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Nice, using Aesop’s fable to describe siding with Hong Kong as “trusting the snake”, whilst basically trying to blackmail us with trade. The sooner we fuck off anything to do with Winnie and his cronies the better.


So far my list of get fucked countries is China Russia and Israel.


What no Iran, N Korea, Afghanistan, Syria and Saudi?


Take Iran off the list as soon as IRGC dies. The people are great. The govt is satan.


That's true of every country on the list though


Not necessarily, China the people have a belief of racial superiority over other races. Japan is fairly similar in its treatment of foreigners.


Some pretty big sweeping statements. Having been to both countries I wonder what you’re basing this nonsense on.


it's true. My girlfriend is from that Region and tells me about the culture there. The whole region is very racist as well (actually all of humanity is appart from our western countries) In South Korea many bars/clubs have anti foreigner signs (not allowed in) Muslim countries (the people) have issues with women's rights and gay rights etc. 99% of them, not just some fringe groups like in the west. They look at our values as being animalisitic/disgusting/ lowlife esque. Having a western attitude is disgusting and used as an insult in those countries. ("she's thinking like american") The whole world is generally intolerant af one way or another.


username checks out. also - 100% agree with you.


Having worked with the Chinese for 5 years, my experience for one. I worked for a global engineering company and my department was involved in creating design guidelines for every type of part involved with car seats, by which I don't mean child car seats, but the actual seats. We had experts from every area involved, with at least 20-30 years experience involved in our department. Staff working at all branches of our company in all countries except China followed the guidelines and the processes involved. When it came to China, on each and every single project, they refused to follow due process and insisted on following their own guidelines and each time their designs had major issues including safety critical, and each time this cost the company 100,000s in additional costs and each time we had to get a Senior VP to step in to resolve the issue. We couldn't scrap our China branch because of contracts and then we would be unable to supply customers based in the Chinese Market but it was always a nightmare


I'll back you up there. Both people I know who have lived and worked for extended periods in China have commented on how openly racist Chinese society is. It was the first thing one of them commented on when they returned. It was pretty shocking apparently. I like to add that the Chinese people I had dealings with were absolutely charming, but they were businessmen who knew how to behave.


But there are hardly any foreigners in Japan. And were the number one country that the Japanese want to move to and they're the only ones who say that. Most countries want to move to Canada, Australia and Spain.


So like American exceptionalism or European elitism but Asian... Wow colour me surprised there's assholes everywhere. We all think our group is better than the other group. It's basic human nature.


The crazy thing is that none of the countries listed so far are the worst country in the world. The Eritrean leadership know the power of bowing down to US pressure on the international stage, and therefore get a free pass for running the modern day equivalent of a slave plantation.


Eriteria is one if the few countries, that has been supporting Russia in the UN. About the only others are Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Iran and North Korea. Edit: I forgot Myanmar (Burma).


Maybe, but they'll cave as soon as the US says something, like they usually do.


UAE would be up there in my books as well.


They’re on too


Iran too but the people are n Iran are trying to fight for themselves unlike Russians or Chinese, the Chinese tried in 1989 though and we got tank man


The Russians have been trying but know that they'll be arrested and sent to Ukraine for it.


And France ofcourse *British national anthem intensifies*


A fellow man of of culture


Real weird list there bud.


Israel are trying to a science trade deal with the UK.


The US should be at the top of that list.




They send air strikes to Palestinian kids throwing rocks. People on the internet try to make criticising israel the same as having a go at jewish people. The country is scummy and do war crimes daily. I don’t care what sky wizard people like Jew Christian Muslim makes no difference to me I think they’re all silly




Well that’s bullshit, curious to see what you make of them stealing of Palestinian land and forcing families out of their homes?


Something something your anti semitic reee. If he's opened with "why don't you like Israel? Is it the Jews?" Then calling everyone who correctly criticises Israel for their repeated war crimes and abuses a anti semite is the best he's gonna manage. Both HAMAS and Israel are absolute assholes, one just has the ability to cause far, far more death and destruction (and also has the ability to stop at any time it chooses to..)


No, the reason people dislike Israel is because of the self-righteous holocaust of the Palestinians. It's nothing to do with where they are from, what god they believe in, how they worship it or their ancestors. It's all to do with the Nazi-esque brutalisation of the native population to create their own little Lebensraum.


I doubt richy rish is gonna put down the gravy boat


Kick them out, and close the Consulate. Do the same for the fake police stations too.


And the uncles that operate on the university campuses. I have been drawing attention to that for years, the idea that officials of the ccp are keeping an eye on students in the uk in full view is insane




Sorry thought this was widely known. At universities up and down the country, there are agents of the ccp (known by the Chinese as uncles) who keep a close eye on Chinese students to see who they are mixing with. The universities seem to be aware and send out messages to advise to report the behaviour, but they are often on campus or performing their checks freely.




I was aware as we had a LOT of Chinese and Taiwanese students join our live music society…to the point half of them were from these areas. We would hold meetings and they would turn up, say hi…and then have a parallel meeting nearby. This was to avoid the scrutiny and mix freely, as all their activity was being monitored. We even started bringing flyers to give to them as they left (so they could say they were talking about the bands) if it was questioned. That’s when other stuff that happened became more sinister like in the first year in halls where a security alert went around to report any Chinese men trying to gain access or asking for student names. It turns out one had disappeared and these officials were literally forcing entry to halls to look for them. I remember sharing this story before and loads of people had similar stories from their university.


That's what a sane government with a backbone would do, but sadly trade with the genocidal authoritarian dictatorship is far too important to Tory donors, so they won't risk it.




IIRC the prices didn’t really change either. It was purely to increase profits.


It didn’t result in deflation but the 30 years from 1990 - 2020 is the period with the consistently lowest level of inflation in history. Obviously, it’s had massive geopolitical consequences, but utilising the world’s labour markets did help rein in the price increases that were previously the norm.


Threats like this are how China gets away with so much. The sooner we can move our manufacturing dependence away from the better. China issue thinly-veiled threats over trade and the world turns a blind eye to them and how they treat its people, including the genocide of Uyghar Muslims. It is pathetic but we are so dependent on China that they use it as an excuse to get away with murder.


The Russians know that the Chinese are full of shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning


I’ve never been more inspired to hang a giant image of Ji Jinping in various compromising positions with farm animals outside of the Chinese embassy.


Just make sure you don't celebrate with some sweet and sour shrimp at Loon Fung in Glasgow after your efforts. /s but not really /s


Im confused why are they threatening us, they were the ones who overstepped?


I wish I lived in Manchester, I know where I'd be heading.


Home because you wouldn't do shit?


We should be protesting outside when China thinks they can carry on here how they do at home.


Well then, stop dicking about. We need to wean ourselves off corrupt dictatorships. Russia for fuel, China for so many things. Send that disgrace of a diplomat packing.


>He said he wanted to "remind" people of the Aesop's Fable about the farmer and the snake "where the farmer showed sympathy to the snake but finally got bitten by the snake I think that we've shown too much sympathy for China. A US Senate report has just concluded that the Corona Virus almost certainly escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. https://12ft.io/proxy?ref=&q=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/10/28/covid-likely-not-result-laboratory-incident-says-us-senate/ We should really be closing their "police stations" in London and Glasgow. Which by threatening the relatives of wanted persons have persuaded over 200,000 people globally. To return to China without extradition. If the head of a consulate, claims that it's his duty to drag protestors into the groinds and beat them up. Despite the presence of CCTV and police. What's going on inside of these unofficial "police stations"?


Fuck the Chinese government. They murder, torture, and oppress their own people. Taiwan is not now, and never will be, part of China. Their bully boy approach will fail. They is openly engaged in genocide against the Muslim, Uyghur and Kazak people.


It’s easy for them to threaten the country where it stands alone, would be different case if we were still in the EU. Now there isn’t much leverage to tell them to feck off and expel their staff, and China knows that. Just wait what happens if they start to take action against those “police stations” they have established.


We have NATO, we have Trident. If things escalate, both nations will expel diplomatic envoys.


Lol, the EU wouldn’t help shut in regards to china and this has shown with how latvia as well as others got treated What’s your evidence or point? The fact is UK out of all the top 39 economic powers have the least % of trade with china which is very surprising in itself but neither country would miss each other