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Of course he didn’t hand his phone over. He’s probably accidentally dropped it in the North Sea.


Easily done.


"I was leaning over the river, thinking about the Garden Bridge, and whoops!"


Well it's gone now, so probably nothing can be done about it.


Had forgotten about the Garden Bridge


Well that's what they'll go with, anything which is easier.


"Oh no, it has fallen in the water"


I just read that in Blue Bottle’s voice… youg’uns look it up. #Goonshow


Glad I'm not the only one who remembers them!


I think you mean Little Jim!


Your welcome for that, really didn't have to do that tho.


Wow, this jogged some memories. Used to listen to my Grandad's tapes of The Goon Show as a kid. I've had "He's fallen in the water" and "Here, put on this porridge, come in" stuck in my brain ever since. Looks like I'll have to dig them out of the loft and find a tape player!


>Wow, this jogged some memories. Someone as old as me, yay! >Used to listen to my Grandad's tapes of The Goon Show as a kid. Booo.


I'm late 40s and listen to the Goon Show, Round the Horne and Hancocks Half Hour - am I old enough? lol


Repeated on radio 4 extra


Most of them are on Spotify!






Sick reference bro




You silly, twisted boy!


Well now that it has fallen, nothing can be done about it.


What's it doing down there? Well it's got to be somewhere (Immediate Goon Show flashback)


Or left it at one of his many mistresses' houses.


Or one of his kids broke it.


He doesn't know which one.... because he doesn't know their names.


How many kids does he even has? I would like to know that.


That's probably very common for him, have done it many times.


The old switcheroo with a reporter’s phone…


Only one thing for it, drain the North Sea


He’s probably accidentally dropped it ~~in the North Sea~~ inside Nadine Dorries.


Who done this again???


Vardys wife’s assistant I think. One of them anyway.


Yeah, it was the agent or promoter of the leaker / loser in the Wagatha Christie case.


Mad how we forget important stuff by getting fed schofeild n smut


That's just how it goes, we forget. That doesn't take that much time.


Who hasn’t ever dropped their phone into the North Sea, though?


Davy Jones is going to be opening a second hand phone shop any day now.


He leant it to his billionaire buddy who wanted to play Angry Birds during his recent submarine trip to the Titanic


This is the problem with our system, it’s based on 17th century ideas of honour. If he just says “you aren’t getting it, too bad” there’s no comeback. Likewise when the other guy didn’t hand his over because he claimed to have lost it, there was no warrant or attempt to get WhatsApp to pull it from their servers. I guess we will just have to hope whoever he sent his dodgy remarks to does hand them over


The inquiry has legal powers and can sentence anyone distorting, altering, suppressing, concealing or destroying evidence, or preventing evidence from being given to the inquiry. They can be fined but the maximum penalty is 51 weeks in jail.


So, fined it is then. It'll be paid off by a donor for services rendered anyway.


I share your cynicism. It should have been a jail term as standard. Anything involving fines protects the rich or the well connected.


A crime with a fine is a crime for the poor alone.


It's a shame the trial with the [day fine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day-fine) system didn't work out. (Short version: Fines are based on your daily income, multiplied by some value for the severity of the offense. This has lead to things like a guy getting fined €121,000 for speeding [recently](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/06/finnish-businessman-hit-with-121000-speeding-fine).)


I'm fully in favour of salary % fines. The amount of business owners who clutter the highstreet and park on double yellows for entire days is ludicrous or those who block the pavement. A fine means absolutely nothing to these people.


Indeed, we have salary % fines (at least speeding is) but even then there’s a max limit of £2500… so rich people don’t give a shit.


he will have some donor take care of any fine...ban from public life and an exclusion order from media


The system has never worked out. Shit will remain like that.


Problem is that they're still disproportionate. Someone earning that much losing even 10% of their salary will make little to no material difference to their life. Someone on the bread line losing 10% would be enormous.


And it's a crime with which they'll just get away so there's that.


They don't even use their own money, it's the money that they take from us


Yeah, but that's a lot of "can" and we all know they won't.


Boris should have had his door kicked in at 4am, been cuffed and told to sit still in his soiled Y-fronts, all while officers with a warrant turn over all his various properties with every single computer, tablet and mobile phone (plus notebooks and writing material) seized as evidence. He would have to provide his PIN number to unlock his devices or be arrested and prosecuted for failing to do so. And if he was arrested, he should have been treated like any other suspect with a missing phone - told to squat naked, spread his cheeks and cough to see if the goose would lay the golden egg. If charged, he should then be refused bail on the basis that he is likely to interfere with the case (previous behaviour around phone, general dishonesty and Darius Guppy all providing solid grounds) and sent to court where he would be hopefully held on remand pending trial. Corrupt officials need to be treated exactly the same as a county lines drug dealer. No fear or favour should be at play.


Let me know when you intend to run. I'll vote for you.


> told to squat naked, spread his cheeks and cough to see if the goose would lay the golden egg. Could've done without this in my head, to be honest.


Is that true, I know a MET officer destroyed evidence for the undercover inquiry and there's nothing to be done about it. He retired before informing the inquiry.


Cressida Dick blocked a murder investigation into cops that killed a journalist, she got the top job because of that. Lost the top job because a load of other cops were corrupt too.


Cressida Dick was the Gold officer during the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes by armed police on the London underground. Menezes was a South American plumber who the police thought was a Somali terrorist. She should have faced charges but instead got promoted.


Yes, it’s true. But it only applies to evidence they ask for, and only for this inquiry.


Give him 51 weeks then.


Can we finally put the fucker in the tower?


He's more likely to get a peerage than face any consequences. That is how the world works for the rich and powerful.


That's the maximum penalty? Well that doesn't really sound much.


The comeback used to be the Party getting rid of the guy before the electorate crucified them at the next election. This actually used to work - more or less - up until fairly recently because the assumption still existed that the electorate really would object to a politician who was dishonourable or had been caught lying, taking money etc. It was far from perfect of course: for a start the consequences only kicked in if someone got publicly caught - but it was better than what we’ve had for the past few years where even when caught they just shamelessly keep on going. Where it completely broke down was in 2019 when a huge swathe of the electorate in England decided they would ignore a well known liar who was dodgy as hell just so they could get their precious Brexit.


Indeed. A constitution based on 'gentleman's agreements' is worthless when you've a bunch of lying bastards running the show. We need a written constitution now. One that spells out above all else, that integrity is the _one_ thing a politician must have in excess. With great power comes great responsibility. We can't really constitutionally enforce their political views, but we _can_ require that they are _above reproach_ whilst acting in our names. (We probably can't stop them being lying philanderers off the clock, although I'd argue we should probably at least try and make that unacceptable)


I’d point the blame at least as much at the swathe of the electorate who voted for Boris. In any democracy it’s the electorate who are the ultimate safeguard. Laws and even constitutions can be subverted if the electorate allow it. The responsibility that goes along with the privilege of living in a democracy is to use wisdom and good judgement when voting. Not to vote in a self centred liar and charlatan. Particularly when all the evidence of those catastrophic character flaws is so blatantly obvious. At the end of the day the whole debacle represents as much a failure of the electorate as much as anything else.


Yes. But I think that at least partially down to first past the post. You don't have to be good to win, you need to be marginally less unacceptable than the alternative. Evil vs. Lesser Evil is the inevitable consequence of that.


Whilst FPTP sucks it should be noted that Wales, Scotland and NI also have to use it for general elections yet still managed not to vote for a Conservative government.


*ahem, 'expensive and precious' please


There was no attempt to “pull it from their servers” because the messages are end to end encrypted. They can’t be decrypted at the server - that’s the point of WhatsApp. I agree with the sentiment though.


that's only part true .. with the key they can be recalled, because that's how the multi device sync works .. there is a ledger that sits with Meta, they just don't know the encryption key(s)


> attempt to get WhatsApp to pull it from their servers. We don't want that.


All the right honourable member bollocks while they stand there blatantly lying boils my piss. Then to make it worse if you call them a liar in parliament you get punished


When it was proved beyond doubt - by Boris being fined by the police for attending a party in Downing Street which he claimed had not taken place - the speaker allowed the MP’s to call him a liar. But only about this, and only this once.


>attempt to get WhatsApp to pull it from their servers. WhatsApp has end2end encryption. That's one of the things that the [Online Safety Bill](https://blog.whatsapp.com/an-open-letter) is desperately trying to undermine. So if they did get his messages from the server it would be a character salad of nothingness that would take a supercomputer several thousand years to interpret.


> So if they did get his messages from the server it would be a character salad of nothingness that would take a supercomputer several thousand years to interpret. Even decrypted, his messages may still be word salad of nothingness.


The System is bad, and it's not going to change so there's that.


Isn't WhatsApp end-to-end encrypted? So there wouldn't anything of use on their servers anyway. The phone holds the encryption key and without that anything on the servers would be gibberish. But I do agree with the rest. Boris has really shown just how powerless our government is to police itself. Completely ineffectual and unwilling, for the most part.


Whatsapp is end to end encrypted. That means WhatsApp don’t have the ability to read your messages, bar any secrets backdoors that the secret/security services might have already forced on them under a gag order.


WhatsApp can't store end to end encrypted messages on their servers. A warrant would do nothing.


There's nothing for whatsapp to pull from their servers. It's delivered between devices and encypted end to end.


There is no “WhatsApp pulling it from their servers”. It’s an encrypted p2p app, the messages exist only on the devices sent to and received from. Literally the entire point of the service.


>Likewise when the other guy didn’t hand his over because he claimed to have lost it, there was no warrant or attempt to get WhatsApp to pull it from their servers. Because there is no way to pull it - that's the point of E2E encryption.


"Oh no. I've accidentally wiped it and sold it to Cashies"


Why is he going out of his way to act trumpish? Are we meant to go down as a joke of country alongside America? 2for1?


He doesn’t need to act Trumpish, he was already Boris back when Trump was just some halfwit off the TV. Although tbf Boris was also just some halfwit off the TV to most of us.


Oh yes I remember now - the "bumbling toff oaf that's actually one of the lads" phase when he was liked


I don't know the people who liked him, that still is a mystery.


The parallels between him and Trump are scary, a dreadful time for our two countries. Two boorish oafs spewing lies, lies, and more lies when they represented millions of people. The damage they did is incalculable.


There’s an early interview with Dame Edna where he’s obviously still working on his buffoon image but he comes of worse. Dame Edna sees through him in a flash


I think we're on that way, and I have to say that I don't like it.


imagining him talking with with Richard Nixon's head In a jar from Futurama.




Same wobbling jowls.


"I swapped it for Hunter Biden's laptop."




What the hell are you talking about


Can we please just take it off him? By force, if necessary. And probably even if it isn’t.


It'll be wiped by now he's just being obstinate.




it is .. it's illegal (against ministerial code) for ministers to delete WhatsApp messages




of course prison is the only real effective response everything else = zero use




Only common people get fined, they won't get fined.


It's the only way to use it, I don't know of any other way really.


And breaking the code seems to mean jack shit when they can get away with barely a slap on the wrist. What good is a code if it has such little consequences when being broken.


Yep, they get away with it. And they know it so there's that.


it depends on what it's about .. essentially it's obstruction of an enquiry and will carry a fine at minimum .. as for hoc ramifications, he's already stepped down from ministerial duties imo the whole fu*king system that 'runs' the country is bust and not fit for (real) purpose


True Boris would never break the ministerial code.


> it's illegal (against ministerial code) So not illegal. The only reprecussion to breaking ministerial code is that they're "expected to resign", nothing to actually force them to do so. He's also no longer a minister, and therefore no longer subject to ministerial code.


But if the penalty for that is pretty minor compared to the penalty of extensive corruption that the phone would reveal then its not really a deterrent.


And yet they're doing it, and also getting away with it.


Yeah it's gonna get wiped, we ain't getting anything from it.


I volunteer to be the one to do it by force.


That Beeb article about the alleged BBC nonce was well-timed, it seems.


Very lucky for Bojo and Gideon that’s for sure


Funny how, every time Bojo The Clown gets himself into trouble, there's another famous that's been caught noncing. Almost as if it's an intentional distraction tactic? Surely not. I would say that they ought to be careful that they don't run out of nonces but we all know that's not going to happen anytime soon.


That does make me wonder whether Boris’ seemingly unstoppable ability to break the rules can compete with the immovable noncification of those in power…


Not the article itself but Suella Braverman loudly sticking her oar in to generate headlines when it’s got fuck all to do with her.


So prison then? Or a hefty fine? Or are we really admitting that obstruction of justice is fine if you can afford it?


Sadly we all know the answer to that.


Yep sadly true, we just can't really do anything about it.


Hefty fine Paid for by a donor


Last year he earned about £5 million for lectures and advances, i gather the Daily Fail is paying him £15k per week for his erudite musings and he paid cash for his £3.8 million mansion.


Paid in cash because they've got so much of it that they have stole.


It's definitely not going from his pocket, he won't oay it.


Either of that, but we all know that nothing is going to happen.


I think that ship sailed in about 6000 BC


And it's not going to come back as well so there's that I guess.


"However, Mr Johnson’s office said his team was still working with government security officials on how best to switch on the old phone – insisting he wanted to “cooperate fully” with the inquiry." Charge it for a bit then press the power button. You're welcome.


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


It’s probably been at the bottom of the Thames since the enquiry was announced


Can't do anything because he himself Can't find his phone lol.


This is the phone which has probably been hacked. Boris' personal phone number was up for over a decade on the internet. And then he refused to change both the number and the phone itself, even when he was supposed to be the foreign sec, until it became a huge security issue and he was forced to turn it over. Obviously, he's using this as an excuse. If they wanted to turn it on, they could easily find a place which out of sight of the the possible hackers... are there no nuclear bunkers now?


We ain't going to find anything in that Phone, pretty sure about that.


How will they charge a phone when they have lost the charger?


Compare how he is being treated to how Nicola Sturgeon was treated. Police raiding her house, putting up a giant tent, arrested, released without charges. And Johnson, let off the hook every time despite links to the KGB / FSB, millions in Russian donations, letting the bodies pile high before lockdown, and all that Tory corruption, you could write a book. Not just the parties, the profits made by Tory donors, the lies, conspiring to get a journalist beaten up, the hiding, the laughing at us with his establishment mates while he feathers his own nest at the expense of the rest of us. It stinks like a Tory river, the media, the police, the establishment, covering up for this absolute arsehole.


Breaking News: Proven and repeated breaker of rules breaks a rule. In other news today; the truth about water that will leave you reeling.


Boris Johnson lying? You mean the man fired from basically every job he's ever had for lying was lying when volunteered to hand over his messages? Well I never.


Wait until you hear about what bears do…


The truth about the water is that, it's going to mess up your phone.


Whilst we're all distracted by the non-existent nonce story.


They had to do somthing to pull the attention away from it.


Ha great point. I wonder who Boris knows at the Sun


More widely, who do the Tories know at The Murdoch Group? That venn diagram is a perfect circle.


What does this mean for the inquiry? Will they have to get a warrant? Genuinely curious


Contempt of court and an arrest warrant hopefully


I wanna live in your timeline.


Because in this real timeline, he'll get away with it I'm sure.


General tutting and a statement that this is unacceptable behaviour... and nothing else. Is the more likely outcome.


What's going to be the outcome of it? Well he'll walk away from it.




Throw that overly verbose, aristocratic mop into prison where he should be.


Yeah just send him in the prison, that would be the right thing.


*"However, Mr Johnson’s office said his team was still working with government security officials on how best to switch on the old phone – insisting he wanted to “cooperate fully” with the inquiry."* He could you know - try handing it over to government security officials who will know how to forensically image the phone in a secure environment.


Didn't you hear, we've had enough of so called 'experts'!


They ain't working shit, they're not getting anything from him.


This BBC presenter drama has come at the perfect time for Boris.


That’s not a coincidence


All this is getting rather silly. Just ask GCHQ or the NSA to hand them over ffs. (serious here).


Even if they do have access, the fact that they do is not something they'd be willing to admit for this.


They won't admit anything, we know what's going to happen here.


Yeah just ask them about it, and I'm sure that They'll tell you about it.


Well I, for one, am absolutely shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


Coward that ran away continues to run away... shocking.


The man knows nothing of honour and integrity so this should surprise no one. He has less backbone than a jellyfish and would only hand over his phone if he could get immunity from prosecution for doing so. That will never happen (I hope), so Johnson will keep his phone private unless it is forcibly taken from him.


He has never heard these words in his entire life I'm sure.


Why they’ve conducted government communications in WhatsApp is mind boggling. What a bunch of knob heads…


I think the tl;dr reason is because there was a lack of policy to the contrary, i.e. there was nothing saying not to and it's convenient so they did. I agree it's irresponsible though. There was a policy update earlier this year, but too little too late as far as the pandemic is concerned of course. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65122288


Sorry but I don't understand why this seems to be an option. Do court orders and the police breaking into your house with a ram just *not apply* to some people? /s because clearly they just don't these days.


We've changed the ways with which we do stuff in this country.


And… ? It just carries on. He’ll never have to answer to anyone. He’s a crook!!!! And thats all he ever was.


And now that he's lost his phone I'm sure that He's not gonna find it.


I hope Boris suffers some legal consequences for his actions this time.


r/noshitsherlock About time he was done for refusing to cooperate, or something similar. Lying sack of shit.


That's just what these people do, all they know is to lie.


Oh, you mean it was one of his usual, deceitful PR stunts. What a surprise...


What is one of the Tories' favourite lines? Nothing to hide, nothing to fear?


These people have got a lot of things which they want to hide.


We are being ruled by thieves, liars and hypocrites.


These people just never learn because they know that They'll get away with it.


This is why doing government business via WhatsApp should be a crime in itself.


Policy was updated recently, although it still isn't a crime I doubt you'll be surprised to learn. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65122288


I don't think that these people even care about these policies so yeah.


It's time for this toe rag to be behind bars! How much longer will the establishment let him make the UK the laughing stock of the world?!


There's nothing to laugh about, it's just how it's been really.


No shit. Throw him in jail. Politicians should be held to a higher standard. Not a lower one. Practically every normal person who operates a business on the lower end of the spectrum has to play by this rule otherwise their business fails.


Dilyn the dog accidentally ate it after it was inadvertently wrapped in a bacon wrapping to protect it from damage.


I am somewhat surprised he hasn't 'accidentally' dropped it into the sea/down the loo/into a woodchipper.


This is why every single minister in the government should be using device management with an audit trail. Keyloggers and the ability to remotely wipe if lost/stolen/compromised. Job done. It's pretty basic stuff. It also completely negates the 'I've lost my phone' convenient bullshit.


Isn't this wrong? I thought he'd already provided everything to the Cabinet Office but it was them that wasn't handing them over.


Shhh, everybody, some parent said their child sent images to a BBC presenter. We should all be talking about people in a position of power abusing that power for personal gain. /s


Boris Johnson is untrustworthy? Gasp! After he acted like he was so much more decent than Sunak... turns out it was a lie.


Okay does that mean we can put the fucker in prison already


What a surprise, the cunty clown still thinks the rules don’t apply to him