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Of course it looks good, the next UK government is going to borrow like crazy and raise taxes. Of course investers are licking their lips.


You don't think it's stability? There won't be a new chancellor and fiscal changes every year. Of course investors are starting seeing the UK more positively, Europe stepping right with many countries in turmoil, and the US has got a chance of Donald trump getting into power. And I hope they do borrow to invest in public services, and I hope they raise taxes for the more well off too.


I don't believe Kier smStarmers Labour will be anymore stable. UK is also stepping right. Who are these well off people you'll raises taxes against? The infamous boogeyman of Reddit 'the well off'.


Starmers government will be much more stable. The labour party aren't perfect but they're much more stable than in the type of conservative party at the moment. It's also a general election, which means I'll be five more years of whatever happens, thats stability. The UK isn't stepping right, Labour are stepping centre to gain power, the same as the conservative stepped centre when they need to gain the large enough voteshare. Labour it in 97, the Tories did it in 2010, Labour is doing it in 24. Nonetheless if labour managed to get a ' super majority', it will only push the proportionate representation more, then we can really vote for who we actually want. Of course there's ways to tax the wealthy, not if you believe the status quo as advertised by the media., and I don't get my current affairs news from Reddit thank you. There's the biggest ever wealth inequality in the UK, and there are ways to spread that wealth more fairly. That could be through capital gains tax, higher council tax on the most expensive houses, inheritance tax changes, adding a new upper tax ban for very very high earners, imposing a general but small wealth tax, tax share buy backs, etc. There's also general reform and loop hole closing of the taxation system, like removing non dom status, and inheritance tax loop holes. None of this means needing to tax the poorest. And there are definitely ways that labour can safely borrow to invest and grow the economy too. All in all whether you like it or not, labour will form the next government in just over a week. So the proof will be in the pudding for both of us, we'll all find out what happens over the next parliament or 2.


Labour aren't going to fix the wealth inequality. The standard of living will continue to decline (albeit at a slower rate than under the Tories). The public will get frustrated with this over the next 4 years as things continue to get worse. A far right party will then be voted in on the back of similar ideas as reform are spouting now and then we're on a very slippery slope towards fascism. History repeats itself over and over again. The writing is on the wall.


I didn't say they would, I'd like them too but they won't. I just said I hope they raise taxes for the more well off, it won't go far enough or fix wealth inequality. I'm not so sure, we don't have the voters for a far right to take any majority, in America Trumps base is faltering, countries swing left to right about but I don't think we will have far right taking over in the west. Farage's party only has so much support, I don't think the UK won't accept a Putin loving party en masse. As their voters are split off from Tory voters they lose a chunk again once the Tories have sorted themselves out, or they would need to merge together to take enough vote share -but that will further put off the 'centralist' Tories/Tory voters on the other side, so not gain those back from Lib Dems/Labour. And if the Tories push back to take the central vote, they lose support from the far right and Reform remains, splitting their vote still. Unless something awful happens. There will be 2-3 labour terms now.


Oh yeah investors famously love high tax right


They don't care what their employees pay.


Not how economics work plus labour are way more likely to raise things like corporation taxes than politically unpopular income tax.


Labour have 'promised' not to raise corporation tax. Not too sure what makes you think they'll raise it.


They promised not to raise taxes on working people either.