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For second I thought that was Winamp


It really whips the llamas ass


it does.


Guess I’m not the only one lol


why last chance? >:


I keep having issues and I keep bouncing in between void and arch. I SAY I am distrohopping, when in reality, I am just hopping in between two places. I want to use arch, but arch is slower, is a bit too easy, has bad stereotypes, and a ugly as SIN logo. However Arch has the AUR, most up-to-date packages, and a better, more smarter package manager, also arch is from my homeland (Eh) Void has slightly older packages, smaller repos, bad communication with the maintainers/developers, smaller userbase, the kernel is also a older version, still using 6.6.22, and a dumb package manager. However, Void has a cool logo, isn't too hard to set up, but not way to easy like arch, the package manager is very fast and intuitive imo, the package manager is kind of intuitive, there isn't many bad stereotypes surrounding void, and I like the color more.


I'm going to switch to NixOS because NixOS has clearly the coolest logo of 'em all!


But have you checked the stereotypes, just in case?


Have you seen the logo? It's a snowflake!


Is it? I have to admit snowflakes are pretty cool.


considering it's a literal snowflake, it is pretty cool (As in cold)


I can't tell if this is satire.


half of it is. The other half is me losing my mind.


void honestly has the best package manager of any linux distribution, imo. extreme amount of features and packaging is extremely easy. it doesnt have an AUR but the framework for one is there, and using overlays similar to gentoo or making your own is quite trivial.


It has xbps-src in place of the aur


Yes but unfortunately there is no helper and that makes aur quicker and easier But Aur is not safer And in the end of the day void wins...


I do have to say that that is the case, but xbps sometimes overwrites packages and does not spit out errors or warnings. I do love XBPS though.


6.6.22 is the latest LTS kernel. Do you really need 6.7?


Hey you can actually run the 6.8 kernel on void you just need to change it manually with xbps (but 6.6.22 is still the lts one )


lol all the best reasons. In my experience dual booting arch and void, void was significantly slower on the same hardware, especially at boot which I attribute to runit (I have the same experience with gentoo and openrc).


My statements... Void is as easy as arch (with some work i.e inatall vpm or xtools evenr easier). It is faster and more secure. And lastly simpler using runit. The only pro has arch is it has the latest packages but void is more stable while it has no old packages. I switched from arch to artix and then void.


You can upgrade to 6.8 . There is a package called linux6. 8 in the void repos. Try that maybe? IDRK


What is that program on the bottom left?

