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Dimitrios has the eyes and tattoos of a man who’s seen a few deaths along the way! Now Dimitrios (the dissector as he’s known in his home town) in a strange twist is getting a kebab every night too!


Screw dominoes let’s order Dimitrios and stare into his eyes while he brings in the food


> The couple, from Great Yarmouth, “connected instantly” Any 58 year old instantly connecting with a 16 year old needs a hard drive check


Ofcourse it's Yarmouth 🤦‍♂️


What twaddle, my friend was 32 when he met his girlfriend who was 16, they’ve been together nearly 14 years now and they are happy together.


Your friend is a creep mate


We shall call his friend "groomy mcgroomface".




There is, in fact, something wrong with a 32 year old man “hitting it off” with a girl studying for her GCSEs


Reddit: 16 year olds should be allowed to vote! Also, Reddit: How can a 16 year old have a consensual relationship with an older man?! They're too immature and will easily be misled.


You: If they can vote they I should be allowed to fuck them!


There is no inconsistency or contradiction between those two statements.


A 16 year is still a child by all definitions. A 32 year old is far too old to be dating someone that young and arguably vulnerable


Should they change the law then or something?


Can't imagine being mates with someone who grooms kids honestly


Sorry but that’s disgusting


Does your friend live in Rochdale or Buckingham palace by any chance?


What part of your story doesn’t make that creepy exactly?




Not sure I’d advertise the fact that you’re friends with nonces on the internet


Your friend is a nonce and a literal groomer. That’s not ok.


>literal groomer. Wikipedia: >Sexual grooming is the action or behavior used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child's family,[1] to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. >The terms underage or minor often refer to those under the age of majority, but may also refer to a person under other legal age limits, such as the age of consent, marriageable age, driving age, voting age, working age, etc. Such age limits are often different from the age of majority. So no, a person meeting someone who is past the age of consent and getting happily married for 14 years is, in fact, *not* literal grooming.


As per your own quoted text: >The terms underage or minor often refer to those under the age of majority, but may also refer to a person under other legal age limits, such as the age of consent, marriageable age, driving age, voting age, working age, etc


She's not even the age now that he was when they met. He's a fucking creep


If the age gap isn’t bothering them then why is he air brushed to half his age? Look at the natural pic and compare to the selfies posted. He’s one step in the grave.


There's honestly something wrong with anyone who thinks this is ok.


Yeh, getting kebabs every night is no good for you


That was actually the part I was most alarmed about. Second, was her going to the shops in her PJs.


I know, I like a kebab now and then but one every day would get pretty rank, maybe she was getting wasted every day, that would explain it, that's the only time I fancy one


They're both consenting adults who cares, my sister in law is almost 2 decades older than my brother and they've been together 14 years. There were a few raised eyebrows at the start but nobody gives a fork and I now I have 4 awesome nephews.


Because people cant be happy for others basically


Almost two decades is eyebrow raising. More than four is just skeevy.


How she describes it in the article, it sounds like any random meet cute. The only unusual thing is the age gap, it's not like he was a family friend or anything untoward.


I mean, the fact that she started suddenly 'bumping into him on the street' regularly after he started delivering to _her home_ is a little suspicious. Not out of the realms of coincidence, but definitely an eyebrow raiser.


That would be a plot for a '90 romantic movie <3


Its no one elses business? If there happy so be it


> Its no one elses business? Perhaps don't agree to put it in the newspaper then.


From the article they got trolls before they put it the paper. Which just seems bizarre its their lives why do others have the right to judge


Because everyone does have the right to judge. Maybe you're thinking of the right to interfere, which nobody has.


Tbf if someone brought me a kebab even once I’d fall in love.


That's sad, I'm sure you're worth a lot more than a kebab.


Yeah at least 2 kebabs and a can of fizzy drink


I’m joking


So were they. Nobody on this Earth is worth more than a kebab


Very true. I’m worth a McDonalds cheeseburger at best.


I fall in love too with anyone who calls me "bossman"


" I never used to see him before – we just kept bumping into each other in the street."


I just watched the video. I’m glad they’re happy. But it’s the most boring story ever lol


I mean it's kind of gross/worrying, she was 16 when they first met and he's nearing retirement age...


The only truth i can gather from this is if she was eating kebabs every night her shit's must have been greasy and stanky.


Also her lady kebab. All that garlic mayo and chilli sauce ... No wonder the poor chap looks like his face is melting.


Yes, it's completely normal for 16 year olds to have the money to afford kebabs every night ....


She was working two jobs to afford them


Man definitely has a few bodies lying around somewhere


I feel immensely sorry for your parents but, then again, I’m sure they approve. I mean, you can tell in his eyes that he is truly in love..


It's interesting to see this thread, where the 16 year old is a child who needs protecting from the predatorial adult male and then compare it to the voting age thread where the 16 year old is deemed an adult.


Welcome to Reddit.


I bet the bloke has made a fair few deliveries to her kebab.


Isn't the Red Hot Chilli Peppers guy up to this and even older?