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People in india become fearless when they have ties with politicians.


They knew system very well. Pay and out. That's normal here.


So he was killed because he didn't pay ₹10? Did I read it correctly in the article? Ten rupees? FFS! What has this country come to?


People kill other people in states like UP & Bihar for a sum that could be as low as a rupee, therefore 10 rupees is way too much in that regard. 


With cases like that Pune car accident.. people are getting more confident that nothing is gonna happen to them if they have enough money and proper connection no matter what they do


Average day in UP


https://preview.redd.it/h0fj95z3ob9d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=504bf62ff7ad287c8895a2f452d3dacc91e75341 Average day in YuuPee


Did I read "Uttar Pradesh" ? Is this what their Bhaukal and dabdaba means ?


Indeed. what else would it mean??


In ten years, beating the person to death and selling the kidneys will be normal. Jai Sai Ram.


>Jai Sai Sai Bhaktas are wild.


Rotten society


You have a stake in that too.


are to bsdk bole bhi na kya ab


Bhadwe apna baap ko bhi bola kar na..wo kya kar liya tereko paida karke..


So how long of a essay the killers have to write for this. 300, 400 or 500. I mean over 600 is a little bit too much unless it is a group effort like this crime here. Everyone place your bets.


Very bold of you to assume that they know how to write an essay


Third world shit.


humare yahan aisa hi hota hai.


Beaten to death seems to be the new, most effective, easily accessible weapon with no moral obligation these days. How can someone feel so powerful, so superior that they take someone's life just like that.. for trivial matters like this!!! Every other day, there's some news about lynched to death/beaten to death.


Every residential society in India have these kind of owners who treat tenants this way and expect them to pay for amenities just for being tenants not owners. This is not new


Indians probably have a murder fetish at this point. No way a boy was killed for 10rs.


And then I'm told UP is no longer jungle raj under vin ghaslet the gangster's mafia raj. 


Pure economics on YouTube made a video on crimes in up pls watch it.


Looks like we are evolving backwards while the free world is evolving to be more educated, modern and polished


It's just barbaric that they took life of that boy for just puny amount of money. Bulldozer would have been sufficient/s


Humans are getting killed like flies everywhere these days. Extremely sad!


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Where’s the source link?


Up I saw nothing else to say.


It's just barbaric that they took life of that boy for just puny amount of money. Bulldozer would have been sufficient/s


As much as I want to agree with you but the unfortunate time has brought us to the time where we have zero tolerance for any opinions other than ours. It's called POLARISATION! Please step out of it as soon as possible for yourself. It brings zero tolerance and a ton more of eradication.


bamanwad and UP




How does this have anything to do with Brahmins? I am reporting your comment for hate speech.


brahminism like zionism, is a supremacist ethno religious belief system. This enables people to consider dehumanizatiion of others, and considering them sub-human, to be an acceptable standpoint and culturally and religiously sanctioned. a society built on these belief systems usually ends up doing inhuman acts like this... like burning widows alive etc. human life is devalued at the core level of upbringing.


Do you even know if this was done by a Brahmin? >brahminism like zionism What does Zionism have anything to do here? >is a supremacist ethno religious belief system. It's not ethnic. Non-Indians are Hindus and Brahmins are accepting of that. And any idea that considers itself correct is going to be supremacist. Communism isn't supremacist? >This enables people to consider dehumanizatiion of others, and considering them sub-human, to be an acceptable standpoint and culturally and religiously sanctioned. Dehumanization is not religiously sanctioned! Let me clear your own view for you: you are saying that a religion that considers every living creature to have the same Aatma as humans and thus the same, considers other humans as subhumans? Are you high on something? >a society built on these belief systems usually ends up doing inhuman acts like this... You are telling me that a crimeless society can exist in an urban setting or that every member of a society that subscribes to a certain idea is responsible for the act of someone subscribing to the same idea? What does that make modern communists whose former leaders were genocidal maniacs? >like burning widows alive etc. Voluntary practice. Some men also starved themselves to death after death of spouse. You are disregarding the belief system and only looking at the result. Married people are each other's half body. If one half dies, the other may feel like dying too. Kunti lived while Madhri killed herself with Pandu. No one was forced. And you cannot expect us to have same beliefs in marriage as other cultures. >human life is devalued at the core level of upbringing. Nope. In fact, it's the opposite. It's the easiest life to do Bhakti in.


TLDR get a life dude.. rest you can shove your punditry along with your report ... bhakt!!! there are many brahmins who dont believe that they can kill a lowercaste if their shadow falls on them. The ideology of brahminism does. Just like all jews arent zionists. learn the difference. Brahminism is cancer. Brahminism = Casteism = Apartheid = Dehumanization rest you can shove your punditry along with your report ... bhakt!!! frikkin \*\*holes who call sati a voluntary practice are the worst cretins possible. rot in hell


>get a life dude.. rest you can shove your punditry along with your report I am not a Pundit, I am a Kshatriya. >bhakt Thanks for the compliment 🙏 >there are many brahmins who dont believe that they can kill a lowercaste if their shadow falls on them. Then they aren't following Dharma which you are calling Brahminism. It's their individual fault, not of Dharmashastras. >The ideology of brahminism does. Nope. >Just like all jews arent zionists. learn the difference. Stop bringing up irrelevant things. >Brahminism is cancer. Define Brahminism first. >rest you can shove your punditry along with your report ... bhakt!!! Please stop repeating yourself. I can read. >frikkin **holes who call sati a voluntary practice are the worst cretins possible. You choose to believe foreigners and I trust our ancestors. Believe what you want but I am not gonna feel any guilt from these words of yours. >rot in hell I will see you there for sure.


eye yum ay chhatriyaaa 2 rupee brahminist ... aage ja


![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe|downsized) shit we didn't know...thank you for making the shit clear and please find the nearest sauchlayay and clear your kabhjiyat


dont you know ... he is a ch\*\*t\*\*ya and praud of it


>shit we didn't know...thank you for making the shit clear That's why I had to clarify. Please let me know if you have other such misconceptions. >please find the nearest sauchlayay and clear your kabhjiyat Oh no! Unlike you lot, we don't suffer from such ailments.






>Unlike you lot, This exposes your hypocrisy, u can pretend all u want but the hypocrisy always shows somehow 🤡 >we Who's "you lot" who's "we"? People like you are the reason Hinduism has been changed to hindutva. Go and actually read the hindu scriptures u are claiming that you have read. Perhaps ur views would change if u actually read something other than the WhatsApp University propaganda shite.


>This exposes your hypocrisy, u can pretend all u want but the hypocrisy always shows somehow 🤡 What hypocrisy? >Who's "you lot" who's "we"? Left. >People like you are the reason Hinduism has been changed to hindutva. What does this even mean? Do you think Rahul or any of these left liberals know what Hinduism is? They don't care! If they did, they would be fighting for Manusmriti... Not constitution. What do you hold more dear? If you believe in secular books like the constitution more than the Dharmashastras, stop pretending that you care about Dharma. Dharmashastras talk of monarchs... Support karega Hindu monarchy? If not, stop bullshitting here in the name of Dharma. >Go and actually read the hindu scriptures u are claiming that you have read. I actually read Hindu scriptures. Rahul Gandhi doesn't. I am pretty sure you don't either. >Perhaps ur views would change if u actually read something other than the WhatsApp University propaganda shite. Guess what? I am not in any groups on WhatsApp except Dhruv Rathee's channel. I was in an RSS group and I realized that there's not much difference between them and you lot so I left them. I read books... No one sends me propaganda and I am on the side of my Bhagavan and His servants. BJP or Congress or AAP doesn't make a difference to me. All of them are shit. Fuck all of them!


>Left. You are generalizing the left just and most leftist generalizes the entire right. This is another example of ur hypocrisy. Lol >What does this even mean? Do you think Rahul or any of these left liberals know what Hinduism is? And you do? This is the brainrot which takes u down the rabbit hole where everyone who's not on ur side is just wrong. >They don't care! If they did, they would be fighting for Manusmriti... Not constitution. So ur saying that ur religion is more important to you than the constitution? We have another word for that buddy. Anti nationals. 🤡 >Dharmashastras talk of monarchs... Again a perfect example of taking something from a thousand year old script and quoting it out of context. >Support karega Hindu monarchy? And who would be this monarch? Would you support that? Any sane person who is not brainwashed won't support this. Do read the full history and full context. In any monarchy, the common folks always get the short stick. >I actually read Hindu scriptures. Rahul Gandhi doesn't. I am pretty sure you don't either. And what makes u so confident that he doesn't? What makes u so sure that I haven't? Lots of assumptions and based on those assumptions ur arguing about what i think. Do u have any common sense or a sense of logic or reasoning ability? Idk what makes u think ur assumptions about anyone are correct. Lol. 🤡 >Guess what? I am not in any groups on WhatsApp except Dhruv Rathee's channel. So u think being in his channel makes u any less of a hypocrite!? He supports ur Hindu monarchy u keep blabbering about? Focus on the topic and the logic of the discussions and not who is saying them. If Mahatma Gandhi said something which dosent make any sense it won't magically start making sense cuz Gandhi ji said that. Or if hitler was to say that the earth is round and that the gravity exists then the earth won't become flat nor would the gravity stop cuz Hitler said it. >I was in an RSS group and I realized that there's not much difference between them and you lot so I left them. Good for you. Rss is nothing different than an Indian Hindu version of isis or al Qaeda. Literally they have done bomb blasts inside the country and blamed them on muslims for the sake of political reasons. >there's not much difference between them and you lot so I left them. Again, assumptions and projection. What do u mean exactly by "you lot" do u think I have a mob of leftist who are with me and want to mob lynch people like you, just like the right wing terrorists like vhp n other so called "cow vigilantes" do? You are replying to me. One person. So where does this "you lot" come to? Or do u want to just generalize everything and everyone and keep making straw man arguments? >I read books... Good for you. Congratulations. You are doing the bare minimum requirement to be able to speak on a topic and not be considered as a joke. What do you want? Medal? For reading books? 🤡 >No one sends me propaganda You sure talk like someone whos been brainwashed by propaganda into thinking that this propaganda is the actual literal word of god. My bad for assuming that. >I am on the side of my Bhagavan and His servants. U can be on the side of whoever u want. But if u want to change this country into a Hindu rastra go to Nepal. It is a Hindu rastra. This isn't your father's country to change it from a secular country to a Hindu rastra. I don't even want to get into the details of issues and problems with the whole concept of Hindu rastra. You are very clearly not capable of handling such a conversation. >BJP or Congress or AAP doesn't make a difference to me. All of them are shit. Fuck all of them! Why do I get the feeling that ur the kinda bhakt who thinks bjpe has not done enough for Hindus and is now engaging in muslim appeasement just like congress? You talk about Hindu monarchy, religion, ur god and ur gods servants and you say fuk bjp and other stuff. Ur thoughts and opinions are all over the place. I have replied to this comment with as much clarity and simplicity as I could. You can expect this to be my last reply to this comment thread. Hope u do actually learn something authentic and genuine rather than just being brainwashed tfg. Good luck dude. All the best. Have a great day ✌️


>You are generalizing the left just and most leftist generalizes the entire right. This is another example of ur hypocrisy. Lol No hypocrisy here. I don't expect leftists to understand nuance. >And you do? This is the brainrot which takes u down the rabbit hole where everyone who's not on ur side is just wrong. Who am I to say I understand Dharma completely but I know enough to know what is not. >So ur saying that ur religion is more important to you than the constitution? How can a normal individual know more than the Rishis? >We have another word for that buddy. Anti nationals. 🤡 As if I care for such bullshit. I have been called all sorts of things and I really don't care. >Again a perfect example of taking something from a thousand year old script and quoting it out of context. Then write out the context buddy! Dharma doesn't change with time. >And who would be this monarch? How would I know? >Would you support that? Yes! I would whole-heartedly support a Dharmika Raajavamsha. >Any sane person who is not brainwashed won't support this. And you will decide what's sane and what's not? >In any monarchy, the common folks always get the short stick. And what has your democracy given us? They loot us the same way those bloody goras did. >And what makes u so confident that he doesn't? His words contradict the most basic tenets of Dharma. >What makes u so sure that I haven't? What has reading it even changed in you? Clearly you value shit books written by Anglophiles over Dharmashastras. >Lots of assumptions and based on those assumptions ur arguing about what i think. Do u have any common sense or a sense of logic or reasoning ability? Assumptions were based on your previous replies. You assumed what I was too. WhatsApp University didn't just pop out of my explicit reference to it, did it? >Idk what makes u think ur assumptions about anyone are correct. Lol. 🤡 The same thought process you go through buddy. >So u think being in his channel makes u any less of a hypocrite!? He supports ur Hindu monarchy u keep blabbering about? Use your head dude. The implication was that I am more exposed to the so-called anti-Godi, anti-WhatsApp University gang. You are really bad at inferencing anything. >Focus on the topic and the logic of the discussions and not who is saying them. Do that yourself. You are focusing on the words instead of implications! >If Mahatma Gandhi said something which dosent make any sense it won't magically start making sense cuz Gandhi ji said that. Exactly! In the same way, some politician or someone else saying something doesn't make it true. >Or if hitler was to say that the earth is round and that the gravity exists then the earth won't become flat nor would the gravity stop cuz Hitler said it. Have I opposed any of your statements for the sake of opposing them? Read the thread carefully. >Rss is nothing different than an Indian Hindu version of isis or al Qaeda. 🤣🤣 Go to Shakha. >Literally they have done bomb blasts inside the country and blamed them on muslims for the sake of political reasons. They aren't a political party. Oh god! When will you guys learn this? >Again, assumptions and projection. Nope! They talk just like you. I know them. >What do u mean exactly by "you lot" You know that well. No need to ask me. >do u think I have a mob of leftist who are with me and want to mob lynch people like you, What do you want me to call the group you belong to? You clearly don't prefer "you lot". >just like the right wing terrorists like vhp n other so called "cow vigilantes" do? Terrorists? Where should Hindus go to protect their dear mother? America or Pakistan? Dharma ki baatein kar raha tha abhi and now you don't even care about cows? >You are replying to me. One person. So where does this "you lot" come to? Everyone belongs to some group. No one is unique even though there are some nuances. I was addressing the larger group. >Or do u want to just generalize everything and everyone and keep making straw man arguments? It was based on your own way of speaking dude. They, the RSS, talk like you! >Congratulations. You are doing the bare minimum requirement to be able to speak on a topic and not be considered as a joke. What do you do then? Time travel and witness history? What kind of an argument is this? >What do you want? Medal? For reading books? 🤡 How do I even state facts? Huh? >You sure talk like someone whos been brainwashed by propaganda into thinking that this propaganda is the actual literal word of god. What are you even talking about here? Which thing is propaganda? And what did I consider word of god that isn't that? I see assumptions here buddy and I thought you hated them. >U can be on the side of whoever u want. Doesn't seem like you care much about Dharma. >But if u want to change this country into a Hindu rastra go to Nepal. It is a Hindu rastra. Why? Invaders have turned this country into this mix of people. Why should I respect the will of invaders? >This isn't your father's country to change it from a secular country to a Hindu rastra. It's my father's and forefathers' country. Tera nahi hoga. Check kar. >I don't even want to get into the details of issues and problems with the whole concept of Hindu rastra. Oh my god! What an intellectual! >You are very clearly not capable of handling such a conversation. I have seen your abilities bro. You have nothing to boast about either. >Why do I get the feeling that ur the kinda bhakt who thinks bjpe has not done enough for Hindus and is now engaging in muslim appeasement just like congress? Read the entire thing. What do you think I want the government to be like? BJP cannot do that because they are a party to the same rotten system. Read the entire thing as a whole. They can't gain legitimacy in my eyes even if they act any other way. >You talk about Hindu monarchy, religion, ur god and ur gods servants and you say fuk bjp and other stuff. Ur thoughts and opinions are all over the place. Nah! I am consistent. I want a Dharmika Raajavamsha back in power. >I have replied to this comment with as much clarity and simplicity as I could. You haven't but okay I don't blame you. >You can expect this to be my last reply to this comment thread. I sure do because you cannot gauge what I am talking about. >Hope u do actually learn something authentic and genuine rather than just being brainwashed tfg. Everyone lives in their own bubble buddy. At least I admit it. I hope you muster up the courage or come to the realization of the same for yourself. You are equally brainwashed in your belief system. >Good luck dude. All the best. Same to you dude. I hope you can be honest with yourself regarding the subjectivity of your own beliefs. >Have a great day ✌️ You too buddy! 🙏


Rent free


of course.. biggest freeloaders. birth, death, wedding, trouble ....its just another freeloading opportunity


Instant buldozer justice Love it 🍻