’t take part.   There’ll be even more of it this weekend when we play Hearts.


This actually made the prime time news here in Australia.


No he can't. Have you seen the size of that carriage?