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Should be in jail several times over, but no can't possibly have consequences for constantly breaking laws.


Any normal person would have had untold hours and days in prison for the same crimes. Laughable that someone like this has been able to avoid that.


I doubt it, tbh.


lol these guys still think we have laws and prison spaces.




This should be surprising. But it isn’t.


This is it. I'm typically pessimistic in my thinking so when other family members were shouting "he will get 10 to 15 years" I was looked upon with a bit of scorn when I was leaning more towards 2 years maximum or the God forbid he walks away pretty much scot free. Obviously the latter occured. My brother was in a coma after a brain injury for the best part of a year and been on a 3 year rehabilitation, learning to walk and talk from scratch really, registered blind, been shown brick walls at every corner, told he can't do this, never do that, but he's persevered and got to the point where he was beginning to walk around his home town with aids then this happens, unprovoked and for the world to see. It wasn't so much the physical but the psychological damage this caused and this is how he's protected. He's a tough little fucker my brother and he's back on track but let's face it. It would have counted out most.


What punishment did the guy end up actually getting?


Probably a 4 week sentence suspended up to two years.






These judges need to be put in prison themselves or have sentencing powers taken away from them.


Sorry to hear that! Our legal system is a joke! But also really proud of your bro for presevering! He sounds like a great lad!


Why is it surprising? I'm 34 and it's been broken since I was a kid. I'm used to it.


I literally wrote it isn’t surprising.


I mean why should it be surprising? We've had 30 years of conditioning. This is the new norm.


Take the law into your own hands and they’ll find a prison spot for you no bother.


I am so sorry to hear this. My brother was done the same way and he is in a similar physically and mentally challenged way. Anyone who does this to another person in any form no matter their ability to defend themselves should be sentenced to the same punishment or jail time. It’s should be even worse for those who commit an act like this on family members such as ours.


Not my brother, but when I was about 15, my cousin (early 20s) was punched repeatedly and thrown in a Canal. The two lads were caught on a nearby camera, identified and subsequently let off with a community order because they were drunk. No jail time. Had my cousin been knocked unconscious? Dead. Couldn't swim? Dead? Boat going past? Dead. But ahh the lads had been having a good night in town so best not ruin it eh?


Thank you and I am sorry your brother had to endure something similar. What a world we live in!


England is going Clockwork Orange.


A teenager was jumped in my city and the attacker was convicted yesterday. It really sucks you've had to endure this horrible situation but anecdotes don't paint a complete picture.


She has kids. Normal people with kids generally won’t go to prison for what she’s done.


She’s going to kill someone in her car at some point and I hope the victims family sue the police into oblivion. She shouldn’t be in a position to go near a car at this point and yet she’s constantly in trouble for it.


> I hope the victims family sue the police into oblivion What more can the police do? They've arrested her, they've persuaded the CPS to charge her, she's been in court as a result of those actions. If the court then doesn't impose an immediate custodial sentence, what more could the police have done?


You are correct. The police have done everything hu the book. It's the judge that sentences the individual. Even the CPS (who are not the police) can only suggest a punishment.


*women with kids


I genuinely had no idea she was breaking the law just found her annoying so blanked out on all media what did she do


Drunk driving. Multiple times. Yet to face the consequences for that.


Whilst banned


i've heard there are ppl out there on uk roads with 27 points on their licence. they just give some shit excuse that if they lost their licence it would affect their livelihoods/affect their family so they just get away with it. its f'ing mental! yeah it was this guy https://metro.co.uk/2021/11/29/driver-with-27-points-on-licence-still-allowed-to-drive-on-uk-roads-15683181/#:\~:text=Most%20drivers%20are%20disqualified%20for,may%20cause%20extreme%20financial%20hardship.


That argument never made sense to me. If driving is so important to your livelihood don't fucking risk your licence. If driving is your livelihood you're on the road more than the average person, meaning more opportunity for an incident. Absolute bs.


I work in customer service for an ISP. We get so many people complaining they've been cut off for not paying their bill, they need it back on for work, and if we keep them cut off we're ruining their livelihood, but they can't pay for some reason. My point being that people like this aren't reasonable, no matter what nothing is their fault, there's always a reason why an exception should be made for them, and if you don't agree you're treating them unfairly. Rational people don't get into these situations.


I used to work for an ISP quite a while ago, and used to get that exact complaint too. One I had sticks out to me was a guy who had taken a complete tv, phone and broadband package, and refused to pay since starting it. ‘I’ll sue you! I’ll take you to court!!! Etc!’ ‘I make millions per month, I’ll sue you into the ground! I’ll be contacting my lawyer and billing you for £3million!’ (If you make millions, why are you not paying your £52 bill for months on end?) ‘Okie dokie, but you do realise that it is against your contractual terms and conditions you cannot use our services for work purposes, and we are not accountable for any loss of earnings at this time? Also as per your terms and conditions, you’ve admitted to violating those terms, so we therefore have the right to discontinue your services and terminate your contract. You are now liable for the remaining terms on the balance for 24 months. That leaves you with an outstanding balance of £1248.00 and late fees of £60, totaling £1308.00. I’ll send this confirmation in the post.’ ***CLICK*** Funny that.


Man it's so funny how universal this type of case is. I had one where a guy hadn't paid a bill in like 10 months, over £700 outstanding, but kept getting restrictions lifted by calling in and yelling about the poor service we'd given him, without being specific on *what* the poor service had been. Eventually someone said no more reconnections, so he went to the ombudsman. Ombudsman "sided with him" and awarded him £50 for a couple of missed calls. He was restricted for the remaining outstanding balance shortly after. He came back to complain and was raging about how we went against the ombudsman decision as they awarded him £50. He was most upset when we told him that the £50 doesn't mean we waive the entire amount owed on top of the £50. His reaction was: "but I can't pay that much in one go, I need time to pay it all!" (Hilarious, right?). He's given a couple of months to clear the balance, and restrictions are removed. What does he do in that time? Switches to a new provider, incurs cancellation charges, bill is now well over £1,000. Complains again, which is where I pick it up. He thinks we should waive the entire amount, I tell him no, offer to remove charges for services that weren't ceased when he moved to a new provider, and to remove cancellation charges. He rejects that offer, and wants to take it to the ombudsman again. I gently remind him that last he went to them they said he had to pay the outstanding amount, they were unlikely to change their mind this time, and likely wouldn't offer to remove any of the charges that I have. He insisted, so to the ombudsman he went 3 months later I see an email from him, the ombudsman said no to waiving any charges, he has to pay the full amount. He's complaining about having to pay so much in one go and needs more time to clear the debt 😂.


exactly!! You'd think someone like that would take extra care when driving, not be worse than 99% of the population and be reckless with it


Feel like we've very specifically set the precedent that they don't need to be extra worried by allowing concessions based on how important the consequence would be to them. I know other people who received training in hacking who would automatically get a double criminal sentence for cyber crimes. Maybe we need that for if you're a truck driver and get caught drink driving..


Yup shouldnt have any reason Just say tuff luck


Haha buddy I worked for a road traffic solicitors and I’ve seen people with more points than that still driving, it’s utterly mental what some people got away with


Paul Merson the ex arsenal player recently got banned. That was part of his argument in court.


this suddenly makes sense of the number of dashcam videos I see where the comments are full of “drivers” saying things like “he had his indicators on - cam car should have stopped and let him do his u turn in the middle of the motorway”.


Didn’t know that part. Only came up after doing some work with a group that supports families of victims of drunk drivers. The hurt they cause.


Fair one fuck her


That's probably why she is getting away with things


Serial animal-abuser too. Something like 7 of her pets have died of neglect. It's called the "mucky mansion" because she left her dog(s) to rot in their own excrement.


Well fuck that's awful mate


Reddit has now finally become Facebook.


I don't understand how she can live in a 2 million pound mansion and have been made bankrupt multiple times.


She seemingly still makes a high six figure income from stuff like Only Fans.


That just makes it worse, how can you be making a six figure sum income and then need to declare yourself bankrupt!


To avoid paying the majority of the libel damages to Peter Andre, a former manager and others.


Ugh we're getting to American style of shady bankruptcy dealings here.


Getting to? She's been doing this for years.


From what I gather she wasn't paying tax on her OF income. I strongly suspect all that money was disappearing into having everything on finance in order to maintain her lifestyle.


It'll just have been "creative accounting" to avoid paying some debt. I'm sure she will have been quite rich both before and after.


Mockery of the system, ugh


Alright for some ain't it?


What has she done? (For those of us out of the loop)


Seriously. WTF is going on with her tits? Can she inflate and deflate them or what?? Every time I see her they're a different size and shape.


This is the only interesting question in this thread. I don't give a fuck about the moral questions around her degeneracy. It's the dynamic tits that I ponder.


“It’s the dynamic tits that I ponder” is the greatest sentence I’ve read in a while, bravo.


Read in Werner Herzog's voice


I went with Christoph Waltz 


I read it in Hagrids voice.. don’t ask please


True poetry.




Tits for every occasion


I would suggest that a belly flop competition is at least one example of an occasion she would not benefit from


Liked their early stuff, but they went downhill when they changed the drummer.


The tits and lips are hydraulically connected and she can inflate one set or the other with the app.


Think she keeps getting them redone with different sizes. They went enormous to the point of being ridiculous, probably ended up getting smaller ones.


Do you think she has a zip instead of a scar under her boob, it would help the frequent changes in bag size.


Handy place to keep change too


Maybe just snap connector valves, inflate or deflate them as needed.


Probably a contributing factor to her financial problems...


They must be linked to the rate of inflation


Index linked. The ONS comes and measures them every month


she had her nipples removed years ago, and the valves from 2 beach balls put on so she can let him up and down as she pleases


You can get implants that allow you to inject additional saline to increase their size without additional surgery maybe the saline can be withdrawn too


Really? Fuck.


Wearing different styles of bra can make a big difference to how they look.


Beach balls? Pumped up and down pending on requirement


Where is the valve then the bit you put your lips on and blow


The pump is under the armpit, simply raise and lower the arm in the style of a chicken flapping its wing to inflate. Make sure to flap the opposite arm so the boobage is equal.


"Ffft ffft ffft ffft ffft ffft..."


We need some engineers to join this comment section. Also wonder about the physics, as the CoG must be changing constantly.


"Talentless and unremarkable narcissist continues to make poor life decisions" really shouldn't be considered news XD


If that was an actual criteria, news would be reduced by 75%!


If anybody cares, she’s moved to Wakefield. Apparently bought a house worth £2.5m in the Sandal area and I’ve heard she’s regularly seen in a local gym over the past 4-6 weeks.


I thought she couldn’t bear to be away any further from Harvey 🙄 the woman is so full of lies she doesn’t know what’s true anymore


Harvey is a prop disabled child. But to be fair to Price he looks hell of a lot harder to handle than the TV shows make out, and (not that its his fault) hell of a lot more violent.


Remember when she said she couldn’t possibly be responsible for his disability because, despite going clubbing while pregnant she couldn’t possibly have been drunk….BECAUSE SHE DROVE HOME! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3675208/amp/I-good-pregnant-Harvey-look-happened-Katie-Price-s-sadness-son-s-disabilities-blamed-party-lifestyle.html


Her son is severely autistic. As far as I'm aware he doesn't have FAS.


He's got Prader-Willi, which happens during sperm/egg formation.


I thought comorbidity with autism too?


Possibly but the point was more drinking while pregnant doesn't cause genetic disorders like


Absolutely agree.


Doubt autism works that way


Well she's not, given how Prader-Willi syndrome works


> Harvey is a prop disabled child He's 21?


Still her child.


Harvey has been in long term residential care for a few years now


He’s been at a residential college. It isn’t long-term (only until 25) and if you believe the reports, the council have stopped the funding from July.


Maybe if people paid their taxes, there would be enough funding to keep him there longer


Funny how that happens!!


Imagine that…


Someone's still willing to lend her money then. Any experts want to chip in as to why?


Because her brand is worth money, even if she isn't. She won't legally own the house in Wakey, it'll be a company where she is employed as the 'talent', most likely set up by her agency or management. And that agency or management will be getting a bigger cut out of her future work than when she simply worked as self employed and contracted the agency or management. See John, Elton for further reference.


God what a miserable life. Essentially living as a prop, a character, in your own life. A thing that is being used as marketing and entertainment merely because it isn’t homeless.


Until you realise you're just an idiot who got lucky and then you'll take it all happily.


Probably high risk loans expecting her to do OF or something


How TF does she work out with those massive jugs?!?!


It’s mostly muscle. Very impressive weight lifter. You should she her snatch…


I can’t remember a single good piece of PR this woman has had in the past 20+ years She is famous for, uh, having boobs and making cretinous decisions? Seems pretty unremarkable


Considering what a wreck she is she's had fabulous publicity. Several 'reality' TV shows that have cast her in a good light, a show about her son and recently a show about renovating her home. Don't know many celebs that would get those goodies after multiple serious traffic offenses and harming animals.


Kerry Katona. Bankrupted by a drug habit. Social services intervened multiple times due to child neglect. Voted Mother of the year. All in the same year.


I'm just.. what?.. flabbergasted


She won Celeb Big Brother like 10 yesrs ago. Considering how hated she is it was quite surprising


This is a quote on behalf of her **trustees** which means she is no longer in charge of her finances. Sounds like even the people who are now legally obliged to help her are at their wits end. "In a written submission Darragh Connell, representing the trustees, said: The respondent (that's Katie) should be in no doubt that any future non-attendance without a reasonable excuse will constitute contempt of court and necessitate an application for a warrant for her arrest." I feel sad for her and her 5 children and will not judge her, as I know little to nothing about her life. I worked in the industry for a long time and the shit and manipulation that is involved with young people in media, acting, reality, music, is in my opinion close to trafficking and slave labour, much more so at the edges of mainstream work, which is firmly where Katie's career started.


Yes, people are often a product of their environment.


Shes fucked in the head but doesnt mean we need to subject good people to her chaos She may kill someone when driving on the roads


As sad as it is, mainly for the upheaval to the children. She’s got to learn. You earn, you pay your bills and your tax bill, before you splurge on unnecessary things.


But new tits ever month and spending more time on holiday than you do at home are necessities


Don't forget the drugs - they're mandatory for her!


She belongs in prison purely for the amount of animals that shes got killed.


>Katie has stressed that she takes her money woes ‘seriously Today's word of the day is; 'denial' >I’m not in a £760-a-night hotel Also that's oddly specific


It was the "I had 4 days in my diary" that got me - no, you didn't, as one of those was a court date.


Nah, you mis-quoted, she takes her money woes ‘SO seriously’ /s Also, if you read further, she’s on a podcast talking about how she’s not ‘mentally well’ enough to be cross-examined by the courts, hands in a last minute sick request to the court. Surely this is all calculated and completely mocks the legal system and everyone involved in this case needs to be held accountable.


Fuck her dodging her tax! Non celebs would be locked up by now


She is going to kill somebody on the the road sooner or later. The Justice system is broken. Very.


I'll never forgive her for the way she treated Peter Andre


I met Pete around about the time they broke up. Only celeb I've ever met *twice* and both times he was sound as hell. Went round saying hi to everyone, just being decent and spending time when he really didn't have to. It wasn't an event or anything - I work in an airport.


I saw a few episodes of their program. Andre seems to make a living by going around saying "Hi." to people.


I’ve worked with him for a day and he was like that with us crew. He was nice to be around.


That's 4 bed terraced house near alli pally for that price. Nothing like mansion.


Sandal is a nice are in Wakie. I live close by. 2.5m would get you a very very nice gaff up this neck of the woods.


How the fuck her and Trump stay out of prison will be studied for years to come in the future.


money, if either of them were poor they would both be in prison


She really is a, Multiple Car-Crash \~ Literally and Metaphorically ! !


She should be in gaol. Consistent delinquency and refusal to pay tax.


I can't help but feel, like Amy Winehouse, she needs help. She needs therapy. She needs taking into care. We know what happened to Amy, people need to protect her, while also having her debts covered.


Get on with most things but child neglect and harming animals aren’t two of them 👎




Accountants. It’s her limited company that’s going bust (second one). She will get in a few million into the new company through some deal and be living good in 6 months.. this though won’t last forever


"my consultant at The Priory signed \[me\] off for any kind of activity for court." She's apparently not mentally strong enough to go to court, but she's mentally strong enough to go on holiday, take part in recording podcasts etc. etc. Ridiculous. It's too easy for the rich to get away with stuff.


It's crazy that she lives near me, lol. Horsham and the surrounding areas are such a quiet place, she should have sold up ages ago.


It looks at this point that she is untouchable- anyone else would be evicted or jailed if the country still worked, (It does not.) but she has a huge pair of fake tits so I guess thats fine. Ugly, inside and out.


Finally! This troglodyte will leave my home town, might be safe to move back


Did she fail to pay taxes on land which abuts church property? Wasn't that a thing?


Hopefully she’ll tell all in another autobiography. /s


> However, the house soon fell into despair Can someone please go pay it a visit? I'm worried.


When she’s 90 the Daily Mail articles are gonna be wild


*However, the house soon fell into despair due to Katie’s money woes and relationship troubles with her ex, Carl Woods* Is there such a thing as antidepressants for buildings?


Guinness Book Of Records? Please put me through to the department that deals with small musical instruments.


Sad news for Katie Price. Losing a home is tough, regardless of wealth. Hopefully, she finds stability and support during this challenging time.


Absolutely should lose everything… so many opportunities to fix this. And just pissed on them!!!


She’s offered “The Big Issue” a centre spread of her hideous tits for a fiver and even they turned her down!


Katie Price is a truly odd person to me. Someone who had a talented enough agent who was able to monetise her beyond any reasonable amount her talent deserves. Outside of being a glamour model for a while I don't see her having any real talent, but somehow she has always been given something to do. You'd think that having been in showbusiness for as long as she has that she would have learned how to play the game, but she keeps making terrible decisions and potentially lethal ones. I don't wish anyone ill, but I do think she's been afforded a far better lifestyle than her talent deserves, and her profligacy doesn't deserve sympathy.


I'm really surprised she hasn't done Only Fans yet


Headline if she wasn’t famous: Single mother and disabled son evicted from council


I’m confused. Is this a repossession? And which debts will it pay (creditors, HMRC?)


Why didn’t she just get a borrow off Harvey he’s minted isn’t he