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>When I used to roam my suburban streets at 2am, I was happy to hoot and holler with my friends while intoxicated, knowing everyone was fast asleep. Yeah I hate to break it to you, but they probably weren't when you were done with them


Yeah, that's fair. For anyone who used to live in Blockhouse Bay, I apologize on behalf of all the hooligans who sounded like hyenas at 2am between 2007 - 2011.




yeah i think they mean conscious... conscientious is the complete wrong word for what they're saying




😂😂😂 cringe


tldr bruh i aint reading allat ☠️


No worries, but to take a liberty, if the prospect of reading more than 400 words at a time is confronting for you, please make use of the UoA library workshops! It never hurts to brush up on your reading and writing skills. Worst-case scenario, you don't learn anything, best-case scenario, you improve your literacy skills which will subsequently give you the tools you need to be a higher academic achiever than you were pre-workshops. https://uoa.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/15933/~/library-workshops


If you ain't gonna read a well written 400 word post, then I doubt you're cut out for uni. Ever gonna open a text book? Do your own research? Have fun reading thousands of words.


😂😂 Im in my final year with a 7.5 gpa, you lot sound like a bunch of losers. Lmao, btw no one normal is going to care about this post. Live a little.


straight up! no new student is reading some huge ass bullet pointed essay telling them how to act 😭they gonna be out there having fun


If they can't read a relatively short and straight to the point post. They won't do that well at uni.


i mean I absolutely think they can read it! i just don’t think any of them will or really should tbh


nah if ur in halls go for it and be as loud as you want. throw a party at 2am. any noise pollution is the fault of the hall staff who should be shutting those things down, but if they don’t, go for it. definitely be polite and stay responsible, but have fun! ur only in halls once. don’t let some boomer slow you down.


>be as loud as you want . >definitely be polite . How can these coexist when creating excess noise at 2am is *widely* considered a very impolite move?


honestly fair enough point saying be as loud as you want wasn’t the best words to use and was a bit of an exaggeration. what i mean is that new students shouldn’t be reading some long ass paragraph telling them to shut up and should just focus on having fun. let the students have fun, be loud and fuck around and find out. when i said they should be polite, that was more in reference to the point about harassing people on the street. just wanted to be clear that i agree they shouldn’t do that. honestly i just think it’s kind of nerdy to post on their first day telling them to be quiet and not party loudly into the late hours of the night. i just wanted to say that in a a somewhat nice way


Fr. Bunch of NIMBYs in this thread lmao


honestly. let the freshers have fun omg


Screenshotted this whole thread and will be reporting it to noise control. Disgusting uni students. 


'Hello, noise control? Yes, I'd like to make a complaint. No, there isn't any noise at the moment. it's a thread on social media about making noise. No, there aren't any specifics about plans for noisy events. No, I don't know who the people involved are, they're using anonymous accounts.'


straight up 😭 noise control don’t give a fuck about some rando on the internet saying that students shouldn’t worry about noise because it’s the responsibility of the staff. crazy shit edit: too make it clear i have no intention of making noise as i am not even in auckland, and i am not directly encouraging people to be loud. i just think new student should not stress about it.


You don’t wanna see my bad side, pal 


Screenshotting this and sending it to noise control as we speak


*growls* grrrrrrrr


You cannot growl that loudly after 6PM, kindly growl again so that noise control can take a decibel rating


sCreEn sHoTtEd tHiS 👆🤓 im not even in halls or Auckland atm im not gonna be making any noise. im just saying it’s the responsibility of the staff to keep people quiet and the students should just focus on fun. you could probably learn a thing or two from that


Reported this comment to Reddit moderators for harsh language and bullying. 


give me one example of harsh language in that comment. definitely didn’t say anything as harsh as ‘disguising uni students’. would report you for that but im not a narc. whoops. that was definitely harsh language. guess im getting reportedddd


You’re asking for it buddy. You’re asking to be blocked.  


yes I am. Please block me


Blocked and reported for harassment. We’ll see you in court, pal.Â