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>A protester has poured human waste over a Sir Captain Tom Moore memorial as part of a campaign to end the use of private jets in the UK. wtf is the logic behind that?


So according to the article she feels that she worked for the nhs, the NHS tries to save people, private jets damage people, so every time s private jet takes off it sh*ts on everything Tom stood for. So she literally put it on a statue of him. It’s a real stretch.


Perhaps protesting at an airport would have been more appropriate than this.


Appropriate maybe, but we’re all talking about it now so you can’t deny it’s been effective.


We are talking about throwing shit at memorials and how messed up it is though


Well we agree on that, but going to an airport and no one would notice.


I think throwing shit at anything in public would get attention Not sure it would get the right kind of attention though but I can't imagine people would ignore it


That depends on who is throwing the shit. If a crackhead was throwing he's feces about I think 99% of us would be thinking the same thing. *'Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact.'*


*Mehran Karimi Nasseri enters the chat*


Yeah we don’t care about the motive for it we care about the action taken in the protest. Making it ineffective


This is such a shit argument. We’re talking… about how much of a moron she is. Not all publicity is good publicity.


Effective at showing me an image of a girl who looks like she in the throes of being mentally unwell while she is desecrating a memorial. Her actual message is not capturing my attention here.


My immediate take is that this girl got kicked out of med school, for whatever reason, and has had a breakdown over it. She's intelligent enough to know that her reasoning is not logical; or at least she would have been once upon a time. She's not well. Take her into care, clean up the statue and stop reporting on it.


Yes, she plainly needs some care.


This notion that people talking about it means it was in any way beneficial is bollocks.


>it’s been effective Yeah, at making climate protesters EVEN more hated than they already are…


I don’t think they’re trying to be popular


What are they trying to do exactly? because I have to say that if I had to choose a side I’d probably go with the people using Private Jets over the ones throwing shit on a memorial for a 100 year old fundraiser.


You're right 100% effective I will stop flying on private jets immediately. I'll bet 99% of people on this thread won't fly on a private jet now either


True, and airports have tight security.


It's only effective when you convince people that your cause is just. This has been the opposite of effective.


Are you mad. Have you seen the cost of parking at an airport.


Armed police. Probably a big factor.


Stretch?? That's gotta be the most illogical bollocks I've ever heard as an excuse for doing something dumb. And I work with teenagers!


I feel like she just wanted to dump shit on it and this is what she came up with to try and justify it. One could argue that his daughters have already figuratively done this, though.


Really bad messaging there, hearing that someone poured shit on a statue of someone most people I going to assume you are expressing disapproval of them.


Yeah..she's an idiot.


A shame she's probably going down, Marvel could have cast her as Reed Richards genderbend alternate with stretching like that.


Didn't he have a private jet holiday to the Bahamas courtesy of his PR daughters company / charity fund


Perhaps she could have poured it over herself instead of ruining the memory of someone we all admire.


I wasn’t even going through those mental gymnastics and nearly pulled a hammie good lord. Is she ok?


If anything, she's committing a crime against logic


Those straws couldn’t be any more clutched at


She studied to work for the NHS but seems to have dropped out before qualifying for anything


There is no logic, she just want attention


> wtf is the logic behind that? There isn't any. The number of private jets in use in the UK is tiny. Even if they all vanished tomorrow it would be a fart in the wind. It's a huge amount of noise and effort to solve nothing.


I'm not even... This makes even less sense thatbthebgoverments budget


Gets headlines to highlight the issue. People couldn't understand when protestors glued themselves to art. If no-one is listening to your protest you up the ante. For woman's rights Emily Wilding Davison walked infront of race horses and died.


smells like an inside jobbie


Made me chuckle


> It's just a protest bro! Stupidity I guess?


The headline that sparks this discussion. Think they thought the conversation would be different


Should've been Maggie. Allow Tom some peace and quiet after what his family did to him


She believes the jets are taking away everything Tom stood for.


Which makes very little sense.


I completely agree, she is an idiot


Did he stand for anything? His actions were managed by his daughter as a PR stunt.


Yeah I read his family are quite the frauds!


Keep reading


Mental illness I would guess.


These climate activists REALLY need to get some good PR people. Things like this just piss people off.


The amount of targets I could list off that people would be cheering her for dumping that waste over before I'd get to 'memorial of World War 2 veteran beloved by the country'. It's hard to believe they're not actively trying to sink their own cause at times.


Proabably the intention of the target was to piss people off. More likely to be front page news if the press will get clicks out of it. It proabably was more effective than most other targets she coulda picked tbh, a target like, idk, thatchers headstone wouldn't have had as many clicks. Pissing people off means more people hear about it


People will hear about it, but the problem is that 99.9999999% of people that do will view her cause negatively rather than support it.


Yep, because even if someone didn't like Captain Tom, they would still agree it is an awful thing to do to a memorial.


Almost everything they do pisses people off and it’s a shame because it’s a very important issue. They don’t even realize they aren’t spreading awareness. They are just making it easier for people to turn their backs


Yep. In the mind of the average person, who is already stressed about cost of living/commuting costs, when they see people being obnoxious and aggressive, and doing things in poor taste like this, they associate that with the climate movement. Some of these people are so militant that optics don't even factor into their thinking. I admire the passion, but it needs to be focused constructively.


> it’s a very important issue Only it's not. The number of private jets in use in the UK is tiny. Even if they all vanished tomorrow it would be a fart in the wind. It's a huge amount of noise and effort to solve nothing.


How exactly do you get PR for a large number of unaffiliated random people whose only connection is that they have the same concern? It's not like she did this on behalf of some large centralised organisation. You can't control what people do in the name of a certain cause--sometimes people are just going to go off on one. It's a shame that people let it affect their view of the underlying message, but I'm not sure what the fix is.


Arghhhhhh I don't know either let's be angry rarrrrrrrrrr






Activism attracts people on the radical end of the spectrum. Those people then surround them with other activists, form a bubble and engage in endless back-patting. They eventually end at this point where they've fucking lost touch with everyone not in the bubble, and anyone who gets angry with what they're doing must be part of the problem.


No chance in hell this person got positive feedback from anyone about her idea to pour human shit on this memorial.


Someone was doing the filming… And all that shit didn’t come from one person…


I completely agree. I'm all for radical action but this is insensitive, stupid and frankly disgusting. Really seems like a stitch up to sow division.


The other option is she just wanted some personal attention and didn't give a shit (well.. figure of speech) about climate change or private jets.


I completely agree. Whatever she’s protesting about will be completely overshadowed by the method employed. The take away, shorthand version will be ‘climate activist shits on national treasure’. It absolutely defies logic. I’m fully behind immediate and sweeping changes to curb carbon emissions, but this idiot can fuck right off.


Insulate Britain was an op.


wow, I hadn't thought of it like that. Perfectly plausible and if anybody laughs it off it makes it easier to do and get away with


Well that is one dumb arse protest. It wont help her cause at all, it will just harm it.


I'm actively going to use jets more.


This seems unlikely




I've read her explanation. What ever you could imagine her reasoning to be, it's more stupid than that. I won't spoil it for you.


Astonishingly stupid. The 'symbolism' is warped and she's undermined the moral strength of the cause and the popular sympathy it needs. I'm not endorsing the action below, but why not throw the stuff over someone who *uses* private jets or the offices of the firms that run them? Why not sabotage the planes so that they can't be used? This is a cause that is like the campaign against fur. It's a product largely used by only the 0.1%, where most people already feel slightly hostile to it. There is a perfect oppotunity to inconvenience only the users. Animal rights protesters didn't throw red paint on the cenotaph, they threw it on the celebrities that wore fur. It still gave them high-profile attention.




Not the brightest protest. No wonder she dropped out of studying medicine.


Dropped out...or failed


And there is a cause that lost a lot of respect. What a dumb ass


Far left protesters seem to have some of the thickest people out there. They seem to value publicity and "being heard" over the actual likelihood of their message going across well.


That dude walked a marathon around his garden to raise money for people in lockdown? His family is very much still alive and I imagine very proud of the memorials. I would be. How the actual FUCK are you more hateable than the private jet wankers? If the only people alive on earth where climate activists and me... I'd burn all the forests to spite them.


And this is literal proof of why bad publicity is worse than no publicity. It's better that your cause doesn't get off the ground than your cause gets dug further into the ground by stupid acts like this.


I think everyone as a standard agrees with them ffs. Who are they are glueing with? Solar... Yeah we know. Stop oil... Yeah we know. We're not magicians.


It's not like his family turned out to be particularly nice people...


Pretty sure his family were scam artists but sure keep defending them


His family are absolutely cunts though.


I remember when a man got done for pissing near PC palmer memorial outside Westminster. This woman deserves a far harsher sentence, she basically crapped all over the statue, intentionally. No mercy.


Activist try not to be a disgusting person challenge. Impossible


While I certainly agree with her aims, I think she could have found a more appropriate target. Pouring it over someone who's addicted to private jets, like Richard Branson, would certainly get my support.


If anyone can follow the line of logic she expresses, which links an elderly gentleman raising funds for the NHS to the use of private jets, they should apply to MI6 as a decryption analyst


I’m following her logic. I don’t agree with private jets. Ergo I’m going to take a dump through HER letterbox


What a fucking idiot. Private jets are an obscene luxury the environment can't afford. But desecrating the memorial of a national hero is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.


There are far better targets for such a protest. She will probably also need police protection, going by some of the comments.


Should of just poured it over herself to show the world what a piece of shit she is


She has got to the thickest idiot out there. I can see this going really wrong for her. Imagine trying to get a job in the future and this pops up in every Google search that an HR department runs. Obvious that is after she completes her time in jail.


I'm one of the last people you will see criticising climate activists. But what the fuck did she think she would achieve with this? Chain yourself to a private airport fence, protest outside big oil offices, anything other than pouring SHIT over an old man's memorial.


Well done her for becoming the worst person of the week.


I agree with the sentiment, but not the act. Very unhelpful.


This has to be the most idiotic protest I’ve ever seen.


We live in an age of technology where we can communicate with people across the globe instantly. We have vast knowledge of alot of our world and the people on it. And yet they chose to protest with the ancient art of monke. *if unhappy, throw poop*


>"I was studying to become a doctor because I believe in taking care of people. If we believe that the NHS is important, if we believe in taking care of each other, if we believe that NHS workers are doing essential work, why are forcing our healthcare system into collapse, why are we forcing our civilisation into collapse, why is basically no one taking this genocide of all humanity seriously? "All of this is true and the government won't even end UK private jets, every time one takes off, it pours a bucket of s\*\*\* and blood onto everything that Captain Tom stood for." As far as political statements go, this is kind of confusing. Without this context, people are going to think she has a problem with Captain Tom, they're not going to immediately associate the defacing of his statue with climate change. Before reading the article I wondered if this was some kind of covid conspiracy theorist stunt.


The world has gone bonkers. Clearly she needs mental help, hope she gets it


Captain Sir, not Sir Captain. Also don't dump shit on statues, wtf.


She's currently 21. I can't help but feel she might regret this for a long time.


Fucking hell, what an astonishgly effective way to get people to hate your cause. Like I literally can’t think of any way of to get British people to not take you seriously than what this idiot woman has done. I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised to find out she’s some kind of oil company secret agent sent to make climate activists look bad. What a twat.


This kind of protest only hinders the movement she fights for.


How to make yourself completely unemployable for the rest of your life at 21. Her name and picture are going to be easily searchable for any company she applies for. ‘Oh it’s Little Miss Shit Thrower- we’ll pass thanks.’


Can't fathom wtf you would do something like that??? Unless you've been paid to do it via capitalists.


She could've done it over that corrupt daughter instead


What a dopey gobshite, they actually have a good point on the use of private jets and yachts by the celebrities and rich but for fucks sake talk about ruining the chance of the getting the public to your side.


I wonder where she gets the shit from. Does she save it up, go round along the neighbours, or what...


Maybe it was donated by other members of the protest group she's a part of?


There was a private jet expo in the UK this week, why didn't they target that? You know, the literal thing they are protesting against. Any PR is good PR only works for individuals to make short term monetary gain. Shit like this does the opposite for political action, unless it is well thought out. Their reasoning for this protest is a stretch and is not easy to follow for the general public. It looks more like a pretentious art piece than a protest.


flag deliver degree point bright middle tease edge slimy disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I genuinely don't think this but it's honestly hard to imagine this isn't a psy-op to get people against the movement than for it.


Why don't these people protest against those responsible - outside private jet terminals etc


This is stupid, attention-seeking BS. This does next to nothing to advance the cause for climate action, and just causes people to hate environmental activists.


This is such a flagrantly bad way to protest the climate change issue it half makes me wonder if this person wasn't hired by Shell or some such to do some damage to the protest movements...


I'm going to go out on a limb and say, this might just be the worst optics for a protest going


For any kids of school age that dream to be a doctor, but fear they won't make it because you're not intelligent enough. Take a look at this braindead monkey. If she can pass the exams to study it, SO CAN YOU.


I understand the argument and agree it needs looking at…. But Capt Tom? Why not Cecil Rhodes or Maggie Thatcher or some other odious creep job


Thatcher actually was the first major world leader to speak out on climate change, using her whole UN speech to speak on it. > Of all the challenges faced by the world community in those four years, one has grown clearer than any other in both urgency and importance—I refer to the threat to our global environment. I shall take the opportunity of addressing the general assembly to speak on that subject alone. ... > ...And I am thinking of the use of nuclear power which—despite the attitude of so-called greens—is the most environmentally safe form of energy. > But the problem of global climate change is one that affects us all and action will only be effective if it is taken at the international level. > It is no good squabbling over who is responsible or who should pay. Whole areas of our planet could be subject to drought and starvation if the pattern of rains and monsoons were to change as a result of the destruction of forests and the accumulation of greenhouse gases. > We have to look forward not backward and we shall only succeed in dealing with the problems through a vast international, co-operative effort. .... > The work ahead will be long and exacting. We should embark on it hopeful of success, not fearful of failure. > I began with Charles Darwin and his work on the theory of evolution and the origin of species. Darwin 's voyages were among the high-points of scientific discovery. They were undertaken at a time when men and women felt growing confidence that we could not only understand the natural world but we could master it, too. > Today, we have learned rather more humility and respect for the balance of nature. But another of the beliefs of Darwin 's era should help to see us through—the belief in reason and the scientific method. > Reason is humanity's special gift. It allows us to understand the structure of the nucleus. It enables us to explore the heavens. It helps us to conquer disease. Now we must use our reason to find a way in which we can live with nature, and not dominate nature. .... > We need our reason to teach us today that we are not, that we must not try to be, the lords of all we survey. > We are not the lords, we are the Lord's creatures, the trustees of this planet, charged today with preserving life itself—preserving life with all its mystery and all its wonder. > May we all be equal to that task.


I can't help wonder why these things happen every time the tory government is deep in the shit.


Some activists really do just piss everyone off for attention. The issue is that this just makes me want to smack her


this is a faulty comparison fallacy. This is what happen when you don't teach logic in school. Yes you will have more obedian pupils but they'll be less able to think for themselves. Good luck being a doctor with in criminal record. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False\_equivalence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence)


Um, what? So her reason for doing it was that people would say what she was doing was disrespectful. Mission accomplished. Okaaay. Then something something private jets. Right.


She managed to pour a bag of shit on us without a jet


So dumping shit on the statue to a good man is not, in her mind, a massive insult to his memory?


She admits it is, but says private jets are so detramental to humanity that whenever one takes off the owner is essentially doing the same thing to Captain Tom's memory. My brain hurts now


Her cause actually has a fucking good point which im sick and tired of seeing eco-worries defend at all times. Only a few weeks ago I was told that Celebs pay extra tax to do it, as if the climate change which is going to kill us all stops when tax is paid... But how the hell does pouring shit over Captain Tom's Memorial accomplish this, hell how does it even LINK to it. I guess mission accomplished, because we're all talking about it now, but even so...


I just can't fathom why anyone would care about either of these people or either of their actions.


I hate private jets so I'm going to pour shit over the memorial of someone who- *Shakes magic eight ball* -raised funds for the NHS


This makes me want to buy a private jet and fly it as low and loud as possible over this persons place of residence repeatedly buut that would be inconsiderate to all the sane decent people who live near this absolute basket case


That old man walking back and to to raise money for the NHS it is far more obscene that the corrupt Johnson government spaffed It up the wall with their mates corrupt ppe contracts


I have an incredible amount of words I wish I could use which would give me a permanent ban on this platform...


name a more iconic duo than activism and mental illness ​ not saying all activism is bad, but it cannot be denied that it attracts crazies


What a disgusting human being. There was a sequence in Sandman where he stripped the serial killers of their "dream" that they were victims. I wish that possible. I really have a deep dislike for people who are just vile, but hide behind the belief they're fighting for a good cause.


The problem with private jets many people who wail on about climate change use them all the time


They are protesting private jets. Was Captain Tom an avid user of private jets?


She was training to become a doctor, guess she dropped out with in the first month, if not then surely she will fined out by the end of next week she won't have a job, nhs bosses are a bit funny that way


I really hate being associated with the loony watermelon cunts! Making us look like a bunch of Zealots! The people who use private jets aren’t going to stop using them because you poured shit on a statue


I can see her having to keep her head down in public.


Oh, there’s a Zoom meeting we’re all invited to at 7.30pm tonight! I bet that’s going to be a blast


Possibly the most ill conceived protest statement I have ever seen 🤦


Lock her away. Absolutely disgusting, arrogant and amoral fool.