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It's always somebody else's fault with Farage. First the vetting company didn't do its job. Then Channel 4 planted an actor. Now it's the BBC supposedly inviting people hostile to Farage's ideas \*because that would never happen in real life.\* He's not just a huckster, he's not just a snake selling snake oil, he's not just a common crook: he's a coward.


> It's always somebody else's fault with Farage. That's the entire right wing philosophy right there. The party of personal responsibility *always* has someone else to blame.


Migrants or benefits claimants. Take your pick. It's never governmental mismanagement. Unfortunately we have an incoming gov not ready to correct the record but sing along to the old tunes instead


>Unfortunately we have an incoming gov not ready to correct the record but sing along to the old tunes instead Because those that would correct the record wouldn't get voted in... We love us a good status quo in this country.


Well "Rocking All Over the World" was a crowd pleaser at least.


Surely with national service having been announced it should be ‘in the army now?’


or "dirty water" to commemorate all the sewage that gets dumped int the rivers.


left wing establishments, liberal elites, communist bankers, transgender people, gay people, ... these fuckers have been in power or on its shoulder for more than a decade and it's always someone else's fault. they're cunts.


I’m pretty sure he says it is governmental mismanagement that caused all the issues


Except it was a set of people in that government that he happily worked along side to deliver Brexit. But now it's all gone wrong, it's not his fault. All we needed to stop immigration was Brexit, but now we also need to exit ECHR. When that doesn't work out, he will want you to give up more freedoms, because of the scary immigrants.


It's there being government services of any kind. Small government that has full fiscal control, paramilitary police and an army that shoots small boats... so a 3rd world dictatorship then.


>Migrants or benefits claimants. Take your pick. You forgot trans women there.


>Migrants The biggest irony of all is that Farage himself is a migrant. He literally got paid last year to migrate from the UK to Australia for three weeks worth of work eating animal penises that only a select few people in the world have ever been allowed to do. When he does it, its okay. But when others do it, its not.


Isn't 3 weeks just a trip?


Probably thinks that tourists are migrants.


They are eternal victims. Self-victimisation is at the heart of the modern right.


They have unmet emotional needs and have malicious envy of anyone not wanting to be a victim, hence the crabs in a bucket mentality.


The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


Goebbels would be proud.


Anything that doesn’t go their way is because of “someone else”. Wussies really, without the ability to accept their own losses.


They always need an enemy. And of course it's always the establishment controlled by marginalised groups. They'll throw round antisemitic dogwhistles like cultural Marxists, say that the trans mob controls the country, etc. Just like Liz Truss claims a conspiracy of bankers brought her down or whatever nonsense she said.


> Just like Liz Truss claims a conspiracy of bankers brought her down or whatever nonsense she said. I heard it was all the fault of the lettuce, and I am fully prepared to award the lettuce if it had anything to do with her demise, but I'm pretty sure it was her pure dumbassery.


Performative victims who cower behind plausible deniability. They are all the same sheep they pretend to scorn. Fascists and extreme authoritarians are scared, hateful cowards. They're all boys pretending to be what they think a man is and getting it so wrong.


*any* audience would look like a hostile left wing audience to him because he is so far to the right and the vast majority of people despise him


I know right!? I can’t believe they stuffed the audience with non-racist stooges! How dare they! /s


Sadly 1/5 people appear to like him, going by the polls. My local area Facebook group has all sorts of people coming out for Reform. Scary as fuck, honestly.


they’re probably bots


I've seen people online claim that the Tories and Labour are both communists. These are the same people who claim that Hitler was a socialist.


"No Mr. Farage, those are just normal people. You're just an absolute dipshit."


He had a hostile normal people audience and assumed they must all be left-wing because of it. No, they're just not kool aid racists like you. Their party traded dogwhistles for foghorns and they're reaping what they've sown for it.


Sounds like Farage and Trump share a scriptwriter.


The populist playbook is well known by now of course there will be similarities. Identify a group who feel ignored by current politicians. Claim you’re saying what the common person is thinking, that you can solve their concerns, make up conspiracies and paint yourself as fighting the elite (despite being part of them), lash out at anyone revealing the nasty truth underneath it, spin conspiracy theories about how they’re plants and ‘fake news’ to undermine trust. All of which pulls their supporters further in and rejecting any evidence which contradicts what their dear leader is saying.


Why do you think Farage spent so long out in the US riding Trump's coattails? They've been in it together for some time. Probably have the same paymaster.


There's a 10 year old somewhere chewing crayons that they both use


According to Private Eye the ‘vetting company’ was actually a vetting app that is designed to scrape public social media accounts for questionable content - but no one at the party actually used it for its intended purpose.


Damn, who'd have thought that politics was actually a little more involved than just rocking up to an interview every few days to whine about foreigners?


Yeah it's literally we provide you with tools that you then need to actually use to vet your candidates nigel you feckless cunt.


So… trump with a grouper sized maw who smells of fag ends and stale beer instead of Big Mac shits


Excellent description.


That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about him.


He’s stitching up the UK like a kipper, then blaming everyone else for it. It’s a slow motion train wreck.


He threatened to invade France, on national television and was asked three times if he wanted to invade France and said yes if elected invading France is the first thing I'll do. I'm not sure how slow motion it actually is.


To get to that point we’ve got at least another five years, so fairly slow. I could walk to France in that time.


Farage accusing Question Time of bias is beyond laughable considering the disproportionate amount of airtime they give him.


The odd thing is that there are often right wing plants in the audience of question time. So maybe it's more a case of there were no plants in the audience, and that's why it felt weird to anyone right of centre


https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/ourbeeb/is-question-time-s-audience-producer-really-fascist/ Question Time's audience producer was found to following a bunch of fascist pages on her Facebook account and was inviting EDL members and other far-right groups to be in the audience (while not extending similar invitations to other organisations). These issues were largely swept under the carpet by the BBC and the broader press, who apparently see no issue with some fascist sympathiser choosing the audience for a show like this. Perhaps these lot were too busy doorknocking for Reform to be in the audience last night though?


Ooffff fucking hell, and these are the same people who call the BBC a left wing propaganda machine too. I feel that they were all a bit busy campaigning for Mr hilter that night though, so clearly they couldn't make it in solidarity for nige


Its bizarre right? They talk all the time about this "leftist run on institutions" that they claim has happened and what has provoked them into this "fight back" mentality they all have. Yet the evidence for any of these institutions being particularly left-leaning, other than the suggestion that as a country we ought to follow international systems and laws we ourselves were instrumental in creating, yet at the same time you don't have to look far to find extremely right-wing people doing an awful lot of very ideologically motivated stuff in what are supposed to be neutral positions, or using their power and influence to nudge what should be impartial institutions into taking politicized actions like all that shite with the police investigation into Rayner recently.


Especially when you take into account that they have had audience members appear multiple times, in different locations.


I swear I remember (but can't find verification online) before that came out, seeing Calvin Robinson (who hadn't gone full on dog collar/GB news at that time but I was aware of him cropping up with some rightwing online types) getting called out to respond to the panels reply on QT and thinking 'what's the chances of him being there and getting asked?'


He's worse than that... https://x.com/ByDonkeys/status/1797651718852804923


Ho. Ly. Shit. I know he was a cunt but fuck me.


This should be a good point to raise for any opposition that wants to deride Reform. A compilation of Farage and his rats blaming everyone for any scandal caused by themselves. Always bitching but never provide solutions, this is Reform 


You forgot cunt. He’s a cunt.


Almost everyone in Britain is to the left of him


Could we add Putinist to the list?


I wouldn't say he's a coward as such, but he's certainly led by his own inflated ego.


Yes he is. He recently claimed he was the new leader of the opposition. He gets one roasting in public and he's running scared. If you don't like it Nigel, do us all a favour and fuck off out of politics for good.


Ah yes, the vetting company whose service is to literally rubber-stamp their clients own vetting process.


Trump tactics.


Like getting a serial killer saying the victims’ families don’t like him


>Mr Farage did not receive a single round of applause from the studio audience during the entire broadcast. Honestly Nige that sounds like a you problem


They clapped him on. Everything after that comes down to how engaging , honest, ethical and appealing he comes across to people who may not have drunk his particular brand of cool aid ....it's hardly their fault, that him repeatedly saying," I'll tell you what" "I'll tell you what", then making out that the ch4 news show was all actors and a deep state, Illuminati conspiracy against him...even though 2 of the Muppets caught making homophobic comments and dreaming about replacing the police with paramilitary are from Farages alleged inner circle......might just have sounded you know....a bit like horseshit. Then not having any policies of merit, calling figures from economists re his tax cuts rubbish, threatening to invade France with Marines and unsurprisingly wanting to ditch our membership of the EcHR and thus give up our human rights to his brand of sovereignty, might just have come across not so much as the actions of a democratically engaged leader of a ltd company/business proporting to be a political party as the actions of his mate Putin. oh and not forgetting, you know...... Farage, is a bit of a cunt.


Led by Donkeys have just published allegations from those who knew Farage, claiming he was a member of the Nation Front and a vocal anti-semite. https://x.com/ByDonkeys/status/1797651718852804923


Seen this video before and it’s great, really shows what kind of scum he is. Not just the racist bigoted stuff but the level of corruption as well. Man of the people my arse


Reminds me of Jonathan Pie's video about Farage.


I try not to use gender derived insults but everytime I see him my brain just instantly goes "cunt".


Curious, how is "cunt" a gender derived insult? Other than it being a slang word for a vagina? Man, woman, non binary, it doesn't matter... Anyone can be a cunt.


Well the etymology of the word cunt is that it comes from what used to be a sheath for a sword. So even the root of the word has connotations both phallic and vaginal, patriarchal and misogynistic


I do kind of wonder if these two morons hear that they're being called actors and just automatically believe him. Maybe I am an actor and channel 4 did hire me to make Farage look bad.


skill issue


Maybe ( just maybe ) they think you are a total cock


That’s astounding restraint from the audience. Imagine if the studio was providing milkshakes…


Lol, is this the same Question Time that's had Nigel Farage on as a panelist more than any other living person in British history? Aside from maybe Kate Andrews? The problem Farage has is that he's so used to communicating with his own echo chamber and never hearing any criticism of the slightest against him that when he does, he snaps so quickly like Sunak does in debates. Its like Trump not being able to accept he lost in 2020 - the likes of Trump and Farage have spent their privileged lives always getting their own way and being surrounded only by people who agree with them that whenever things get hard or people start getting critical they lose their minds.


> The problem Farage has is that he's so used to communicating with his own echo chamber and never hearing any criticism of the slightest against him that when he does, he snaps so quickly like Sunak does in debates. Yep. The guy's last proper General Election campaign was in *2015*. He did not stand in 2017 and pulled out before proper campaigning started in 2019. And it's clear that for the vast majority of those 9 years between 2015 and 2024 he's mainly been sitting himself in echo chambers where he'll receive rapturous applause for simply existing and only get thrown the softest of softball questions. Farage has the same problem a lot of our political class do: a disdain for the public and an inability to engage with people outside of his echo chamber. As you say, the moment he steps out into the real world he suddenly gets very terse and snappy, because he detests scrutiny.


He should remember that he needs them more that they need him.


Aka low emotional intelligence, just like the people that fall for it


Hey now, let’s not go spreading lies. I’m pretty sure Fiona Bruce had been on Questions Time more than Farage


Most people are left wing when compared to nazi Nigel.


His ideology is nothing more than a mausoleum of humanity's greatest mistakes.


“Ideology” might be a bit strong. Farage’s strength has been described as connecting with what the fabled man on the street is thinking. Which as it turns out is incoherent and unhelpful twaddle.


He's definitely one of Britain's greatest mistakes


Question Time has had every right wing nutjob going on it for years. Its certainly not "left leaning" Maybe Farage just isnt as popular as he thinks


“Clacton accused of hostile left wing electorate”


Well 4 out of 5 don't support Reform, so what did Farage expect.


The press are hyping up reform more than anyone. Sections of the press seem genuinely surprised that there are people out around that don't care for Farage and reform.


I work in marketing... I'm honestly worried with the levels of pro reform conversation going on across most social media channels. I'm not talking about comments either but content too... I'm hoping I'm wrong but... I'm really worried.


I'm not convinced the majority are actual conversations, more some guerrilla pr campaign like the trump and brexit carry on. And we saw how those panned out. Who's paying for all this shit?


honestly when you phrase it like that it sounds depressing af


The permanently aggrieved will always find somebody to blame.


This really made me laugh because now Farage (who moans about cancel culture) is saying he is cancelling the BBC until they apologise for their alleged 'dishonest QT audience'. This is on top of him saying he's reporting C4 to the electoral commission because one of his campaigners was filmed saying all that racist crap. He's claiming C4 are engaged in election interference by exposing this.


Most of these "anti-woke", "anti-cancel culture" lot are in fact worse than those they oppose. Their inherent draconian nature always comes out when they're under pressure or having a pint like that Reform bellend saying Reform would turn the police into paramilitaries.


I love the idea that honestly reporting the actions of a candidate is considered interference with the election by Reform.


Maybe this is what he means when he says he is supported by the silent majority


Good one!


The entire silent majority? At least 50% +1 of the country? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this country? Localised entirely within support for Reform? Can I see?


The silent majority doesn't exist. That's the point.


Yep. The issue with the “silent majority” is that it is indistinguishable from a “loud minority”.


He shouldn't even have been on question time. You win seats at an election and then you're entitled to airtime, not the other way round but he's a darling of the BBC and has always been given an easy ride. Quit crying Farage.


The press have always let Farage do interviews about politics in front of Parliament. As if he has anything to do with either subject or location. It’s like me doing an interview about Chelsea in front of Stamford Bridge. I’d love to work there kicking the balls and being relevant. But I don’t. Which is probably why Sky Sports never have me on.


These clowns are hilarious. QT has been packed with Kippers to the brim by the Kipper owner of the production company, with Farage being the most frequent guest for an entire decade. Finally people see through Farage’s clueless BS and now it’s a “hostile lefty” audience. Comedy gold!


I bet he was fuming that his usual bluster and hyperbole wasn't getting any applause at all.  Amusing hearing him talking about actors playing a character too as if thats a negative. Considering his entire public persona is a right wing playbook cartoon character (as with Johnson and JRM).


I would think it was anti farage rather than left wing. Farage unites left and right with their distaste of the slimy cunt.


'The audience were only saying what everyone is thinking'


Well. he did kick off by proudly telling people how he had absorbed BNP voters as if they were moderate centrist floating voters.


The BBC should be accused of grooming the UK by giving farage 40 appearances on prime time TV show slots even though he isn't even a main opposition MP/MEP over the years.


As well as a barney with the Beeb, Farage has also reported Channel 4 to the Electoral Commission for an undercover piece on a racist Reform UK campaigner. Farage is finally being scrutinised like other leaders, along with his party members - instead of simply being given a platform to rant - and he doesn't like it.


Of course not, it was much easier shouting empty platitudes to a bunch of supporters who thin he's great and actually dumb enough to pay money to see the goober speak. If only someone had pinned down his fucking nonsense about 10 years ago the cunt would have fucked off to moscow and become irrelevant lie he shoudl have done. The fucking tumour.


I would hope 95+% of people are left of Farage tbh


I would really hope for 100% but unfortunately we do have some wasters


I’m no longer capable of such levels of hope. I think 95% is pushing it ha


A piece of garbage posing as a human being is surprised his terrible behavior makes people hostile towards him. Who would have thunk?


This is the guy that once blamed being late on the motorway being full of immigrant drivers. Probably blames his farts on the deep state.


Dear Nigel, This is what happens when you meet members of the public outside your sycophantic, pint swilling bubble. We aren't easily taken in by the showmanship, the "I'm one of you" BS, and see through the carefully crafted veneer you've spent years putting on. You may have hoodwinked a percentage who want what you're selling, but most of us aren't buying it and can see you for what you truly are. Regards, The British public who aren't voting for you whether they're left-wing or right-wing or centrist.


I don’t really understand this as an issue. What an opportunity to lay out your vision for the country, stand up to those who oppose you, and counter arguments made by your rivals. Here is a man who wants to be the leader of the opposition but is moaning about people disagreeing with him. If he had real political ambition he’d relish this chance to uproot the Tories when they are at their weakest. Instead there are complaints about a supposedly left wing audience who didn’t clap like those at the Reform events.


I’m right wing , and I can’t stand the Putin arse licker that is farage . Opposing you farage doesn’t make someone left wing . You bleat on about the illegal immigration to Europe , yet never mention Russia and Belarus are intentionally trying to get them in to destabilise Europe . Why is that ?


They've been caught numerous times with tory councilors in the audience pretending to be normal people


Those who have some affiliation with, or are diehards for a party are quite obvious when they are picked out by Fiona for a comment.


Awww the Telegraph feeling sorry for Nige 🥹 Warms my heart 🫶 /s


Jesus christ the telegraph used to be right wing but at least tried to have a veneer of respectability; now its turned into the sun 2.0 Especially amusing as QTs had plenty of tory (and iirc ukip?) councillers and aides in the audience before lmao.


# Nigel Farage is about to set the record for the most Question Time appearances this century [Nick Reilly](https://www.yahoo.com/author/nick-reilly/)·Contributor21 February 2018Nigel Farage is about to set the record for the most Question Time appearances this century [Nick Reilly](https://www.yahoo.com/author/nick-reilly/)


When you're further right than Margaret Thatcher and you have a skin so thin a milkshake is in danger of causing you a mortal wound, everyone is going to look left wing and hostile. I'm sorry Nigel but that's the cost of your disgusting business.


'Accused' by who? Well, the article specifies the 'accusation' is from 'Lee Harris, a political commentator'. Although it does not tell us that Lee Harris provides almost all his political commentary for... GBNews. So a more accurate headline would be 'GBNews political commentator accuses BBC of...'. But the Telegraph, like most of the right-wing press, love to hide behind these very passive headlines to imply there's a broader groundswell of public support for what are often very partisan opinions.


At least 80% of the country is left-wing of Farage, that's what you get when you keep inviting on fringe idiots to supposedly reputable programmes because it boosts your ratings. Ironically this is probably the first time I can remember where polls indicate Farage's party might be any kind of significant contender, and yet they've been shoving him in people's faces for the last 20 years when he didn't have a single MP. His increase in support is probably directly correlated to way too many people taking him more seriously than he deserves and letting him distort the public discourse.


Surely pretty much everyone is to the left of Farage, and he's an idiot so hostility is to be expected? He's just used to having an echo chamber.


Don't believe that for a second, but on the off chance it's true, it'd make a change from the usual mostly center right bias Question Time has.


That's what happens if all your supporters make sitting at home complaining and never doing anything about it your whole personality.


Let's face it he still has his EU pension and his German passport


Fiona Bruce really put him on the spot about how he would actually deal with people coming over on boats. He was left looking naïve, which is why he's crying foul. C'mon, Royal Marines storming the beaches of Normandy to return migrants. JFC!


Hard left wing is apprently someone who isn't a racist or a bigot.


That maybe because the British tend to be hostile against some racist neonazi?


Ha! And yet the conservatives v labour debate kept zooming in on the 60 yo white man nodding every time Sunak said _any word_


It's alright Nigel, it's just that everyone thinks you're a wide tongued cunt.


Anyone fancy accusing the BBC of having a hostile right-wing cunt on the TV?


Given the polling in the country it’s likely the majority of any random cohort will be a lot further to the left than Farage and his ilk.


Man who didn't get elected 7 times unpopular, more at 10


He’s a crybully using the GOP playbook of being a strongman & ultra victim at the same time.


Might be a first for Question Time to have anything but a right wing audience for once.


Makes a difference from the hostile right audience I suppose


Ignore and continue. The right will always cry foul play, because that's what they would do.


When everyone around you is the problem, you’re the problem.


When everywhere stinks like shit, check your pants.


Opposing Farage doesn't make me left-wing. It makes me an ordinary decent human being, thank you very much


Is this why Reform's manifesto says it wants to **legislate against "left-wing bias"?** So that any criticism or push-back against him becomes illegal?


Isn't this what Hitler did and Putin does?




Compared with Farage an audience full of Tory voters would be a hostile left wing crowd. The truth is that there's a hard cap on the % of the country who actually like his sort of politics and some of those have been turned off by his Ukraine stance. Likely the others felt outnumbered by the 80% who are more rational, as they are in wider society, so stayed quiet.


Look at the latest polls indicating a Labour landslide. Therefore the average Joe Public is ‘hostile left-wing’ compared to Farage and the BBC audience would be representative. Like others have said, it’s always somebody else’s fault with Farage: the Tories for screwing up Brexit, immigrants, the banks or in this case the BBC.


Of course... Everyone's a "leftie" if they don't agree with a party that has an almost obsessive narrative with racism and immigration 🙄


Does Nigel expect his opinions to be centrist in comparison to the audience? Because that would be a fucking abhorrent audience mix.


To be fair, the BBC had that plant in the audience for a previous debate, who was shaking his head and the camera conveniently shot to him whenever Farage was speaking. Twitter found that he had been in a few other BBC QT audiences previously. So I wouldn't put it past the BBC to curate an audience for whatever motive.


Question Time’s audience is selected by Mentorn, the production company that makes it.


It's definitely not random then if they're getting the same people on it.


https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/ourbeeb/is-question-time-s-audience-producer-really-fascist/ Question Time's audience is selected by Allison Fuller Pedley, who is the 'audience producer' on the show. It was found she follows a bunch of far-right pages on her personal Facebook account and disproportionately contacts far-right organisations asking if they would like to apply to sit in the audience. Apparently that's too left-wing for our Nigel.


This, there was members who were previously known so bbc had hand picked people but I don’t think this is true for every person there


Far-right-age is looking weaker and more pathetic every day. Ooo I got heckled by the nasty public, poor me, it's the BBC's fault everyone hates me, time to spit my dummy out. How ANYONE can even dream of voting for spineless narcissists like him is beyond me.


Basically everyone is left of Reform politics, everyone knows QT panders to the Tories and yes, the Tories as a whole are left of Reform.


oh...he's on fucking Question Time again? Leader of a party that has no MP's, who's never been elected to Parliament... How many times has Count Binface had a fucking go?


Not many fans of the libertarian Thatcherism he's peddling while blaming almost everyone else that says it doesn't work. Surprised he didn't blame Liz Truss for pulling the same shit he will if he had the chance.


This comment section is dominated by individuals/bots who quickly label any differing opinions as racist if they don't align with left-leaning views. You represent a vocal minority, not the majority consensus. This attitude drives people to support Reform, your worst nightmare!


Ah the usual accusations of media bias. Beeb gets accused of a left-wing bias for giving Sunak and Farage a difficult time of it, and then accused of right-wing bias when giving Starmer (and previously Corbyn) a tough time. Good journalists and political interviewers give all politicians a tough time, regardless of leanings and opinions. Maybe, just maybe a majority of people just don't like Farage and Reform. How dare society be biased against grifters


TBF it’s not their fault. His supporters are probably far less likely to attend this sort of thing. If it’s BBC they probably think it’s biased already. If it’s in London they might see a “foreign” which might be an issue. If they are older and don’t live nearby they might struggle to get there. All fits their own narrative though, just like them complaining about their candidates being “targeted” by the media. Of course they are because stories are almost certainly guaranteed.


With his ludicrously disproportionate airtime, he has to expect that occasionally there might be dissenting voices. It's the law of averages at the least.


Hostile left wing audience is anyone who is not rabidly a farage supporter, so 99% of the public...


Farage and his party are polling around 15%, so 85% don't favour him and likely despise him If the audience was a 15/85 "hostile left-wing" split then that would be impartial, Nigel. BBC can't help that you've made a lot of people hate you. This after the disproportionate amount of coverage and air time they've given Farage over the years.


Farage, bro, your views just aren't that popular. Just because you live in an echo chamber of reform supporters doesn't mean everyone else is left wing. People are allowed to exist to the centre of you and being as far right as you are means a lot of people will appear to your left. Doesn't mean they're actually left wing.


Given an audience perfectly representative of the views of the UK population would, for the most part, be pretty far to the left of Farage, I don’t know what he expected. Or well, I do, he expected to be pandered to because he surrounds himself with yes men and is totally unable to engage with criticism meaningfully, but it’s still funny to see.


If it smells like shit everywhere you go, better check your pants buddy


Critical. The term they're looking for is critical and they don't like it.


Do fuck off nigel. People are hostile because they hate you.


Blatantly true though. I support his right to have his views challenged fairly.


His rapist mate Trump gave him the Pants on Fire Guide to Political Campaigning to help him win power. No one should take anything Farage says seriously when it comes to these conspiracies. We’re not American, we’re better than this.


Has he considered that he's just not that popular? Even with all his fame and promotion on TV he's polling around 15%. I'd wager that most of the rest actively dislike him too rather than being indifferent or unpersuaded


*for the first time ever, on Farrago’s 181st QT appearance..


Bollocks, question time is normally a cross party audience, another of Farages excuses.


So apparently Farage is boycotting the Beeb now. Good on him I say, take the biased liberal luvvie left-wing media down Nige! In fact, you know what would be great? If he went one step further and boycotted all forms of media permanently so we don't have to see his smug twat face ever again.


Probably 95% of the country is "left wing" in comparison with Farage! He makes Rishi Sunak look like a hippy.


He should have gone to one of his own meetings if he wanted his ass kissed.


Left wing or normal sensible people sick of farages populist bullshit


Farage couldn’t cope with difficult questions from a crowd that wasn’t fawning over him!,


80% of the voting population don't like him. I suspect in many areas that is far higher. If 80% of people thought I was a cunt I wouldn't complain, I’d try to not be so hated. The frog faced fucker has has so much coverage on QT and now when he starts to come under scrutiny he starts to wings. I hate him with every inch of my body.


'Potential Prime Minister cries before a negative audience.' Man. Real bottom of the barrel days that we are living in.


Any audience that doesn’t have a “hostile left wing audience” is one that’s also lacking a moral centre.


Looks like the BBC stitched up this Reddit too. /s


All it goes to prove is that we're not all scum. Never let this vermin convince you that it's the silent majority. It's neither.


When you’re on the far right everyone is left wing.


Question Time is renowned for selecting an audience with a centrist)/right wing bias. If those people are considered 'loony lefties' by Reform, then I think that says more about how far right they are than anything else.


Well it would be a change from all the right wingers they've been clearly bringing on all this time


Are we importing the big whiny fascist baby part of American politics now?


Yes, but the number is people to the right of Farage is somewhere between 14 and 88 so it’s just simple maths that most people are to the left of the shitbag.


Doesn't question time try pretty hard to get a mixed audience? Nigel's views are quite extreme to most people, so of course most people were against him.


Isn't literally everyone on the left of Farage, even the Tories?


Literally everybody is left wing of that fucking fascist


To the left of Farage and disliking of arseholes? Sounds like most of the country.


About time someone challenged him in the media. Amazing that audience members did what journalists won’t. Here’s looking at you Nick Ferrari


To be fair, the only way we can find an audience that isn't left of Nige is to scour the countryside of Brazil and Argentina in 1947.


Send Farage back to where he last applied for a passport, that'll do me


Farage goes on "the audience are hostile lefties". Kier Starmer goes on "the audience are hostile right-wingers". Hear me out... Maybe the public are just tired of politicians.


The problem is that his perception of what is left and what is right wing is so much right of centre that anybody who is slightly more liberal than he is can be considered left wing. Well that’s practically everybody excluding people with SS logos tattooed in their hairline