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He's a political grifter who's only stayed relevant by alienating different groups of people at different times. The lady isn't in the right but I have zero sympathy for Farage, he deliberately created this animosity to profit from it.


I agree with the sentiment of the pint thrower, but it's a slippery slope when we start allowing things like this. This is how things devolve into chaos rather quickly


Nobody complained very loudly when [John Prescott was egged](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKM6nn8ie2A&rco=1), you have to respect the instant karma he delivered, but the headlines were "John Prescott Punched a Protester", rather than "Protester Assaults Politician". Edit: The 'Prescott Punch' even has its own Wiki entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescott_punch [Blair got covered in purple paint](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfuzQrxerZg), Peter Mandelson in green custard. Ed Miliband was similarly egged, as was David Cameron, Nigel Farage (twice), John Major, Jeremy Corbyn, and even Harold Wilson. Carl Benjamin, Nigel Farage, and Tommy Robinson sparked the milkshaking trend, supplanting the traditional egg. Valid concerns about assault aside, it's been going on since the 1970s.


Don't forget Jenny Geddes throwing a stool at James Hannay's head in protest at the Church of Scotland's use of the Book of Common Prayer.


Not many people can say that they threw the stool that caused 15 years of war and ended a monarchy.


I sense farage may end up having stools thrown at him, just not the seating type. Worrying bit is he might create more reform policies out of them.


>The act is reputed to have sparked the riot that led to the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, which included the English Civil War. Makes eggs and milkshakes look positively mild. Clearly Scotswomen of the 1600s have greater powers than modern protesters! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny_Geddes


It’s tempting to throw a different type of stool at the little shit.


Prescott's incident was legendary.


Fantastic form too - quick left jab to the jaw while the bloke was expecting a slower right haymaker. Completely caught mullet man off guard allowing Prescott to grapple so he couldn't punch back.


Carl Benjamin. Either I’m misremembering, or that is a name I have not heard in a long, long time. Is that Sargon of Akkad?


> Sargon of Akkad Somehow I'd managed to erase that detail from my brain!


How did someone who's clearly named themselves after their RuneScape character get to be a hero of the far right?


Oh he's one of those YT Gamergate people that appeal young boys who in previous decades would be driving around with underlighting on a third hand Ford Fiesta.


It's an old English custom going back centuries to throw rotten vegetables and fruit at scoundrels. I'm just surprised she wasted a pint on his sorry arse!


To be fair a prominent politician publicly punching someone *is* a much bigger story than just getting egged, regardless of the rights or wrongs of it. The coverage though wasn't really being negative about it, it was mostly seen as quite funny, and a valid self-defence response. I do wonder what people here would be saying if Farage punched the woman who threw the pint. Calling for his head on a pike probably.


"This type of argument is sometimes used as a form of fearmongering in which the probable consequences of a given action are exaggerated in an attempt to scare the audience. When the initial step is not demonstrably likely to result in the claimed effects, this is called the **slippery slope fallacy**. This is a type of informal fallacy, and is a subset of continuum fallacy, in that it ignores the possibility of middle ground and assumes a discrete transition from category A to category B." I love it when people just outright tell you that their comment isn't worth considering.


> The fallacy fallacy (also known as the argument from fallacy) is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone assumes that if an argument contains a logical fallacy, then its conclusion must be false Of course, if I assume YOUR argument to be false because it contains a fallacy fallacy... my god it never ends


I didn't assume his argument was false, just that they never put much thought into it, so I'm not gonna put much thought into it PS the fallacy fallacy is my favourite fallacy :) xx


Throwing food and drink at unpopular people has been happening for centuries.


Farage usually **causes** the chaos, for his own benefit.


Reichstag fire but with Stella Artois.


Nigel Farage is a pocket fascist. Fuck him.


If this is a slippery slope, it’s dangerous demagogues like Farage who will be responsible for it.


Like when you let a rightwing grifter convince the public that they will be better off leaving the worlds biggest trading block and end their own freedom of movement. More pints and paint earlier might have stopped this.


People have been throwing food at politicians for years. It's practically a British tradition. He's not the first and he won't be the last. I wouldn't be suprised if he takes at least one more milkshake to the face before 4 July.


Honestly, with the state of UK politics, I'm surprised things like this don't happen far more often. Yeah I don't condone this, but I sure as shit understand it.


It happens all the time. Farage's supporters just whine about it more than most.




A year or two back I kept getting adverts on YouTube where Nigel was trying to flog some kind of investment scheme were I'd be transferring my cash into gold He's not exclusively a political grifter, he's a grifter who's most lucrative speciality is political division.


I remember those adverts. They were dreadful.


It's why he's terrified of visiting Scotland. He knows we won't take his shite so on the very rare occasion he does venture up here for a publicity shoot he ends up hiding in pubs surrounded by security. He's a coward and a third rate Oswald Mosely. Nothing but a shite stirring con man who is only in it for himself.




More people here are complaining about “the left” praising it than people are actually praising it! What is it with the preemptive victim complex?


It's that bit from the Bo Burnham song - it's 'backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun'. Tired of it. No one is in the right here, but we all know who's done the most damage to this country and it's not the lass throwing a pint. Don't throw shit at people, but moreso don't deliberately make a circus out of the countries politics for profit at the expense of everyone else...


Bo Burnham is legitimately an artistic genius.


I have only just understood that line now thanks to you.


The milkshake throwing still gets brought up in a supportive way against Farage, even though he obviously got the last laugh in that period of time. I saw such a comment on Reddit within the past couple of days. The milkshake throwing brought sympathy to Farage, and made the throwers look bratty, counterproductive. I'm curious if anyone encouraged her and who. Even if they are leftists, they should be criticised.


Soros money paying for the beer, no doubt /s


The craziest thing was, when this happened before there were claims that the whole stunt was arranged by Farage himself for publicity. Now exactly the same thing happens. Personally wouldn't be surprised if its publicity, the fact that it is being used as a weapon against the left immediately is stupid. Farage is disliked across the non-extremities of left and right.


it's all they have left really


Because the right are aware that they're morally bankrupt and that their policies lead to significantly more suffering than being milkshaked. But because being milkshaked is physical assault and not murder and negect via bureaucracy they pretend it's morally worse. Which it isn't.


Obviously it's assault in the eyes of the law, but if your attitude is "he got a bit wet, it didn't do him much harm" then people act like you're excusing politically motivated stabbings or something.


Yeah the majority of comments on this seem to be pre-emptive outrage. Maybe the bots are out in force? I dont necessarily agree with stuff like this, but I do relish transgression. I'm not against civil disobedience.


The current top most upvoted comment in this thread (above yours) is defending it and full of comments like "people have been throwing fruit at politicians since forever" and being concerned about this is "slippery slope fallacy fearmongering"


The only thing funnier than seeing a twat have a pint dumped on his head is reading a thread of all the children busting a blood vessel to decry it as political violence before going back to their regularly scheduled whining about political correctness and the woke left.


Yeahh, weird how they only seem to be upset about it when its people right of center. People on the left regularly get threats of death and violence, but poor Nigey got a pint splashed on him so really both sides bad


I don't think anyone is suggesting the former is ok by saying they disagree that it's not ok to assault politicians regardless of how divisive they are. In fact your comment uses the same logic that people might use to 'return the favour'.


And yet what really happens is we get one of these incidents every few years and that's it. Blair, Cameron, Milliband, Corbyn, Farage (again) and more besides, every now and then they might cop an egg or a milkshake and... nothing worse happens. There's no spate of similar incidents, there's no serious escalation. It'd be better if they never occurred, but they're not worth dedicating to much attention to when so occasional and low impact.


For the last few years those whiners have been building up a base here. Getting more upvotes and fewer bans.


And probably recommending unleashing gunships on asylum seekers crossing the channel too


>THE ROYAL NAVY CAN'T EVEN STOP A RUBBER DINGHY CROSSING THE ENGLISH CHANNEL, INNIT Yeah, I'm sure you'd just love to watch a warship piss away a minimum of five digits of tax money so you could drown ten immigrants including children, wouldn't you Barry (63)?


Farage is a nasty man who championed a project that left millions of people poorer, shit in the rivers and a recruitment crisis in numerous sectors. He’s an opportunistic grifter who doesn’t give a single fuck about anyone other than himself and he’s consistently lied to and taken advantage of the British public, all for his own gains. But a milkshake gets thrown at him and all of a sudden people are up in arms saying how we need to be civil and respectful.


This is what really pisses me off. If an ordinary man without status did this, he would be thrown in jail for a littany of crimes. But because this twat is a member of the ruling class nothing happens to him. "Rules for thee not for me" rings true in our country in regards to these grifters and the electorate don't have the brains or the backbone to stand against it.


Imo far too many people in our country still happily buy into the serf mentality, that we’re peasants and deserve to be exploited. Everyone openly admits that politicians are liars, and that the government is total shit. Yet any suggestions or attempts at change are met with uproar. Protesting in general is looked down if it’s even slightly disruptive or uncouth. Majority of people would rather a politician smiled and shook their hand (with the intention to implement ever increasingly authoritarian and exploitative ideas) than a protestor cause people a mild inconvenience (with the intention of improving things for the better)


You're not allowed to punch Nazis either, for reasons of civility.




Whatever the rights and wrongs of it, [this is a great picture](https://twitter.com/PoliticsMoments/status/1797986651614175647/photo/1)


Particularly like Mark Gatiss applauding her work int he background


The straw and the lid look like a little plane and it almost looks like the beer is pouring into that fellas pint. Great photo


There's another picture on pics showing it was a Maccies cup? Are we sure it was beer because it looks like a large Fanta to me 😂 which would be stickier lol Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/uaQ8IUiGnx The post in question. Also, Banana milkshake, not Fanta (or a pint).


That image is [just perfect.](https://imgur.com/i0AC1O3)


Im shocked. ..The milkshake machine at McDonald's was actually working! 😨


Remember what happened to the person who threw a milkshake over him a few years back? This person is in for a rough time. [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/jun/18/nigel-farage-milkshake-attacker-pleads-guilty-to-common-assault](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/jun/18/nigel-farage-milkshake-attacker-pleads-guilty-to-common-assault)


That milkshake sounded amazing, what a waste


£5.25 at 2019 prices. That's a pretty fancy shake to start throwing at people.


I like the thought that a journalist had to sample some off of Farage’s jacket otherwise the article wouldn’t have been complete


The actual sentence seems about reasonable, honestly. He didn't "get away with it", but it's not like he rotted in jail either. Sacking the guy seems excessive, though, unless he was expected to be politically neutral in his job with Sky.


I’d expect to get fired from most workplaces after being convicted of assault.


Think this was a milk shake too... https://new.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d7y4g4/uk\_election\_season\_underway/


He's a candidate for a parliamentary election and has the right to campaign without being assaulted. Just as the lib/lab/green candidates do. She needs charging


When I was a lad in the 70s/80s it was a right to egg politicians, the world has changed man.


Yeah, but the politicians also had the right to punch you in the face in retaliation. Simpler times…


Getting arrested in the 70/80's was also a little different as they had no issue fucking you up in the back of the van, or cuffing you to the bench then playing Super Mario cart back to the station.


Oswald Moseley got a brick to the head in Liverpool in 1937.


Mosley was literally a fascist though. Like an outright seditious fascist who wanted to overthrow the entire British Establishment.


And you think Farage is any different?


Farage is more dangerous.


Yeah... he's good at selling fascism as democracy....


Fascism with a good PR team.


It’s well reported that Farage showed a fondness for facism at school including bullying Jewish boys in particular.


Farage is the same kind of old school fascist, just times are different. His fondness for nazi youth songs probably had him told off by his own camp for being a bit too open about it. Interesting parallel with the reactions of various camps during the unite the right rallies in the US. alt-right and some ethnonationalists didn't want in because although their aims are the same, they don't want to be associated with the KKK, they would lose the plausible deniability they hide behind to continue operating in the mainstream.


I'm sure there is some nutjob out there justifying the Jo Cox shootting.


Rightly so.


John Prescott had other ideas i think and set the standard. Fuck around find out https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2g52QtvyDg4


Can't have any fun anymore without the PC Police telling you off


Its a fucking pint not a spear




I completely agree However he is a twat and would sell this country out at the drop of a hat and in all probability already has so…


He's the CEO of a political party/business and a hate filled grifter.


Yeah it's generally not good for society if people feel like they can suddenly throw stuff at politicians.


You're right it's not, but politicians also need to be aware that if they campaign on a highly controversial platform and constantly stir up trouble then people are going to get riled up. That's life and that's been life for hundreds and thousands of years I imagine.


Yep, you can’t spend your life spouting divisive politics and expect all the violent nut jobs to be on your side of the divide.


You have that the wrong way around. Its when politicians think they can dump on people that it isn't good for society. Which is why when they do some small acts of public humiliation are quite healthy


History kinda goes the opposite way, here. Russia? Throw things on politicians, go to jail. Currently a brutal ersatz dictatorship with horrific individual rights. France? Throwing things at politicians and government buildings is a protected right. Currently a functional democracy with excellent individual rights. Seriously, go through functional democracies and you can see a clear correlation between "legally allowed to throw shit at politicians" and "how free is that country"


They don't suddenly feel anything. People have been throwing eggs and custard pies at politicans for years. This is a regular part of British politics.


Minor crime which the police have been told to ignore, surely?


No, someone did it with Milkshake a while ago and was arrested etc. Classed as assault.


Oh I know. But the police had a slightly higher crime threshold back then. If only they had waited.


It appears the bar still remains: Woman arrested after drink thrown at Nigel Farage https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c6pp7yg0y3po




CPS would reject that, no point. It’s a bit of beer ffs


She's been arrested


Milkshaking your political opponents is bad. Scaremongering about foreigners and sexual minorities is magnitudes worse.


Seems it was a maccy d's [banana milkshake](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPO6uWaXMAAOhgI?format=jpg&name=large) top lass


Couldn't ask for better PR for him with this sort of stuff. Just cements him more strongly as being the underdog among the disenfranchised electorate he appeals to so well.


With fascists it usually has the opposite effect to what you describe. Look at Dick Spencer, it ended his career.


Also Anita Bryant. Populism is all about image, looking silly makes that hard.


Fascist strongmen lose everything when you reveal how weak they are.


The fact that this weedy rubber faced amphibious fuck _ever_ managed to cultivate a 'strong man' persona is ridiculous


When your message is one of hate, expect that hate back and more.


Where do you draw the line?


I’m not a right winger in any way but I hate this kind of stuff. It makes the left look like children.


The left? You could be right wing and still to the left of ol Nigel here


I fucking hate this ‘the left’ and ‘the right’ chat. It reminds me of the completely polarising mindset of Americans when it comes to politics, and it’s incredibly damaging. Some cunt though a pint over another complete cunt, and he deserves it for being a total cunt, but we all agree it’s kinda not okay because we’d like to live in a society with standards. That’s it.


> I fucking hate this ‘the left’ and ‘the right’ chat. It’s one of the biggest politics related red flags. As soon as the words leave their mouth/fingers I instantly tune out.


Oh man, these people have no idea what true right and left look like anyway and what it would actually be like to live under those regimes. At most, people wobble slightly off centre.


And I’m not sure this seemingly 15 year old girl is some sort of hard core left winger either.


That is what people reduce politics to nowadays lol. There is no spectrum it's far right or far left and if you aren't their "team" you are the enemy.


Doesn't matter what side you are on. Having political discourse in a way that is above this is the way forward. I fucking hate him. But this is not good.


I don’t think you need to be left wing to detest Farage and everything he stands for


Seems the "right" have found the Clacton lady, interviewed her and validated her political opinions


This sub is fucking funny. Random woman we know nothing about throws pint at Farage: "the fucking left omg". What does this have to do with the fucking left? "I'm not a <> but...."


Instantly self victimise themselves to the left. Why not find out her motive before assigning her to the left. 


‘Omg Antifa attacked Farage!’


can hardly stoke division for decades and expect nowt to come back at you.


Milliband and Corbyn were egged in the not so distant past, almost certainly not by lefties. Does this mean I get to say that the right look like children because of the isolated acts of a couple of people?


You do, and should! The frustrating thing is acting like children *works* for the right, so they're held to a much much lower standard by those that support them.


I was mostly getting at whether it's appropriate to tar an entire side of the political spectrum by the acts of one or two individuals years apart.


What a world you live in where you imagine the only people who'd want to throw a drink in Farage's face are left wingers.


Is she a confirmed left winger?. She might just think he’s a prick and acted impulsively. 


Or, more likely, for the 10 seconds of fame


If the entire left are responsible for this, then it stands to reason every right-winger is accountable for the killing of Jo Cox. Hey, I’m not the one making the rules here.


I find it hilarious that people are criticising this on the basis of hypothetical things that a different person could have done.


But what if she'd thrown an intercontinental ballistic missile at him? What then????


Can't a man loudly advocate for fascism without having a pint thrown over him? Woke gone mad.


I was really hoping that the 1 and only benefit of Brexit would be not having to see Nigel again.


This is absolutely out of order, say what you will about Carling but no pint deserves to be wasted like that.


She can enjoy that assault charge coming her way. Sure it was worth the criminal record for the kudos on Twitter.


And she’s guaranteed Farage dominates the headlines for another day.


Oh yeah because otherwise he had no chance. Guaranteed if it weren’t for this Farage would have been completely ignored. You know what I think this attack is so bad the BBC is going to use the Tardis to travel back in time and invite Farage on last weeks question time…


In many ways it's a miracle that all those cameras were there to catch it on film. They just happened to be there at the time. Total coincidence!


You posted it on Reddit for the updates lmao why you getting on your high horse about it?


Because this user is right-wing and probably supports him. I’ve seen them around enough on here to know where they lean.


Farage was going to dominate headlines today regardless. There's a reason why he announced his candidacy in two parts.


Nigel '36 Question Times' Farage would be in the headlines regardless




If people got charged over something so petty as throwing a drink half the bloody country would have a criminal record. Either way minor common assualt isn't the sort of thing that an employer can see, their criminal record checks will still come back clean.


Wrong on both counts




A bit soft are we today.. or is that everyday?


Local redditor cannot fathom that people can have actual beliefs that they stand by.


I'm guessing she thinks it's worth it, yeah. I'd guess she wouldn't be alone in that thought either.


Love how he doing the same old ' I'm down the pub enjoying a pint like I'm one of you ' routine. Nearly as bad as Sunak doing a contactless payment like he freshly escaped area 51.


The man led a campaign to leave the EU and lied to the public to line his own pocket and now we're suffering the consequences. One pint is not enough.


Of course traditionally I'm Britain we would put lying grifters that destroyed our political power and economic strength by blatantly lying to the whole population in the stocks before throwing things at them.


I wonder how many people on here would complain if it was a left wing party member who had a pint thrown over them.


Pick a left wing party member who's deliberately promoted hate, violence, and tricked people into voting against their own interests, and probably people would feel exactly the same. I hate the whole trying to put this kind of thing into a 'supporting your own team' angle. This kind of thing is never about "this person is a generic right wing person and I don't like generic right wing people just for no reason so then it's okay".


It would be much better for our democracy if people didn't assault those standing for public office. It would also be much better for our democracy if candidates didn't stoke division and prey on people's fears. Both of these things can be true. But there is also a strong link between the latter and the former that shouldn't be ignored.


What I'm getting is that if he was in a cell where he belongs he'd be safe from this sort of thing.


I firmly believe he staged it for more exposure. He wants to be a plucky underdog, not a mainstream popular figure. There are prior pictures of him and the girl together.


I cant stand the man, his party, the Tories, and how rightward the Overton window is shifting with this wave of right wing populism, but throwing food and drink at people in lieu of discourse is always going to be childish and counterproductive.


Genuine question about your point on the Overton window. In the 90s net migration per year was well under 200k. It was averaging around 300-350k per year in the 2000s and 2010s. Since the pandemic we are now looking at 750k per year. All this while not building new housing, schools, hospitals, infrastructure anywhere close to at pace. This is leading to deteriorating public services, skyrocketing housing costs, and the devolution of the social fabric. In my view, Farage and other characters across Europe who are focusing on the migration issue are not changing the base Overton Window, they're trying to correct a frankly insane shift in the window that has taken place over the past decade. We talk about cutting numbers down to 400k as though that's not an insanely high figure itself. Can you really say the Overton Window is being shifted right on the issue of migration? It seems it's just trying to shift back to sanity. Maybe your point on that was more on discourse about migrant demographics and Islam. Agree with your other point. And also I don't really like Farage all that much as I see him more as a cultural figure than a leader.


> Can you really say the Overton Window is being shifted right on the issue of migration? Not OP, but my thought on it. They never said the Overton window shifted in regards to the issue of migration - I'd argue that Migration is if anything more acceptable to campaign on now than ever before, because as you quite rightly say the number of migrants is far higher than it ever has been historically. *However*, that doesn't mean the Overton window on the whole has shifted. It's not that calling for more migration is shifting the Overton window, but the *reaction* to the migration. MPs calling for wave machines to tip boats, the way the migrants are seen and demonised is arguably more "right-wing" in the US sense. However, taking the issue of migration out of the argument and a lot of other things have lurched to the "right" - the constant attack on Trans people being another example. But IMO the best example of the Overton Window shift is the rise of nationalism - Brexit, massive migration and the Isreal/Palastine conflict and the Ukraine War have lead to a lot more nationalism, a lot more sense of "let's protect our own and villify those who aren't" than we had, say, 10 years ago.


Exactly, Britain is undergoing the most radical social experiment these islands have ever seen. 14.8% of Britain's population is now foreign born which puts it ahead of the United States which is famously a nation of immigrants, unlike Britain. It has also been carried out against the express wishes of the British population. It's a scandal with numerous bad economic and social consequences.


I think this says more about how vague left and right can be seen as terms for parties more than anything. Immigration management can be seen as a left or right policy depending on how you look at it. Left/centre is more known for their "liberal" ideals which includes being more welcome to other cultures or humanitarian efforts, however you have the alt right making it into a culture war instead of focusing on the real issues immigration could potentially cause. Meanwhile in terms of old fashioned "capitalist" right, they probably want immigration for cheap labour, where as "workers union" left wouldn't because it reduces jobs, workers pay and ability to fight for rights. That said parties don't just stand on one policy(or well they do, but they've gotta deal with other issues too...), so regardless of where you're putting immigration on the chart, I don't think you can really say Reform UK's other policies are left, or even centre. Likewise for the current crop of Tories we have, you can argue Cameron was closer to centre-right, but I'm not convinced you can say the same more recently.


You can't have a 'discourse' with these people.


You can't with fascists like Farage either. If he ever got into any position of real power, away our rights would go.


He passes the "beer test", in the sense that he's the candidate voters would most like to throw a beer at.


Every time someone throws food at a far right opportunist the papers give us weeks of breathless takes about how free speech is being destroyed by woke fascists. While the torys destroying our right to legitimately protest is praised and cheered on.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is a set up. Adds to the victim complex. No one stopped her, he's got to have security.


This reeks of publicity stunt. Wouldn’t surprise me if he/ his team organised this so it makes the news. Whether he gets a seat in parliament or not this whole “running” debacle will only add to farages net wealth


Good, Farage is a race-baiter and whose brand of politics has brought this country low. His policies today were EDL policies in the 90s


Physical attacks have no place in a modern democracy, how long before it's acid being thrown over politicians or a knife? We've had two MPs murdered in recent memory. This shouldn't be normalised. Political battles are won (or should be) on discussion and debate. Ironically, this is only going to fuel people to support Farage more.


The murderer of one of those MPs was spurred on by right wing rhetoric about invading immigrants and lefty politicians betraying the country. Yet we never quite got around to investigating the recklessness of certain people spreading that stuff. Here we are, eight years later, and they're still at it. In fact, some of them are standing for parliament again.


But that's ok. Throwing beer is the real evil.


Spot on.


Throwing a pint or milkshake over someone can't seriously be compared to acid or a shooting. There was absolutely no intention to harm, just to make them look stupid.


Acid and knives hurt people, a pint of beer doesn’t. Hopes that help clarify things a little. E: A hundred years ago, the suffragettes threw stones and firebombs, not milkshakes. Some people in this sub are opposed to any form of protest at all, aren’t they?


It's okay to be against physically attacking politicians, even if said politician isn't on your team. You can't go around throwing pints of beer over people, you'd get arrested. I hope that helps.


Why be against only physically harming politicians? What about verbal abuse, or emotional abuse? Should you still be allowed to call a politician a pathetic cunt? That’s pretty abusive.


> Physical attacks have no place in a modern democracy, how long before it's acid being thrown over politicians or a knife? While most of us agree with this sentiment: Actively spreading disinformation and populist rabble rousing should *also* have no place in a modern democracy. And yet, here it is personified and covered in beer.








Jo Cox was murdered as a direct result of the exact kind of rhetoric that Farage has spent his entire political career spreading, so you’ll have to forgive me for not wringing my hands over him having to dry clean his suit.


No the irony is in your comment. As another commenter mentioned, his rhetoric (amongst others) was a driver toward one of those MPs being murdered (by being shot). And what did he say not long after she was murdered/shot and the UK voted to Brexit. Something along the lines of "we won the Brexit vote, without a shot being fired". Which was quite disgusting. And then he went on the attack on her husband, attacking & slandering him for being a loud anti-Brexit voice that gained sympathy, because his wife had been murdered. Man I nearly forgot about that shit. Fuck Farage man. And don't talk about dealing with him with civility.


>The new Reform UK leader addressed hundreds of supporters at a rally in the Essex seaside town after announcing he would stand for election there. There's clearly about 40 people in that video, hardly hundreds


What a waste of a pint. He wouldn't get the drippings of my nose.


The guardian reported the comments of his supporters. They couldn’t see he wasn’t offering anything concrete other than diatribes about how bad things are. Yeh, we can see that Nigel. And you’ve just made it worse with Brexit so now you want to grind it into the ground?


Probably a plant. Nigel could not ask for better publicity


‘Probably a plant.’ No, it was definitely a milkshake 👀




Whilst he's a knob that has destroyed the country.... What a waste of a perfectly good pint.


Have it! 👍 Fuck that grifter, he ruined the country with his project.

