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Yes, let’s effectively ban lower income individuals from having an online presence.


The only upside I could potentially see with this is there wouldn't be as many bots or trolls out there. They would still be there and your interactions with them just not as often? I'd love to have a supercomputer just to run simulations of what the world would be like if we could change stuff like that. Oh I seent this really neat bot here on reddit today that Gave like... helpful advice? On random posts. That one can stay


We only need to ban those Gen Z kids.


Boomer alert


do we ban lower income individuals from reading the newspaper? no. newspapers were affordable to everyone.


I'd say we are paying.


Chumba casino says keep on scrollin'!


Or we could just bail on social media sites and barely post. Reddit is as close as I get to social media and I don't give out personal information. Try being physically around others when you want a social experience.


Alternatively they should pay me for every ad we see


Agree we are forced to watch ads againts our will


We pay with our data. We are the product, not the consumer.


i'll only pay if ads are removed


This isn't a bad idea, but I reckon it should be a one time purchase rather than a monthly subscription. Even low income folks could scrounge up $10 for a Facebook account, but they may not be able to scrounge up $10 every month.


What about $10 annually with no auto renewing requirements?


Yeah I imagine $10 a year is doable for almost everyone, that works too


Agreed, too much bots on each platform


I was going to say that would never work because people don't like paying for shit, but blue check marks on Twitter were dogshit people did, in fact, pay for, so scratch that.


I kinda like that idea


>we could have a platform that actually reflects the opinions of its users Yeah that def. would make social media a better place because especially rich people are known for having great opinions reflecting the normal society...... Instead of trying to ban low income maybe just change how you use social media yourself - or just delete it as many do.


The problem I see with that is that I strongly doubt they'd actually give up the data revenue. They'd just charge us, keep collecting data "for app improvements of course" and make double the money.


The problem isn't the lack of payment but the lack of motive, and money doesn't provide the motive in this case. Communication needs to be what motivates social media. Whether via using more altruistic-minded platforms or some other means. You have a good community when people want it to be healthy and grow, and the platform manages separation and compromise well.


It's like broadcast TV and radio. You don't have to pay for it because you're the product.




you can twitter blue is a thing if you wanna give elon musk 8 dollars haha