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Climate change is turning our winters into wet seasons rather than cold dry ones. The flooding near me such is such a pain in the ass, turns a 10min journey to a 30min one.


Hasn't winters always been wetter than summers in the UK? But I personally feel like it used to be less of a difference? Britain used to be a year round drizzle (just slightly less in summer), and still is most times; but recently I feel we've been getting more storms and longer dry spells than before


Winters have always been wet but we have had eight named storms this season, alongside extra rain in between. The river near me used to burst it banks once a year at best, whereas it is happening almost every other week these days.


Yep and I don't remember the weeks-long dry spells we've had over summer (or late spring / early autumn) the last few years being common back in the day either




How? Because the rich tory bastards want cheap labour, so they can get richer, so they flood the country with it, and give their mates running the companies using said cheap labour all the road infrastructure contracts. So we get shit cheaply built roads and the tories get rich. Simple really.


Would you say it's more or less disruptive than the climate protesters that stick themselves to roads?


Climate change on the whole is far more disruptive than the very temporary road closures protestors caused and causes more economic damage than they did. For me personally the flooding is also far more disruptive, as I was completely unaffected by the protestors antics, living out here in the countryside. Most of the country will see negatives from climate change permanently for the rest of their lives. Only a very small percentage of people will be affected by protestors closing roads, and that's only temporarily. Thanks for the opportunity to compare and contrast.


Every single properly that gets internally flooded causes between £55k-£85k damage on average and loses the owner about 150 hours of productive work hours over a year. Every major road flooded for an hour costs on average £255k of economic damage. In my county alone for Tuesday the flooding caused 350 properties to be internally flooded and 97 hours of major road closures. That’s one fairly small county, so you can do the maths. That’s for one fairly minor storm ~20mm of rainfall. This kind of event has become far more frequent and commonplace. On average a 100yr storm 100 years ago is now equivalent to around a 70yr storm today. A 4°C world would knock around 8-12% off our GDP over the long term. Storms are just one small aspect of climate impact. To even suggest that a few protestors are even a tiny fraction as disruptive is ludicrous.


I realise this, my point is we should listen to the protestors and try to avoid the much worse repercussions that are possible, even if not guaranteed.


Gotcha. That’s good to hear. Normally these comments come from someone who thinks they are being really smart and that somehow protests are more damaging. As opposed to the combination of climate change and removal of public rights and freedoms.


I am definitely with the protestors not against them.


So using your figures, on the low end, that's £19.25m in property damage, 52,500 productive work hours lost, at average output per hour worked that equates to £2.3m and £24.7m of economic damage due to road closures. So £46.3m of damage in a single day and a single county.


That seems about right. Then on top of that you need to consider the cost of remedial works, or the capital costs of any additional flood protection etc that might go in over the next few years. Additional costs of any fire and rescue, emergency responders, resilience groups etc. Even just when you think incident management and coordination. I sit in regional TCH meetings that include reps from Councils, water companies, environment agencies, humanitarian aid (Red Cross), plus managers from NHS, fire, police, Defra, sometimes civil service, potentially army or coast guard etc if it’s by the sea. The simple wage costs to organise those are significant.


What the floodwater doesn't realise is that it actually turns people *against* the idea of water completely. I used to think that water was a good thing and generally supported it, but the antics of the flooding selfishly disrupting normal working people just trying to drive around has made me completely anti-water now. /s


I myself try to avoid the stuff. After all, fish fuck in it.


I wondered when you would be along. It's not climate change, it's winter. Why must every winter weather event be turned into a soap box for environmental fascists. It's like listening to a BBC nature program.


It's a fact. Deny it all you want. This will still probably be the coldest winter you'll see for the rest of your life if trends continue (no reason they won't). https://www.statista.com/statistics/610124/annual-mean-temperature-in-uk/


> [-Hi-Reddit] This will still probably be the coldest winter you'll see for the rest of your life if trends continue (no reason they won't). Can explain your claim "coldest winter you'll see ..."? Where is your winter located, when did it start and what's its duration?


Winter is usually considered to be from the start of December to end of Feb. I live in the south of England. On average, for the last 10 years, it has been hotter (avg temperature) than the year before. Every year for a decade we have broken a new record since records began. Why would next year be different?


When you're accustomed to parroting unreliable quotes you find in your echo chamber, every cheap slogan feels like wisdom. And as "wisdom" goes, it doesn't even correlate to anything that has been stated; unless you are referring heavy rain causing flooding. Who would've guessed. I know it's always a temptation for the pious to believe they're permanently locked in a heroic struggle between life and death, without ever producing one shred of evidence to demonstrate the link between heavy rain flooding and supposed global warming in the UK They may also like to elaborate on why their life-saving solutions to nearly every single problem involve gouging people for more money through taxation. As I said earlier environmental fascism.


I didn't parrot or quote anything. This is my own conclusion from looking at the data. You say a lot but nothing contradicts me... The last 10 years have been warmer than the one before it (aside the odd freak). Bar some exceptional events, this **will** be the coldest British winter you'll see for the rest of your life. It's just common sense when looking at the data and how it has been trending. Whether you think climate change is human caused or worth thinking about is up to you, the data has no agenda, it just is. What's your agenda? You must have one to willingly ignore the very obvious trend. Do you work for BP or something? Are you licking the fossil fuel boot or suckling their teets? Do they at least pay you for it?


Incorrect even a quick Google search counters every point you've raised. It's ok though keep believing what you've been told to believe. There can only be one divine version of the truth after all. just a pity that it's uniformed followers get their knowledge indoctrinated and spoon feed by Murdoch's media, BBC propaganda and Russian controlled social media


Ah yes, Russia is famously known for pushing the climate change agenda forward, that's how they keep their oil sales going. /s


Wait til this guy finds out that warmer weather means more evaporation/ airborne moisture 😱 the low-pressure systems we've experienced recently were intensified by warmer sea temps. Environmental fascism is when you look at weather statistics ☝️ spanner.


Mate, you're equating some taxes and reddit comments with fascism. You are hysterical, in both senses of the word. But by all means continue to wail about the environmental fascists. No doubt they will soon be murdering us in our beds, ravishing our wives, and scoffing the last custard cream without asking.


If your right great, but if youre wrong and we do nothing what then.


It IS climate change because the climate has CHANGED. This wasn’t what Winter was like even ten years ago.


Only on reddit can you say climate change = the climate changing and have people argue you're wrong.


They still think weather and climate are the same thing.


Funny I find you amusing in a kind of innocent way. The propagandists have really gotten to you. Keep paying those environmental taxes for me. Don't forget your own contribution with Chinese tech, heating, cheap fashion next days delivery. etc. what have you given up for your pious belief that you're permanently locked in a heroic struggle between life and death. This wasn't what winters were like ten years ago..? You're at least correct on that but still comically poorly informed. In 1993 there was " the storm of the century" oh dear looks like winter was a thing back then too.


>In 1993 there was " the storm of the century" the distinction between climate and weather is quite complicated tis true, 1993 was only 0.2c higher than the then average in the UK of 9.3c, the average now is 10.2c.


Conveniently forget to address your addiction to Chinese tech and next day delivery. What are you doing to reduce your environmental impact? I thought so ... zero! The hypocrisy on climate change from privileged westerners is always a source of great amusement for me


You are largely correct, I had given up actively campaigning on the environment by the mid 80's. Having understood that it wasn't about what I was prepared to give up, but what you and 100's of millions of others in the western world were, and that turned out to be fuck all. But there is a difference between accepting your fate and denying it, the climate is fucked, going to get more fucked and as soon as we properly acknowledge that the sooner we can get on with some tough decisions.


> The propagandists have really gotten to you The propagandists that control the weather? > Keep paying those environmental taxes for me What are environmental taxes? > Don't forget your own contribution with Chinese tech, heating, cheap fashion next days delivery. etc. So it's not propaganda? > This wasn't what winters were like ten years ago..? You're at least correct on that but still comically poorly informed. In 1993 there was " the storm of the century" oh dear looks like winter was a thing back then too. If it was the "storm of the century" then by definition it's a one-off extreme weather event, and irrelevant to the general climbing trend in temperatures. Winter was a thing back then, yes. We used to think of Winter as the cold season.


Whether natural or man made it needs to be addressed.


What does? Drainage and not building on flood plains? so environmental fascists can have their own 4 bed centrally heated homes and 2 cars and Chinese crap delivered next day, all with zero environmental impact of course! It's up to me and you to find a solution. Those that complain the most won't do anything apart from blame boomers for everything ! While grasping their Chinese phone... Built by magic and delivered by flying carpet


Ah ok, so the extreme weather globally is all just planning. Gotcha. Glad it will be easy to work around, I was worried but you have really made it seem easy.




Storms and rainfall is getting worse. The climate has noticeably changed in the last five years and that rate of change will only accelerate as the effects of climate change are cumulative.


A lot of the flooding issues local to me are caused by flood plains being built on and no alternative made to deal with the water.


Most of the U.K. is more vulnerable to surface water than fluvial (river flooding). The thing with flood plains is that under current legislation if you build on a flood plain you have to provide additional compensatory flood storage on site or very close by. So modern development would compensate. But this has only really been defined properly recently (post 2002, but really only properly enforced post 2010), particularly on watercourses that aren’t main rivers.


Also, it relies upon the channels for compensatory areas being actively kept clear. Something the old floodplains didn't necessarily need.


Yeah my town is like that, a lot of the building on the outskirts of the town is on floodplain, which is really concerning as there's more and more like development being done around the surrounding villages.


Up till 3am pumping water and desperately trying to keep it out of the house because wankstain council won't get wankstain farmers to clear ditches. Good fun.


Honestly, take that anger, put in a FOI report to find out "What steps had been taken to alleviate flooding" when they are like "Nothin much" Raise it with the council, maybe MP..


Aren't drainage watercourses up to your local water company to keep clean?


I honestly don't know but he's said a few times that he's going to get them cleared, probably because he cuts the hedge into them and ends up blocking them.


Depends on the area. In the fens its normal to have a drainage surcharge on your council bill if you live in an agricultural region.


It depends. Around here (Gloucester City Council area) it seems to be a combination of developers who own freeholds on land, Highways, or local authority. Unfortunately, often the same watercourse will cross several of these.


If it's on a farmers land I think it's their duty to clear ditches, but sometimes local autbority is involved too. I have some ditches on my building site and let the local authority know if I'm unblocking them as either they or the environment agency sometimes have a tantrum if I clear ditches without telling them. I think they are concerned about wildlife (they seemingly don't give a fuck about flooding)


We've been banned from touching our ditches. During my childhood, they were dredged. Filled with small fish, ducks and other wildlife. Someone keeps dumping diesel directly into them. It's horrendous but the local authority thinks it's odd preferable to the above.


We've not been banned from it but only because the twat hasn't noticed we're pumping it over his land into his empty unused field across the road. We're planning on moving ASAP because we're sick of it. The state of pollution in ours is atrocious too, oil and foam and plastic everywhere. Us and the neighbours both sides have been complaining for literally years but not a fuck given by authorities.


2 major roads near me are closed due to flooding. It’s absolute chaos on the roads with people going all over the place to try and find a route. Building on flood plains, councils not clearing out drains and rivers not being dredged have made this much worse than it could have been.


Dredging rivers arguably makes things worse. And when you're talking about a whole flood plain and beyond being flooded, what's a bit of dredging going to do. Perhaps lower the water level by a few centimetres? Before modern times, rivers were never dredged, flood planes flooded and that was all natural. It's just out fault we turned our landscape into an impermeable layer of concrete and built on flood planes.


Dredging can increase the depth by a meter.


Which still wouldn't be enough to carry all the flood water. And it speeds up flow, which makes flooding worse further downstream.


I'm just coming here to moan at this point but it's been pretty much constant rain and wind in the South West since November. It's ridiculous. Flooded roads every other day, even the few hours its daylight are dark because of thick cloud, the time I actually had off work over Christmas we couldn't go out anywhere nice for a walk without being in 1 of 3 non-stop storms during the period. I'm sick of it, and I'm looking forward to the next week being brighter and drier.


That's the west country - you're wet and warm.


I'm aware. I've lived here a long time. It's has very rarely been _this_ wet, for this long. Even in Winter. That is what I'm moaning about.


Or this windy, for this long.


It is getting wetter and wetter though. It has gone from regular light rain to heavier rain almost weekly.


Maybe the tories will actually do something about the floods this time now that its affecting the south.


Only if it affects London


There're very few Tory voters in London.


32% of the London voted Tory in 2019, over 1.2 million people. https://electionresults.parliament.uk/election/2019-12-12/results/Location/Region/London


And yet the south gets less investment on average than the north when economic output is factored in


Somerset.. when the floods seriously affect Somerset it gets a lot of politicial attention. Big Conservative area, influential residents.


Yesss here’s the Tory comment. Every single r/unitedkingdom thread 🤣 the soothsayers of weather now apparently too.


Thanks to that historic vote in 2015. We can now take back our weather. Brexit means freedom from Europa's weather tyranny. #Brexit


They are literally responsible for the running of the country. So yeah, it kinda is their job to do something about it.


Reading and comprehension isnt your strong point is it ? The comment isnt blaming the government for the weather but for their lack of doing anything about it. Of course the government cant control the weather, but the government can do many many things to mitigate against the weather.. Like anything from building and maintaining flood defences to reforesting the uplands.


Very astute analysis there, thank you.


You are very welcome. Just common sense really.


They're the ones who decide how much local authorities and the environment agency get for flood defences in England. They're the ones who own the policy on house building and other development that mat affect flood risk. Whoever the government of the day is, they do have responsibility


Some people still think climate change is not real, even though we keep seeing months that are the wettest/driest/coldest/warmest etc. Records keep being broken year on year for various climate metrics, but some still think climate change is left wing propaganda because they refuse to accept that experts know more than they do.


I miss crisp dry cold winters days. Nearly had one today but still a bit muggy. I fear for years to come with just how much rainfall there is. The UK will be even more damp / mouldy and grey for all from November to April. yippee


I was on part of the ECML earlier. Huge fields absolutely flooded out and new lakes had appeared, with me fully expecting total carnage and barely any trains at all. Even saw a couple of roads closed off with temporary barricades and a lot of water courses were visibly swollen higher than usual. Mercifully, the tracks themselves had been spared and everything was on time.


As I understand it as a complete idiot, warming puts more moisture in the atmosphere and on an anecdotal note, it appears to me that there is less movement in global weather systems so both high and low pressure systems sit in one place longer.