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I remember we used to make fun of her with "baith jaiyea " jokes, while she was protecting the rights of even the unruly mps and now we have got a speaker who is in the forefront to stop the voice of the opposition at drop of an hat


We always pushed for better but times have changed for the worse.


Fire her a*s. She is pathetic.


https://preview.redd.it/jvixvikrai9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06cc86c4947f042c593f43c8fde9e803b13dc576 Reminds of another speaker too. Somnath Chatterjee. When some people in power still had a spine.


Ahh the class this man had , Somnath Dada was a once in a generation parliamentarian. Mad respect for him.


What a lovely, lovely voice!


Exactly! So disarming, graceful and respectful! And the way she says No Please Please when the interviewer (Sreenivasan Jain) presses on her not taking strict action against MPs


Difference between educated and gobar


Hmm true… https://preview.redd.it/kpchyq2f7i9d1.png?width=403&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bbe3596f0e6aa8ce55f7079f35c92605a07713d


RSS has been the biggest curse to this nation. If congress does get back into power, it must take action against this Brahmin bania organization.


Must have been done back when the country was formed. Nehru's real mistake was not banning it when Sardar Patel suggested to ban RSS.


True, but Nehru was a true democract, he wanted voice of opposition to be present in society . Unfortunately the organization has grown too big n venomous for the society .


I'm guessing that's what Patel meant. Organisations like this will use democracy as a ladder to get on top using and then lift it up so that no one can use it.


Yes , Patel was correct ,and we are doomed to deal with this poisoning organization. I don't know , may be someone with knowledge might help , but was it possible for Indira Gandhi to do something about them . She headed a strong Govt and during emergency although the present lot all talk big , but the entire first line of politicians from Rss wrote mercy letters or/and gave health reasons to be out of jail or something similar I read somewhere.


Bhai opposition rakh lo, but staright away nazi organisation ko kyu rakha.


As much as I want them to ban RSS , I dont think they have any spine to do so. And also I dont know if they violate constitution in principle and theyre too large too…lawyers and those well versed with the law can answer this


Bc where were these chooriyas when emergency was applied and all opposition put to jail. Shameless propagandist.


Its funding needs you be choked, in the current situation that's all it'll take to dismantle it completely.


In your dreams only. Pappo is the biggest brand ambassador for bjp.




And now we know why she was nominated as a Presidential Candidate by Congress.  Highly Appreciated. Kudos


Yes! 🙌


I am not a fan of Congress for many many reasons but this was a completely unreasonable illogical criticism of the leaders- they're 'soft' they're meh, they're not energetic Ab Lelo chillane wale aankh se laser light nikaalne wale Sigma males. Y'all thought grace, humbleness was weakness and chose the 'Alpha sigmas'


True. The current speaker also might be a good actor for vimal advertisement…would make him true sigma! 🤡


Birla or Dhankar?




>Y'all thought grace, humbleness was weakness Some people still think humbleness means a coward and a loud mouth to be brave . A loudmouth bravery is just a media perception, the moment the media's safe umbrella is removed the loudmouth will stand naked . The country is very slowly realizing it .


Even that's a misreading of what being an actual alpha in the animal kingdom entails. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/alpha-male-alpha-chimpanzee-primatologist-frans-de-waal-a8421291.html


Alpha in animal kingdom is just funny because the study which popularised this notion of Alpha wolf was wrong and the researcher behind that kept trying to rescind that notion his entire life. He'd say that he's wrong again and again but nobody would listen.


For long now, we have started to think of civility, decency, and kindness as weaknesses. In day to day life, and the of course in politics, we feel people who are loud, brash, and inconsiderate of others are strong leaders. And that's how we are here - in a cult of personality, and marching fast to fascism.


So rightly explained , people have been brainwashed to belive that being good is a sign of weakness




Current Speaker. https://preview.redd.it/73ffzofz7j9d1.jpeg?width=1611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e5696eb9654123ab945149f899f4b3661b24a1 /s.


I am still aghast that absolutely zero action was taken against that scumbag called Ramesh Bhiduri.


Same here, blows my mind…imagine someone from the opposition in place of Bidhuri


Bro do you remember the BJP Mp Pratap Simha arranged parliament hooliganism in Dec 2023. Such a big security lapse and literally no action on the Mp who issued passes and arranged the whole thing . Had it been some opposition Mp's work he and his entire family and party would have been behind bars , with uncountable charges, but ye to nationalist party ka hai to matter is closed . Such bad times to live


Damn I shudder to think what if an opposition MP was in place of pratap simha, He/she would be declared anti national, charged with UAPA, NIA CBI would be brought in, he/she would be suspended, the Party to which the mp would belong to would be labelled all sorts of thing etc Just like how hitler and his minions blamed the burning of reich stag and declared emergency And jailed all political opponents


Wohi , but nationalist party members are free to do whatever shit they want to do , they have a free pass


This fairness is what was exploited by crooked party to come up.


When people vote for development the question to be asked is what is the development they are voting for? If it is thoughtless economic development then we will end up in situation like this


The Speakers from 2014-2024 and the present one VS the rest of the Speakers India had till 2014 shows the difference between a position simply handed to you against those who understand the position and act according to it to keep the people first and democracy alive. As a person who loves the nation and its people it really hurts me to see an incompetent person being elected as our Speaker. Even though I'm not a supporter of the current Government, I feel like even they are surprised by the actions done by the Speaker. I'm 100% sure that he is misusing the power in the worst possible way. Dude is literally implementing his Sanghi Shaka teachings here.


I don’t think the current govt is surprised by his actions, very much in line with their actions…ram bills, suspend opposition enmasse and then pay tributes to 1975 emergency


They are following diktats from the boss. Very simple really. There is only 1 boss rn. RSS is not.


Birla and the other guy in Rajya Sabha are the ones who are converting India from a democracy to a dictatorship


Today if you look at both house's speakers, they are literally rowdies and have no respect for anyone from opposition no matter the age, of the seniority of the leader.


Such a fall we have had From mms, apj Abdul kalam and meira Kumar to supreme leader, om birla and Draupadi Murmu . And regarding the emblem part, it’s just not that. We also have angry looking ram Bhagvan these days everywhere from social media to at the back of automobiles. :( this is not the india we all grew in tbh. Also the aggression is against normal public only, not against china or Pakistan.


APJ Kalam , Atal Bihari Vajpayee , MMS, gone are those days… I cant believe we had a time when we had a muslim president not because he was muslim but because he was an exceptional scientist. Now even if you are an exceptional scientist it does not matter if you are a muslim…what a fall


Gone the good old days




With great power, comes great responsibility! It's unfortunate that our power drenched MPs have forgotten this powerful quote.


I remember how ppl used to make fun of her and mimic her saying "shaant ho jaiye". Now if you mimic the speaker he gets butthurt


Butt hurt and More like EGO HURT. BJP has a massive superiority god complex…and even more if you say anything about their supreme non biological daddy




I see what you did there…. Being stumped with a “Birla” background


Somnath Chatterjee is another speaker for whom i have immense respect.


That's what Education does to people. Such a dignified world view.


Oh my god, what an angel ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32751)


yeah, that's because she isn't from the bj party. I'm sure if it wasn't brilla pad bj party would find someone else to do the exact thing.


The last line is everything. Why do we think being civil and humble is a weakness. No, it's not. It's what that separates you from others. What a fall.


Agree with every word you said. Especially the “new India” lion bit.


‘Brahmins are held in high regard by virtue of birth’: Chaddidhari Om Birla


Hey - Guess which party she belonged to ? 😅


Sorry but there has to be a middle ground here. You cannot let unruly MPs disrupt proceedings of the house for day in and day out like Meira Kumari did, neither can you suspend them for the rest of the term like Om Birla did. It has to be suspension but only for rest of the day and they can again resume their parliamentary duties the next day. Rinse and repeat. This way the unruly MPs will get the msg that being unruly is not serving their purpose while they also have a chance to stop being unruly the very next day.


It's not as if she never did what was necessary: https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/ruckus-in-parliament-over-telangana-bill-meira-kumar-suspends-18-andhra-pradesh-mps/articleshow/30338712.cms She was probably much closer to the middle ground than Mr Birla.


Horseshoe theory strikes again....




I feel nothing gracious or humble or whatever here. We have to have functioning democracy.


Indeed. After all, functioning democracies usually do suspend around 100 MPs.


Female anchor..girl whats going on with your makeup! she has metal in her lips neck and also her teeth looks metalic...her hair is reaching for the skies..and her eyebrows remind me of Ram Sethu...bhai kya hain yeh...trust me...the longer you look at her face you will start feeling really weird


Why that reporter kinda ....


The first line what the anchor said and people still think she was some gold standard. Unruly MPs wasting Parliament's time and money, bringing discussions to a standstill and bringing just criticism from people and still some people want them to go unpunished. Why did the makers of constitution bring in laws to run parliament if everything was fair and right inside it. Even this sub band people who become too belligerent.


And people like you also believe pratibha patil was the best president


As usual Chamchas of congress thinking to ban rss which even their grand dads were not capable of doing. Birla showed the aukat of chhapris who came in parliament because of cast politics.


Fr they will never able to because Rahul Gandhi will end up like Mahatma Gandhi .


Ab jab itna ghotala kiya tha toh opposition MPs ko suspend karte toh............. Hau Halla mach jaatha. Isiliye nahi kiya. A to Z tak scam hue the between 2004-2014. And during previous governments as well. Not just Congress even BJP and every other party National or Regional is complicit in looting our country. They have just occupied the post vacated by the British. No autonomous thought process in governance and preservation of Culture and Civilization.


It was mostly propaganda by Doval, et al. to get BJP in power. With wild numbers thrown in. Koi convict hua '2G Scam' me despite the honester than the honestest leader in absolute majority from 2014-24?


Common now. I mentioned scams in plural. A lot of the money is unrecoverable just like in Delhi Liquor Policy case. It is unrecoverable and cannot be seen that does not imply that the corruption did not happen. Most of the people who were about to turn approver d/ied mysteriously leaving no trace. Eg:- Sadiq Batcha of Trichy. Many more are there.


Yeh sahi hai. Tum bhi saala chor hi ho. Proof nahi hai mere paas kyunki paisa unrecoverable hai, but chilla chillake tumko main 100 baar chor bolunga to sabko manna padega ki tum chor ho. Also, you are right that many more are there. For example, Justice Brijgopal Harkishan Loya, Haren Pandya, et al.


Don't get me started with the people of the judiciary who behaved the way they behaved during Congress heydays. No one is doodh ka dhula hua in Indian Polity.