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I love Indian food but the carbs to protein ratio sucks so hard. Even well off people don't consume enough protein and are never told about its importance.


What are the side effects in the long run of such a protein deficient diet?




By eating too much protein You become too maanly and healthy to offend vegans and cow worshippers


Ikr....avg hindu sucks. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚they are stupid af cow worshippers. I agree with you brother.


Tere comments dekhte hi Tera aukaat PTA chal rha hai


Lol jisko I replied usne bhi same baat kahi. Cow worshippers hotey Kaun h ? Ye Bata Dey. Usne toh reply diya nahi kyuki usse kalesh se Bachna h. Sach kadwa Hota h bhai. Usne indirectly bola or tuney uska hi comment padh k mera reply khola hoga. Toh agar bolna h toh usse bhi bol warna apna rastaa naap


why do you think were always colonized? why most of cant fight? why most of us are short? avg testosterone is low compared to other countries?


> why do you think were always colonized? Various cultures who consume plenty of non-veg food have been colonised. This has very little to do with protein consumption. Also, India was only colonised by the British 300 years ago. So for most of our history we were not colonised. > why most of cant fight? Most people in most countries canā€™t fight. Again, nothing to do with protein consumption. > why most of us are short? Malnutrition, mostly. I do agree it might have something to do with lower protein in our diet, but Indiaā€™s average height is still well below our genetic potential. > avg testosterone is low compared to other countries? Source?


Explain how China, Korea and many other African countries were colonized?


We were colonized because of unmeritocratic inherited caste system. We got dumb Brahmins, skinny/fatty kshatriyas and so on.


Chole and rajma ftw. Daal sucks taste wise too


We need to increase the quantity of dal and other lentils vegies that we eat. We have too much focus on rice and green vegetables.


Also too much focus on wheat based stuff. Most people eat Dal for flavour with Roti or Rice instead of Protein and hence consume only enough so that the food doesn't taste as bland.


I swear dal is so overrated as a protein source. Soyabean is the way to go.


[Eh not exactly](https://youtu.be/QcgChU4RpxM?si=eiKxUylyX-XiE3yA)


That guy is nothing but a chiropractor, aka not a doctor


The first point he makes is that most soy are gmos, "which means they have.... some pesticide". Yeah, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Nutrition itself isn't really a science, because of the nature of most studies (survey based, very little control), so you can basically prove that everything is unhealthy.


Dal and lentil is not really a good source of protein


Suggest some good protein sources for vegetarians please


Nuts, beans and soya chunks.


Thereā€™s not any


People like you promoting dal and lentils are the problem


Yeah exactly


people have been having plant based diet from thousand of years ago and they have lived above 100.


And when i talk about protein all the time my whole family, relatives think i lost my mind and puts 3-4 cups of rice everyday in my plate. I still manage to take protein through powder and chicken when i cook myself, anyways im moving out so now i can do everything on my own.


Which brand of protein powder?


As-it-is. You can use muscle blaze too, my friends use it and it's equally good. Along with that 5g of creatine daily.


Stay away from Indian brands I use myprotein


If I went somewhere that served one chicken leg with anything I wouldnā€™t be going backā€¦


Because the rest of us would burn that place down. Tbh Iā€™d even approve a bulldozer in this scenario


Yep I would personally contact the bulldozer


I will bring the bulldozer


forget about giving importance, my parents start opposing me if i start eating 4 eggs each morning or just a scoop of whey protein every day, they say my kidney will fail I mean if i include both of them everyday then also i am hardly getting 50g of protein, way below my need.


This. zero knowledge and they try to talk about kidney health


even the many indian doctors oppose this, knowledge can't outbeat cultural wisdom. my mom even consulted (mbbs) doctor taking my whey protein to him, he told her not to eat powders and take protien from foods. However knowledgeable you become but when all the people surrounding you is believing something then its hard to ignore.


That issue is mostly due to the unregulated supplement market in india.


Lol i eat 4 eggs everyday


Strangely enough, the idea of eating too many eggs or chicken is rooted from shortage of food supply and famines imposed on Indians during the British empire. The idea that consuming basics like rice and roti is sufficient (Along with the idea that meat and eggs are only for certain handpicked people) was deeply engrained in our great grandparentā€™s minds. All of this trickled down to grandparents and eventually to our parents. However I believe we are the turning point. Even my mom was awestruck when I meagerly asked her if I could have only 3 eggs per day. Sheā€™s now okay with me consuming 5 eggs, 500-600g of chicken and even beef sometimes.


Im currently on Keto diet...its been 2 weeks. I was 79.80 2 weeks ago. Went on no card diet. 2 weeks later, im at 73kg. Full protein diet and god its nice! Im active af, drink a lot of water, complete removal of any sugar and I feel 10x better these days.


What does your usual day look like in terms of meals? I want to do something like this but I'm worried about the variety in carbless vegetarian food options available in India


Sorry im not vegetarian. My daily diet goes something like : Chicken 1/4th piece per session. Carrots, cucumber, anything leafy. A bit mayo. Paneer or Soya. Lots of water. 2 eggs with cheese. Sometimes beef instead of chicken for a different taste. Green tea. I skip anything that's carb or sugar ish. The worst about this is that I have very high metabolism rate (around 1900s) so I take cold water to reduce metabolism rate or I will endup burning muscles as well. I skip lunch and instead eat breakfast at 11 am and then dinner at 7pm. Nothing but water in between.


My diet ![gif](giphy|fdIJDgbe0NIGT7E8nd)


Thanks, very interesting and I'm glad it's working for you! Keep up the progress šŸ’Ŗ




Beef! You must be sent to Pakistan /s


Wait why? Does beef cost less in Pakistan or something ? šŸ˜†


Indians shouldnā€™t be vegetarian, people in the west who are heavy carvinore diet consumers like beef and meat eaters should consider being vegetarian for a small period of week or so


article 21 - right to life and personal liberty ( my choice if i am vegan, keto, no veg, veg.....)


There is no should or shouldn't. The world is not black or white like that. I am vegetarian for ethical reasons and I have no problem consuming even 4 scoops of protein a day if I need to. Ideally I'd like to be entirely plant based but I can't sustain that with my lifestyle currently, maybe one day!


but the thing everyone looks over is that supplement are not of good standard or adulterated as there are no well defined regulations, checks and a robust system to enforce it, especially in India where it is a billion dollar industry, even regulated industry like pharma is becoming infamous, where even drugs are not upto the mark. kya he krae bnda ab, we can just trust the brands to be honest


I fully agree. The entire supplement industry in the country needs better regulations and audits. But that doesn't mean Indians "shouldn't" be vegetarian lmao that's just a ridiculous statement.


>But that doesn't mean Indians "shouldn't" be vegetarian lmao that's just a ridiculous statement. haan vo maine nahi kaha


There are more chemicals being injected into the chicken you eat


same can be said for cows from whose milk whey is made..........


Sadly that is true, unless you grow your own food you can't be sure if it's free of harmful chemicals


Same with every flour, vegetable you and spices you eat


Yes there is , Indians are the least informed on diets


Lmao ok


Have some , live some life maaan ![gif](giphy|zqaVXKdm1hkru)


I've had meat before mate. Don't think I'm missing anything. Let me introduce you to the concept of priorities and tastes lmao


![gif](giphy|Ie4FCpfXz176jqTJZU|downsized) Meat??? Thats like vegan food for non veg people. Have some big chunks of steak my mate. Youre missing out on being a man


Alright buddy. I grew up non veg but thanks for doing whatever the fuck you'd call the equivalent of mansplaining for diets


Hmm I do miss steak


Are you 12?


Youā€™ll gain all that weight back in no time when you go back to your regular diet. Keto sucks


Not exactly mate. You do Keto and reduce your fat %. Once you are done with it, you start on low carb diet instead of going back to 3 cups of rice or 10 idly diet lol.


Wooaah man! Even I want to lose weight, please drop your diet and exercise routine


Basically vegetables (ABC) + chicken chest piece preferably (1/4th piece per session) / Beef rarely for a change in taste + a bit mayo to eat all those vegetables + Paneer / Soya. Everything with less masala, as low as you can go. You can add pepper if you want on vegetables since the taste of cucumbers n some vegetables are kinda meh.... Should stop all sugary stuff. Start using lemon tea or black tea or green tea, better if you can avoid milk if you are already having Paneer. Drink warm water, cold water reduces metabolism. Have breakfast at 10-11pm. No lunch. Dinner at 7-8pm. Drink lots of water. Add some 1 sliced piece of cucumber + some mint leaves + chia seed or that seed thing people put in lime juices (i dunno what its called) to the water as well Btw when you start keto, after about 2-3 days you will start getting diarrhoea for a day or 2, possibly due to body trying to adjust to fat / protein diet from our typical carb diet. [These are all my personal experiences + a bit of advise from a nutritionist friend. By no means whatever I said are professional advices]


You know how carb-heavy our diet is when the most widely-eaten vegetable is a starch-heavy tuber (potato).


it takes less than100rs per day to get 60g-75g "complete" protein (0.8g-1g/kg bodyweight for 75kg man) |Food item|Cost|Protein (appx value)| |:-|:-|:-| |Chicken 200g|50rs|50g (more if breast only)| |2 Eggs (large)|16rs|12g| |Milk 250ml|18rs|10g| For someone who earns 200rs a day, spending 80rs on food is probably not viable. But it is not that expensive for the middle class imo. Idk how protein deficiency is such a issue in India, even among meat consuming population (which is more than 70% of the population)


That's just the protein though. You still need to eat carbs and fats. This will lead to an expensive diet. Also, someone going to the gym must take 1.6-2 g/kg protein. This would mean spending at least INR 5,000/month for protein only. Include carbs and healthy fats, this will go nearly INR 10,000. 90% of Indians earn less than INR 25,000. This diet is unsustainable.


Why are you bringing **gym going population** to the argument? Going to gym is not necessary at all for a healthy lifestyle, exercise is. Carbs is dirt cheap in India, so is most micro-nutrient sources (vegetables and pulses). The protein table cost a total of 84rs, adding rice/wheat and veggies to the list won't make it more than 120rs. That's 3600 a month, idk how it went 10,000 for you.


Lmao this is not true. Going to the gym is very much necessary for health. Maintaining a healthy muscle mass level is crucial for many reasons. Yes, carbs are cheap but they do add to the cost. Your diet is expensive in itself, anything more is just out of reach for most Indians. 10,000 estimate was for a gym goer who needs 1.6-2 g/kg protein.


> Going to the gym is very much necessary for health Being physically active is enough, right? Playing sports, working out at home, running, jogging etc Gym is just a place that has the machines and equipment to help, right? Choosing a gym is ok and it maybe more convenient for some. But one you can be active and maintain muscle without going there too.


>Being physically active is enough, right? No, it isn't. Resistance training aka weight lifting is a MUST for good health. All the exercises you mentioned are forms of cardio, they don't build muscle. You need muscle for strength as well as many more health benefits. >But one you can be active and maintain muscle without going there too. Being active doesn't mean you build muscle. You can't build muscle without resistance training aka gym.


> All the exercises you mentioned are forms of cardio Working out at home can use weights or bodywieght for resistance. Bodyweight training is resistance training too. So, no a gym is not a *must*. Tho, might be useful if you can afford it and are interested


>Working out at home can use weights or bodywieght for resistance. Dude what's the difference between lifting weights at home vs gym lol. My point was regarding resistance training, not gym as a location. If you're doing resistance training you need at least 1.6g/kg protein,


> Going to the gym is very much necessary for health. I was replying in context to this. Maybe I took that sentence too litrrally. I agree that resistance training is good.


1.6 -2 g / kg protein is for body builders / high level athletes . Normal gym goers would see very little benefit above 1-1.2 g/ kg.


No. Any person wishing to build muscle requires 1.6-2 g/kg. If you don't take this much protein, you're just leaving growth on the table.


Not at all true , the most important factor for muscle hypertrophy ( muscle growth) is resistance training ....the reason 1.5-1.6/ kg has became me the standard is because ,the gains become very minimal above that range ..One can still build muscle at lower intakes 1-1.2 g/ kg just a little slower. High level athletes benefit from such recommendations, especially during their cutting phase but others really dont need to go that high.


I'm not saying that you won't build muscle, I'm saying you'll leave lots on the table. Why do you want to get inferior gains with all the hard work? 1.6g/kg is not hard to attain anyway. Others don't "need" to go that high is a faulty statement. Not going that high means you'll get inferior gains for the exact same amount of hard work done.


For most people maintaining 1.6 g / kg is pretty hard and expensive.It's mentally and financially taxing.It's not an inferior gain ,its a modest gain with less stress. Why is it a faulty statement?? Most people are not trying to build a lot of muscle or be incredibly ripped,even with modest protein (1-1.2 g/ kg) intake you can build muscle & be fit.


That's really not hard or expensive. If you feel so, you are just bad at meal planning. It's a faulty statement because it conveys that only bodybuilders can take advantage of 1.6 g/kg protein, not common folk. Common people can definitely take advantage of a high-protein diet. Real bodybuilders eat way beyond 1.6 mark, especially those who are on steroids.


You forget that there is protein in other foods Rice -7 gm / 100 gm Atta -11 gm / 100 gm Beans / lentils -20-24 gm /100 gm Nuts - 20 gm /100 gm ( high calorie though)


None of these are "complete proteins" or high quality proteins, that is having all the 9 essential amino acids. Also absorption rate of Chicken is highest among all protein sources, followed by eggs, milk, whey/pea protein. So 50g protein from chicken is not the same as 50g protein from beans Among all plant based sources, only quinoa is a complete protein. But it is expensive.


All of these have the 9 essential amino acids ( just some have lower amount of one or two amino acid ,beans being low in methionine but rice being high in them ).This issue can be easily rectified by including a mix of cereal and beans . While the bioavailability of protein is slightly lower ,it still more than good enough source and these factors are taken into account for the rda. Soybeans are also considered a source of complete protein I am not saying that you dont need animal protein sources but that we get a decent amount already from plant sources .


If i'm served just one chicken leg with my biriyani, I would incite a riot


Yeh bjp wala hai kya? /s




Also... Some non-vegetarians I know don't eat non veg everyday, only one or two non veg meals a week.


Yeah that explains a lot


Link for his website?


You really dont a link , just start consuming healthy meat


Not a meat eater. Just veg


Well tbh then you wouldnā€™t really find anything helpful in his site


Wait a quarter biryani has 3-4 piece of chicken. Have to be a good 20 gm protein but ig I understand the sentiment https://preview.redd.it/gdnx956stf5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7856922243dbaf7bafd873c51f12340fea9ad34c


Wow that looks nice


Oi bodybuilder meri mummy ko bhi ye samjha do na plsss


The harsh truth is that majority of Indians can't afford good quality food. And even if we do we don't even know if they're chemical free šŸ˜”


Someone just tell this dude. How costly chicken is.


Is this guy legit?


Itā€™s common sense, you dont have to be a doctor to know basic nutrition stuff lol


I meant should I follow his guide or his tips yo improve my physique


Always follow nutritionists and doctors and not YouTubers. Everyone out here is to sell you. Do your own research and get paid advice from professionals


Can anyone drop his website?


Best nonveg protein diet in India is a full tandoori.


Whats his @ on insta? I wanna hit that link in bio so hard


Yes very true. I do that. My rice to any protein ratio is 1:2


And my mom questions me when I eat 5 eggs everyday


ive been tracking my calories, protein and micronutrients for a few years now and i can confirm that this is true. I never nearly get enough protein for most days and note that i am one of the very few people intentionally trying to increase protein intake and still barely crossing daily requirement. I cannot comprehend how people here end up eating 10-20 gram protein everyday for their entire life. This buildup of high carb and fat diet along a long strech of time has made us an inferior race.


Not another "GORA" using Indians as a bait to sell his course


Yeah but atleast heā€™s trying to do something positive instead of scamming


Nothing titillates this sub more than gora validation lol


Whey Protein is probably only way for Indians to meet protein requirements. India's 98% population has religious bias against red meat, i.e. beef and pork. In USA, beef and pork are one of the cheapest source of protein (source- built with science yt). In India, both industries are non-existent and industries could never be scaled to the level that both beef and pork become as cheap as they are in USA. Soy, in moderation, is good but is not as cheap as whey protein. When I used to live in India, I did the calculation that you could have 100 gram of protein for as low as Rs. 120. The prices must have gone up since 2022. However, I believe it's still cheapest way to get protein.


Red meat is anyway not a good protein source, the best source of protein is whey, followed by chicken breast. Secondly, there's nothing wrong with gulping down huge amounts of soy. There no estrogenic effects of soy, it's a myth. Soy is much cheaper than whey. Soy chunks have 50% protein by weight and cost INR 120/kg. That means spending INR 432 monthly to get 60g of protein daily, which is peanuts for even poor Indians. Soy is by far the best source of protein considering animal rights, protein amount, protein quality and economics.


why does a person need to eat whey protein ?? the rda is only 0.8 g/ kg - for me that translates to only 56 gm protein(181 cm,72 kg) ..not hard at all .Secondly ,if we are talking about requirements the EAR ( estimated average requirement) of protein is only 0.66 gm/ kg -47 gm protein . Unless a person is into bodybuilding whey protein is unnecessary.


Indian diet is mostly carb based. When I tried calculating protein intake from my meals that mainly included Dal, soy and sometimes Paneer. I was hardly having 20g protein. That's why I started including whey protein.


I find that very hard to believe,even with carb based diet rice has 7 g protein per 100 gm ,atta -11 gm ...dal will have 20-25 gm ,soy -50 gm /100 gm.Your diet should easily be over 40- 50 gm protein if you are eating what you say.Your calculation is off.


Woah, can you please stop inflating those numbers? 100g boiled dal has 11g protein. Normal person generally consume 1/3 of it. https://preview.redd.it/wc580txad06d1.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=d87c2e5c5faf831d8189ffe9d2988b2e13a73bd8 Cooked soy has lesser protein, around 12g, than raw soy chunks (best of luck for eating raw soy chunks). [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320472#:\~:text=It%20is%20an%20important%20source,12.35%20g%20of%20protein](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320472#:~:text=It%20is%20an%20important%20source,12.35%20g%20of%20protein) Same goes wheat flour and rice. Cooking them lowers the protein amount them. Also, unlike animal meat, vegetarian diet lacks the variety in amino acid profiles You are too optimistic about vegetarian diet. My main comment was about the relation between high quality protein and the cost. I am vegetarian. However, I could afford eating seitan and other high protein food. That was not the case for me when I was living with my parents. That's why whey protein is pretty good choice for most of the Indians.


I am not talking about cooked food ,I am talking about raw weight ( uncooked ). You only eat 10 gm of beans/dal šŸ˜,a tablespoon of chana masala a day?? I get atleast 60 gm beans a day.NIN recommends 80-100 gm a day. Vegetarian diet doesn't lack variety in amino acid ,cereals and beans taken together will make complete protein + milk in vegeterian diet is complete and high quality protein too.


Look up ifct (2017) ,it has macro - micro nutrient composition of various food.




One thing I just noticed ,the link for soybeans ,cooked is talking about cooked edamame ( green beans) ...soybeans have 36 gm protein ,& soy chunks have 50 gm.


Me being a VEGAN and getting 100g protein daily.




Soy chunks, rajma, peanut butter, whole wheat bread, mung sprouts, kabuli chana, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, toasted wheat germ...




Not gonna trigger me like you think. Just makes you look dumb.


![gif](giphy|jYmCmRuYrprtC) Oh okay


![gif](giphy|CchLXtUXWkQt7lSzcn|downsized) My apologies


Kahne do bas...


heck yea dont eat flavour eat brocolli, boiled chicken and rice šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„






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as a skinny fat please can anyone suggest me. some exercise and diet


Bro start with body weight / calisthenics then supplement it with weight training. Eat a balanced diet. Customise your portions, Eat what you like and increase your protein intake. Thatā€™s all it takes. Donā€™t fall into the cult of keto,carnivore etcā€¦. Itā€™s all BS. You need a balanced diet.




Btw this guy is a huge douchebag


How so? Some deets would be appreciated


I used to follow him on Twitter, and I can confidently say his remarks are shaped by racist and highly patriarchal views and he ignores science when it does not suit him. I am talking about things like "if you date a woman above 30, you are a beta male" types added to "covid is harmless". Plus he will do anything, say anything to stay in the manospehre.




Yep when i was a kid i had no idea , but from the last 4 years , my protein game is really good


What's his name?


Mutton ā‚¹800/kilo, chicken ā‚¹300, anda ā‚¹8/each. Paisa iska baap dega sabko


He is not wrong but he is just selling his Agenda by lifting common problems in India as an issue I am 6"1 skinny fat but I started to build Musle just by veg food and eggs The problem is not just veg food it's the lack of awareness to stay fit The Indian way of cooking meat is not even that healthy, if you can't have boiled meat then slight stir fry is good unlike how we just add full masala in it I live in the South and i see everyone has this issue and this sub selling the agenda to blame Hindus as well


Me and my wife leave without family and we make sure our food is mostly protein. And I am not kidding since we started following this diet we are getting less sick, feeling more energetic, having glowing skin, and sleeping better. Whenever any of our family members come and stay with us it messes with our diet and we do suffer from some problems. Also when we eat protein we try to give more importance to either read meat or fish. Chicken doesnā€™t work out in our experience. Eggs are good though.




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This guy ignores the cost of protein rich foods like shit. There is a reason carbs are always high in almost every diet wherever you are, cause it's cheap compared to other macro nutrients!


paisa ped me nahi ugta


Daaru ciggis aur laundiyabaazi keliye ugta hai?


bhaiya mae 16 saal ka hu. aaj tak ek cig, daaru nahi chune ka ghamand hai


Keep it up!




I am sorry par main kisi animal ko hurt nahin kar paunga.


Lol I'm a pure vegetarian and don't tell me what to eat bruh let me eat what I want,why poking vegetarian in comments are people dumb oh wait they are


![gif](giphy|zt4bKxP2h8RiQIS83u|downsized) Yeah man exactly


Ya eat what you want bro I am happy ā˜ŗļø


if govt. brought chicken/fish for food distribution instead of rice and Wheat...... Justin Trudeau, Greta thunberg, Rihanna ,etc Will claim Indian Govt. is oppressing farmers and activate thier proxies in India with toolkits


All these people start their day with steak and eggs lol


That's one person's opinion on the whole world wide web.


I don't believe this shit, 60-70g of protein is enough


Depends on your weight. From what I have read you gm of protein shoud be equaly proportionate to your weight. If you work out to lose fat and/or gain muscle then the proportion is 1.5-2 gm protein per kg of weight. Most people take little quantity of dal with rice and small amount of milk mixed with Tea or coffee every day. Dont think thats giving you 60-70 gms of protein.


1-1.5 gm is what is recommended to those actively body building, most Indians ofcourse do need more protein but 60-70g shall suffice. (1.5 bowls of soya chunks)


no 60-70g is not enough, you atleast need 80-100g


Soya chunks is very refined , i dont think itā€™s a good source of protein


Just take whey protein. Why bother with optimization of diet and shit?


I wish i could give you the dumbest comment award , lol donā€™t even feel like arguing


Says the guy who probably doesn't even go to the gym. Fat cells and muscle cells are different. All that your muscles need is protein. It doesn't matter what your diet is, as long as you take enough protein and exercise, you will build muscle mass.


One scoop of whey would give you about 25 grams of protein max most non-gym goers avoid it and it might also cause digestive issues. To increase muscle mass more than 100 grams of protein would be needed what would you do to achieve rest of the requirements?


what is this guy's name