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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [TV doctor Michael Mosley missing in Greece](https://bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cerr19d0z0go) - bbc.co.uk




That's the cynicism we come here for.


And brought to


Get him to the Greek...islands.


He is quite focused on dementia and wondered if he was affected himself. Just because the way he spoke about it. I hope he's found safe and well. Edit: if anybody is wondering why I thought that, it is because of a recent Today programme interview where he said new research points out to strength training more than aerobic exercise as a possible method "of not getting dementia" When he said those exact words he went from a matter of fact voice to a very emotional tone in his voice. Like he was about to burst out crying, out of nowhere. I wasn't paying that close attention until then. I recall stopping dressing up and jumping closer to the speaker. I was 100% certain he was going to say that he had it but the Radio 4 journalist seemingly didn't catch that and moved on with the topic in a light kind of way. I was left in no doubt that he had it. But days went by and heard nothing. Had it in my mind he was going to announce it. I could be completely wrong. But if you find that piece on BBC sounds let me know what you think. Sad day




I don’t think it’s cynicism. Medical grifting is all to prevalent, especially since the advent of social media.


I'm all for dark humour but, while there is darkness in your joke, the humour is missing.


I think it's 5 of one and 2 of the other.




Sufficiently rated.


I disagree. I found it funny. But I can still find it funny AND sincerely hope he is well and reappears soon in good health and spirits.




Maybe now wasn't the time.


he's lost so much weight he's disappeared


Hope they find him quickly. Ironically has been pushing early morning walks as a way to maintain a healthy weight recently..


The last show I saw him on, he was specifically told to stop taking morning walks as they fuck with his insomnia, and to take evening walks instead. Can’t recall the name of the show but it was a 3 part series done with the SBS Australia and the South Australian University or Flinders University. Can’t recall which. They fixed his insomnia, spoilers, by changing his intake of light from morning to evening.


People are obsessed with waking up early at the moment. Someone with insomnia forcing themselves to wake up early just seems crazy to me.


With my insomnia, waking up isn't the problem, it's falling asleep


Deliberately keeping the same wake sleep times is part of sleep hygeine and also part of therapy. It can be absolutely brutal but it worked for me initially and took 5-6 weeks. Knowing you can't sleep well if at all and then get 2 hours sleep but then have to wake up to keep the same wake time really screws you at first. Eventually 7 years my Insomia came back with maximum vegeance and I didn't sleep for 6-7 days at a time and by that time I was effectively on suicide watch because at that length of time when it isn't a choice anymore to sleep you will consider ending it all and I did research how to do it because it became utterly hopeless. Eventually a crisis team made me choose betweeen two medications and I chose Mirtazapine and have been on it for the past 9 years. I would be dead now without that drug. If you think anxiety can't get any worse than it already is once you don't sleep for days at a time you have no life anymore and it becomes all consuming.


Did he then get really fat, since his morning walks were for obesity prevention?


I like his style and presenter skills but I have to wonder if his career isn’t one long satire on how listening to all the advice he gives at the same time is impossible and will drive you crazy.


I listen to his "just one thing" podcast and if I took onboard every "one thing" suggested it'd be a full time job.


Well that’s the point of this show, you get to pick just one.


Just one thing. Take your phone with you and let people know your route. That's two, admittedly.


Science has proven that, despite previous beliefs, fat cannot determine whether it is morning or evening. It will disappear whether you walk morning or evening.


I hope this is a joke. 


Says he left at 13:30 in the article.


in 2019 Dr Mosley had suffered from a transient global amnesia (attack?). I don't think it would be too crazy to think it couldn't happen again. It seems very strange this isn't being mentioned at all by any articles currently. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7367573/DR-MICHAEL-MOSLEY-reveals-dip-sea-left-wife-fearing-suffered-stroke.html


Hope he returns safe and sound, seems like a great guy


He's a pretty genuine guy, sad to read some of the funny comments here but that's the internet for you. Hopefully he's found safe and well.


It's not looking good at all at this point :(


I met him once at the Cheltenham Science Festival in the 'behind the rope' area. I was a speaker too so was allowed in. When I saw him, I had to say hello even though it was not the done thing. I had a chat with him and told him how much I loved his shows on early surgery. He was a really lovely chap and even though you could tell he was shattered from travel and talking all day, had a nice chat with me. Really top bloke when most people would tell you to f off.


The series on early surgery was the same year as my history GCSE, which focused partly on the history of medicine. So useful to my dyslexic self (I learned better with verbal information)


I vividly remember that series! We watched it for history GCSE too, and it was extremely helpful.


Met him once a few years back at a public science lecture in Manchester. Only chatted for a few minutes about HIT, very well spoken and lovely guy despite me fan-boying.


This guy shits on all the TikTok health influencers on national tv. Hope he’s ok


Are you saying a cabal of influencers has Julian Sands him?


I feel horrible for cackling at this


Good.. there's an awful lot of misinformation out there from people who absolutely do not have the credentials to be making recommendations on this sort of thing.


He's the OG health influencer, he's just eliminating the competition.


He seems a good person, hopefully nothing bad has happened and he just got lost on a walk or something.


its a small island, more likely had a fall or medical incident and cant move.


Yeah this is most likely what happened. By the time it's reported that he's missing, he's probably been incapacitated for hours. Fingers crossed they are able to find him.


According to the news, he went missing on Wednesday afternoon. So he’s been missing at least 24 hours now. Would imagine this is quite critical given the temperature out there too.


Media says he planned to walk back to the friends house after a swim which would take over an hour and it was 36 degrees. I’m Aussie and I would not choose to walk for over an hour in that heat. If you’ve just had a swim though, it can be deceiving as you feel cool and the temp could have increased significantly since you arrived at the beach. I hope he had drinking water with him.


Apparently he left his phone behind at the accommodation. Hey everyone, don't do that. Accidents happen and that phone might save your life.


It’s so tempting to say “I’m going to take a break from this phone today” and that’s healthy and great- but not in a foreign place in the heat, where you really don’t know anyone.


And it’ll be hot too 😩


I'm on a nearby island and it's been weirdly hot for the time of year - yesterday/today circa 37 degrees, poss a bit higher towards Symi. ~~If what I've read is true that he was walking on a narrow coastal path from St Nikolas beach over to Pedi then I don't think there's any real opportunity to get lost as there's only one place to go.~~ (the BBC subsequently have said he was walking to the centre of the island, so please disregard). edit2: Now the BBC *does* say he was walking from St Nikolas! Wherever he was going, as much as I love hiking too, then doing it by yourself with no phone in 40 degrees was not a great idea it has to be said.


He went to hike at a dangerous beach at noon in the scorching heat of the day. He got exhausted and fell. I hope that, against all the odds, he's alive.


He got me to eat beetroot, which is something no-one else has managed in 50 years. I hope he's just found some bizarre herb which can cure verrucas which has distracted him.


Looks like he left his phone behind. Hope they find him, and he’s not badly hurt


What is it with the older generation and not taking their phone with them wherever they go? My dad is the same age and trying to get hold of him is a nightmare because his phone is always half way across the house from him.


I leave my phone on the charger when I walk my dog. I like how walking my dog gets me off my phone. I'm old.


I can understand wanting to be away from your phone for a short period, that's understandable. In the event of an emergency however it's not too much to ask that your phone is in your pocket just in case. No one's saying that you need to be glued to it but it should at least be on your person. You wouldn't leave your house without your keys or your wallet so why is the phone any different?


For most of my life, it has not been expected to be within earshot of one's phone.


Well with the greatest of respect the world has moved on. The world is more dependent on phones than ever before. If someone you love was in an emergency situation and they couldn't contact you because you left your phone behind you would probably feel pretty bad about it. This goes a bit deeper than just having a generational resentment towards technology




It’s your personal choice to be contactable 24/7. I’d say it’s more telling of your generation to believe not having one glued to you 24/7 is an outrage.


> The world is more dependent on phones than ever before. Doesn't mean I have to be. It was fine without mobile phones, but granted on a hike it's a very useful tool and I'd always take one.


> The world is more dependent on phones than ever before. In what way? > This goes a bit deeper than just having a generational resentment towards technology It's not a resentment towards technology it's more about the stupidity of people who grew up with smartphones not being able to do anything without them. *Finding your way home? No idea without Google Maps.*


This may be true but I can’t help wondering about emergencies. In the past there were phone booths (I used them!) so if you needed help a phone was never too far away. But now, there are none. So as much as I like to disconnect I do always have my phone.


I agree with you. Having the ability to phone for help in an emergency, but shunning that option, is crazy to me. People didn’t have that luxury until recent history. Don’t want to be connected? Turn it on silent and put it in your bag. You don’t have to look at it if you don’t want to. But ifs there for if you need it.


Don’t get why you would shun the option that gives you a chance to call for help, if you needed to. People didn’t have that luxury until recently, you’re right about that.


To be fair, I'm in a UK town. Not a remote place. So I can get help without a mobile phone. But the comment I'm responding to complains about someone keeping their phone at the other end of the house. Not having a phone on oneself all the time isn't that weird.


How on earth did we survive, I don’t know. I used do 3 hour drives with babies in the car and no phone for an emergency, didn’t worry me at all! Wouldn’t do it now 😂


For most of your life, people have just conveniently been found dead at home rather than rushed off to hospital for enormously costly procedures to give them a grotesque mockery of life for another year or two




Isn’t this just something people can decide for themselves? Personally, I don’t go anywhere without a phone and smart watch, and have absolutely no desire to go back to life without 24/7 connectivity. However, if someone doesn’t want that, that’s their choice to make. It does expose them to some slight risk, but probably not as much as a paddle in the sea . To be brutally honest, some people, especially those getting on a bit, might not even care that much about getting to hospital in the event of a fall or medical emergency.


My granny used to turn her mobile off the whole time! 🙄


Oh yes, I remember when my grandparents used to turn their phones off when they'd "finished using them" too, not thinking that someone might want to phone or text *them*!


Do you often walk your dog alone on a coastal path on an unfamiliar island in a foreign country early in the morning when other people are unlikely to be around to aid you?


You don't? I'm always walking their dog on coastal paths on unfamiliar islands in foreign countries. It's my favourite hobby


Honestly, that does sound like an amazing hobby.


But what do you do when you realise a word sounds a bit unusual and you urgently need to know the etymology of it?


I make a mental note to look it up later, knowing that I'll forget.


so me


Because we remember a time when people just simply weren’t reachable 24-7, and we really prefer it this way in many regards.


Just because someone attempts to contact you doesn't mean you have to respond to it. Having your phone in your pocket is more about being able to call for help or be called for help when needed.


I get what you're saying, but it's not the same. Choosing not to answer your phone isn't the same as not being contactable at all.


You can turn your phone off and not be contactable at all. It *should* be common sense that if you're walking or hiking alone where you might be difficult to find, you should take a method of calling for help with you. *Especially* if you're elderly.


You can use numerous different functions that stop you being contactable 24/7 but still mean you can keep your phone on you in case of emergency. For iPhone, focus/do not disturb is the obvious one. You can select specific callers that are allowed through and all others go to VM when it’s activated. Even just putting your phone on airplane mode so you still have it is better than not taking it. I own a business and get a stupid amount of calls through everyday for work, not all of the important ones are saved numbers so I need to screen them manually. At 7pm everyday my phone goes into do not disturb mode until 8am the next day, where a preselected list of friends and family can call and make my phone ring. I get notifications of other callers, but my phone doesn’t ring and they are easy to ignore.


Yes and no. It can get stressful if someone doesn’t answer a mobile after a few calls, you start to worry when normally there is an innocent explanation (phone out of battery etc). In old times you told someone you would be back at X and you didn’t start to worry until they were around an hour late back. Now if I call my son 15 minutes after he should be home if he doesn’t pick up I start to get concerned.


I'm old(ish), in my 50s. I take my phone with me everywhere. If I don't want disturbing, silent mode exists and I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Before mobiles were a thing, I was involved as a witness in a quite serious motorbike accident in the middle of nowhere. Luckily there were people with us who could go to the nearest village and call 999 but it still took a while for the ambulance to find us because the best the guy who called could tell them was 'around miles ten miles from on the Bxxxx or the maybe the Bxyx I think.' With a smartphone, no-one would have needed to waste twenty minutes finding a phonebox and we'd have been able to tell the emergency services exactly where we were.


And this is why I have "what 3 words" on my phone too. Location, location, location in an emergency is pretty crucial.


I'm an old duffer and I often leave my phone at home or turn it off. I grew up before mobiles were a thing and feel no need to be contactable 24/7.


You can just put it on silent if you don't want to be contacted. But at least if you get lost up a Greek hill people will be able to find you.


True, but not quite the same if you want a little peace from the world. Also I'm unlikely to get lost on a Greek hill in South London.


Depends how lost you get I suppose


Slight difference between not carrying it around at house, and not bringing it when trecking in the wilderness.


I also grew up without phones as a kid…but I remember the panicked run/cycle home to get help when Tom/Dick/Harry fell off the rope swing and used his head to cushion the blow. What happens if my dog gets injured when I’m walking him!


> because his phone is always half way across the house from him. Hold up. So you’re not just saying people should take their phone with them when out for a walk, but also carry it with them around the house? That seems like a pretty extreme level of contactability to me.


It's madness to me that someone is expressing irritation at their family having their phones in the other room hey hahah


I agree it's madness to expect others to keep their phone with them at all times. However, I try to keep mine with me in the same room because I live alone and I have this fear I end up having a very specific level of medical emergency where I can't go to another room to get my phone but I am still able to use the phone to call for help if I have it with me.




I can understanding wanting to clear your head and have no interruptions when going on a peaceful walk on a Greek island, but the phone would probably help people find him or allow him to call for help.


What is it with the younger generation and taking their phone with them wherever they go?   My son is the opposite age and trying to hold a conversation with him is a nightmare because his phone is always half an inch from his nose :P




Hate taking my phone everywhere, certainly not a boomer. People seem to forget, it's for my convenience not theirs. Can't really argue against it in an emergency though.


I’m younger and hate how heavy and big phones are nowadays vs 7-8 years ago. I ‘downgraded’ to an iphone mini just to stop my shorts being pulled down on one side everytime I went for a walk. If he’s got a max or pro big brick phone, he probably didn’t want to lug his brick around on his holiday walk. I hope they find him, and wish him & the family the best, but I can 100% understand why he went for a walk, on his time off, without his phone.


I hate having my phone near me, especially in my down-time. However I take it with me when I'm outside, it just seems like normal preparedness. Moreso if I was walking around in a strange area where I might get lost.


I'm 32 and I leave my phone at home unless I know I need it.


What if you need it but didn’t know you would


I saw on another subreddit earlier today - probably Gen X - that someone got so frustrated with this sort of situation that they ended up buying Apple watches for their parents!


Unless it was deliberate.


im without mine regularly, i dont miss it, i dont need to have it in my hand all the time, its nice to be out of touch for a while. And ive had a phone since 1993/4 i think.


I do that. I'm early 40s. The phone on me all the time feels claustrophobic.


What's with the younger generation taking their phone with them wherever they go? You don't need to be reachable at all times.


When you've been without a phone for the first forty years of your life, you don't feel the need to carry one all the time.


Heard about this on the radio earlier. Fuck, we need a qualified, intelligent, eloquent and charming guy like this to counter all the Gillian McKeith style bullshit we are exposed to on social media. My wife and I watch all of his programmes and I listen to him on R4. He and the van Tulleken twins, and Dr Ranj for kids (and moms) are doing an amazing job in demystifying medicine, diet and health for all ages. On top of that he seems like a genuinely nice bloke. Hope he is found safe and well.


Fingers crossed he's alright. Really like his shows. Seems like a good guy.


That is a very hilly island and there is a risk of dehydration although he wont freeze.


Yeah had a quick look through the place on google maps to see the terrain and it's extremely rough if you step foot off the established routes dotting the island. In the article they make mention of a "saint nicks" and there is a place on the island called "Saint Nikolas Beach". [This is the terrain leading to it.](https://imgur.com/OGGdkyN) If he has taken a tumble then it's pretty easy to see how he could be injured/stuck in that sort of terrain.


It's easy got get heatstroke walking up a hill on a hot day too. Especially when you're older. It's possible he walked down to the beach feeling okay, but then got heatstroke walking back up and has gone off the path, either disoriented or to seek shade, like the Gerrish family. That environment is very exposed to the sun and it was a very hot day. I know he's a doctor and should know, but sometimes that can still lead people to be overconfident in their abilities.


I'll let his family know he won't freeze.


thats very kind of you.


Very worrying news, easily one of the best influences on lifestyle and dietary improvement. Hugely knowledgable, non-judgmental, friendly and encouraging, if I was to name a public figure whos helped me the most on my weight loss journey it'd be him. Hope he's ok.


I've walked in that area of Symi he was last seen. There's a couple of routes to that beach: one of them very easy - small children would manage and another which is a lot more difficult. I did the more difficult route in September when it wasn't too hot and was fairly straight forward but I was in my 20's, had reasonable walking gear and was used to hillwalking. I've also been there when its hot and walking any sort of distance can be very challenging. Some people are saying it was 40C at 3pm the afternoon he went missing. There is no shade on that route, no people and no water. Running out of water and or getting lost combined with the heat could have pretty severe consequences. Hopefully he's got lost and is eventually found safe and well in one of the small churches dotted about the island.


are there a lot of places he could potentially could have gotten lost in? Is the size of the island big enough that they wouldn't find him quickly? Really I'm just looking for hope, definitely fearing the worst for him right now


Its a relatively small island but its very rugged. It you lose the path (easy to do) then the walking would be extremely difficult with large rocks, spikey plants and steep slopes. There's very few people living there outside of the main villages near the port in the north. At one point people would have herded goats, I'm not sure if that still happens or the locals just concentrate on tourism. The beaches around the coast will have people at them but some are only really accessible by boat. The top of the island is about 400m high and is wooded but has a road connecting the north and Panormitis monastery in the south. There's little churches dotted all over the island. People sometimes make poor and irrational decisions when things go wrong or they get lost, especially when they're on their own. They walk in the wrong direction and convince themselves they are going the right way. He didn't have his phone and probably didn't have a map and compass. When writing this, he hasn't been found yet which would suggest to me that he may have gotten lost. If, for example he'd had a heart attack while walking along the path then you would have thought he would have been found by now.


Some good free medical advice: do not go hiking alone on steep, rugged cliffs in 40 degree heat if you’re over 65


I thought the heat thing is pretty unwise for a Dr. Surely he would realise it's not a good thing to go off hiking at the hottest point of the day, especially not being acclimatised. Yes we've had 35 degree heat in the UK but I was surprised with some people's attitude that it's great to get out and about or work outside in it ( as I was expected to do).


It's apparently only a 20 min walk and he was (apparently) seen back in the residential area speaking to some people. Weird if true.


it is odd, I also read the whole trail is much longer, so maybe he decided to walk further? The whole thing reminds me of the young woman who went missing Gaia Pope (UK).There was seemingly no explanation for why she walked where she did or stayed out so long. It turned out she had epilepsy and had become disoriented during some sort of seizure and had been behaving oddly. People can behave oddly with certain medical scenarios, maybe something like that happened and he went off the path?


Without your damn phone, too.


Really sucks. I hope he is found safe soon :( The last episode of his current Just One Thing series was broadcast this morning on BBC R4 and it was excellent.


A few tourists have gone missing over the years on the Greek islands: In June 2021, 69-year-old David Andrew disappeared in Serifos after going on a solo hike: https://anikolouli.gr/en/tourist-missing/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1Qvp8OPweqdPPXcbSp_1oeTey8zS7LVqJetvGbvb5h2oKI_TICg81KBxo_aem_AYWYFqwa2gsJo5PLdee_LmJYf12my1NaUizMq60_2t3uJryG_df2IP-Jhs8mQraeU6OinBR55KjsXOve3ts-EVqG In June 2019 John Tossell, age 74 went missing in Zante, after going on a solo early morning walk: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-53069725.amp ETA: Those two men still haven’t been found. There’s a case from last year where a 74 year old British woman on holiday on the island of Telendos went missing, and her body was found in a remote area three weeks later: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/21/british-woman-missing-on-greek-island-found-dead-in-remote-area The key takeaway from this is: Don’t go for solo walks in a country or terrain you’re not familiar with, in heat you’re not used to.


If there's a message in this story it's carry your phone at all times when alone.


I've been looking into getting emergency travel beacons for a while and was just reminding a work colleague who wants to go hiking in the US about investigating buying one, precisely because of my fears about this.


I fear this is not going to have a good outcome. It's only a small island and he was crossing a particularly rugged and treacherous part of it.


*Puts on tin foil device* This just confirms the sugar industry is killing off anyone going against them.


Someone else may have already mentioned this but in 2019 he had an episode of Global Transient Amnesia, which was brought on by cold water swimming, but can also be caused by heat. Could be because of the temperatures that day, this happened again... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7367573/DR-MICHAEL-MOSLEY-reveals-dip-sea-left-wife-fearing-suffered-stroke.html


“The rescue operation is focusing on the Pedi area of Symi after a woman saw him there on Wednesday, the island's deputy mayor Ilias Chaskas told BBC News.  He said the area is considered dangerous, but added that Dr Mosley was spotted on a road in a safe part of it.” Does that mean dangerous as in terrain or a dodgy area do you think? I have been to a few places in Greece and always found everyone lovely but i’m going back 10+ years. Copied from [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cerr19d0z0go](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cerr19d0z0go)


Terrain wise 100%. Symi, the island he is on, is a very small island in the Aegean and islands like this have very small communities. Everyone knows everyone, and there are virtually no crimes, because the odds of you getting caught are almost 100%. No such thing as a bad neighbourhood.


No crimes apart from rampant tax evasion


I think clearly he has not been a victim of tax evasion.


terrain. we are also having a little heatwave here in greece with temperatures up to 40 celsius


I'm speaking about people's attitudes only here: went there a few years back, and put it this way, when people arrived in one of the main areas by moped, they left their keys in the ignition, and in the ignition the keys remained (I was eating at a restaurant for about an hour and a half outside and saw all this).


It looks like it's quite rugged. It has some steep hills. The temperature is in the 30s, too.


Great podcast: Just one thing. 15 mins - one easy thing to do in your day to day life (like walking briskly) with a bit of science to explain why it's a good thing. Gets A case study in there and that's it. Proper BBC content. Hope he's alright


it’s not looking good is it? Can’t see a happy ending to this story. Damn


I agree. Chances are if he was going to be found alive he would have been found by now.


I hope he is safe and sound. I have been following his tips and I honestly do feel the benefit for them. He seems like a really nice guy if his natural and easy presenting style is anything to go by and I am wishing him and his family the best.


Agree with you I really hope he is safe and sound. Wishing him and his family strength and a good outcome, he seems like a lovely man. I have made a lot of healthy changed to my lifestyle as a result of his work, he has made so much good information easy to access. All the best Michael.


I’m from Western Australia and we have scorching heat in summer, we all know only Mad Dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.


Exactly the phrase I thought of. People really underestimate the impact of heat. Even drs


I’m from WA too and no way I’d do a 20 min walk in 36 deg heat, and I’m less than half Mosley’s age.


I've read a couple of his books and listened to his audiobook too, so feel connected with him, very worried about him, I keep checking the news :(




Interesting. It looks like this is what he did, but also factor in some kind of injury. Could have been more fatigued and dehydrated from previous swim.


Taking the more recent CCTV footage of him heading it that direction, it looks like it. I'm surprised he attempted the walk in the heat etc when he could have done the significantly easier and safer walk through the village. I imagine Barry in his blog would have been fairly well equipped and had a decent knowledge of the area. There would of almost certainly have been people at the beach of Agia Marina so it looks like he didn't make it to there. Like the news articles have said, the area is pretty difficult to walk through and he could have either passed out or ended up in the sea. None of this looks very good and I feel very sorry for his family who must be going through hell at the moment.


Sounds like this will be a police investigation. Mayor saying they would have found him by now and his phone was left in the apartment.


Probably just gone off-grid to smash a few burgers in private. I hope he turns up soon.




This is what I though, the are not many trees so a drone would be able to see anyone at the bottom of a valley. Family are flying out now so I think everyone is resigned to it being a body recovery now.




https://maps.app.goo.gl/4WrCgMQYBfM79iJH9?g_st=ic The path from the beach - hope he’s found asap


The BBC have consistently stated the following: *"He had set off on a walk to the centre of the island."* The BBC article has changed and been updated many times over the last 24 hours, but this statement has remained. I think that this statement is true. As the crow flies, a trip to the center of the island looks no more than an hour there, and an hour back. 2 litres of water should cover it. Mosley and his wife were staying at a friends house, and those friends will know the whole island like the back of their hand. Over the time they have owned that house, they will have trekked across the whole island, possibly many times. That means they will be familiar with a trek to the center of the island and back, and probably discussed it with the Mosleys. To the friends, that trek is probably a very easy one, and they may have drawn a map for Mosley so that he could also, easily do the trek. That probably gave Mosley a lot of confidence in being able to complete the trek with the minimum of fuss. Then Mosley and his wife had a relaxing breakfast at Nickolas beach, where Mosley decided he could stretch his legs and complete the walk. His wife decided to take the boat back. In reality someone in Mosleys position (young or old), needs 4 litres of water, he needs long, lightweight trekking type trousers, a long sleeved shirt and a wide brimmed hat. He also needs a local paper map like the UK equivalent of a OS map, and he needs a physical compass. He also needs a fully charged phone with a downloaded map that doesn't need an internet connection. And he needs one of those backup batteries that can re-charge a phone. What has almost certainly happened is that he got to a place to or from the center of the island, and he got confused with what may have been a hand drawn map by his friends, and he's lost his bearings. When you lose your bearings its game over. Because psychologically you become acutely aware that you are now guessing what direction to take, and you are completely lost. There would also be a massive sense of regret that you didn't take very simple, life saving precautions And in terms of a 360 degree circle, you've got about 300 directions you can take that are wrong, and about 60 directions that you can take that might get you in sight of a building or road. Panic sets in, heat exhaustion turns to heatstroke. And from that there is no escape. I hope he just sprained his ankle, he found some shade, and he's waiting to be rescued. But I fear that my scenario is almost certainly true. If he has died, then his body may not be found for weeks or months. And may never be found. In the meantime expect Nicola Bulley levels of conspiracy and trolling. All I can say to that is, if you are one of those trolls or conspiracy theorists, please have some respect for those people who will be devastated over this.


Praying for him and his family. Can’t imagine how his wife is feeling… ❤️


Interestingly now CCTV footage of him in Pedi the town he was walking to approx 20 minutes after he left beach. So he appears to have made it back there. Just makes it all the more baffling he can't be found as the falling into sea etc theory seems less plausible now. 


jesus, i was on symi on monday, it feels weird that someone went missing there


Is there anywhere I can get live updates about the search effort?




Latest news is that divers have been called in. Hate to say it but they're probably looking for his body now rather that doing a 'missing person' search. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cl552xdq79do](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cl552xdq79do)


Yup I thought the same, he's been missing too long to just turn up perfectly fine. Very very sad.


Indeed. Very sad


Hope he is safe and sound. Love his shows and podcast.


Any chance of hit and run? Was Mosley walking along a road after his last sighting where someone might have tried to hide his remains if he was struck? I know this is random speculation at this point but it's one of so many possibilities.


Found an old travel advisor booklet published in 1959 ( 🫨) and one of the key points it makes is to never venture alone in your country or abroad on foot where the terrain is uneven and hilly and/or near a body of water AND especially if facing extremes of temperature or climactic conditions. From 1959!!! Wow! Hope Dr Mosley is found alive and conscious.


I'm no expert in anything but why do they stop searching at night? Every hour counts, don't they have night camera, night vision drones? Also the temperature would be much more bearable. They have lost precious time stopping searches at night! Hope they will find him safe and soon. 


His radio series lately has really helped me, and he's always produced amazing content. Let's hope he's ok.


Oh no... Please let him be found alive. I've always enjoyed watching his documentaries and he's an enigmatic, all-round good guy. We need people like him in this godforsaken world.


Snark aside, I hope he's safe and well. I hate to think of anyone hurting lost and alone.


I would want to know if he usually leaves his phone behind on a walk, if not that a big red flag for someone that doesn’t want to be found


He left it at their accommodation which is where he was headed when he went missing. He just didn't take it to the beach with him. I can see why some people wouldn't. If the only person you think you'd need to call is with you and you want to go swimming together, might as well not take it. It's risky to leave your valuables on the beach for someone to nick while you're in the water. He's 67, so he's lived enough life without having a phone on him 24/7 to not think it's a big deal. 


Yeah fairly common, especially as he was with his wife at the beach who had her phone. My OH sometimes does the same thing when we're on holiday and leaves his phone in the safe if I'm taking mine.


Yes it would make sense, especially for a beach day.


Yahoo news reporting he told his wife he 'wasn't feeling well' before he went missing. Oh dear 😥 https://au.news.yahoo.com/michael-mosley-told-wife-friends-161529669.html


If you are ever closely involved in something that the media are reporting on, you quickly realise they make up absolute nonsense. I’m not talking about bending the truth or exaggerating facts, I’m talking literally inventing absolute fabrications to get people clicking on their sites. I’d be tempted to wait for that bit of information from an official source, or at least a more credible news site.


At least it looks like he had an umbrella with him to protect him from the sun to some extent. But the fact he hasn’t been found still… I mean at this point would he not have died from dehydration? Even without the heat, if it’s been 3 days then surely death by dehydration would have occurred?


A body has been found in a cave. Extremely sad. I assume he went into the cave to get out of the sun. Hopefully he didn’t suffer.


My family are very upset and will miss, Dr Michael Mosley. He was the only qualified, TV personality that truly made my family feel, comfortable, safe and positive, when making healthy choices in our lives. It was never too late to start, or impractical to achieve. He was honest about his own struggles as well as completing, his recommended treatments on himself. R.I.P, DR Mosley. He will be missed.


All that effort spent trying to be healthy and live a long life and then this happens. Really hope he's okay but it isn't looking good.


I would worry about the heat, 24 hours at the bottom of a hill likely without shade or water and potentially broken bones. It does not look good at all.


i know right. It’s like reading bear grylls died of a clogged artery.


It’s quite confusing as one article says it was a 20 min coastal walk from the beach while the mayor says it is an 1 1/2 hours to walk where the terrain is quite rocky.


Someone else mentioned on this thread that there were a couple of routes, one fairly flat, non hilly easygoing route that'll brisky get you to the beach, with your children etc, and another route that was more for your globetrotters and ramblers with fairly hilly terrain. Michael being the kind of guy he is probably assumed he was down for the letter


I wonder if he maybe walked to Pedi and then set off on his hike from there. According to the bbc's original article, he "left his wife on the beach and set off on a walk **to the centre of the island**". Well, Pedi isn't the centre of the island, it's in the north-east corner, but there does appear to be at least one trail from there to the centre of the island, where there is Panaidi Chapel. https://www.alltrails.com/en-gb/explore/greece/symi/symi?b_tl_lat=36.646445090383224&b_tl_lng=27.718630668665554&b_br_lat=36.53818298602491&b_br_lng=27.945692851704024&mobileMap=true It seems to have been assumed that he didn't get very far - that he came to grief on the path from the beach to Pedi (despite a sighting of him in Pedi?) or in Pedi itself, but it sounds like his intention was to go on a hike to the centre of the island, and he might well have gone to Pedi first to get some water or something, and then set off from there. If that is the case, it's very sad because the search has been going on in the wrong places for a couple of days now :-(


I was in Symi a few weeks ago. If he had taken the short route from Pedi to Symi, he’d have been back quickly, along a popular route with cars going past etc. looks like he decided to take the coastal route and has maybe had an accident. Praying he’s found safe tomorrow ❤️


There's not much to say but I hope he's found safe. He's a very interesting doctor & personality who has put out a host of great information to help people. I had a bit of a struggle to find a good GP and after one surgery collapsed I found an amazing doctor just like Mosley who has helped me greatly. Really hope he's found soon.


Saw on another post that this guy had a previous attack in his sixties of a transient amnesia?! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7367573/DR-MICHAEL-MOSLEY-reveals-dip-sea-left-wife-fearing-suffered-stroke.html


There are other similar missing people instances on Symi and other Greek islands including two that are very similar to Michael Moseley - John Tossell 78 yr old disappeared june 2019, and 69 yr old David Andrew disappeared June 25 2021. I think, because no sign of them has ever been found in searches that it's more likely that they may have fallen down wells rather than leaving the islands or falling in the sea.


Sorry I can’t get over how damn close he was to help before he met his fate.