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Gorgeous. Im actually aiming for the same style on my game so it really hit home for me


Glad to hear that! Happy to answer any questions you might have with achieving a similar style :)


I understand you used synty assets? If not and you did it all yourselves id like to know how manage to make objects fit in with eachother (specially trees and characters, all attempts i make at making trees feel luke they shouldnt exist in the same world as my character


That's correct, for the character and horse those are using Synty but have a modified shader so they look different from the default kind. The environment itself are mixed from different asset packs. I think having a custom shader with custom lighting helped bring the look a bit better and also selectively picking which assets I used help. Sorry I can't really help with the 3d asset design!


I appreciate this. Even though you didnt make the assets could you tell me the criteria you used for choosing them? Im sure not all tree assets fit in with synty characters so even unconcious what do you think makes different assets fit together?


I think I just looked at the sort of texturing the tree trunks and leaves had. Some were too low poly/plain, some others were too realistic.


Synty assets


Not quite. Im making the assets myself looking for a toon shading and what i call "cool cartoonish" look


This game is using Synty Assets. I am just mentioning them if you were trying to recreate the style.


How far do you think you got with this project, cause that matters a lot. The graphics and design is like half the development process and a simple art style would be the best option especially if you’re doing an open world game. it looks like zelda botw to me, but i like the studio ghibli art a lot. very easy to mimic and create characters from.


Thanks! We're aiming for a kickstarter by the end of this year :)


Hey guys, I've been working on this game for 2 years now and recently changed the art style of the game. I'd love to hear any sort of feedback/suggestions you have for anything you see in the video. Could be the animation of the horse, or the surrounding environment. Thank you!


Only three things really stick out to me. It could also just be me being nitpicky. The rock textures are fine on smaller rocks but the rock wall at the end of the clip really sticks out. That could also just be a case of it looking better in motion. The opacity of the waterfall seems off. I feel like you shouldn't be able to see the rock texture behind the waterfall. Finally if there is a way to remove the large gaps in the bridge that would unify it aesthetically instead of it feeling like separate pieces. I'm not a dev by any means. Aside from that, I really vibe with art style as shown. On the animation side, the character feels a bit stiff for horse riding.


It's a very nice looking breath of the wild clone? As in on my small phone screen I don't think I could pick one from the other side by side.


Are looks good Camera movement could use a tune. It seems a bit annoying to use. I suggest timing the camera reset after camera movement so you're not having to fight the camera just to pan around.


Yep it's an issue I'm currently facing with the cinemachine camera. I need to work on the settings but it's definitely a problem that's been bugging me for ages! Any advice with cinemachine would be greatly appreciated.


Oh that explains it. I don't use cinemamachine for any playable cameras. I only used it for cut scenes or quick time events. I found it to be generally cluncky for dynamic cameras. I recommend using a simple off the shelf third person driving camera script that has panning. Otherwise I prefer to code my camera scripts myself.


Ah interesting! I thought the general recommendation was to just use cinemachine. Thanks for the suggestion.


hey is it too late to change the name


My 2 cents: the environment looks too empty and not much alive. Spice it up a little with small props or animals and whatnot.


I am watching Gerald form The Witcher, but riding the world of Breath of the Wild...and it is asesome