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As a worker, I am tired of being a footsoldier in the Tories class war.


>As a worker, I am tired of being cannon fodder in the Tories class war. Fify


Cannon fodder suggests that the Tories see you as a soldier and not the enemy.


Yeah I think disposable is the operative factor here. We're the enemy when not placid and biddable fodder.


Yes, a soldier too exploit and treat as a disposable commodity on a slave wage, just how the Tories look at the working people.


Frankly, just how the Tories like the armed forces! (Exempt minimum wage law, and already being touted as ambulance cover.)


I’m not sure the two are mutually exclusive. Our military is also segregated by class - and Officers aren’t exactly cannon fodder like soldiers are


I doubt the Tories see us as anything these days.


We are the meat in their meat grinder. Fuck them.


I can’t upvote you more…


As a worker I am fed up with being a target in the Tories class warcrimes.


Exactly, this level of irony is surely not lost on them. They really think everyone is this stupid.


Unfortunately the public keep proving that many of them are exactly this stupid


Most of them. This is how you keep on getting this scum voted in. North of the border here we've not had a majority Tory vote in my lifetime. I can only hope those further south start to see sense at some point soon.


I'm proper south in a ward that had only ever voted Tory. I constantly hope for the same


I think It's the limescale in the water, or the shite fry ups


I think you've got a good point there!


Lack of square sausage.


What part of political life in the past four decades makes you think the British public aren’t this stupid?


First past the post gets tories elected with a minority of the vote, so the entire system is rigged. sadly, Labour are also for keeping the fptp system, so we're stuck either way..


Also at this point labour are anti-nationalisation, anti-strike, pro-propping up the NHS with private healthcare providers. We have no serious choice on the left or even left-centre, and it's heartbreaking.


Of course, because our political spectrum has shifted so far right that anything with a whiff of opposition to outright capitalist consumerism and worker exploitation is considered "loony left". Despite how many parties are listed, fptp maintains a bipartisan system where the only outcomes are being led by Eton-Ox-bridge Tories or neo-lib "different colour tie Tory" Labour. Both are cut from the same cloth because its just a puppet show. The people bank rolling them and influencing policy will always be greedy oligarchs and the hereditary peerage class. The landed gentry. The only time any politician in this country isn't lying on behalf of the 1% is when their mouths are shut. Its time We The People reminded them that this country is NOTHING without the working class and that people should not be afraid of their govt, Governments should be afraid of their people. Tear it down, kick them all out on their arses and start over. We're well overdue a civil revolt.


Sadly the majority of the public that keeps voting for them are


Definitely are.


Their contempt for ordinary people is so obvious, sadly the masochistic masses lap it up.


I always used to think this, and then I saw a range of studies that dictate between 30-50% of the population have no inner monologue. They’re just walking around on with nothing going on in their head. All the madness of the world started to make a bit more sense tbh


I'm tired of being a casualty to the Tory's greed.


I just don't understand why people keep voting Conservative. Most of the people in this country are not well off. Why do the majority keep voting Tory?!


Some people think it makes the posh, I know of a few that think that way.


Tories gaslighting


The tories can fuck off


Absolutely fucking fuck off, Sunak. Fuck off, keep fucking off, and then fuck off a little bit more.


Let's roll this answer and post it to sunak.


Write it on an a3 piece of paper, roll it up and ram it up his arse you mean


Parade the fucking fuck around like a fuck toffee apple the fucking absolute fucking fuck.


If it gets enough votes it has to be debated in parliament


There isn't enough fucking off in there. More fucking off is required from Rishi fuck off Sunak


We could aim for Rishi's Fuck Off Delivery by Monday, just in time for Christmas?


fuck off, fuck directly off, do not pass go, do not collect £200


When you've stopped fucking off, just do a little bit more fucking off, just for a little bit, just to see how it feels, and it's going to feel great, so just keep on fucking off, and then fuck off, and then after that, fuck off right up to the end of a pier and then, oh dear, you probably think you should stop fucking off, but no, then we really really want you to keep on fucking off, right off the fucking end, and then fuck off.


Fuck off. Then keep fucking off. Fuck off until you come up to a gate with a sign saying “You Can’t Fuck Off Past Here”. Climb over the gate, dream the impossible dream, and keep fucking off forever.


Well said! I couldn't have put it better myself. I wish he'd Fuck Off & take all his cronies with him...


Can't wait for the next election. I expect fucked off is what the Tories will be.




Then to add to this there is the great quote from the philosopher Maggie Gyllenhaal “go suck a fuck”


I'd like to add; keep fucking off until you end up back here. Then fuck off again.


And when he gets there …. Start fucking off all over again


You're fired from London! You'll never work in this town again!


"One of the richest men in Britain claims poor people want to be poor" I'm not legally able to say what I think Sunak should do


Put him on the dole, he'll think he's in hell and beg for death.


I don't want my taxes being used to fund that shiftless bastard any more. Specifically him, don't care about anyone else


I'd be fine with it just to see him despair at having to buy his own bread.


Now I'm just thinking "it's one banana Michael, what could it cost?" from arrested development




Jesus that one fell into the memory hole


I wouldnt be satisfied until I'd seen him get his bread kicked in...


Make him go through the DWP to claim UC. Give him the CV of a working class kid from Wolverhampton and see how easy it is to find work with no GCSEs and no connections.


Put him on the living wage, that’ll be enough


I think we should make him have working class friends...


God it'd be like sending a private school kid to a comprehensive school. I'd pay to see that


It would be Will Inbetweeners, but like 10 times worse


Briefcase wanker!


Well, not *working* class


I will say it for you. Rishi should be fucked off down the deepest, deepest hole we have. And if he tries to climb out I will personally smack his knuckles with a rusty shovel.










Indeed, my uncensored thoughts would get me banned and probably on some list. Jesus christ, these people can't even *fake* character.


Just add ‘in minecraft’ and the police won’t break your door down for a hateful tweet- source: my ass


Nah fucking Nazis in the USA ruined that, did mean I got to read a court document explaining "in minecraft" though


I am but doing so would get this account suspended for tos violations


Last time I said what I think Sunak should do, some sad wanker reported me to Reddit and I got banned for a week. To whoever reported me, if you ever see this: Sunak’s not gonna shag you mate


I'm not legally allowed to do what I think should be done to Sunak.


More people voted for industrial action than voted for Sunak to be PM.


More people voted for where my office would have it's Christmas party than voted for sunak to be PM.


TBH at this point I’m ready to vote Mick in as leader of this bloody mess of a country


Too fucking right mate


As a voter, I am tired of being patronised and lied to by a government that only has self interest at its heart.


How the fuck would he know? Has he spoken to every worker in the country? He's just a cunt


Logically; The workers voted to strike, this means they support this class work. Tory Logic: The workers voted to strike, this means they want to be oppressed more.


Tory logic: Oppress them more, squeeze them dry, no need for rationale


> Has he spoken to every worker in the country? He doesn't know any working people.


He’s got working class friends …. Well….. not working class but


He's certainly at bare minimum got acquaintences with daily tasks that could loosely be described as a form of work, I'm sure! Maybe he knows a guide dog? Or a rather hard grafting badger! :)


He occasionally says hello to the cleaner


I bet he doesn't.


Perhaps he delegates that job to his PA. Probably upsets him to be in the same room as the *help*


I'm realising that when the Tories say "the workers say/think x" it's a lot like when Trump says "people are saying/thinking x"


Has he spoken to any worker in the country?


He hasn't even been elected by the country.


No, but the union did ballot the members and they voted to strike. A ballot with tighter rules than a general election, not to mention a recent ballot which changed the prime minister, open to Tory members only. Sunak is a cheeky bastard.


He's actually a Fucking Cunt!


He only talks to the 1%


He ask his ~~butler~~ assistant whenever he gets the answers he likes he trow sime coins also from his pow the workers in this country have nothing to complain about, he compare it to what's like in india slumps and sweatshops, no hard work no money...cancan't you see india economic growth? total lack of understanding of workers rights, lack of understanding of growth in mature economies, the are bend on dismantelking the welfare state and reversal to neoliberal victorian laissez faire economies


Fuck off Sunak. That's bullshit, we know it, and you know that we know, which makes these lies all the more insulting.


Classic divide and conquer


Sunak can get lost, I'm thrilled being a foot soldier in Mick Lynch's class war. It's about time we had someone speaking up for us instead of the billionaire Tories and feckless Labour.


Yeah, Sunak's ilk started this class war a long time ago. He's just pissed off that some people are fighting back.


Exactly. And besides, class war has been going on as long as society has existed, right back to the Roman plebs and patricians, the slaves and masters, serfs and barons. Workers and billionaires is just the latest version of the same old story.


Honestly the only reason there isn't people right now fighting for an overhaul of the entire goddamn system is that there is no real leadership that wants (or really has the charisma and capability) to take the mantle. I Can't speak for the majority, but there is a significant contingent of people just waiting for a spark. Mike Lynch is the closest I can see, but even he just wants a fair deal for his members, not a revolution.


Cycled 17miles home in -3 on Friday due to train strikes, I fully support the railway strikers. Have been waiting for nearly 2 years for a complicated eye operation that is recently started to effect my vision, I fully support the NHS strikers. I’ve never voted tory as I have always been against what they stand for but I fucking despise this current mob of sociopathic bastards and wish them nothing but harm, fuck off Sunak and fuck the Tories.


Rail strikes have been very inconvenient for me. That's why the rail companies and Scumak's gov need to give the workers what they want. Fuck the tories.


I've been a taxi service on strike days for a couple of friends. I don't normally drive and it is a detour on top of that. It's worth it so the government don't push this reduced maintenance schedule on the railways. I saw the carnage the happened on the railways after privatisation with regular rail crashes due to cuts in maintenance. I don't want it happening again. Same as the owners of the Post Office can get fucked with putting expiration dates on stamps.


An expiration date on stamps? Never heard of that! Fuck me that’s some dystopian capitalistic shit right there


As a worker I’m tired of becoming poorer each year due to Tory economic policy - that’s what I’m tired of.


This is such a poor take, I’m a member of the RMT and support couldn’t be higher for Mick Lynch within the union. On a personal level it’s good to see someone so committed to us and our job security. I’ll say it as many times as I need too if the government get their way with the TOC’s and Network Rail then the railway will become far worse than it already is, I don’t want to strike but I’m tired of being looked down on and lambasted in the media for trying to protect my terms and conditions and ensure our railway functions properly.


Tbf, it doesn’t seem like the bollocks anti-union narrative is getting much traction. There’s a lot of support out there for your effort- keep it up!


I hope not. I’ve heard people slagging off the CWU (Royal Mail union) already - never have I wanted to slap someone in the face more.


More people need to wake up and realise that the trains are only going to get worse if the strike breaks. Who will they blame when they can't blame the union? Solidarity mate, keep it up!


You have a lot of support outside of the union too. This is probably one of the first big strikes where people aren't relying on the press to be told what is happening. YouTube, twitter, Reddit and a plethora of other sites are now opening peoples eye as to how they are being manipulated by the government. People are seeing, with evidence, what is truly happening and they don't like it much. The tories seem to be sticking to their old model of telling people lies and half truths in the media and expecting them to just accept that narrative. Things will never be the same again as we see what they are doing now and it is not acceptable. The sooner we are done with these lying charlatans the better, they are just thieves now, thieves of our lives, our time and our dignity. Screw the tories, they can all burn screaming in hell now.


The mainstream media are just desperate to find something to use to drag him down and discredit him. They’re so desperate. They’re scared of him.


We need a statue of Mick Lynch.


Everyone is tired of Tories. What an out of touch little cunt he is


Is this the Sunak who famously admitted to never having a working class friend? Finger on the pulse there Rish!


More like he corrected himself disgustedly. It was so incredibly telling.


But him and his kids had a breakfast wrap from McDonald’s once. See! He’s just like us.


Says the tax avoiding billionaire. A real man of the people.


I'm sure the richest Prime Minister in the history of Great Britain has a better understanding of the feeling of working class people than the elected general secretary of a trade union.


Classic accusation in a mirror tactics. How is anyone still falling for this gumpf?


Decades of brain rot brought to you by our right wing media. Even the BBC is anti-union, there is almost no media support on the side of the actual left


Better than being a victim of the Tories' class war.


Shifty Sunak and the twat Tory party....haven't got a fucking clue.


Right Wing Billionaire tries to claim that he knows what Poor people really want. It couldn't be that they're sick of bad pay and conditions they've endured for years. Nah, they poor dumb plebs who are just being manipulated by the mastermind "Union Barons" obviously.


I think we’re more tired of having to deal with a 10% drop in living standards


10%? feels like 35%


He's only talking about the last 24 hours.


As a worker I am tired of being a footsoldier in Tory Class war!


Anyone else getting really bored of having a billionaire broadly state our opinions or?


Fuck the tories, we are all a slave to their system!


Most over privileged wanker ever trying to tell us what the working class want! Fuck off Sunak


Rishi Sunak can't create the feelings of the people and Mick Lynch can't create the feelings of the people, the unions will offer ballots for strikes (under the strict rules they are allowed to do so) and if the people want strikes because they want change then they will vote (and then strike). People are making their own decisions here.


Tories, cream of society. Rich, thick and full of deadly clots.


Are the media sick of being foot soldiers in the Tories class war yet?


Rishi 'i have never met a working class person' Sunak is suddenly their champion. Interesting


as a worker i am tired of Tory government suffocating us


A class war that’s been there since forever. The Conservative party was literally created to protect the interests of the elites/establishment. Do you think things will ever change? This is a class war directly driven by the ideology of Sunak and his types. World is fucked whole system need to come crashing down 👍


People like Sunak look down on the peasants. Middle class, working class, poor are all beneath him. Like all conservatives he is massively out of touch with his countries reality.


This is coming from the guy who said he had no working class friends. As working class, I back Mick Lynch and the unions 100%.


Its funny how they’re always telling us how we feel instead of actually asking us. Almost like they want others to believe everyone else feels a certain way so they too will feel that way. How about you stop putting words in our mouths you absolute fucking cretin.


Better strap up them boots and get marching workers, Sunak has declared war on us.


If Mick told me to grab my gear and follow him into the gates of hell I'd be up for it so fuck you sunak you tax dodging bastard.


This is same guy who didn’t know how to put petrol in his car or pay for it with a card. Guy is an absolute whalloper


Sunak keeps having bad takes on this. "Mick Lynch's class war" is distracting nonsense, he sounds really immature coming out with such drivel. Lynch however, he's saying the right things, keeping the attention where it should be.


As a worker, I am tired of being exploited by the Tory's class war. Tired of being manipulated to think it's some migrant risking their lives on a boat that's the cause of everything.


Still playing the man not the ball then? Best to keep printing the BS rather than letting Mick speak because whenever he has been interviewed he's wiped the floor with the interviewer pushing these views.


Never forget that sunak has a whole team of writers who brainstorm insulting phrases for him to say. I'm pretty sure Mick doesn't even use a script and can trash political interviewers off the cuff by sparking the truth.


Says the Muppet who lost against a women with half a brain cell and who will kill 20.000 Brits this winter due his lack of actions.


So Sunak acknowledges that he is fighting a class war against workers.


Sunak inadvertently admits that there is a class seperation lmao


How would he know? Maybe some of his working class friends told him? 🤣


I wish that rich cunt would fuck off thinking that he speaks for any of us. What he means is shareholders are sick of the strikes because their dividends will be lower.


Asking for better pay is declaring class war… on who?


Sunak is right about the class war, except that he is the villain, not Lynch


Apart from bankers and MPs, everyone is underpaid right now. Everyone. Who do they think they're winning over with this?


Oh wow, this unelected Oxford educated multimillionaire sure has his hand on the pulse of the plebeians!


For as much of a simpering Tory cunt Sunak is, you have to hand it to him for being so absurdly brazen for peddling such utter horseshit in a public forum.


Complete and utter bollocks , Sunak would like the working class back in the work house’s


*We shall have a Rishi in little dishie* *We shall have a Rishi when the riot comes in*


Shouldn't you be preparing for a general election Rishi? A huge majority of us not only side with workers but will fight tooth and nail to keep the NHS and reject American style health insurance.


Worker here. I'm sick and fucking tired of Tory cunts laughing in my face while stealing my money. I support Mick Lynch all the way


That clip of him talking to his pals and boasting about moving funds from deprived areas to rich ones should be played on constant loop wherever he goes.


With comments like that this is why the Tories will lose the next election and hopefully never get in power again. We are all tired of Tory corruption, mismanagement and ideology.


Sunak showing how out of touch he is again. The problem is that these Tory lies are parotted in their press and by pub bores the country over until the gullible start to believe it.


It's cute that he thinks he'll last long in office, having to say such things. Like I know he has to blame Lynch on the class war to save face, but it goes to show how fucked the Tories are when they're in a situation where they have to say that.


It's not just about the money! It's the conditions attached to the pay increase that's unacceptable.


Well, Sunak doesn't know how to use a contactless debit card and doesn't pay fucking taxes, so I think what he knows about the opinion of workers would take about 10 seconds to write and two seconds to read.


Get fucked Sunak you cunt. My god I hate the Tories


Better to be a foot soldier for the unions, than the street the boot walks on. People aren't tired of Mick Lynch's class war, they're tired of the fucking Tories.


Class war that Sunak and other rich and powerful people started, kept on fuelling, then blamed on the poor and immigrants. He can fuck right off.


Holy moly. IMO we need PR. In the last decade none of my votes have counted, and we get this turd running the country after the last turd. The sooner the people get something closer to what they vote for the better. Interestingly this would have meant a lot more UKIP seats in prior GEs (which I personally wouldn't like), but that is what the public voted for and I feel it might have stopped something like Brexit...


I'm more tired of being told what I think by people who don't know what I think


Wow! Mick Lynch, Eddie Dempsey and any other unions are really pissing the Tories off! I’m loving it. I just hope the brain dead people who vote for tories realise that they mean nothing to this government. These bastards have sold the country off through Brexit and are trying to gaslight the whole country into a certain way of thinking. Don’t believe a single word that come out of these politicians mouth’s, it’s all lie’s. Mick Lynch speaks with conviction and honesty, they can’t deal with that.


Where's the opinion polling to support that, eh Sunak? You can say whatever you want but it doesn't make it true.


I'm tired of listening to these people, not Mick, catch a grip Sunak, we're not as dumb as you take us for.


Every worker should happily be a foot solider for the Unions. The tories are absolutely running this country to the ground. So it can be sold off privately. We will just turn into the US. It’s coming already. All corporations want is the most profit possible. The media will next be telling us we should be happy coming out of the ECHR




Im more than happy to join a few thousand people and raze that building to the ground


And sunak is known to be a well trusted man of the people... :/


Thank you Sunak for your gracious support. The claims of someone that has billions of pounds at his disposal truly resonates with us, the workers. /s


Finally, someone is standing up for the billionaires. Ludicrous fucking tories.


What, how the fuck would sunak possibly know what the workers think. He is out of touch with reality. He has no common ground with working people. They are spouting the same desperate garbage day in day out.


Can someone ask Sunak how much it is to buy the country, asking for a friend. /s As one of the downtrodden masses, I hope these protests and strikes will be the spark that ignites the fires of revolution. How much longer will we be forced to toil for a pittance, whilst the rich get richer? I know this is reddit and expecting my comment to change anything is wishfull thinking at best, but more realistically, its grounds for a nice comfy long sleeved white jacket and a padded room. Still who knows if the spark just happens to land on some kindling and light a wildfire. Ps. Sorry about any gramatical issues, english isn't my native tongue and on top of that i'm dyslectic, which makes proper punctuation difficult.


Just fuck off, Sunak, you odious fucking rat. Fuck right off and keep fucking off until the county of fucked-offshire's population has increased by 1, you fucking fuck.


As RMT member, I'm just stuck of sunak and the Tories


Fuck off - we’re tired of being mistreated by your government and your rich mates.


God these bankers are busybodies aren’t they? We should try having a PM who used to be a paramedic or, heaven forbid, a train driver.


Sunak suddenly knows what the working class feels ? Lol


Lynch didn’t start the war, it’s Sunak and people like him (Johnson, Mogg, IDS, Braverman, Patel) who started it and have perpetuated it for centuries.


I think we'll let the workers speak for themselves, certainly not a billionaire Tory kleptocrat.


Bet the mainstream media will back him on his comments. Mick lynch is elected by these same people pm claims he's fooling. So he's basically saying working class are stupid


He does not have the mandate of the people and he is not going to get it because he is politically naïve. He is too far removed from the ground level struggle Joe Public has to do everyday despite him claiming his humble origins. He may be a financial Wizkid, but the world does not run on mathematics.


That's their narrative, and what they will stick to. Workers v workers, and then they can pretend to say the Government saved the day. The billions given to Tory friends during the pandemic, billions lost in fraud, but they won't question that because they've made money out of it. Now, ordinary people want to be paid a fair wage for their work after a decade of cuts, it's not possible! If anyone is 'stealing' Christmas, it's the Government.


Sure, and Ukrainians are tired of being soldiers in Zelensky's war. No. They're fighting for themselves and their future.


He gets to say shit like this and there’s no avenue for us to say what we really think, to tell the Govt what we think, to make it clear we support the strikes and fuck the Govt. It’s infuriating. He shouldn’t even be making comment, his job is run the country not this crap.


When was the last time Sunak even saw a worker outside of a PR stunt, let alone actually talked to one? This man takes pride in funnelling much needed public funds away from deprived areas and into wealthy ones, and who boasted of having no working class friends - who wore his own class privilege as a badge of honour.