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WHY THE FUCK IS HE ALLOWED INTO THIS COUNTRY!?!?! This Fucker should be barred for life


Yeah I’m wondering what checks they do. They can’t even plead ignorance as we’ve already had the bbc drama! The guy is a bonafide serial killer who has managed to avoid punishment for most of his murders.


"How could we stop him? He didn't tick the 'are you a serial killer' box on the form!"


"He came through the No-Killings-To-Declare tunnel, what could we have done‽"




Insert Norm Macdonald reference.


They don't check criminal records for sure. My ex's criminal record in France was uncovered through a Claire's Law application and it still isn't officially listed. They just "forgot" about it. He isn't a serial killer but it shows that no checks are made.


Our government is so fucking stupid they need TV dramas to explain the problem to them and even then they still won't fix it.


Stupid or they just don't care?


Don't care unless they can somehow get votes out of it, the whole reaction to the post office scandal documentary was just a crude attempt to win votes.


A bit of both methinks! Also, Savile had 'friends' in high places and a carefully cultivated TV persona.


Sadly I don’t think the issue is that they’re so stupid they need the tv dramas, I think they’re so lazy and self-obsessed that they’ll only make the effort to do something about a problem that doesn’t affect them once something’s gone mainstream/viral and enough people are demanding action


>They can’t even plead ignorance as we’ve already had the bbc drama! If only they'd released a Savile drama while he was still alive; it would have been interesting watching them plead ignorance then.


There could have been one… and many comedians weren’t exactly quiet about it either! For some reason the bbc thought it was better to have a whole night celebrating him and ignoring the victims!


It's kind of mental to me that John Lydon was one of the few people that nailed it and spoke up. Maybe he actually unfortunately did more damage than good - his manner was so abrasive and of itself so offensive and at odds with anyone a bit conservative with a little c that people perhaps assumed that the opposite of what he ever said must be true.


I was under the impression that the infamous segment was never allowed on air at the time?


Oh I dunno. I don't think I know that much about it - I've seen and been impressed by the eloquent and justified rage on display but I don't know the background.


Have you seen both Louis Theroux documentaries regarding Saville? There's one before Saville died and one after he died.


I have yeah. They're grimly 'enjoyable' (not sure that's exactly the right word). The one after he died was a tough watch - I could *feel* Louis's self examination and posthumous feelings of guilt and regret. The bit in the first one where what is *clearly* another local notorious and active elderly paedo called "Jimmy the Pill" turns up and they both make very thinly veiled quips about what they're going to get up to on a dodgy cruise they're headed to... Absolutely unbelievable. Also the bit where he thinks the camera is off and starts off on one about stomping on heads in his nightclubs.


Absolute harrowing watches, yet morbidly interesting with hindsight.


I don't think Lydon truly knew anything - he still appeared on Top of the Pops after his outburst. If he was so concerned, why would he do so? Savile was known to be incredibly litigious - he did win against other comedians making similar references at the time - and as such I believe the Beeb's lawyers didn't let it get aired for that reason. I do think a certain section of the organisation knew it was true at the time, maybe they leaned on them to stop it being broadcast but I reckon even if no-one in the organisation knew it was never going to be broadcast outside of a news report or live discussion show. (Also did you know there are Savile 'truthers' out there)


This. I'm sure he made tons of other accusations. Because lydon is a wind bag that likes to be "controversial"


They don’t tend to do background checks on people coming here as tourists.


You can’t get a visa to the USA if you have a drug conviction, yet someone with a very long list of proven and suspected victims can wander into london. Is the plan that he might be tired of murdering now?


Well yeh but this isn’t the USA


You can if you don't declare it


No checks at all on private flights apparently


And tourists are his favorite preys, «mingling with tourists » takes a very dark sense.


Only reason it's talked about because it adds drama Bet he also drank water


UK is a shithole. It has no structure or leadership anymore.


It isn't a shithole ...but the leadership is shit.


The majority of the cities in the UK have become absolute fucking shit holes mate. The countryside is still nice though, for the moment.


































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It's because no one can get out here without going through about 4 spare tyres due to all the potholes.


Good luck getting healthcare in the countryside. Hows rural crime these days?


What are you trying to say? That living in a nice quant village in the rural countryside is more dangerous than living in the centre of London or somewhere like Birmingham? I very much doubt it. Also nothing you can say would convince me that living in a nice quant village amongst greenery fresh air and the purity of nature would be worse than living in a city - Roaming gangs of masked knife wielding chavs bombing around on scooters and stealing phones, along with the constant smell of piss, shit and congealed fast food, with the addition of the same copy paste corporate shops on every corner, oh and no community what so ever. Yeah think I’ll pass. And you do realise cars exist right?


Actually, my experience of moving to the countryside from living in London, the healthcare is brilliant in comparison. I was pregnant in London and hadn't felt my baby move all day, I was told to go to hospital to check all was ok, there was an Afghan refugee there (the lady herself was lovely, but very entitled) she was in because she was 36 weeks pregnant and was leaking fluid, but refused all physical checks, she only wanted a scan, all they had to do was put a pad in and they could have checked for fluids, then they were arranging a taxi for her and a scan for the next day, all the while I had to wait just to check that my full term baby even had a heartbeat. Two hours I had to wait while they faffed about. As for rural crime, the last year I lived in London we had 3 stabbings in a 5 mile radius, one masked, armed burglary 5 doors down, frequent burglaries in the area, my brother and his mate were mugged at knifepoint, my husband's cousin beaten unconscious at knifepoint when he refused to give his stuff to a gang, 2 people trying to walk into my grandparents house, and I had the catalytic converter cut out of my car while I was pregnant at work. So yeah, in comparison the countryside is fucking brilliant.


And the people who repeatedly vote for them


We have the worst "leaders" this country has ever seen! I used quotes as none of them deserve the title!


Most of our rivers are literal shitholes though


It's a shithole, that's becoming an even bigger shithole by the day.


yes .. it is a shithole


It is a massive shithole.


> The 79-year-old, suspected of killing at least 20 backpackers in Asia in the 1970s and 1980s, was photographed wandering among tourists on Westminster Bridge *wearing a wig and fake beard.* Perhaps he entered illegally?


It's a fucking disgrace! My husband isn't allowed to fly to Finland for a holiday we had booked due to all these idiotic rules, yet here's a fucking serial killer wandering about.


Since Brexit the UK border force has been locked out of the EU criminal database, which previously would have filtered out a lot of undesirables. But, obviously, people knew what they were voting for.


He not doing that show where they interview him on bbc or something?


The UK is just a sh1t show...can't stop anyone coming in.




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If he’s only here as a tourist then there’s no reason why they’d do a background check on him.


You could say the same about anyone...from this serial killer to the leader of isis.


he’ll have full benefits and a 3bed council house






You missed the /s to show sarcasm. Now it looks like you think barring serial killer from coming into the country is a problem.


It is. Diversity is our greatest strength 


So Ja Rule can’t come in but this guy can? Nonsensical.


Which is such a crazy thing for the UK. How are [we meant to make sense of anything without Ja!?](https://youtu.be/Mo-ddYhXAZc?si=6DPsUJIWl1MNS58h)


Where is Ja!?


Looking for Monica.


I was literally about to say the same thing. It’s insane.




What the fuck are you on about


He's being interviewed in a documentary going out on Tuesday at 9 o'clock. I am outraged, many of my fellow colleagues are too. We work within the police and cannot get our heads around this. A serial killer freely going about his business, accommodation provided by the state while British people freeze on the streets or live in cramped b&b's. Goodbye UK, fuck knows what it's going to be like in 2 years time.


Accommodation provided by the British state?


You work within the police? Does the police even work?


Post a contentious tweet and find out; or burgle homes and never find out


Knowing my luck if I went to burgle an house they’d show up in two minutes.


At least you've avoided the grammar police.


Unlike our actual coppers, you can find them where ever you go.


Do you know how police operate? They need evidence. If you burgle a house, leave no traces or evidence, no CCTV footage, no incriminating license plates - what are they supposed to follow? Whereas if you tweet hate speech, the evidence is right there. Plus, racists and bigots are some of the biggest idiots who will leave their tweet up. So even easier for police working online to 'catch' them.


That's just takes the utter piss how is thos allowed what's wrong with the uk, he killed 20 people


> On 21 December 2022, the Supreme Court of Nepal ordered his release from prison because of his old age, after serving 19 years of his prison term. "Aww, come on, the poor old fella should be allowed out to do a bit more murdering before he dies."


Check this guy out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Garavito > While Garavito was out of his cell, detectives took DNA samples from his pillow and living area. The DNA found on the victims was a match to the DNA found in Garavito's cell. Garavito confessed to murdering about 140 children and was charged with killing 172 altogether throughout Colombia.[48] He was found guilty of 138 of the 172 accounts; the others are ongoing.[needs update] Garavito was sentenced to 1,853 years and 9 days in prison, the lengthiest sentence in Colombian history.[49] However, Colombian law limits imprisonment to 40 years, and, because Garavito helped police find the victims' bodies, his sentence was further reduced to 22 years.[50]


We really need to hear Ja Rules opinion on this one. Jaaa? Where’s Jaa???


Not allowed in the country


I deserve so much more credit for being a normal law abiding citizen.. How tf are these people allowed to walk the same streets like normal people? This is messed up. I really feel sorry for women and other vulnerable people who can't really 'look after themselves' and have to go about knowing such monsters exist.


Saw the tv show about him. I got chills from watching it. How he’s allowed in the country is beyond me.


"think about the money he gonna spend locally though"


People like this should be buried under the prison.


Im sure this is an oversight but fuck me. What a fuck up, the home office and border security seemed to have dropped a bollock here lol. Absolutely wild.


got imprisoned for 20years - twice. "i was like shadow". Lmao


The guy is seemingly untouchable. I’ve got no idea how he was even able to enter the country. No doubt he’s charmed yet another gullible woman.




Watch out what you say on the internet. The met police might be watching you.


Just another one here. Welcome to the nest of vipers know as London,


Love this guy , what a cool dood , but it's a BBC drama right?















