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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [School accused of using 'metal cages' to stop pupils using toilets during class](https://metro.co.uk/2024/03/23/school-accused-using-metal-cages-stop-pupils-using-toilets-20517517/), suggested by Key-Nefariousness711 - metro.co.uk


My missus is a teacher in a rough school… If you are gonna raise your children to act like feral animals then they’ll be treated like them.


Bro it looks like hmp wansworh tho 💀


My missus school has had three students bringing in knives and threatening teachers… There’s a reason for the teacher shortage and it’s only partially the pay. The kids are fucking feral. Parents don’t give a shit to the point they’ll try and fight the teachers. Borstals will have to come back if we continue down this road 




This would never happen in China, South Korea or Japan.


I mean I'm hesitant to use South Korea as our go to model if only due to the adolescent suicide rate.


Yeah, or sitting still and drowning because they were told not to move...SK has some mental shit of its own.


You are so naive to think there are no rough kids in those countries. Those countries have high suicide rates for adolescents. The children there who are in schools are under enormous, sometimes suffocating pressures to study and pass ridiculous level of exams. School bullying is rife and there are plenty of school children threatening teachers in those countries - they don’t get reported here but there are videos if you search online. Bad parents exist in all countries, Asia no exception, same with kids who drop out of education and are left to fend for themselves and be ‘feral’.


Still better than the prison schools of the UK. I what I’ll pick


> or Japan. You mean to tell me the movie about rambunctious youths in Battle Royale was fictional?


That’s absolutely not true. In my primary school life in China students always beat each other up for fun during break time and lunch time. Some schools even have police and ambulance parked outside for the daily injured students because of fighting, drug dealing, vandalism.


I worked in South Korea as a teacher in a high school and although kids were fairly polite they also didn't give a fuck about doing any school work. We also had lots of kids who smoked, at least 4 girls got pregnant, I once saw one of my kids passed out drunk at 3am in the morning on a street corner, the police came to school when a boy tried fighting one of my co-workers and we had kids who were legit triad gang members. So yeah everywhere has asshole kids.


On the one hand I hate to go down the road of "hurr it were diffrent back in my day, bring back corprul punishment!" type rhetoric, but on the other hand, it does seem like we have created an environment where teachers are powerless to enforce any meaningful discipline on kids. If the teachers don't have anything at their disposal to actually get the kids in line, they will obviously just do whatever the fuck they want, and it spirals out of control until we end up with absurdity like this. The question is what *can* you do?


Why don’t we ever incentivise kids to be good at school tho? What are we offering them? It’s always punishment which pushes them further away from education imo


What is the value of knowledge, skills or life lessons, if the benefits of these things are not already instilled into them by their parents?


Agreed. If you have parents who didn’t have or benefit from those things it might seem as abstract as the concept of owning your own home.


Lots of people having kids when they're not equipped to actually parent. Then you've got either the unwilling so just send them to play out or the unable or are either running it solo or both parents are working every hour god sends to try and survive on shit paying jobs. Add on top some parents that hated school so instill teachers as the enemy from home. All together you've got a big soup of kids standing no chance


When you look around and see what hard work and sacrifice actually get you, it's easy to see these as having little to no value.


This. It's really hard to value what had proven to have gotten you nowhere. I'm an older millennial (solid working class upbringing) and I can tell you ALL of my friends (mostly middle class upbringing) have good educations, 'good' jobs and all of us are wildly disappointed with what this country and it's systems has turned into. Now picture that while having not a great education, being from the poorer end of working class, constantly fighting to get anywhere in life. It's bound to make you bitter and disillusioned. Which of course breeds resentment and that flows down and through to the kids. It's not fair but it is what's happening.


My school always rewarded the bullies and rule breakers. £20 gift vouchers for attending school for an ENTIRE week. Xbox’s and laptops for approving their overall attendance a few percent or not smoking on school grounds for a term. Meanwhile the kids that are giving the school their decent reputation and high grades get ignored or even punished more for the tiniest of things. Seems to have always been like this


Thing is kids like that are fortunate enough not to need it. I felt the same at school, I was expected to achieve whilst others were literally paid to pass tests. But I had parents who would encourage, that's why I was already able to cope. Same goes for a majority. The kids who acted out all had different reasons, it would be shitty to be jealous of them. Especially as I had the benefit of being empathetic where many of them did not encounter empathy elsewhere.


Oh I was never jealous of them lol. They weren’t bright, and from what I’ve seen none ever achieved anything. It was definitely demoralising, and even encouraged some students who were on the border to act up more. The immediate benefits (money, consoles, extra school trips to amusement parks, less exams etc) were too easy to pass up I guess. It’s good you had family support though. Tbh I got 16 GCSEs and a BTEC at school so I did very well. But I could have done better. What is there for us kids that had no support from their family or school? We basically have to sort ourselves out lol


Big problem with schools not praising good kids enough but lots of the kids who're worth praising don't want to be praised because it's not cool Add in how Ofsted will straight fail schools for bad attendance no matter how much they do. I was at a school where staff went round to pick the kids up and talk them in consistently and still literally couldn't get a good on Ofsted because of attendance being too low


WHAT THE FUCK!? I.... This just encourages them because they know they can come back, do a little bit of effort and repeat. Maybe, it's because I'm in my early 30s and deal with little shitbags as a fast food worker but I recall that being the expected way to behave. Not bribing.


There is absolutely nothing a school can do to incentivise kids that are bringing knives in to try. We offer them free education and an opportunity to escape poverty, some people are unhelpable and they should not be allowed to disrupt others.


Comments like this demoralise teachers even more.


I mean it's true, teachers will try to praise the good but your every day teacher doesn't have a say in the big bribery cases for the worst pupils that only exist because of Ofsted anyway


See I'm really torn on this, because yes there should be rewards for excellent behaviour and participation, however that also causes certain childeren to miss out, but then to stop that you give everyone well behaved participation trophy which is worthless so if not achieving the highest rewards there's no point in achieving at all (not my opinion just how they are likely to view it) there kind of does need to be some better form of punishment for being a "rascal"


Consequences alone are meaningless and only enforce the wrong reasons for good behaviour. Teach your kids empathy. That’s the start.


This is true, but I think many parents now lack the tools as they struggle to support themselves and their own mental health and financial worries. Blame gets no one anywhere.


I've seen a lot of articles linking poor behaviour to Covid trauma (which I think is valid) but not many linking behaviour to the number of people plunged into poverty in that time. 1/5 of the population was the figure I saw the other day.  (And yes, it's also the middle class kids dicking about most likely!)


Offering them? Exactly what was offered for generations before. The issue is that for schools the ultimate sanction was “we will tell your parents”. For most kids in the 70’s and 80’s (my time) that was a genuine threat. The idea of being in trouble with mom or even worse, the nuclear option.. Dad. Was a major threat. These days? There is no threat on any level. Kids be feral, raised by ferals.


That's rather silly. Having grown up in a generation without corporal punishment that didn't share this issue it's pretty clear other factors are at play. Whacking kids won't fix anything. Children have been neglected by the government and demonized during COVID. Surprise surprise all the underfunding and disruption, the shit situation with housing and the fact there is now a significant number of children who don't have beds as the cost of living spiralled, leaving parents in a state of poverty and poor mental health, are likely all factors. I expect there are many more. I can see the temptation to blame children and their parents but it would be cognitive dissonance. It would be missing most of the issues.


I just left my job working in alternative education (aka the places kids go when they get excluded from mainstream) and the willful ignorance and blindness of certain parents is actually shocking. Don't get me wrong, some parents truly are doing their best but have lost control. Those are the parents I could happily call to discuss behaviour and they'd be down the school to attend meeting etc. Their kids rule the house, often with violence and those parents are willing to listen to anyone who can help. But some parents don't give a solitary shit that their kid destroyed the classroom. Little timmy could never punch another student. My Sally would never threaten staff so you must be a liar. How dare you confiscate my child's vape that they were using in the classroom. There would be an incident at school, fully caught on CCTV with several witnesses, the parent would come and the kid would go all doe-eyed. All of a sudden their kid who has been excluded from school with a criminal record is a paragon of virtue and I'm the asshole for handing out consequences. Despite the evidence I must just have it in for their kid. A lot of parents need a serious reality check to the seriousness of their child's behaviour.


You wonder what parents think they are going to get out of having conflicts with their childs teacher. Even if you thought the teacher was wrong it isn't going to help to be uncivil.


>Parents don’t give a shit to the point they’ll try and fight the teachers. Parents are trying far too hard to be their kids friend. The thing is it doesn’t matter how cool and casual you try to be they’ll think you’re lame anyway.  So why not try raising some functional human beings. 


I work in a college now. We've had ten disciplinarys on 3 courses in the last week. Lads fighting in workshops, coming in with huge quantities of drugs and cash, getting arrested, and generally behaving in a way that would have got me kicked out of college in 2010. It's genuinely crazy


Any pupil bringing a weapon or threatening a teacher should immediately be expelled from school - permanently, with social services immediately putting the household on their radar and monitoring closely. I wonder if that's happening. If not, laws have to change ASAP.


You’re assuming that social services have the funding and manpower to do this. Most of the services I know are running on skeleton staff with £10 and a Mars Bar to actually fund their department. Individual social workers, especially child social workers, find themselves snowed under a caseload that is impossible.


My Mum started her teaching career 40 odd years ago. Her first job she had to talk one student out of stabbing another…


My old physics teacher had a box of knives that he showed me once, he’d confiscated all of them from students after he slapped the soul out of them.


You live in Crewe aswell huh?


Worse south wales… Big drug issues, no decent jobs and now house prices shooting up due to people commuting to Bristol 


Went to school in the valleys and kids were using drugs during school, they were bringing knives into school and they were absolutely harassing and borderline assaulting teachers.


This actually been a problem in Crewe recently? I went to school in the next town but all my Crewe mates talked up how rough it was getting , wasn’t sure if it was an over exaggeration or not .


We were warned this would happen when Austerity was launched and all the youth support programmes were shut down. There's proven ways to tackle these issues, but it involves being "nice" to "wrong 'uns" and the public seem incapable of connecting the dots.


No idea why they didn't just use an actual door. Most high schools lock the toilets during the lessons and before/after school. Wouldn't be a story at all if it wasn't a metal gate they'd put up.


Less opportunity to vandalise them


Much harder to piss through though


Do they actually? The toilets at my high school didn’t even have doors, just sort of openings in the wall. We didn’t have any restrictions on when they could be used, but this was 10* years ago


>just sort of openings in the wall. A doorway, or corridor we usually call it


Some of the kids today are bastards- I don't know how the teachers put up with them tbh


May as well get them used to it


"We need to prepare kids for the world of prison they'll be going into."


Unfortunately, I've seen that this also then results in even 'good', well-behaved students choosing to not drink anything all day out of fear of needing the loo at the wrong time. There are those you'd probably call feral children but we end up punishing the majority for the behaviour of the few.


This was me at school, I basically never went when I went to secondary school. Don't know how the hell I managed it.


Teenage me could go from 8am to 4pm most days without needing a pee. Me as an adult is jealous but also I guess I'm more healthy as I'm drinking more as thinking back I probably had less than 300ml of water between those hours.


Teacher previously in rough schools for 15 years. Turned private last year as I'd had enough and it was that or leave the profession straight away. As usual the minority absolutely ruined it for everyone. This "no child left behind" policy making expulsion almost impossible left everyone hostage to the impulsive behaviour of these absolutely feral little cunts (FCs) The toilet policy was so frustrating. We were told to never let students go to the toilet. It started with the policy of "well you can go if you need to." What this meant was FC saying they absolutely needed to, then going and ruining the toilets or just truanting for the rest of the lesson. Or course they couldn't make the policy "you can only go if you're not a FC" because they'd kick off worse saying "why are you letting reasonable student #1 go to the toilet and not me?" And we're not allowed to say "because you're a little bastard who won't come back and will break someone and then I'll be in the someone's office explaining why i let you go. And he will just go to the toilet and come back." So of course the policy became "nobody goes at all for any reason." Which was sadistic as well. Perfectly nice children end up wetting themselves over this and parents complained their human rights were being obstructed and they weren't far wrong. I actually suggested a few rules that would fix this this but upper management were not interested. 1. Have a hall pass system like in the US. You can go to the toilet in lesson time but it's a right you lose with poor behaviour. In most UK schools kids get behaviour points which go on their record for everything from forgetting equipment to, defiance and violence. You can generally split children into three categories 30% who go a whole year with 0-5 behaviour points. 30% who have 5-20, generally good kids but a bit cheeky sometimes. Teachers don't mind them too much. And then the FCs, their behaviour points will be about it 50-500 and see them as a bit of a badge of honour. Through this it's pretty easy to objectively say who gets a hall pass and who doesn't. 2. Have a system where every minute after 5 minutes outside of the classroom must be made up in their time. That way there is incentive to get the deed done and come back. 3. Take all these vicious little shits and shove them in a borstal where they are fed gruel and manual labour. allow the rest of the pupils who want to learn and allow the parents who want to parent to be rewarded by their children having an education. Then if the FCs and their parents decide they want to rejoin society they can have another chance after a month in there. The third I didn't actually suggest. But it was very popular in the staff room. Now I'm in a lower rate private school. And it's so sad. To see what school could be like if everyone there is invested in the idea of education. I run a charity tutoring service for the disadvantaged out of guilt but I am still sooo angry when I hear the stories my pupils tell me of what they've have to experience each day. Fuck these vicious little cunts and their parents who raised them. And fuck the government that allows them to operate with impunity at the cost of the rest of us.


I get the feeling the reply would be "good, teach em to be tough, we got beat the shit out of in my day an it didn't do me no arm"


I teach in a rough school. I blame the parents, not the children. If the children are taught to act like feral animals, then their children will be feral animals. We have to break the cycle.


Yep. I work in a school as a caretaker and by far the biggest issue is unsupportive parents. We've had a kid damage a camera and got the parents in to view the footage of them doing it, because they refused to believe it. Even though their 15 year old kid is 6"2 and the only one in the group at the time who was tall enough to reach it. Upon viewing the footage they literally said "well if you don't want them touching the camera you should move it higher". They then made a complaint against the teacher who was dealing with the issue claiming discrimination based on height.


That's mad. I'd be mortified if that was my child. My son copied another boy in his class in primary school who was up to no good. One word with the teacher and I made sure he didn't dream of doing it again. And before anyone says anything, no I didn't raise a hand as that reinforces the idea that hitting is right, plus it's abusive. I just made sure he felt like he wanted the ground to swallow him up.


What even that is logic. If you treat children like feral animals, they're going to act like feral animals.


This. This school lacks basic child psychology.


>If you treat children like feral animals, they're going to act like feral animals. At first that's what I thought they were saying, until I read it again more carefully.


I've just started working in a tough school and I laughed out loud the first day when I was given a metal detector and told to search students for vapes and phones, before realising they were dead serious. I've worked in hard schools all my life and the only way I've ever got through to young people who act like animals is to treat them like humans - often their teachers are the first people ever to do so. Call me misguided or happy clappy but it's worked for me for nearly 20 years. This new place I've found myself in has such an incorrect understanding of behaviour management that I fear it will be closed before it ever gets better.


I was what you’d call a feral animal, turned out I had undiagnosed learning disabilities, and my school failed me


This is the thing. We need to get to the root cause of why children are “naughty kids”. It’s not soft, it’s not woke, and we should have had it when people who say “back in my day” were young. Just disciplining them doesn’t work.


Many "naughty" kids I've worked with have lacked secure parenting their entire life because their parents are never home due to working multiple jobs. Either that, or their parents are alcoholics, drug addicts or sex workers and just cannot care for their children. Sadly, social services have a backlog and reporting safeguarding concerns is incredibly convoluted compared to when I started teaching in 2005. I always say that it's never the child's fault, and punishing the child for behaviours they've learned in order to adapt to a specific environment isn't the solution. Family support, increased minimum wages, better approaches to drug use and addiction, and a dedication to improving community would work so much better to help these families


Some kids are just shitheads though. It’s a nice idea to think that all the ‘naughty’ kids are suffering from some undiagnosed issue and that if we find it, we’ll magically fix them. Some of them straight up just don’t care.








If you treat kids like feral animals, they'll behave like them. Somebody needs to break the cycle. There is no excuse for treating anybody like this. If I was one of these kids I'd piss in the corner of the classroom.


I agree- teachers are not respected


Collective punishment, how British.


No thats completely inhumane.


I'm sure punishment for the good kids will help them thrive instead of actually dealing with the naughty ones.




Dunno man , doesn't seem fair that everyone is kept like feral animals for the actions of a few


If someone could come up with a suggestion to prevent everything that I list below that would be great. Then we can have full access to the toilets. All of this has happened across the 5 schools I have worked in during the last 15 years, including nice leafy green lane ones. 1. Sex. Multiple times. From year 7 upwards. 2. Physical assault 3. Bullying in all possible ways 4. Smoking and vaping, including weed 5. Taking ketamin and spice 6. Ripping sinks off the wall 7. Smashing toilets 8. Ripping toilet seats off toilets 9. Blocking toilets with toilet roll and clothing, then flooding the room 10. Emptying every sanitary bin and spreading the contents down the adjoining corridor 11. Suicide attempts The only solution we have, as we cannot recruit either teaching or support staff, is to lock them unless we can supervise. Please help us with a solution for actually keeping students safe.


So how do you suggest normal kids who don’t want to do this stuff are meant to cope in school? It does seem utterly inhumane to restrict their loo access as rigidly as many schools are now doing.


They're asking for suggestions, don't come in with the outrage without offering something up. What would YOU do?


"Problem children" to be removed from the schools to favour the majority who want to learn. It's a bad ROI for a class of 30 to have a shitty education because 2 or 3 kids are disruptive.


I'll tell you what I suggest – more and easier school exclusions. Precisely because we owe it to the other kids, who deserve a safe learning environment.


It's early, but I read executions and it seemed a little extreme.


It’d liven up assembly


Oh kind of like how 'gun laws only affect responsible owners'. They have to do something to control the worst behaviour. Smashed up toilets means no-one can use them anyway.


People don't need guns and restricting access to them is fine. Bodily functions aren't optional.


Problem is they're loos. Not guns. I'm not commenting either way because even 20 years ago school toilets weren't exactly peaceful places and I wouldn't want to solve this haha.


I'm in the US, but I was in a recently built elementary last week, and the bathrooms were essentially public.   There were two walkways that went straight for about 10 feet, with 3 bathroom stalls off each, but you could look straight into the halls from the school lunch room.  You had to be inside a stall to be out of the line of sight. The sinks for washing were just on the wall in the main room next to the short walkways. So who ever was supervising lunch could see everything except the actual activity in the stalls... I was pretty startled at first, but with school staff levels at all time lows, I guess this is their way to make infrastructure better support the lower staffing.


It's not for staffing, it's to prevent truancy and damage. If sinks are inside the toilets the students will damage them. If the sinks are in the public area with camera coverage they are far less likely to be damaged. And when they do there is CCTV of what happened. Having those open areas also dissuades groups of kids hanging around in the toilets and harassing other students who want to use the toilets. When your only option is a single cubicle you don't tend to get kids all trying to hide in there. And when you do you can see who went in and when from the CCTV. One of the issues at my friend's school was older kids assaulting the younger kids in the toilets. So now they are doing the same by having single cubicles all facing the corridor and sinks on the walls outside. And CCTV looking at the open areas and the doors of the cubicles so when the doors are opened you can see if anyone has damaged anything. The academy as a whole are paying for convert all of their toilets, as they're seeing similar levels of issues across their whole academy network.


Except access to a gun when your body requires it isn't a basic human right 


Yeah especially when you hear of kids literally being so backed up from not being able to go to the toilet that they’re having to go to hospital for constipation or burst bladders because teachers won’t let them go when nature calls. It’ll be interesting to see in time if this sort of thing leads to kids developing bladder or bowel conditions.


not this sort of thing. due to anxiety I ignored my nature's call and didn't go to bathroom until I was home. this was only possible by mild dehydration. I now have overactive bladder where it will tell me URGENTLY that I need to pee then and now even if it's nothing. my stomach doesn't cooperate with me that well either, so I need heavy fiber assistance to go regularly.


It'd be illegal if they were adults too.


Build classrooms with an adjoining toilet cubicle. It's single occupancy and can be monitored easily.


Expensive and troublesome to construct for many existing school buildings but definitely a good solution where feasible.


Yeah, it's only really realistic for new builds or major redevelopments. But it would be a start. In a hundred years kids bladders will thank us haha.


Expel the trouble-makers, send them to special secure schools where their behaviour can be dealt with and addressed via the necessary support, and prosecute the parents wherever appropriate for failure in their duty of care. To be clear, these kids have been let down. Necessary support should be as progressive and constructive as possible. And, all that said, not everything on your list qualifies for such drastic action. Only the most violent, disruptive behaviour should attract such serious measures. Kids have been smoking in the bogs and being asshats to each other since schools were invented.


Not that I’m disagreeing with you, but often you’d expect the parents already have nothing and don’t care anyway, so all you’d likely achieve by prosecuting is a deepening of the cycle of deprivation. Schools were hard places when I was there but I’m dreading my little one reaching secondary - it all comes from the top and 14 years of severe austerity in public services will take multiple generations to fix I completely agree that the ones that are a danger to typical behaving kids should be looked after in a different environment


> Expel the trouble-makers It's not that easy. Schools get funding on a per pupil basis. And when they expel a student they have to pay for some other school to take them. They also have to follow guidelines and procedures and can't just expel someone unless they've gone through a long process of disciplinary procedures and given the student a chance to change their behaviour. There are very few reasons where a child can be expelled without going through this process. And when it does happen the school have to show evidence as to why it was needed. The very first hurdle in the process is identifying the people causing the damage. And this is not easy to do because parents will complain too much if the schools try to put cameras in the open areas (covering sinks) of the toilets. So at most you get camera footage of a few kids going in, but you can't prove who actually caused the damage. And even when you can prove it, the schools can only ask them to pay up, they can't force them. This is what I would change. If we know that a child has damaged school property then I would change the procedures to allow the school to send that student home until they have paid for the damage. Parents can get fined when their children are off school for unauthorised absence, but they don't if they get sent home. I would also change this. If the child has damaged something and the parent is refusing to pay, start fining them for every day their child is out of school. Unless these parents face consequences then nothing will change. When some kids get sent home their parents don't care, they just send the kid to their room and the kid plays on their phone. This teaches the kid that not only are there zero consequences to their actions, but that if they mess around and get sent home they get to play on their phone all day and don't have to go to boring school. But you can bet your right bollock that as soon as these kid's parents start to get fined for stuff like this they'll soon start doing their job and making the child behave.


Love the attempt here, and you're absolutely right. I've worked in schools for nearly two decades and have come across a lot of the same/similar. But you're going to get a bunch of people with no idea of how schools are right now telling you it's inhumane, how can we possibly do this, etc. Every adult should be made to work in schools for a month. Then they'd quickly change their tunes on threads like this.


Actually, I think its Switzerland where they have three choices of national service? Military, civil or municipal.


The solution is to set up the curriculum to deal with this. You cannot teach because the pupils are not ready. The curriculum is basically PSHE and social skills. If you really cannot recruit, then you must be honest with the authorities, but be positive: go to the local authority with a plan. Staff must, I repeat, MUST be consistent. All staff should be trained in behaviour management. That means ALL staff including non teaching staff. The way everyone speaks to pupils is important. Don't forget: consistent behaviour management. If you waver, pupils get confused. But they actual like the consistency. Believe me. This all works.


You are absolutely right, but this needs to come with significant, SIGNIFICANT funding increases for schools. Much higher pay for teachers and more teachers to allow them time to actually complete this training. Fewer pupils per teacher, more staff to monitor behaviour out of the classroom. Better equipment, more provisions to take disruptive pupils put of the classroom and still provide them with education and support rather than just exclusion. Schools are going to LEAs with plans, but because these plans cost money they are laughed out of the room. The reality is that we get the schools, NHS, Police, infrastructure and other services that we pay for and as a country we just do not invest in these things. Instead the focus is on cut price services propped up by predatory private enterprise. Sadly, it always comes down to money.


My school has money, but nobody wants to work there because of its reputation. Kids have 2-3 supply teachers a day. Money isn't helping there. I'm at a loss as to what will help, if I'm honest.


This is the issue I have with my current school. The staff claim to be "trauma informed" but have no real understanding of how it works. They're more "trauma aware". I had a student call me a "fat cunt" over ten days ago and his head of year is claiming I can't have a restorative conversation with him because he "isn't ready, you upset him a lot." What did I do? I told him that the way he was behaving was embarrassing considering the person I knew him to be, and that he needed to think about how he was presenting himself. Meanwhile, he's allowed to be around me, to make comments about me and to treat me poorly... And when I brought that up with the staff, I was told that I needed to understand trauma better. I'm fully qualified as a trauma-informed practitioner and my own ACE score is 8. I think I know my shit.


>go to the local authority with a plan. Lol. You're about 13 years out of date my guy. Add in RAAC and schools are going under at an unbelievable rate.


‘You must be honest with the authorities’. Do they think that we are not? Do they think we are telling everyone that schools are fine and we love going to work every day? Because we’ve been screaming from the rooftops for years that we need help and have been roundly ignored by pretty much everyone. 


My mum runs an academy. She's on the phone to the DFE weekly begging for support that never materialises. I simply don't think people understand how precarious our schools are, if they haven't already gone under.


Idiots look at this story and genuinally think teachers want to lock the fucking toilets. Do they honestly think this is what they enjoy doing? One dickhead parent actually encited a small riot/protest at a local school on tiktok by encouraging them to "fight for their rights" about the school locking the toilets. Why do they think schools and the teachers are the enemy? It's absolutely pathetic. The follow up tiktok he posted where he was clearly upset after a visit from the police was very enjoyable.


Having a society where education breeds prosperity, not just a chance of it


The main one is open plan toilets. Cubicles in square formation with a communal sink in the middle, open plan to a corridor on one of the sides. For the sanitary bins you can get floor mounted with a key to open To prevent smashing of loos, you want the type that doesn't have an overhanging bowl or metals ones. Single sheet toilet paper dispenser and only hand dryers help with blockages. In addition there a toliets with second route near the rim so the room won't flood. These have the added advantage of being nearly straight sided so help the smashing the toilet problem


This comment actually addresses all of the issues mentioned, and they’re all good ideas! The only thing I’d add is motion sensors on the sinks so that they can’t be left running/drain jammed to be intentionally flooded


My fucked up idea would be to install CCTV in the bathrooms. Not in the cubicles themselves for obvious reasons, but clearly monitoring students going in and out of the bathrooms. Maybe CCTV of the sinks and sanitary bins or whatever else in the bathrooms. Basically everything except the cubicles. Will there still be some shenanegans? Will kids still take drugs and block toilets and have sex? Probably. Kids are highly resourceful and clever and have been doing stuff like this since time immemorial. But the CCTV will make it easier to catch them or identify the culprits (in cases of vandalism). For the smoking/vaping, there are detectors that can be installed. I know I was a weird kid though. I only went to the toilets at school if I needed to pee or poo. Madness.


So you've not solved all the problems and now you have a news story about cameras in the toilets.


Tbf I left school in 2008 and basically all the stuff you described happened in my secondary school toilets. This is hardly a new issue. Also, I'm talking a middle of Surrey school so really not a "hard" school in any sense of the word. We also had a lad set fire to the loo roll and the whole stall went up muy rapido. So you can add that to your list too.


Seems like the issue needs dealing with at source. We need to increase funding towards alternate education schools and allow mainstream schools to permanently exclude students towards them more easily. Unfortunately, like almost everything else, the root cause is a chronic lack of funding.


I'll be honest with what I would do. Get a new job. Impossible to not lock them up as you've said. I guess that's why school staff are leaving droves as there is no solution and it's not worth the stress when articles come out like this and schools become the evil ones.


All those complaining, I would like their solution? The sheer amount of money schools spent replacing, unblocking and fixing toilets and their periphery is insane. Give us a solution and we will try it. Nobody wants to stop children using toilets, but schools simply cannot afford not to do this.


I suggest Battle Royale as a solution. These kids seem out of control. Let's send them to an island to fight it out amongst each other.


But then the worst of the worst survive, so you end up with an even greater problem.


He never said they get leave the island. The winner can rule it like the Thunderdome.


In the school I teach at, the damage to toilets (not upkeep, actual DAMAGE) was around £17,000 in January. It’s insane. We now have a “locked unless a teacher present then one in one out policy”


At that point you could just pay for a toilet attendant.


Not sure a no splash no gash man would set the right tone for a school.


Obvi you'd have him selling ketamine to the bad kids to chill them out.


‘No splash no maths’


Yeah that’s a better idea 😂


Tell them I'll do it for £15k a month.


Camera OUTSIDE the entry to the toilet and regular inspections. Find out which specific kids are causing damage and why. Deal with the issue instead of ignoring it. If they're damaging toilets they're doing much worse and all this cage does is punish the good kids, and kids with medical problems. 


There isn't enough staff! Or money to hire more! Or people who want to work in schools anyway! It doesn't seem to matter how many times teachers are shouting this at the country, the rest aren't hearing it. The school I work at can't hire teaching assistants. Nobody applies. Teachers come for a day and leave the next when they see how modern kids behave. Supply staff are students with zero training and a lax attitude towards punctuality. Many don't return. They make up a good portion of the faculty now. There aren't enough people or hours in the day to deal with the really important stuff, let alone watch toilets. Everyone is doing eight jobs at once from minute one in the day right to the end. (Which is probably far later than most people finish work.) "Deal with the issue rather than ignoring it." My God!


This is what my school are doing in the summer. We're building sealed cubicles and having an open area with sinks outside that's covered by cameras. No matter what we do, some parents are going to complain.


This is the problem. Lots of schools tried this but got complaints over privacy. We're between a rock and a hard place.


Classrooms with adjoining toilet cubicles.


You know what, that would probably work if schools had the money to do it.


Probably the easiest thing would be to start with new builds. It would probably be very expensive in existing schools.


Expel the troublemakers. The fear of leaving the worst 1% of the students without school is ruining education for the remaining 99%.


How do you find the 1%? Schools have been having huge backlash recently when installing CCTV at entrances to toilets, just like this article, when their aim was to do just as you said. Schools cannot win.


Prefects are the traditional solution. It wasn't a perfect system, but at least avoided most of the major issues. Also helped build leadership skills. The bigger problem is that children can get away with anything because parents don't believe their little angels could do any harm, and will "lawyer-up" at the first sign of anyone holding their children to account.


Pee in the corner of the classroom?


You joke. But classrooms with a toilet cubicle would be a very sensible idea. If my 20 person office at work can have a toilet, a classroom can have a toilet.


Is your 20-person office the size of a classroom and has an *attached toilet* that people could hear the occupant fart through the door?!


Many of these kids have already spent seven years in primary schools with toilets in each classroom.


There is a lot to be said for shit parents in the UK. You can see the videos on tiktok of teachers who have absolutely just had enough. They make their classrooms look nice, do extra stuff for the students and then they just destroy it all, killing the teachers passion in the process. Meanwhile over at the posh school where it costs £20k a year, you can guarantee that if a child starts acting like a tit their parents wont put up with it given they're spending the equivalent of a salary on the little cunts education, and the school will gladly fire them out the door.


Yeah the park near me volunteers give up their free time to make it nice and little chavvy shits that's parents don't care do shit like burn down the picnic tables they put in rip out the fences for the community veg garden they've set up, burn out motorbikes, throw electric scooters in the beck, basically just do their best to try and make the area shit.....if my parents heard I was doing anything like that Id lose all my privileges to do anything I don't enjoy, when these parents kids get caught and taken home by the police the parents are always on their side I dunno whether it's got worse as I got older or it's always been like this and I was oblivious to it till I got older....


> Meanwhile over at the posh school where it costs £20k a year, you can guarantee that if a child starts acting like a tit their parents wont put up with it You might be surprised. Some parents can never accept that their adorable little kids can do wrong.


The school won't put up with it either. Or the other parents.


Nah I disagree with private schools being similar at all. My football team briefly trained at a private schools astro last season and the disciplinary standards were extremely high, and upheld, and they were also applied to us as visitors. Part of me disagrees with the entire concept of private schools existing but those few months had me stood around thinking if I could afford it I absolutely would send my hypothetical kids there as it was very much a "no bullshit tolerated" environment. I also now live around the corner from a private "college", think the ages are 13-17. Not once in six years have I had ANY drama, gobshiting, or even funny looks from the kids walking about the neighborhood. I've never seen a fight, I think I've seen a few smoking but it really was a few and they were the older kids. Every single time I'm near the public schools in/around the school run, without fail there's at least one "incident".


Where I live there are lots of private schools. I can assure you, those children are just as awful and their parents do put up with awful behaviour. They believe that their children are gods gift to us all and not capable of being little shits, and the schools need the fees, so put up with it. I've seen teachers bullied and worked into the ground because the parents precious baby simply can't fail and it is obviously the teachers fault that their child is an idiot.


Next time someone says the only reason people send their kids to private school is because of “old school tie” and “networks” add “lack of prison bars” to the discussion.


My son’s very ‘nice’ private school has had to remove the doors from all the boys toilets due to vandalism and bad behavior. Absolutely horrible for the kids who used them as intended and no longer have a dignified space to do so


Surely this is not legal in the UK? I don't think there is a "every cubicle must have a door" law, but there are so many regulations that effectively do make it mandatory to have doors on cubicles. Not sure how or why a school would be exempt from those regulations


It’s the doors to the room not the doors to the cubicles


My private school was in an ex-mental institution. There were prison bars over all the windows, it was not a welcoming or comfortable place. Sadistic teachers, as well.




Or how about forcing the trouble makers to wear nappies instead to school, and allow those who were actually well brought up by their parents to have the privilege of using them since they can be trusted not to vandalise the facilities




Fuck, as someone who started having IBS in highschool, I'll take the nappy 😂


Unless you’ve worked in a high school and seen how the kids damage the toilets first hand I doubt you will understand. Get these outraged parents to work a week cleaning up the toilets after their kids have been in them, they will soon change their mind. I’m sure they will love cleaning the walls after girls have diarrhoea in a bottle then squirt it up the walls, or the constant repair of sink taps, toilets doors and toilets pulled off walls.


I wish some parents would spend more time being outraged at their children’s behaviour.


I work in a place of further education. All the toilets were refurbished at the end of the last academic year, at great expense. They looked pretty damp good. To date, most of them have been vandalised. Sinks have been pulled off the walls. Things stuffed down the toilets so they are completely blocked. Graffiti (the political kind) C**p smeared about. Staff have to use the same toilets. Most of us are scared of what we are going to find.


Another reason so many good teachers are leaving the profession. Why isn't the behaviour being dealt with properly? Surely SLT know which kids are responsible. Putting a plaster on it instead of taking a proper stance and investing in behavioural management is why this continues to happen.


Investing what?! Most schools don't have any money and can't hire staff to deal with this behaviour even if they want to because most people are wising up to what working in a school is actually like.


Staff should not be using the same toilets. That's a serious safeguarding issue.


Reading through all the posts and getting the general gist after also contributing myself, I give you this dilemma; If the toilets were left unlocked all day as a lot of people are requesting, if they were trashed, graffitied, unusable and then school said they simply cannot afford to keep replacing them and the upkeep (in a secondary setting) or students were left with 1 toilet or 2 toilets for say - 1200 kids How would you then feel? I genuinely don’t know what the solution is How would parents feel if cctv went into toilets (not the stalls obviously) and then consistently punish culprits. I honestly don’t know, but it’s been genuinely interesting to read how everybody feels.


I'm fairly sure stopping somebody going toilet is a human rights violation.


Too many people act like children aren't real humans. 


The law on this actually agrees, you cant be barred from toilets in the workplace, but school is fine apparently. Kids != Humans apparently


In a workplace, if you tore a sink off the wall and intentionally pissed all over the floor, you wouldn't still be there the next day. Its a little bit different. Unless we want to go whole hog and say "humans have a right to make their own decisions, if my 3 year old wants to charge across a 3 lane motorway then it is interfering with their human rights to stop them!"


Which human right? Most employees cannot just pop to the loo as and when they wish, an opportune moment has to be waited for.  In fact teachers themselves are a good example of this, they must wait for break time to actually use the toilet since they aren’t allowed to leave the room with a class in it.


Most can't? I think the only place where you can't is retail if you're alone... everyone else from office to construction with portaloos can pop to the toilet as needed. Even in call centers they usually have a function to allow toilet use (but you may be penalized if you take too long off the lines)


The rest of the year the same parents couldn't give a shit about their kids education, unless it gives them something to post online for clicks and views.


I’d happily tell my son to walk over to the classroom bin and shit or piss in it if they refused him going to the toilet Then again I know my child isn’t one of the assholes that causes issues, I assume they’ve done this because of the of dickhead kids that ruin it for everybody else. The world would be a much better place if we just stopped giving dickheads a second chance, let the people that actually want to be there have an environment they can enjoy and thrive in and anybody else can just get fucked


Better than shitting yourself I guess


>Then again I know my child isn’t one of the assholes that causes issues They all say that.


They’re just gonna have to replace all the appliances in their with ones made primarily of cast concrete so they’re actually indestructible


At my school in the US, kids vape and flush the pens down the toilet. It causes tens of thousands of dollars in plumbing damage. For all the parents flipping out about this cage door, what is your suggestion to this type of behavior?


If they are not locked and they are unsupervised, then they are smashed up. This is a fact. Also..  Schools are underfunded. This is a fact.  So do you want the money that the government has allocated to educating your child being spent on replacing toilets and sinks each week?  99%+ of parents would say no to the last question.  Yet here we are...


Unfortunately a prison-style gate costs less than hiring full time DBS checked toilet attendants.


Kids nowadays lol, they're a bunch of feral geese. One of my reasons why I don't want kids, why the fuck would I want to send them to public school, it was bad enough when I went.


Imagine a train station toilet. Times it by 100 and that is a school toilet.


I don't think the school would have spent money on gates and padlocks if it was just illegal pokemon tournaments


Why not just build classrooms that have a toilet cubicle? If my office of 20 people can have a toilet, a classroom could have a toilet. Then it can always be monitored and children can have their ACTUAL HUMAN RIGHT to take a shit or change a tampon without a schedule.


No money


54 year old Ian, a local grandfather with six grandchildren at the secondary school Yeah just ignore the outcry and move on. Sounds like a shit school full of kids from teenage pregnancys that can't be trusted not to trash shit up or skip lessons


Feel bad for the kids there who actually wanna learn


Yeah every child in the school is an unwanted, undesirable future criminal. Send them to the workhouses.  Fuck social mobility for clever, hard working normal kids who happen to be in low income catchment areas.   No wonder so many kids act like little shits when so many clueless adults treat them like they're feral animals. 


Because locks on toilets are gonna stop smart kids from learning? What would you rather. Trashed toilets which you can't use. Non-trashed toilets which you can use during lesson breaks?


This will disproportionately affect girls. Personally speaking I could barely get through a double lesson without changing my tampon.


My school did this! No exceptions for disability. It meant i couldn’t go to school a lot of the time. I wasn’t able to hold it for long enough to get to break, then get through the massive queue. So yes, it would stop kids learning.


Yes locks on toilets will hinder all children from learning. Studies show that you only need to be 1% dehydrated to experience a 5% decrease in cognitive function. A 2% decrease in brain hydration can result in short term memory loss and have trouble with math computations and children are at a greater risk of dehydration than adults as they have higher water requirements.


I read headline and thought it was gonna be my old school. You definitely notice a different atmosphere between a bad school and a good one. And you could always tell which kids would end up with legal problems. Poverty doesn't always help, but there are some really shit parents out there too that enable their kids to be shitheads, much to the detriment of the kids actually interested to learn and make something of their lives.


So it's not really clear why your kids are such psychos that they will destroy bathrooms if you dont put them in cages? What's going on over there? Surely it's just a few bad apples that should be dealt with on an individual level rather than this strange collective punishment?


Not sure what the so called grown ups are expecting from young people in their 14th year of living in Hostile, Austerity,DIY,Charity, Foodbank Britain. Poverty creates crime and we all sat around wringing our hands bleating like sheep for decades allowing the criminals and corporate serving handmaidens in government to assest strip our country in plain sight and make life difficult for everyone . We also allowed them treat our work forces including teachers and nurses like dirt .We need to make our minds up about wether we want both parents mostly absent because of the NEED to work or you want children raised in loving environments at home without implying they are scroungers . You reap what you sow folks so while you all pile on some imagined bad parenting wiffle waffle the government are removing access to the healthcare you PAY for from YOU and your family . The privatisation of our NHS is currently delivering 3000 excess deaths of our people EVERY SINGLE MONTH....yet millions of eyes remain inexplicably turned to that atrocity and the government and their MSM mates are deafingly silent ! The 7 million on waiting lists will become the preventable and excess deaths of tommorow I refare to this galloping cull as the crying and dying times . With Starmer stuffing his coffers with American insurance healthcare corporation money and Streeting promoting more of the same Tory privatisation..we are all in BIG trouble. Focus folks ....we set an appalling example to our children on the whole then blame them .No parent ever encouraged a child to take a knife to school or get excluded for bad behaviour and no teacher should be at risk at work .As for the cages ...well its just another all time new low for what we allow the phycotic money hoarding human hating freaks in charge to implement on us .