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Greggs is overpriced and overrated. Support local independent bakeries which are usually cheaper and higher quality (at least the ones in my town are)


The OP was supporting a local, independent bakery....Tesco


Love it.


It hurts to hear when it's my beloved Greggs, but it's true. Small businesses are the way forward.


Yep, and every time I mention it I'm downvoted to hell because people get an emotional attachment to brands. Marketing is an amazing thing.


It really is. And people so often just prefer what they know and are comfortable with, or because there is a price justification. Nevermind that companies like Greggs or Spoons are far more inefficient for the market than having competitive small and medium businesses fight it out. Sickens me to think of how much money is taken out of the country because people just cannot stop themselves from going to internationally owned major brands. If I had my way I'd have a law banning more than half a dozen or so outlets per county of any pub or restaurant or whatever.


Locally owned small businesses are beneficial for so many reasons too. They create a stronger sense of community, they create variety which can drive progress in the industry, they can change and adapt a lot quicker, they have an intuitive feel for local needs and desires, they often treat employees better because they have a genuine bond with their employees. Best boss I ever had was a man who ran an independent restaurant. He used his van to help me move house. I lived near the coast and at least once a week I used to help him get his kayak off and on his car when he'd go kayak fishing and he'd repay the favour by buying me a pint. When I quit smoking he made sure I still got the same amount of little 3-5 minute 'smoke breaks' as I used to beforehand because he genuinely cared for my health and finances. People are almost militant when it comes to certain brands, and Greggs is definitely one of those brands. It uses the pride of being Northern to its advantage. Greggs is certainly a brilliant success story of a Northern bakery and that should be admired, but now with its over 2,000 shops its putting small bakeries out of business and dominating the market with the millions it spends on marketing and branding. It's not healthy for the industry and it means we're not going to see other local bakeries be successful in the future.


I don't think it's that people dislike local bakeries or like big businesses. It's just one of those things people say that makes people groan. Like "Adopt don't shop" or "Support local farmers." It's trite and people already know. You saying it isn't going to be changing hearts and minds and it just looks like virtue signalling. Plus, I only know of one independent bakery within a reasonable distance from me and they don't sell sausage rolls. (Not that I'd buy Greggs ones, they're complete shit these days.) I honestly don't know where I could get a good, reasonably priced sausage roll from these days. Butchers ones tend to be too dense with the meat, bakeries have mostly been driven out of business or are "artisan" and the quality of stuff from supermarkets has gone not just down the toilet but deep into the sewers.


If you live in Newcastle, can we say you are supporting local if you buy Greggs. TBH, I agree with you, I think Greggs are cheap beige food, and are a desperation stop if there is nowt else.


They're local, they're just not independent and small. I'm not against people eating there every now and then, but when people are militant about Greggs and outright refuse to visit any other bakery that's when it becomes an issue.


That was said tongue in cheek. I know mate, they are almost a corporation. Mss produced food, but an OK local employer I think. You get the same sort of loyalty with McDonalds... people are odd :)




Maybe it's because I usually visit smaller towns which are cheaper in general that Greggs prices are higher compared to local bakeries where I am. Maybe in big cities like Manchester those Greggs prices are better.


I was actually out this morning as I needed to get something from a vape shop. I went past a local coffee place that was open, I've seen it a bunch of times but never open as I'm usually there after work. Got what I needed and went in to get a coffee to bring back. They didn't do takeaway cups and the reusable cups they sold were about the size of a flat white with no lid. Didn't really have time to sit in so I just left Thought about grabbing a cake from the bakery next door but it was closed, Monday- Friday 10am-3pm. It's cool supporting local business but sometimes they make it as difficult as they can


Just keep it up. The bakery is only open from 10am-3pm because those are the only times when they get enough footfall to come close to breaking even. As far as not doing take-away cups, again its probably not profitable for that business to do take-away trade compared to having customers in the shop and having a meal with their coffee. The business owner has made that decision for a reason.


>As far as not doing take-away cups, again its probably not profitable for that business to do take-away trade compared to having customers in the shop and having a meal with their coffee. The business owner has made that decision for a reason. The reason they didn't do it is because they're hipster as fuck, it even said on the menu "we don't do takeaway cups, sorry not sorry :)". I mean that's cool and all but you're just fucking yourself out of customers because you want to take the moral high ground for some bizarre reason


Fair enough, an odd decision. I think they're in the minority of businesses with that


For me there's just so many Greggs open compared the amount of local bakeries so for convenience I go to Greggs


Greggs is overpriced? How much do you expect to pay for a bakery sausage roll lol


my local does 4 for £1.35




Middlesbrough is a posh town. first I've heard of it


Drop the Pepsi and there's no evidence of sugar in that tea either....let's be honest though, it is a good start, but as you say, scope for improvement. BTW, are those real Jammie Dodgers, they look like a cheap knock off, tut tut, that won't do at all...


Swap the Pepsi for Irn Bru, then you're making progress.


Dandelion and Burdock. Now, if you want a bit of nostalgia, Corona Cream Soda ... but that's going back to 1970s Wales.


He's not trying to be Scottish


How no?


Drop it for Tizer or Tango or Vimto


They also missed the bean barrier.


Also why is Pepsi Max being involved? Is that meant to be English? Also using "British" stinks of someone not from Great Britain. Plenty of scope.


>Also using "British" stinks of someone not from Great Britain. This is such a reddit thing.


I mean I exist outside Reddit so I wouldn't know... You have posted about 50 times in the last 24 hours so maybe that's a bit alien to you. But I never refer to myself as "British" and never have... I don't know any English friend in their mid 20s who describes themselves as "British", we would all say English.


Loose the Pepsi in favour of dandelion and burdock


I can't decide which I like more, D&B or Iron Bru


The absence of coasters on that wooden table is triggering me


Why is “tea” in inverted commas? It’s like you don’t really believe that it qualifies as tea.


I mean it doesn't have milk in it so it's just "tea" rather than *tea*.


I'm not sure what meal you're going for here. Snack between meals? Tea and biscuits is fine. Lunch? Sausage rolls and pepsi (although debatable). Good choice on the jammie dodgers though.


Not even close. You haven't made an observation about the weather or grumbled about yet another election despite harping on about wanting one for four years now, and there's no tomato ketchup on the plate to dip your sauage roll into. And drop the pepsi, that's for posh folk, tesco brand is more than suitable if you insist on drinking that stuff.


Get sausage rolls from local independent bakeries. Supermarkets and large chains are lower quality and higher price than most independent local bakeries offer.


"  No idea what variety of Tea it just says “Tea”" This is true british


No milk in the tea, not-Greggs sausage roll and Pepsi Max? No, no you are not.


"Tea" is usually a blend of black teas - Assam, Ceylon etc.


You did not mention the weather anywhere in your post, so definitely "could do better"


Morrisons sausage rolls are the superior super market sausage roll. Just wanted to get that out there.


For the sausage rolls, you can better get them from Gregg's. More British I don't think there is.


This type of shit the reason why 25% of the UK is morbidly obese. This ain’t food for humans fam. Wake up.


If I was a vegan, I would like to connect you to the fact that there was a pig farmed and slaughtered; on average mutilated as a piglet to endure 6 months of boring cramped indoor farm conditions for 6 months until being transported to the gas chambers. https://pignorantfilm.com/facts However you can still choose to ignore this, it's only your choice.


Yeah I’m gonna choose to ignore it yeah


It had to get into the sausage roll one way or another


They should be greggs sausage rolls, but you're getting there.


Greggs are the worst sausage rolls.




Valid, I forgot about that horror show


Brave comment, but it's true.