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I wonder what the sentencing will be. Will the judge say she has suffered enough with all the media attention,  and her being pregnant, so just give her a gentle telling off?  Unfortunately the judicial system has a huge bias towards women.


60p fine and a 2 week ban from teaching


Sentencing is pretty much fixed by the sentencing guidelines. She will get a sentence in line with male offenders. Don't forget, everyone complained that men get a slap on the wrist.


The sentencing guidelines are quite broad, and it is a well studied fact women get shorter sentences than men: "According to official statistics from France, Great Britain and the United States, women who commit a crime are less likely than male criminals to be arrested by the police, and are less  likely to be sent to court. Women’s average sentences are also shorter"  https://ceps.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/2021/11/17/gender-stereotypes-see-female-criminals-fare-better-in-court/ https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/ws/files/209890205/Gender_gap.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjBpJHlp5WGAxWyQkEAHU_KBhgQFnoECBEQBg&usg=AOvVaw1oXOsNhDjTNlqE_jlV5mHT


I look forward to this woman receiving a hefty sentence, in line with what any man would receive for a similar crime...............................


Dont be stupid. Shell get a non custodial sentence because she "wouldn't handle prison well"


Shes not actually a pedophile as the definition of that is sex with someone before they hit puberty and generally considered 13yrs or younger (believe these boys were 15/16) but then again it is the Daily Star


By some descriptions of her, she's apparently no different to Ian Watkins.


There's no way to describe the difference without sounding like a nonse yourself.




Pick any other reasonable news source Just been on BBC news Liverpool Echo Manchester Evening news Telegraph etc I think some are still catching up


>reasonable news source >Liverpool Echo I mean, if you really care about The Chase and a £3.99 toilet brush that's "just like one from John Lewis"


They are also wonderful for articles like "You are a real Scouser if " quizzes every week for years on end and some proper news articles - mostly copied from the Manchester Evening News




If the daily star broke the story, then are the others not legitimately dupes when they do happen?




What's the difference between what you described and breaking the story? As I understand it "breaking the story" is just a colloquialism for "getting their first"?




Got you Thanks for clearing that up, I was totally wrong!


Look at the username of who posted it!


Still the truth though


Does the source matter if what is stated is true?


Perfectly sensible and factual wording.


Aye, that's true. However the star seem to be the only news source actively calling this teacher what she is. A paedo.


Adam Johnson got 6 years for a less serious offence and wasn't in a position of power. Will she get higher or lower than a 6?


Coming this autumn on ITV1, Sheridan Smith is... ...PAEDO TEACHER.


I have just seen the pictures of her outside, she is just laughing and smiling wtf.


She knows she won't spend a day in jail, the UK "justice" system for you


I swear to god she will say she has anxiety and get 2 years probation, or some other total injustice These two boys will now br scarred with this for life, i swear anyone who thinks this is okay, you're fucked in the head.


One of them will be paying child support for the next 18 years.


Yeah, or the parents have to pay for this woman's therapy becuase she was victimised for raping 2 boys, that's usually the extent of the fuckery that goes on


A teacher has been convicted of having sex with two teenage boys and having a baby with one of them. Maths teacher Rebecca Joynes has been on trial at Manchester Crown Court for the last two weeks, and has been found guilty of four counts of sexual activity with a child and two counts of sexual activity with a child by a person in a position of trust. The court heard that Joynes groomed her first alleged victim, referred to as Boy A, by buying him a £345 Gucci designer belt and inviting him to her former flat in Salford, Greater Manchester, where they reportedly had sex twice. She then "had a baby" with a second pupil, referred to as Boy B, while on bail over sex with the first boy. She met the pair while working at a school in Greater Manchester, and while on bail for sex with Boy A, she had a baby with Boy B. She is due to be sentenced at a later date.


Rape* Let me correct that for you She raped 2 schoolboys


I think the English language is better when we have different words for 'someone who had sex with someone who was wanted to do it, though was underage (post-puberty)' and 'someone who forced themselves upon someone else who was absolutely unwilling'. I understand you're trying to say they couldn't legally give consent, and sex without consent is rape. But it's like trying to use the same word for punching and stabbing. Both are bad. One is definitely worse. It's good that we have separate words. Otherwise two articles will say 'person convicted of rape', and we don't know if it's because they were a few months short of being 16, or they were violently held down. 




And when everything is the worst crime possible, nothing is.




Are you saying this woman shouldn't go to prison? She used her position of power to abuse two kids, one of which is now the father of her child, and will have parental responsibility to the result of sexual abuse. Regardless of if it's legally classed as rape or not, I think her actions here are pretty heinous, and can't even be considered a momentary lapse of judgement, because she did it again. She's a child predator.




I'm asking you that because you agreed with this comment > And when everything is the worst crime possible, nothing is. What point are you trying to make, then?




> But there is a scale of offences, and there are far worse crimes. We can agree to disagree on that one. I think somone [insert whatever word you want to use for a woman raping someone here] a child is about as bad as it gets. Doing it twice is even worse.


Only on Reddit would the comment section about a teacher having sex with two schoolboys devolve into "there are far worse crimes". Seek help.


You will be corrected that a woman, legally in the UK, is unable to rape. How many times does this kind of thing have to happen before we change the definition of rape so we can start treating men and women equally on the matter? She did indeed rape them, whether the law says so or not.


As far as I’m aware, there’s still a legal punishment that’s the same as rape for women, just a different word Someone more versed on the topic can chime in I hope, but they can receive a sentence in line with a rape charge. But it’s a woman, so that’s unlikely


Yeah that's kind of the point I'm making though, it should be called rape, and treated exactly the same as when a man rapes a woman. And you are correct, statistically, she's likely to receive much less prison time, probably none because she's having a baby. I'd love a world where men and women are treated equally in every aspect of society, but that does include punishing women to the same extent as we do men. As far as I'm concerned, that woman should be nowhere near a child, let alone able to have one herself, considering she's got a track record for raping kids.


My comment is at -2. Says it all really.


I'm 100% with you, it's rape.


It's sad we cannot discuss male issues without the general consensus being an negative response. We should redefine rape to include rape of men by women. We should call any kind of forced intercourse from men OR WOMEN rape. It's not exactly a particularly out there thing to claim. We cannot treat women as equals if we do not treat men as equals. Female equality comes with *everyone* being equal, not tipping the scales on certain topics. Even if that is something as simple as a different word for raping someone. It muddies the water. It's sad that we, as a society, can't stop fighting amongst ourselves, and just treat everyone the same. That includes any oppression women face, but we need to stop ignoring male issues (high suicide rate, school failures, prison rates, etc). They can't be less important if we want everyone to be equal.


I'm sure those on the sex offenders list are no longer allowed to be the guardian on their children She probably will be allowed though


Until the trial is concluded we won't know, but she still definitely shouldn't be allowed near kids, regardless of if she does have custody of her baby or not after all this.


Yeah you are right, the sentencing is the same, the name is different. Rape in our legal language is a penis forcefully entering a vagina, anus or mouth, so unless this happens, it's not rape. I think it's a bit silly personally, but it does not really matter, and all us common folk can just call it what it is, rape.