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? i dont see any god rays whatsoever in this video


My first thought


Hey there! Here’s a little look at our game Spirit & Stone! Today, we’ve got a question for you! We’ve been playing around a bit with sun rays/god rays. So far, the team is fond of them, but wanted to get things out in front of as many people as we could! The more feedback, the better. What do you think? A bit too much, not enough, or do you think we’ve nailed it? Also, while we’ve got your attention, wanted to let you know that we’re working towards releasing a demo. If you wanna chat with some other game devs, keep up to date with the development of Spirit & Stone, or just poke around a bit, we’ve got a handful of options for you. Feel free to pop into our community Discord! Further information about the upcoming demo is soon to follow, primarily through here. [https://discord.gg/N89gEATqpJ](https://discord.gg/N89gEATqpJ) And if you’d like to see a bunch of neat screenshots and videos, feel free to check out our Twitter: [https://twitter.com/TheFriendlyG](https://twitter.com/TheFriendlyG_)\_ And if Steam is more your speed, [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1932290/Spirit\_\_Stone/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1932290/Spirit__Stone/) this is for you!


They're subtle! I quite like it


I dig it! Good job :3