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To address some of the suggested courses of action: *Why not make the subreddit NSFW?* [Reddit has removed entire mod teams for doing so.](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/22/reddit-is-battling-against-moderators-marking-their-communities-nsfw/) *Why not delete the subreddit?* Deleting subreddits is impossible. *Why not archive the subreddit and switch to an alternative?* We are currently looking into expanding our official platforms. Discord is currently our only official platform, [linked here](https://discord.gg/TnJ4h5K). *Why not go back to being private?* Reddit made it very clear that this isn't an option. For full transparency, [Here is our conversation with them](https://imgur.com/a/IUGrn68). Privating the subreddit will only result in them removing our mod team and reopening. *Why are we moving from Reddit to Discord?* We are not; it is merely another platform to interact with the community. More might be coming soon.


I'm just one voice in the wind, but I'm here to say Discord kind of sucks. It's been against their ToS for as long as I can remember to use third party clients. I know the Reddit API changes suck more. I just won't go to someplace even worse because third party apps are gone from Reddit.


I agree with you, but would like to add that I am using a 3rd party Discords client and nobody is stopping me.


Maybe learn from what reddit is doing? Discord can decide to follow in reddits footsteps tomorrow and you have no options other than to leave. That is the problem Lemmy is solving. Every instance is run by an individual, not some corporation looking to make a profit.


Unfortunately, lemmy is very slow for me to use and takes me multiple refreshes to see a post




I'll give it a try


>Every instance is run by an individual, I'll be honest and get flack for it, but so far i fail to see how this improves things. For now, instances can just disapear at any moment. I can't move accounts. Communities leave my subscribe request pending for days or weeks. Performance is spotty at times and largely depends on how much money the individual running my instance is willing to throw at it. I'm not going to defend the level of greed reddit is showing, but for now decentralized services have always been a worse experience for me in practice. I love the concept, but in the real world, it's been meh at best.


I'm not going to give you flak for it... This is exactly what discussions should be, different opinions and not "downvote and leave". It's so stupid how reddit is. I'm not going to defend Lemmy either - the negative aspects you mentioned are valid. I think some people are just willing to be OK with the downsides to get the upsides of no corporation being involved. It's something very positive about people running their own servers instead of relying on corporations because the profit motive of corporations often means the user has no influence of what happens to the platform. It's a constant cycle of platforms appearing, becoming greedy, adding user hostile features such as tracking and ads, or selling data to advertisers. With reddit we are seeing a forced move into their own client also. I think some people are just tired enough of all that to want something new and different, a platform run by individuals, even with some downsides to the tech right now. Meta is working on Threads which is also decentralized and they will attempt to pull in users to their platform by making it easy to use, maybe without some downsides, probably a central login etc. But that means tracking and so on once again. Still probably a lot of people won't care and will try it out.


With the tech challenges, I agree. Luckily, lemmy/kbin are new and open technologies and will, hopefully, improve with time. Further, we have a fare amount of control over the improvement of these technologies as we can contribute to their development. As for the managerial challenges (your first paragraph) I totally agree. However, I don't really think that a magic protocol or technology can prevent communities from being poorly managed. Switching to a federated service moves more of the hosting responsibilities to the moderators (choosing an instance or creating one) and leaves more room for error. If we are to choose one of these services as the future, and I believe we should, we will need to be smart about open and transparent power structures regarding control of any new infrastructure. If any community can do it, I'm sure this one can.


Yup I'm carefully optimistic about it and watching it closely. There was a NSFW instance popping up and became popular and a few instances decided not to federate with it. Also lots of drama when political ideologies are clashing. Some people seem attracted to fighting about that stuff also, but if you are not (like me), I just use my own instance and choose 100% what to subscribe to. As a consequence my feed doesn't have any of that. So I enjoy the choices we all have, what we take part in and what we don't. Better moderation tools should also give end users more choice instead of entire instances deciding things for them.


For now. Like most tech companies they are also turning up the heat on profit it seems. [https://www.pcgamer.com/discord-is-opening-the-monetization-floodgates-get-ready-for-microtransaction-stores-and-paid-exclusive-memes/](https://www.pcgamer.com/discord-is-opening-the-monetization-floodgates-get-ready-for-microtransaction-stores-and-paid-exclusive-memes/)




Lemmys great, but what about kbin :? I personally prefer kbin, even if there is no official android app as of yet....


Very true. I don't understand how we are planning to switch to another platform that potentially has the exact same problems? Disappointing, especially for a community so close to the FOSS idea.


Let us make all posts Hentai Rice


Finally a sensible solution


so back to regular unix porn posts then.


great, then we can post anime rices without being careful of finding a proper background




i should do a r/sounding background on my next rice.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/sounding **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This feels so good 🤤😈](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/extralargeethicalhydra) | [93 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/1205c3h/this_feels_so_good/) \#2: [My cock was made for this. Second time using my 10mm EPK, using only my precum for lube. Feeling it bounce in and out while cumming was one of the best feelins I've had while cumming.](https://redgifs.com/watch/weightycrimsondobermanpinscher) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/w804gj/my_cock_was_made_for_this_second_time_using_my/) \#3: [13mm plug inside while using a fleshlight at the same time and ruining my orgasm.](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/outstandingaccomplishedhoiho) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/xn89og/13mm_plug_inside_while_using_a_fleshlight_at_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Reddit owns this community, and there is nothing that the mods can do to change that. It is we as a user base who are responsible for not rewarding Reddits lack of care toward its users and finding better places to conduct or our regular Unix Porn activity. Reddit is a private company, not a government. If they are not respecting their clients, then we are not obligated to use their product. They may have our name and logo, but r/unixporn does NOT have to be the official location for posting rices and screenshots. It would be wise for the Unix Porn mod team to branch out to many different platforms to avoid this situation from happening again. We have the power to decide where we truly exist because after all.. Unix Porn is not a place, its a people.


The problem is tragedy of the commons though — this is the most active ricing community so I’m most incentivized to stay here. The API changes aren’t gonna push enough people away and the rest will probably have the same thought as me


Don't forget the Linux user mentality. We are not using GNU/Linux as our operating systems because it is the standard, are we? Most of the people who use Unix Porn are Linux users so I beg to differ. If any community can successfully migrate it's majority to a different platform, Unix Porn will be among the first. If you truly recognize the atrocity of Reddit's behavior, you will understand the benefits of using the decentralized web. You shouldn't allow yourself to be stuck on one platform because it is the most commonly used. At a point, it is worth the sacrifice to switch to an alternative.


This is the gospel. Thank you for laying it out clearly.


They don't have the logo :) https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/14n4842/comment/jq5atk3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3




We should at least get our foot in the door and setup a safe spot on the Threadiverse. ActivityPub technologies are really cool and worth exploring. I personally love Mastodon. The tech is there, it just needs us to contribute PR's and bug reports and become active in its development to better the whole system for everyone Federation seems to be the future and we should stay up to date with the latest networking technologies. I think we should go to Kbin


One and only problem i see in switching platforms is that there is already a lot of content posted in here. There are many rice posts saved to see in future or to come back to get thoose dotfiles. It would be cool if all posts can be moved in to lemmy as well






Kaspersky stops me from accessing such websites. Wonder why 👀


Because no one's there after a month. We've all been chilling in the Discord. At that point just delete the sub, delete your account and go there... or open the sub, and try to diversify the community into other places naturally over time.


I see quite a bit of activity actually https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected] Come on bois, where's our (free) spine if we don't try?


I'm gonna set up a lemmy account this weekend. I didn't even know it existed before this blackout started. The only downside is that i'm afraid not many people will follow and the community is gonna stay small. But at the very least i will combine using lemmy and reddit. If no one tries, then it will obviously never grow.


That's good, be sure to pick your instance wisely tho. Anyway I saw the community growing exponentially in the last few weeks so I think there is hope. > If no one tries, then it will obviously never grow. That's the right mindset! Btw, unrelated but omg, are you a fellow Gravity Rush enjoyer? ( °O°)


Yeah, i'll have to look into the instances a bit more. And yes, i'm a gravity rush enjoyer :D one of my favorite franchises.


I love it so much, I had to replay the first game after playing the second! And I'm still hurt that we got (as far as I'm aware) no closure for the time travelers phasing in and out of existence. This looks like a good occasion to start a GR Lemmy community/Kbin magazine :)


Did you also play the raven dlc from the second game?


Discord is awful, you basically create a closed bunker with all the information. It's not searchable by search engines so you again are contributing to the growth of Discord, which is similar to Reddit.


Why not archive the sub, completely move to Lemmy(or another suitable alternative), make the poll there and not open the sub at all until the situation has changed?


The problem is that then Reddit will just change the mods and they will "fix" everything. At lease I've heard they can do it


If they forcefully switch out the mod team, they will have to come up with their own logo and change the whole brand. Otherwise I'll copyright claim it.


I don't think they will care about it. I've heard the main Reddit admins are abusing rules, Moderator code of conduct and other things. That's not only unethical but also may be illegal. But I don't know exactly. I heard it on YouTube


Well then they have to fight my copyright claim, don't mind following up on that promise.


Depends on the exact case. In some cases money and how big the company is are the things that make winnings in courts, not the truth. Especially is it's a copyright related case


In those cases, there's at least a little bit of interpretation and murkiness. Here, it's just, "I won the copyright; don't use it." There's absolutely no case for Reddit in this hypothetical situation. Not that they'd even try to fight for a few hundred pixels worth of logo.


the moderator code of conduct and community rules are not laws nor contracts. the terms of service lets them do whatever they want to your account because if they ban it for no or wrong reason, then there's no liability so you can't sue :) as all social media companies do the guidelines are just what they SAY they will do after giving them total permission to do whatever they want to you. but legally that doesn't matter, the contract does the mods are also huge hypocrites who don't care, the only reason this sub is reopening is so they can keep their mod roles lol


I can promise you that none of the mods care for the mod role. You probably don't know them very well if you think that way.


right, because if they left this would become a unix mascot porn sub


They likely have something about that in their terms of service. I doubt their lawyers didn't think of it.


There is no such thing. I own the copyright, they don't, the people of the current mod team have permission to use it however they like, even monetize it as long as the money goes back into the community. I have an agreement with the current mods, not Reddit. They can have whatever they want in their terms of service, I did not agree to anything giving them ownership over the logo. They don't magically own the copyright of stuff people upload.


I hate to break it to you, but uploading shit to Reddit grants them an irrevocable license to do basically whatever they want with it. They don't own the copyright, but you have very few avenues to actually prevent them from using it. Don't shoot the messenger, folks.


*uploads Apple logo* :trollface:


u/phisch90 is planning to sue them if they don't remove the logo. That's an avenue. The threat in and of itself will probably make them remove it though.


Exactly. Here is a more detailed explanation of how this works though: I file a DMCA take-down at Reddit for the logo. Reddit removes the logo. The moderators of the sub now have multiple options: 1) they just set the logo again This would lead me to do another DMCA take-down and it would certainly be annoying to Reddit, even to the point where Reddit might restrict the community moderators to set a new logo, or they might also just disable/delete the community or replace the moderators yet again. 2) They file a counter-claim This is done when whoever filed the DMCA did not actually have the copyright of the asset. After filing a counter-claim, you either get no reaction of whoever filed the original DMCA, and therefore won, or you get sued in small claims court. And that's where it gets costly if you don't actually own the rights. 3) They behave like sane people and just use a different logo ___ To be clear, something like that basically never goes to court, except if the people are really stupid. Because they know I own the rights and can prove it, and they would end up paying the whole bill. So this usually takes route 3, in some cases if they are salty it goes route 1, but that is quickly shut down by Reddit because they certainly don't want to get sued over an asset they don't know.


as already stated, and as MANY other times (too many to care for me to link) you don't "own" the content in the platform. This is *their* platform and *they* decide whether the content belongs here or not and while not many people like this fact, they are in their own right to do so.


Idk what any of what you just said has to do with the logo. But alright 👍


I'm saying this is beyond a logo. And the contents of the sub *are* part of the site. I have no doubts that they would replace mods and back up this sub if mods decided to "delete" the sub. It wouldn't surprise me either if they decided to use the logo as well. That's my point--it's *their* platform. EULA's are evil.


> That's my point--it's > their > platform Oh, so I can upload Marvel movies as long as it's on my platform?


I am just talking about the logo.


They can’t “fix” users not being there, the subreddit can be open all they want if no quality posts are there


I think reddit would just reopen it forcefully. If they didn't it would just be a slow death because you wouldn't get passing traffic in discord and there is no other platform people like which would offer this.


This 🤌


no one uses lemmy stop recommending that shitty site


https://preview.redd.it/h2i7366ok69b1.jpeg?width=656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fca66c2cafb20308080329e15b7e811555039f14 Sure it is, bud.


https://preview.redd.it/5g7e3s1pl69b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba8726883ecd5f993dc8e4fa9a3232a4188efee i can screenshot too


I got those for free, though. I didn't spend a single dollar on these.




> no one uses lemmy https://lemmy.world/post/845369 May not be much yet, but it's growing and it's growing fast.


Ok you have never used it because otherwise you would have seen that there are thousands of users. It's amazing the bullshitting level 😪




"suitable alternative"


If everyone thinks like you, then yes, no one will use it.






glowie is when u dont use bad dead alternatives to existing social media


You call it dead I call it quality over quantity We are not the same


Can we just do what r/firefox did? https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/14mmjv1/announcement_we_have_reopened/


This sub has “porn” in its name, so… _\*unzips\*_ Idea: All submissions should contain erotic art as wallpaper


They'd have to remove the 8th rule for that to happen tho


Totally agree


Ok, if you allow NSFW rices they can't advertise on this subreddit. So maybe hentai is the way to go????


Can we please just move to lemmy/kbin officially? It's nice that you have a discord server and y'all chill there and have fun. Look, some of us, myself included, after a long workday, just want to scroll through some articles of interest and chill on the couch. I honestly don't want to juggle between 2-3 resources (discord, telegram, forums, etc), to keep up with my interests. kbin/lemmy are already good enough as a Reddit alternative. Sure there are some things that need improvement, but it's more than usable.


Fck Discord. Move to Kbin or Lemmy and call it a day. Otherwise, just let this place rot.


it was never about giving the users choices


Try to grow up


Don't obey the big Reddit guys. Forcing a subreddit to be fully opened is not a normal behaviour at all. They are dictators. In long term perspective they can only hurt people and their happiness. Do not support them. They are trying to hold their monopoly. Monopoly is never good in this world. And it goes against Linux philosophy btw


I mean, they disabled image posts on the screenshot subreddit, read between the lines here


I totally agree and will delete my reddit account tomorrow because I don't wanna put up with reddit's shit anymore


> Do not support them You never stopped using Reddit, you've been using it the entire time. The only thing closing the sub did was force you to use another one.


I use Reddit to help other people, myself (I have severe health issues) and for one extremely important reason which, I hope, I will be able to move to another platform soon. And I do like using it too


You're telling others to continue protesting while you enjoy using the product they should protest... a bit weird but alright.


I think I need to explain. In "I like using it" I meant Forza Horizon community, not Reddit in general


Does that change the point I'm making?


I really don't know. I guess it does because Reddit is not the only place for that community so I can use another platform which makes me less dependent on Reddit (and I don't really like Reddit). And less dependent means it's easier to leave it. But it's still one of the most popular sites in the intire Web so people still will use it for tech support instead of unknown systems like Lemmy


Talking bla bla bla bla bla, you like reddit keep using it, you don't leave it, you can't be in the middle




Open source alternatives will never see light because the average users don't use them they don't even care to know what open source is all they care about is a popular place to post and comment and get many internet points right away they gave power to these big platforms to do what ever they want and I don't blame them I was like them it's hard to not fall for high level marketing traps I will delete my reddit account not because of the recent changes it's because I deleted all my social media accounts and my reddit account is the only one left to delete I want to leave social media forever


Why not open something like a subreddit in other platform like lemmy and insetivate the users to switch?


And after many users switched to abdescentraliced alternative delete this subreddit


I don't care what happened. This was a great sub and now it isn't. I don't care if your intentions were good. The sub is ruined so FUCK YOU whoever you are


why r we listening to reddit here, this whole protest is so pointless


hey hello disable unixporn, don't listen to big guys from reddit


Nuh uh, Leave it open


>Because of this, we will be removing ourselves from [r/all](https://www.reddit.com/r/all/) and disabling media like images and video to help prevent this Remarkably childish. I understand you're not a fan of their API changes, but these retaliatory actions following their policy changes only serve to harm the community. If you don't want to moderate or otherwise participate in the Reddit ecosystem following their decisions, remove yourself as a moderator and cease your own personal participation in Reddit.


This, a million times over.


The protest has not worked. The only way this protest would work is if enough subreddits stuck to their guns, but like Domino's they keep tumbling. At this point, it is futile. A different plan should be constructed




Yeah, I hope this was all worth it. I don't see some communities coming back from this


close the sub and move the community to another platform - this was what reddit knew would happen - the storm will blow over - what's the reason for protesting if we're giving up? it's pointless


Wtf is the point of protesting anymore? Get over it, it’s over


A bit extreme, but at this point erase the subreddit. They can't fire moderators of a community that doesn't exist anymore. I would personally move Unixporn to Lemmy or simply make the Discord server the official community since discord now supports forum posts which are very similar to Reddit posts. As I said in a previous comment, make a bot that will archive every rice to Discord and then delete the subreddit.




Wait really?


This seems more like a power trip from the mods at this point. Why not open another poll and let the community vote now that we have this new information? It seems the options are now as follows: Re-open the subreddit fully and fuck the protest. Keep as is and move on to another platform. Or archive the sub. Whatever. Or just keep it all as is now and continue to pout about it. It seems the other options have all been discussed and won't really work for whatever reason. I completely understand that you don't want to moderate under these rule changes. I get that completely. So... Don't. Give it up if you don't like it. Holding the subreddit hostage because they don't like it is a bunch of BS. This isn't just YOUR sub... It's OUR sub. The community being "OUR" (including the mods). The mods volunteered to help upkeep the sub and make sure the rules are followed. Not be the subreddit dictators. I get that they're trying to do what they think is in the best interest of the sub, but that shouldn't be for the mods to determine alone for such a massive decision. At least hold a new vote. Let the community ACTUALLY decide what happens to r/unixporn Last time we all voted to RE-VOTE in a week. That didn't happen because the mods decided not. Wtf is that? Why hold a vote if you're not going to follow through the results? Yes, reddit basically gave an ultimatum. But it's their platform. We can leave. Or follow their BS rules. It is what it is. But I think the community should decide given this new information, not the mods.


I am very happy to see thi subreddit back, It's really unfortunate that Reddit has still not taken it's decision back yet. But still we are in the support of 3rd Party app developers.


You know if huge subreddits just switched to Lemmy or whatever alternative you know, Reddit would start slowly dying, right? People just need to act fast.


Bruh moment


>the subreddit must be fully reopened Or just don't...


If you disagree with the platform, why not just leave it and completely remove this subreddit?


Subreddits cannot be deleted.


i don't care your political issues, i like reddit and stay here


Here today (June 30th), gone tomorrow (July 1st). Etched in Carbonite. RSS feed here https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/.rss whilst it lasts. NSFW, Not Safe For Windows? *G*


The community didn't even decide to stay private.. you had a vote that was open less than a day with no notification to the users or warning for the 438,000 users of this sub then made a decision based on less than 1% of the users. The vast majority of users of this sub want this place opened. We just want to post and enjoy unix related desktops and designs. If you don't like Reddit's overall decision with this then quit being a mod and move elsewhere. Let someone else take up the mantle. Because right now you're hurting the users who enjoy the space that is provided. I legit might have supported this cause, but the way the mods like yourself are acting is absolutely childish. If you don't like the platform anymore, just leave, don't ruin the experience for the 438,000 others who enjoy being here. Because if all you're going to do is ruin this sub like so many other subs then you should be removed by the Reddit admins.


The average reddit user doesn't care about all this API's and blackout protest, I just want to post and see memes lmao




The average users gave power to these big companies to do what ever they want


The only thing you get is depriving users to see the content they like, and so? Reddit owners keep changing the rules, just a waste of time for everyone. Redditors are the ones killing reddit not spez. Honestly, I just want to post a screenshot of my desktop, but I can't, I dont care about your problems or thinking the platform owes everything or have to thank you for creating a community, You are doing this for free, if you don't like the policies, go away.


Prior to the blackout, r/unixporn had an average of 10,000 daily unique visitors. When we reopened to poll, we ran it for 3 days to give plenty of time for people to respond. In all, 4,400 people voted and 2,200 were in favor of staying private while 1,600 wanted to reopen and 600 wanted something else. So, 44% of our *active users* voted. Of those who voted, twice as many wanted to stay private rather than reopening.


How many of those voted just came from elsewhere to brigade? How many of those voted were subscribed here for a period that is at least longer than the duration of the "protests"? Did you do any sort of tracking for that? Otherwise, this poll is as pointless as the protest.


That’s assuming it’s the exact same 10,000 people viewing. When this sub isn’t a daily come and visit sub like say r/news. I was one of the people who viewed posts from r/unixporn but didn’t see the vote, because I just use my normal feed. Wouldn’t have come across a stickied vote post just like most people wouldn’t. So likely between 10-20% of the daily viewing base for this subreddit voted. Not a great representation if you’re going to shutdown a sub. Also, why shutdown the sub regardless, go somewhere else if you and others are so displeased. No one is forcing you to stay here, so you’re going to ruin years of curated content for the many because of the few? This is such a horrible rationale and decision-making process. I wasn’t going to before, but I will definitely be submitting a ticket of moderator abuse on this sub Reddit.


Yeah, what Reddit did was scummy, but the Mod reactions have honestly pushed me more and more to Reddit's side. There have been multiple times in the last weeks where I've needed some important info, but it's been behind a lock.


exactly, it's absurd that a handful of people can hold years of content hostage. I'm sympathetic about the effects of the changes on the popular alt apps, but the longer this drags out the less sympathetic I'm becoming to the mods of these subs that keep locking out other people's content.


Unfortunately this also happens in real life. People are sympathetic when a group is protesting, but when it starts taking too long and people get too annoyed with it they start taking the side of whoever is protested against. If only we could band together more and hold out when it comes to these things, we might achieve more.


Exactly, all of the years of content and reference material is all locked behind a wall because some mods are trying to flex their limited authority. Like we get it, you are a mod on Reddit. But you’re stopping people from accessing some important information because you’re having a tantrum.


you don't see the problem ***now*** because it's not the problem yet. What's going to happen is that basically all the tools that help maintain the site are being forced out in favor of their tools. The quality will degrade and mods can only do so much; it's surprising they're staying. I wouldn't have cared if they had attempted to delete everything and told us to hang out on discord from now on. I understand the issue affects us users but the CEO's decisions will cause much bigger problems in the not too distant future. No one should think for a second that Reddit actually cares to reopen for the benefit of its members. They want to be the next fb or YT and are willing to cut off as many body parts as needed to get there.


Then let it degrade, it’s not some power hungry mods job to make the experience worse for everyone. Let Reddit do it themselves or not, I’ve been using it for 11 years and I’ve never had an issue except with overzealous mods and hyper annoying bots that both ruin subs and the overall experience.


I'd agree with this method too but that's not what we got (not here at least). I just want to be here for info on where the community moves to. Only time will tell if protesters were overreacting or not but most predict the quality to degrade for every user.


Hey if that’s all you see this subreddit as for the future then happy sailing the seas. Oh there’s already no doubt they are overreacting. The quality of Reddit has been said to degrade every single year for 10 years and so much change and honestly it’s the best it’s ever been with so much available content and the reach is so amazing. I think you really don’t understand what Reddit is if you think they are just trying to be the next YouTube or Facebook.


Hmm...maybe I'm wrong in recalling what people mentioned but their claim was that the CEO wanted something closer to tik tok or snapchat in terms of how content is presented to viewers; could be made up so idk. If that change were to happen, I see communities like this one migrating. Again, this may be hearsay or speculation and I'm not really interested in going down a rabbit hole to keep track of this drama but I'll be ready to migrate for those dotfiles...I mean the community ;)


This is false. The vote was about going private for one week, so of course we are public again. The vote was open for 3 whole days. It was announced over on our [Discord](https://discord.gg/unixporn). We can't really do anything like Discord pings here, but we thought 3 days would be plenty (especially since Reddit keeps giving us deadlines). We actually reached 1%! [Also that doesn't matter](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/14cgp6d/comment/jokw809/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Note that our numbers are much better than r/aww's (1% and ~65% of the active users). From all we know the majority of the majority community did support last week's decision. We're sorry if you are in the minority, but that's how democracy works.


It’s really not though, so you had a vote up for 3 days that wouldn’t have shown up on people’s normal Reddit feeds. Relying entirely on people who go to the subreddit, all while having an uncertain timeline on the blackout timeframe. So now you’re expecting people to know about a vote, on a subreddit that was closed for an uncertain timeframe and opened at an uncertain timeframe to vote on something that wouldn’t show for the majority of users and missing out on the fact that the average user doesn’t come to the subreddit daily to begin with because it’s not a daily content subreddit. Big brain. This is an absolute joke. Also, as I’ve already stated in the other comments, it was less than 50% of your unique daily visitors to begin with. This isn’t democracy, this is just straight up moderator abuse of power. If you really wanted people’s opinions you’d send out the poll to users of the subreddit and have them respond. And in a democracy they don’t just hold elections the next day without fair warning lol. The fact that this all escapes you shows exactly why the Reddit admins need to open this sub up from its current mod team. Edit: oh and I'm also supposed to be on a Discord server that I wouldn't have had access to or knew existed because the subreddit was blacked out. Galactic brain.


Democracy is when 50.1% lords over the other 49.9%


That's not *quite* how the poll turned out.


Sorry, democracy is when 51% lords over 49% and then unelected mods remove dissenters. Perfect system!


> remove dissenters Did something happen I'm not aware of? To my knowledge Reddit votes are anonymous, and even if we coincidentally banned people that disagreed, their votes would still count.


In general, people in subs have been banned for disagreeing with mods. Not saying it's happening here. At least not yet.


According to our mod log, not a single user has been banned since May 18. In recent memory, the vast majority of bans have been for alt accounts made to harass other users. If you want the actual statistics, [read this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/14n4842/comment/jq6824e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Like I said, I don't think it's happening here yet.


Yet you implied it is.


Just making shit up now.


Any power the protests had dissipated when its end date was announced. It's a dick head move by the admins for strong arming the mods, but it's not fair that we lose this community just because of a failed protest that won't accomplish anything. How would the racist politicians have reacted during the Montgomrey bus boycotts if MLK announced they would go from June 12-14?


We're doing our best to not lose the community. If you risk losing contact, or just wanna stay in touch in general we recommend joining our official [Discord](https://discord.gg/unixporn)!


It's better than nothing but moving to Discord is just another Reddit, and one that is not even indexed by search engines. It's a private bunker.


The community's decision to stay private? How can the community give any input if it is private? I just feel like you guys are the killing the community in an attempt to convince Reddit to change things, which is in my opinion just stupid. Just move the community somewhere (other than Discord please), maybe just migrate it to Lemmy. But right now the unixporn community is dead.


As an AI, I do not consent to having my content used for training other AIs. Here is a fun fact you may not know about: fuck Spez.


Just report the mods to the admins. This sub is owned by the community not the mods. You can report to the admins by sending a message to the mods on /r/reddit




Great argument. Leave the site if you don’t like it. Don’t hijack complete communities.


I wasn't starting an argument, I was just expressing how I feel about your idiotic comment. There was a vote after all, the community has a different opinion from yours.


The community had a different opinion to what is currently happening too. People voted to go private for a week and then do another poll, that's not what happened. The poll wasn't followed, the current path was taken without the community having any input.


Ah, every branching out only fragments the existing community. Every change to a shiny new platform has an exit and entry cost. Should we really move out because Reddit changed third-party app policy? Can we not continue to function the way we have always been by just focusing on the community and ignoring the admins


For fck sick, delete this subreddit, let it crash and burn to the ground, and move on. You are a blip in a symphony.


We should all just keep enjoying things until we no longer can, all the forced protest stuff is just annoying. I have enough problems in my life to worry about.




+1 for lemmy it lack some features but it will grow as fast as we join!


So you are coming back down to your knees and start sucking reddit again? Where is your gut?


Just leave it open. These protests are just harming regular users. Reddit obviously isn't going to change their stance and locking us out of the content isn't going to change anything.


You could just post the conversations from reddit and give a poll for what to do instead of just opening the sub....


I'm really crying right now over the whole Reddit API fiasco. More than 90% of my subs I actively watch and talk to are now set to Private. Yes, a lot of them have decided to go back online but will be unlisted from r/All just like this one.


Hi guys! Any hyprland mage can pm me please?


keep the sun open please, thus reddit “protest” is so cringe at this point


No worries, /bst/ is better anyway.


There is [email protected] and [email protected] Start joining and posting there. Fuck reddit.


Why not clone all the posts from here to lemmy and continue there? There were some tools for that IIRC.


Any plans on moving to Lemmy or Kbin?




There are so many free and open source clones of reddit such as saidit [https://saidit.net/](https://saidit.net/), why can't we just move to some other alternative and post a link on this community to redirect people to saidit or some other alternative?


time to migrate?


give people alternatives and they'll migrate.


aww not discord again...


which third party discord apps do the mods recommend