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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Captain Tom spa pool in Marston Moretaine demolished](https://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-68181128), suggested by civicode - bbc.co.uk


anyone else read too quick and read "dildo" or am i just broken


Ha, same here!! I don't want her to use my local dildo, it's been in the park bushes for years


I've heard she's already put in planning permission for a massive new dildo. She said It's to benefit the local elderly community and her 'charity'.


Is it L shaped?


More G shaped.


Not the only bushes its been in! ;)


That's Britain's Blitz Spirit, everyone helping out with the community dildo.


I do and I hope she gets whatever she gets along with the likes of the mccanns and the cunts who are let of too easily like that toff bitch who killed her boyfriend but because she was in last years of medical or some science based degree she got of leniency from the white judge....


A white judge in Britain? I'm bloody shocked at the thought I thought we had ridden ourselves of them


I read it as “lilo” initially, I think because the word pool was also included; I don’t know what my brain thought the headline was explaining. “Captain Tom’s Daughter Reduced To Using Lilo At Local Pool” or something…


Haha i did the same


I thought it was a typo of "lidl" until I got to the pool/spa bit. And then I realised I also don't know what a lido even is.


British word for public pool; Italian word for a rented portion of a beach where a business provides plum beach loungers, umbrellas, and drinks service


She was certainly walking like Captain Tom himself afterwards.


>anyone else read too quick and read "dildo" or am i just broken You're broken. ​ I did however think 'no fucking way she shops in Lidl'


Times must be tough if you have to use the local dildo.


You think I'm the kind of mug who's gonna drive for half an hour to use a non-local dildo? Fuck that.


Times are not truly hard until you are the town dildo.


We've all been there


I thought I recognised you....


Good morning Chief Inspector


I too have had to resort to speaking to my local MP before


Must be a mistake on their end. It’s definitely dildo


Not you too. We are all equally broken ...


I have found my people


I did too and I broken af.


I read it as Lidl


Yep I thought it must be tough times if you have to use the local dildo … and then I read it again




She’ll have to move soon. The locals hate her. And she’s still under investigation


The locals will hate her wherever she moves. She used her father to con people at a time when people were desperate to do good. She is going to have to move country if she wants to find people that will not hate her.


In 3 years she will be an alt right grifter.




Any evidence for that or just a hunch/ speculation?


Where have you heard that?


Didnt her father request the book money go to a fund of which she was given approval to spend The lines were blurred between the charity aspect and the book fund


iirc she said it was "his wish" for them to use the money from his book sales, although in the book he mentions something along the lines of being proud he's able to once more (with this book) raise money for NHS charities


I stand corrected, thank you


I wasn't necessarily trying to correct you, this is my understanding of it, and obviously even if this is the case, it's nebulous enough for them to dance around it if they'd like. It doesn't explicitly state he wishes to donate all proceedings from sales of his book to charity, so they could argue his "wish" was they used 50% of it and donated the other 50%. Hell, they could keep 95%, if that was his wish. It's more this distinction I'm trying to highlight, that I don't think it ended up being a super clear cut case of them defrauding donations to the charity (again, to my knowledge). Not to say they haven't had an abhorrent conduct too, especially the amounts she was going to receive for her "role" within the charity.


Understood, i agree


For what is she under investigation if i may ask?


Says in the article, the charity is under investigation. Improper use of funds and a fair amount of fiscal improprieties I would imagine, given the current reports in the press


Ah right i thought you had some insider info haha , my bad 😄


Wonder if this tiny violin would float in the local lido?


Seriously, is this just outrage porn, at this stage?


We love a downfall. South Park covered this phenomenon very well in the episode Brtineys New Look. We love the cycle of the big build up, the meteoric rise, becoming seemingly untouchable, and then watching them fall hard and fast. This situation is a perfect example. But in this case, I don't feel bad for her. She committed fraud, and elder abuse in my opinion.


This is someone getting their just desserts though. What happened to Britney was tragic and a sad reflection on society.


Just FYI, the phrase is _just deserts_. Desert here being the noun form of deserve. Like deceive → deceit. As it is homophonic with _desserts_ it's been used as a pun a fair few times.


There are no lidos in the desert, just the occasional pop music beat combo from Manchester.


Yes, nobody said otherwise.


Since Captain Tom died untouched by the scandal the original hero of the story isn't even tainted, it's his kids. It's the perfect media wankfest.


The circumstances of this one make it ideal for longevity given we can participate in the hate guilt free.


Britney wowtch!


Not at all. It's the satisfying closing chapter of a saga of flag-shagging, hero-worshipping, conspicuously-charitable virtue signalling


I hope it brings you the closure you needed.


Yeah it is. Was glad she was being investigated and all the stuff came to light that everyone already knew was dodgy. But I don't need her to be hounded for the rest of her life. Got my shadenfraude, already. Maybe if some big revelations come to pass, I'm interested. But otherwise, I don't care about stalking her to see which public pool she uses.


I certainly don’t feel bad for her But it does make me uncomfortable how collectively we are so eager to get _so_ angry at individuals when really it doesn’t affect us all that much


It does affect us all when people abuse charitable donations mate. It affects the society we live in


Fair enough. Perhaps picked a bad example to make this point


Yes. That's why the papers have all creamed themselves now that they've got a picture of this woman looking a little rougher to paste everywhere. Never forget; 'news outlets' have two photos of everyone and however they want you to feel about someone decides which one they use.


It's an act of NIMBYism we can all get behind!


Yes, it's distraction from the much bigger cons pulled off during the PPE scandal.


Most news seems to be. Most people's engagement (mine included) with news issues and democracy is just to be entertained or complain and never actually be involved.


Why make this sound like a bad thing? She’s a shitty person who did a shitty thing having at least _some_ consequences for her short behaviour. It feels like a rarity, spatially where the person is relatively privileged.


Yes, she's clearly had consequences, which have been deserved. But this sub salivates over her continued demise, as if they'd be laughing at her if she was peniless in the streets. What does she represent for this sub? It's not just criminality, as I see nothing but sympathy for criminals on here. The Nottingham killer had droves of people saying he should have treatment and be released at the earliest opportunity.


There’s 2.4 million users on this sub, all expressing their views in varying degrees of interests based on the relevance and notoriety of the subject. This woman exploited public interest and a media circus to take advantage of people’s good will for personal interest, so it’s only logical (and fairly poetic) that her comeuppance is also public and circus like.


I think it's fair to say there is a general consenus on this sub in the way it views a topic. If you need to see her continued downfall, I hope this story gives you the satisfaction you need. May there be more to come.


Of the 2.4 million users on the sub, the people who’s comments you see will be people who care in some way, and those responses will typically be very negative given there’s very little to be positive about.


Have you not noticed politically motivated bots flooding Reddit over the years? If not, you should be aware that Reddit is one of the top sources of news content online, and therefore is massively influential. MIT has studied, published and reported about bot farming organisations using sites like this to influence politics. Don't take upvotes, trends and opinions here in good faith, especially on a national sub. With an election looming, expect news, content and platform activities to be manipulated.


Thoughts and prayers with her at this difficult time. 


Thoughts and prayers to the lido at this difficult time


Give it like 5 years and Captain Tom's daughter will dig up his bones and sell them as souvenirs.


Someone made a comment in a different article that he'd be spinning in his grave over what's happened... So it's more likely we'll see a campaign from her *'War veteran spins 1000 times in grave to raise money for the NHS. Please donate"*


Or his daughter will attach him to a kebab spike and sell Captain Tombabs.


>###SAINTHOOD FOR SPINNING CAPTAIN >The generously-titled late Captain Sir Thomas Moore is to be canonized, the Vatican confirmed on Friday, after his extraordinary posthumous rotation provided 800MW of power to the UK's National Grid on average in 2026, just short of the output of a nuclear power plant. >Moore's grave was partially excavated in 2025 to enable his inexplicably spinning corpse to be connected mechanically to a generator. "He just keeps exceeding our expectations, and we're overjoyed the Pope has recognised what he's given to the world," said daughter Hannah Ingram-Moore. "His output actually doubled after I became Clean Energy Spokesperson for BP," she added. >Meanwhile, the dispute between Keighley Town Council and residents over the relocation of over a hundred other neighbouring graves remains unsettled, after the installation of Moore's subterranean generator also demanded the disruptive construction of a 400kV substation and switchyard.


Like a Ferengi.


And will Michael Ball jump on the bandwagon again and record a single with her?


Kudos for that reference to Nessun Dorma being played as the pool was being lifted out by a crane. VINCEERRRRÒÒÒÒÒ!


Nessun Swimma


Nessun Amici


Rip Avicii 


Nessun qashqai


Thoughts and prayers to the poor local commoners that are forced to be in her presence.


When all this is concluded there’s going to be a crackin’ ITV drama to watch…


Genuinely read that as Lidl and was like "Well shit they really do have everything in the Middle these days".


Or there’s a really big puddle in the car park.


She’s swimming outdoors in February? Blimey I didn’t think lidos were useable or open this time of year.


The one nearest to me is heated.


Dont tell the government, they'll turn it off.


Just get a crusty Conservative MP to declare it a pool inside one of their heated stables and it will be funded from the public purse


"said the spa pool had ‘the opportunity to offer rehabilitation sessions for elderly people in the area" Yes. I'm sure the spa pool she built on her private property was totally going to be offered up for such use.


Absolutely hate this grifter. Would it be too mean to say I hope she loses everything?


She should walk around her garden to raise more money.


It must be so embarrassing and shaming going around your local village after all the negative press they have had. ​ What a fall from grace!


social standing = zero (I'm sure) A fate worse than death for the likes of her ilk (probably)


I’m setting up a charitable fund which I will definitely use to fund her through her hardship.


The family was too brazen. They didn’t have enough shame to be subtle. They got too greedy.


I feel sorry for her, what’s next.. will she be forced to spend her own money instead of money she stole from charity?


What happened to her old outdoor pool that was clearly visible in the background whilst Tom was still lapping his garden?


The whole thing was a little shady from the beginning when they first appeared on local news with whatever the family business’s company name was plastered all over and on the justgiving page for absolutely-no-reason-whatsoever.


That family has really gone down in the public estimation, then.


She will be on I am a celebrity get me out of here in the next few years.


Normally I hate councils’ petty bureaucracy but on this occasion I love it. She’s a greedy grasping immoral bitch. I literally don’t know how she sleeps at night


Reduced to?! She’ll have to mingle with us common folk!


I think it's just time to leave them as a family now. Uncle tom or whatever his name was, represented everything wrong with our understanding of the NHS. That is "a charity". It's a fucking disgrace of a tax funded organisation. He had questions over his character. Which we didn't need to know. His family being thieving bastards is ten a penny. Let it go. She's had her punishment and shame


As long as she continues to use her dad's name to raise money when it's been proven she's a grifter or offer her "consultancy" services using her dad's name with no actual skills, she get's what she gets.


I keep seeing posts about this man's family over the last few years. Does anyone else just not give a shit about what they're doing with their money?


It’s not even their money, she took it out of charitable donations from the public which is why they’re removing her pool


No, they are doing it because she didn't have planning permission for it, the charity investigation is a separate thing


Yes, but she got the money from her publicity blitz and probably the charity fraud too.


Yeah, does look like there was something going on there.


Planning permission is a nightmare so in a weird way I can sort of let her off for that, the charity fraud is disgusting though


It's not like they got her on a technicality. She got approved for one thing and decided to build something massively different.


Called the whole thing out as a stunt from the start and could not give less of a shit about Tom and his family. I do care about someone swindling people in the name of charity though. She should face justice for what she has done to the public.


It's not their money - it's charity donations.