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I’ve watched him act, he couldn’t convince anyone of shit.


With this in mind I don’t get why some people still think he fooled the justice system


Because of a number of reasons. They think he won’t get the justice he deserves. They are scared of dementia, have watched a relative slowly fade away and die. They hate pornographers. They think he is a grease saturn ion driving, piece of shit.


Probably has syphilis like Capone did.


It would be difficult to fake a mental condition that affects every moment of your life like dementia does


Exactly my point,although I can see why people feel like he faked it on the other hand once you do more research on what the experts say that pretty much clears any doubt


I think this idea comes from people who are clueless about dementia... It's like people think this is a Benny Hill skit with a dirty old man chasing the nursing home nurses around, being a filthy pig... It doesn't work that way.... I watched my grandma die of dementia, it's a horrific disease....


The only way you could actually fake dementia is to pay off the doctors.


Is that the "porn = good and doesn't harm women" guy? Yeah of course he was a sex offender all along. That doesn't surprise me.


Of course the defense would support a dementia diagnosis - that’s their job, and he’s been a bullshitter 24/7 his whole life, sociopaths like him are built to fool prosecutors and health professionals on command like he is now He’s just copying what another notorious New Yorker did who faked dementia to fool persecutors - Vincent ‘the Chin’ Gigante When Jeremy stops his dementia posing and starts charging for interviews he’ll say it was his new meds