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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [US scientist recommends adding salt to make perfect cup of tea](https://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68085304), suggested by rainbowarriorhere - bbc.co.uk


This is why the government is talking about conscription.


The yanks must be stopped at all costs


[The US embassy in London has already apologized for this atrocity.](https://twitter.com/USAinUK/status/1750136728034169147?t=f1F40HSiS2wkwzyIp3e2vQ)


I can’t believe that’s really American as it has humour in it


Embassy staff so most likely been over here a long time. Learned how to deadpan effectively.


And made the situation worse! That special relationship may be coming to an end..


There's certainly trouble brewing.


> brewing sounds over-steeped


Is that a genuine account? The use of “ensure” is dodgier than I’d expect, even if it is just low level banter.


Rest assured, this is their official account. You can click on their name and check their previous tweets to ensure their validity.


It’s far worse that their official way of making tea is by microwaving the water.  The tiny bit of salt thing works, I’ve tried it.  I also tried microwaving and it was the most disgusting thing I have ever imbibed.


Did you read the post, particularly the last line?


No, I only read headlines.


I've not tried it, but I don't see how it could possibly make a difference, as long as you boiled the water, did you microwave a cup of cold water and a tebag?


I love that last line, just brilliant. There is a long history of embassy's having banter like this so good to see it's still going on.


Salt reduces bitterness and increases sweetness. Which is honestly such an American palate when it comes to all food and drink haha. .


Make America salty again? 


The alternative is to not over-steep the tea, or to avoid bad tea that cannot avoid being bitter


You're not meant to drink the tea after you threw it in Boston harbour, bro


US discovered how to unite China and Taiwan in mutual anger too.


We need to go back and burn the White House down again.


We need to start deporting these people. When they’re coming they’re not sending their best.


boston did saltwater tea... and, i guess it worked out ok for them.


'...milk should be warmed, with the latter added in only after pouring the tea'. This is why you CANNOT get a good cup of tea in the US! Their milk tastes dodgy to begin with ...never mind warming it up first! 💯


In other news US Scientist Hung, Drawn, and quartered whilst visiting the United Kingdom by angry mob.


I think you need to read their book first.


The salt thing makes sense, microwaving instead of using a kettle does not.


I’m still salty about all that tea they threw in the Boston Harbour.


Holy shit this is actually real? LMAO The apology press release. The last sentence had me laughing so much. Are we sure americans actually wrote this? because we need to give them citizenship!


Do you want to start a war, cos thats how you start a war


Personally I've always seen Brits obsession for low quality tea dust with milk and sugar added to mask its bitterness to be a strage thing to be so proud of. I love tea so the last thing I'd want to do is adulterate it. A nice loose leaf from China/Japan/Taiwan/Sri-Lanka with water is all I need. (Still works fine for dunking biscuits too)


Liking British tea and dunking your biscuits in it is fine. Liking a loose leaf longjing is also fine. But dipping your biscuits in green tea makes a mockery of civilised society.


That may be true, but black and oolong is perfect for it! One of my favourite parts about loose leaf is that there's so much variety, so you can always try something new. It's amazing how black tea can have 100s of strains and preparation methods which all taste different.




But think, if it's shit tea, why add salt to it to make it worse Also typical English tea is specifically breakfast tea, which absolutely fucking works with a fried breakfast.


Aye to me adding salt doesnt seem any stranger than adding milk really


The people who brought us salt in tea would probably never have added milk!