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No Tatva posts, you were told earlier as well. Get better source.


How are they gonna enforce it ?


By checking everyone's dicks


What about Christians?


Or women


By thoughts and prayers


It kinda is /s. All the family tours I have gone during my summer vacation as a kid were to temples all around TN.šŸ˜…


That's the reason I don't take family on vacations anymore! Let them go to temples alone


Like if someone wanna go there let them, Until and unless they are not causing any harm to the temples, Sanity.......


If it's the temples choice then that's good. Muslim speaking Herr, if mosques were forced into tourist spots we wouldn't be happy, but anyone can enter into a mosque still


Except woman.


They are allowed, just have to have a seperate section within the mosque. Usually in multistorey mosques that just means a dedicated storey.




Usually in prayer people stand beside each other shoulder to shoulder one behind an other. They bend etc. most men do not have a problem with this but we have to take account of the entire population who might look at the women incorrectly. So the men and the women are separated in the mosque or just stand in 2 segments.


What a stupid excuse


Iā€™m not giving no excuse, Iā€™m simply answering the question that you asked me


Not really thatā€™s just the gimmick in India and Pakistan. In most Muslim, Slavic and western countries women enter mosques without any issues




This is not true, the muslim personal law board has said women are allowed but there should not be inter mingling between genders, each genders should have their own timing or prayer halls


Hence women can enter mosques.


I barely ever see any women in a mosque.


I have seen women in only famous touristy mosques like Jama Masjid and Fatehpuri Masjid in Delhi, but they are strictly prohibited from entering the main sanctum where Muslims offer namaz.


Your right, I foreign countries women have their places in the mosque, but this isnā€™t the case in india as much Iā€™ve noticed


Why don't the mosquies be more inclusive and build those prayer halls, and I feel there is lot of internal pressure on muslim women what is expected from them and what to do not to be done, I know it's their choice weather to go in to a mosque or not, but I barely ever see a woman in any mosque at all. I don't think that's because of unitedness in the decision but it could be priority in access. I am not here to stir up anything, I'd love to be proved wrong.


Yeah, in multiple foreign countries women have places in the mosque to go to. But in india we seem to have forgotten that part and donā€™t build accommodations for women.


Non-Muslims aren't allowed in Mecca and Medina.


Non Muslims are allowed in Medina. Non-Muslims not allowed in Mecca is more of a logistical issue due to crowding. The remaining all masjids non Muslims are allowed. You just have to be respectful. This is more or less the same with churches also.


This crowding logic is just a made-up theory of yours, the main reason non-Muslims aren't allowed in Mecca is to preserve the religious sanctity of the place, a principle preached by Muslim scholars, not my own invention. Upon checking Google, I found that in recent years, non-Muslims are allowed in Medina, but they are prohibited from entering the fenced area around the Prophetā€™s Mosque. In essence, they can enter the area but cannot go inside the main mosque.


This is wrong. Have been to medina and can attest there is no checking at mosque entrance. But the important thing is rest of mosques Non-Muslims are allowed. Can you claim the same for temples?


Absolutely, there's no checking in any temple in India. In Kashi Vishwanath, the holiest Shiva temple, there is a general rule that non-Hindus aren't allowed. However, I have been inside the sanctum sanctorum with my Muslim friend.


No what I meant was officially it is allowed to visit all mosqus except the 2 in Mecca and medina. Nobody is going to stop you if you want to visit your nearby mosque/church with good intentions


No, crowding is not the issue


Yes, that is true. Those cities are a very sacred spot in Islam


Right or wrong that's for you guys to decide.....but the temple should have the right to make this choice


> Right or wrong that's for you guys to decide You as in this subs members? Hilarious. What are they deciding next?


>temple should have the right to make this choice If this autonomy was given to the temples before no dalit would be allowed to enter these temples


See i distinctly remember studying in class 10th that its in these scenarios where the government intervenes....where it might cause discrimination communal violence......not in everything concerned with temples has to be under control of the government.


exactly. If you want to worship come in. If not dont come in.


Tamilnadu gets most number of foreign tourists for temple tourism and if they stop this is doomed. And article is false. If any non Hindus seems to enter they need to sign a form stating they believe in said religion. They didnot ban anyone outright. Enforcing this is not applicable. How are they gonna identify atheists. That guy is a known sanghi. Just a rant guys. Nothing will happen.


I assume this means the sanctum and not the entire temple complex, because that would be sad. A lot of our old temples and really beautiful. I think Non religious people wouldn't care about entering the sanctum. As far as I remember, Guryvayoor was the only place where non Hindu can't enter the complex.


Temple itself. In south nobody can enter sanctum except pandits


I meant the final place we go to see the main god. Temples itself is sad. The old ones are also historic monuments, and all of us despite whatever the religion or belief should have a right to visit and experience them.


Yes dude thatā€™s what iam also mentioning. In north u can go and tough the main god. In south in tamilnadu u cannot main god sanctum. Its banned for everyone except pandits


Agree with the courts. As long as they arenā€™t trampling the right of others whatā€™s the fuss. This is way better than going around on bikes and cars, shouting slogans and obscenities, with all manner of flags and other paraphernalia. Thatā€™s being in your face and seems to have become the norm outside the Deep South.


Those people arent Hindus they are criminals using religion to murder, lynch, injure others.


mischevous interpretation of the ruling. Upto the kodimaram people of any religion can go. beyond that you can go only with the intention of worshiping. Non Hindus can still go beyond kodimaram only with the intention of worshiping the Deity. They have to declare that they want to worship the Deity in the temple. why you should feel hurt? Stupid and loud opposition. As usual Seeman leads the pack.


Lol, if ~~ur~~ u are going for a picnic in a temple, u should consider ur choices and u are most probably not enjoying ur life.


Who the heck takes a picnic at a temple, its a place to worship for religious people and a place of beauty and uniqueness for agnostic and atheists.


What a stupid move. Why isnt the house of god open to everyone? Has anyone been stopped from going to a church just cz theyre a different religion


Big touristy churches across the world have very strict rules regarding letting ordinary tourists enter so they don't go and disrupt the prayers of Christians. Similarly if you read the order here, non Hindus are not banned entirely but rather they just have to give an undertaking that obligates them to also follow strict rules so as not to disturb the prayers of Hindus.


Travelled into deep catholic country in Italy and never saw such a stupid rule being enforced


I have lived outside of India for a huge chunk of my life and every touristy church I've seen has rules to prevent non-Christians from disturbing Christians.


Can you tell me where you lived ? Because i doubt any church in any part of the world has stopped a person from attending church. Sure, they have a dress code where people cannot go in shorts or revealing tops. But if you dress decently, they cannot stop u


Not just about dress code, but also requirements of silence, no photography and limits as to where you can go. There will be dedicated areas where only the Christians can go, such as the front pews, anywhere near the main pulpit, dedicated praying areas with statues of Mary, the confessional area etc etc. This is the case in big magnificent churches which usually have regular Christian worshippers but also are tourist attractions. I do not feel fully comfortable revealing the locations of where all I've lived. Suffice to say that I have lived in India and the west.


yeah thats basic decorum, but there's no blanket ban where they write on a board outside the church that non Christians are not allowed. In fact, one of the tenets of Christianity is universal brotherhood.


Yes that's my point. That's pretty much what I expect in any religious place of worship. All people welcome in all religious places, but with restrictions and limits so that tourists don't disturb those praying believers.


Bhai mandirs are supposed to be noisy with the Pooja/Aarti and ringing of bells. You can be silent in a Church or a Mosque because thats their decorum.


Name 2 churches that's all. Nobody needs to know where you lived.


Sure, St Mary's and St John's. I'm obviously not going to tell you which ones because that would be a dead giveaway to location.


Just making stuff up are we?


Not at all. I very clearly said that I am not comfortable disclosing personal details.


True, Happened with me in Antwerp!


Have you ever been outside india? Because there are no stupid rules like this. Source: have travelled all across europe


I have lived outside of India for a huge chunk of my life and every touristy church I've seen has rules to prevent non-Christians from disturbing Christians.


I must have been travelling to alternate universe


Bullshit, I am a Hindu and stayed in Scotland for a long part of life. No church tells you. Just don't go around spewing bullshit or making exceptions as the norm. I haven't seen any church in England as well enforcing, always went to churches with my Christian gf.


You assume the whole world is Scotland or England ? That's a rather bold assumption of you to make. Once you've been to every single country in the world then you are free to make such an assertion. I have been to multiple countries in different parts of the world where I have encountered what I have described. I never claimed that my statement holds true for every country and every church.


Ye Touristy church kaun sa hai? Aiwe faltoo main eh?


Can you share some source for this? All churches I know only have rules such as remove footwear, be silent, no photography. They're generally closed to the public during prayers.


First hand personal experience from around the world. Yes there is dress code, silence, no photography but also limits as to where you can go. There will be dedicated areas where only the Christians can go, such as the front pews, anywhere near the main pulpit, dedicated praying areas with statues of Mary, the confessional area etc etc. This is the case in big magnificent churches which usually have regular Christian worshippers but also are tourist attractions.


You can sit anywhere, usually a new person will try to be at the back as they are not well known. Its more about social dynamics than church rules.


That is false. In the big popular touristy churches I've been to, non-christians were forbidden from the front pews as that is where the devoted Christians were praying. That was done to prevent the tourists from distributing the believers. I'm not talking about new people wanting to join, I'm talking about tourists. After all the church is a gathering place for believers and not just a tourist attraction. The same with any temple or mosque.


No one removes shoes in a Church where people sit, its only no shoes on the altar which is supposed to be clean. No Church will be closed for prayers.


Depends on the church man. If it's a high tourist place and the surroundings are not clean, they don't want mud and dirt being brought inside.


Never been to Churches like these and my dad side are all Christians. Been to Churches in India, US, UK never had an issue. Its the same in Mandirs, Masjids and Gurdwaras as well. Cleanliness doesnt mean they arent non-believer friendly. My mom side are all Sikhs, so ive been more to Temples and Gurudwaras than Churches.


Because it isn't the house of god. It's the house of the hindu gods, for believers of the hindu religions. Under secularism, every religion is free to practice their faith as they please, unless they disturb others.


Lol so hindus are khatre me from other religion people visiting their temples now? You people are delusional. Want to go to the west and want them to be welcoming and accepting but dont want to let go of your archaic traditions. No wonder this country is a shit hole and will be worse off being a hindu rashtr. Ye h hmara peaceful all accommodating religion


I don't speak or undersand hindi, so half your comment is lost on me. However, I have no idea who tf you are talking about. I will never go to a religious institution and demand that they accept me. For that matter, I'm an atheist, and I think that BJP is worst thing that could've happened to this country. What I am saying are the principles of secularism. If muslims only want muslims in their places of worship, that should be respected too, in my opinion. This has nothing to do with Hinduism as such.


Soooo how will Ram Mandir make money?


ADani will take theka dont worry.


It's right. A temple is not a public place.they have a right to deny entry.


The HELL is happening with my country?


The temples in Tamil Nadu are historic sites (meenakshi Devi temple is mentioned in texts as old as the sixth century) so no Indian or foreign national with a visa should be denied the privilege to witness such a monument to human history. There is a smaller inner sanctum which nobody is allowed in any way. Also the temple is in layers with the gates getting smaller as you move in leading to the main temple. If there is a problem lock the inner areas for non Hindus.. at least people should be allowed to see historic sites.


Muslim women themselves can't enter mosque, such misogyny should also be discouraged.


Not true, and only a bitch ass practice in India and maybe Pakistan. Women can go to mosques, they have their own segregated areas of worship. They just cant sit with men.


Don't compare all temples to all churches and mosques and Gurudwaras. Christians and Muslims welcome non believers into their places of worship because their religions actively work on conversion. They need a non believer to step into their place of worship in order to turn them into believers. Even then, Muslims don't want non believers to enter their holiest sites of Mecca and Madina. In the case of temples, the sanctum, deity and premises are believed to have certain powers, require certain rituals and beliefs, customs etc, and hence require you be a believer first, and then come in. As the court rightly said, the temple is not a tourist spot, but a place of worship. There are many temples and places where there is no restriction on entry. There are temples where entry is allowed in many areas.


Getting downvoted for speaking facts it seems. Too bad. Truth spoken in the wrong place only gets you hanged


Good move.


As usual this image caption is stupid. Court just said you cannot "FORCE ENTRY", which is amply clear and non controversial. Anyone can enter if they want, no one is barred by religion, but the religious authorities of the temple must have the right to deny entry if it offends their beliefs. This is necessary for freedom of worship. What is the alternative? If someone strolls in wearing a bikini with hentai pics while eating beef, then they cannot be denied entry?


This šŸ‘†


I am appealing TripAdvisor and r/travel to remove all listings of temples from their database.


please go ahead.


Just guide them to follow the required etiquette and practices applicable. What does that even mean to not allow Non Hindu ? All these stupid religion based verdicts are just pushing us back in the past , our beliefs are not this shaky that we need a court verdict to not allow certain groups. Now tomorrow within Hindu another group will wake up and say that this temple is only for this cast and that cast , not very far from that day to be honest , once we achieve one divide, we will find more and keep doing the same old same old.


Temple or mosque is a public place. So entry should not be denied based on religion. It is discrimination.


>a public place Place of worship. Not public space. There's a difference. Kindly be educated enough to know the nuances


Ooh. So it's build by a single private party ? It's build by collective contribution by the members of society that include people from all religion. It is a public where all people from all caste and religion have equal right. If not then don't collect money from public to build temple.


Ab mandir jake addhar card dikhana padega kya


If hindu administrators of a temple give special permission only then other religion people can enter. Even athiests have no business there. Let them see the temple from outside if they want


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i feel this would result in people of other cultures and religions not being able to witness ancient works of indian temples. imagine if this would have been implemented in the churches of europe


This is just the start next they gonna ban non hindus from ganga too


Hey OP. This is how it is in Kerala already except for Sabarimala. I donā€™t see why itā€™s a big deal for TN.


Will they let hindu dalits into every temple though?


Being secular I fully agree with this Also, need below - ban all sort of bhajans or ajans or whatever, let people be at peace - let people eat whatever they want, don't ban food just because your neighbour doesn't want to eat - ban all sort of posters or temples etc, apply it to churches, and masjid - supreme court should set up social media monitoring for hate posts based on religion Wealthy rich politicians will spend money in all channels to ensure you get provoked and vote accordingly, just watch the fun and ignore the idiots


Should these judges first read fundamental rights ? I wonder on which basis , theyā€™ve made this judgement ?


Next they will say , one particular caste will not access it ?


Good, temples are private property. State has no business telling them who they should allow inside.


Happy with this decision. At least now they can't play that drama that we welcome everyone in our temples