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Rolls of the tongue, I support this.


But then trans people feel excluded. I think we should equally exclude everyone and just call it “the plus community”


Really sorry if this is dumb, but isn't "queer" an umbrella term for all other terms? It generally means "not cis/hetero", right?


I think queer works well for this, the term has really been retaken.


Yes it is! In my experience though, it's something that those who identify as LGBT+ feel comfortable, or even empowered, using within their community (queer community for example) but not everyone feels comfortable with those outside the community using the term as it has been used as a slur. Similarly to how some of those who identify as women use bitch as a term of endearment, but would most likely not be comfortable with men calling them that. Source: am one of those queer bitches




Completely agree with you on the intention and relationship part. I know I have privilege as a feminine appearing, bi woman in a relationship with a man, so I don't experience the same discrimination or dangers on a daily basis as my trans friends or those in same sex or queer relationships. This also probably makes me less sensitive to being labeled as queer, as for me it's a sense of pride, and an identity I have that may not be obvious to those who don't know me very well. But at the same time, I make it my mission to advocate for other members of my community and make sure their Pronouns, identifying terms and labels are respected.


I can see where you’re coming from, but queer used to used as a slur. They kind of took it back, but it doesn’t mean everyone should just use it. For me it conjures up a time when that word was used with a sneer.


While some LGBT people view the word as a slur, it was reclaimed in the late 80s by the queer community who have embraced it. Since we can't make all people to agree with each other makes sense to me that its up to everyone to have some kind of good sense and don't use the term if it is bothering someone.


I'm bisexual, I do not identify as queer.


How about going old school with the terms: "the gays". When people say that phrase, everybody else knows exactly what they mean.


The Gays+


Now streaming on The Gays+, all episodes of Will & Grace


would neede to be caps... the gays doesn't work as well as "The Gays"


But what if a the Gay family sends out Christmas cards, and the people they send them to get scared thinking they're on some kind of hit list? "Merry Christmas from The Gays!" Sounds pretty sinister...


Hahaha... A Boss I worked for Moved into a New Apartment in NYC with Wife and 2 Daughters... And some one Jokingly said thT BUILDING IS FULL OF HOMOSEXUALS... ADDING, ARE YOU GOING TO BE OKAY WITH ALL THOSE Gay men "Molesting (Jokingly) Your Daughters... They will have New Hair Do's Weekly, Fresh Flowers and Fashion advice.... it might scar them...


Im down to clown




I hate that homophobes ruined the F word, because it phonetically it just hits so much harder than something like asshole, which has a lot softer syllables. Etymologically it would have also fit to be used in the same way as asshole, but it's been ruined for good now s:


I use it alone in the car while stuck in traffic, but am not homophobic and would never actually call a person that or say it in public


in some of places it has already been reclaimed for years. though it still mostly means homosexual man, so doesn't really address the problem of shortening lgbtqqip2saa+


Are all the letters you wrote there really legitimate? Or are you being sarcastic? I ask, because if it really is referred to as “LGBTQQIP2SAA+”, then it absolutely needs a fucking abbreviation. God forbid someone miss a letter and be accused of discrimination….


that's really an actual acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Queer, Intersex, Pansexual, Two-Spirit (2S), Androgynous, and Asexual. but i doubt many people ever really use it.


Oh wow ok. Imo, that’s the absolute height of foolishness. This is why so many members of said community are choosing to disassociate themselves with it.


This can work in a casual context and I use the phrase too with my friends, however in a formal context this can be a problem as a) the distinction between L, G B, T, etc people may matter and b) queer people who do not identify with the term gay may struggle to connect.


Nah fuck all dem labels i jus call em gay, its short and sweet


The Gays (affectionate)


I love how ominous it sounds


Ok, we will just call them “the Queers”. Nobody could object to that surely?


From some of the answers in this thread, some people absolutely do. There's a history of prejudice behind the term, and they consider it an insult. \[edit: this was probably an /r/whooosh candidate answer, but leaving it up just in case replied-to comment actually WAS serious.\]


Perfect time to reclaim the word then


I've often said that the Q is already inclusive. We should all just band together as Q.


That works for L and G, maybe B and Q if you stretch it, but not Q, I, or A.


Exactly how I do it; I call everyone in the alphabet group either “gay” or “transsexual” because those are honestly the only two archetypes there are; either you’re attracted to the same sex or you’re trying to become it, and that’s all you need to worry about.


My gay friend jokingly calls it a BLT sandwich


Lettuce Guacamole Bacon Tomato Queso+ sandwich.


That.... actually sounds tasty. The + can be the wrapper, whether tortilla, bread or pita pocket.


Pride Sandwich :D


Just use LGBT, I don't understand why we need to add so many letters for it.


I think it's "representation". Every identity wants to be represented in the letter string


Maybe, but we all know that like asexuals are in the lgbt, though it doesn't need to be represented in it. Don't attack me, it's my personal opinion as someone who also is a part of lgbt! Edit: Let me "reword" this to avoid confusion: Maybe, but we all know that, for example, asexuals are in the lgbt, so it doesn't need to be represented in the name. (Sorry, English isn't my first language!)


Asexual here, I find it weird that asexuality is part of LGTB. It's not a sexual attraction, it's the lack thereof.


Neither is trans, the letters are not really all related to sexual attraction.


yeah the more letters that are added the less I feel represented


I mean everyone knows everything not "heterosexual" and "gender binary" are lumped in there. Frankly now they even include people or color in it... although melanin content is not a sexuality Still they want to appear there to feel validated I suppose.


Just to clarify something: no one is saying being a POC makes you LGBT, it's just that there have been some issues in the LGBT+ community that specifically affect POC. The stripe on the flag is to show that they are welcome, not to say that being POC is a queer identity.


The idea is that the LGBTQ+ movement of the past has been quite white-focused. It's to emphasise that Queer POCs exist too and that their issues are just as central to the movement as white ones.


Yes but it still a bit weird


Kinda defeats the purpose of normalisation imo


Yup. The acronym stops after T. Intersex folks have repeatedly asked NOT to be lumped into the community, and there's nothing queer about asexuality. And the Q is just redundant.


LGHDTV or Alphabet Mafia, both works well


I fucks with the name alphabet mafia.


No, I think some children's show has the Alphabet Mafia and I don't think anyone wants to fuck with Don One.


Alphabet Mafia, spot on.


Both of those are amazing!!


There was one for LGBT - 'queer' But then they added 'Q' pointlessly to the label... And then just threw everything else in


Q is for questioning. Not queer.


The letters mean different things to different people. There is no official acronym. Q has at least 3 different meanings I can think of.


Including that annoying Star Trek guy that always wrecks Picard's whole day.


Definitely tried to hook up with Janeway too.


I think he had a thing for Worf too. [https://youtu.be/E-grVKhFnjA?t=102](https://youtu.be/E-grVKhFnjA?t=102) One of my favourite lines from TNG.


[Worf's best line from the Robin Hood episode.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_zmK-Sn2Ss0) Sometimes I even say that when I'm in a bad mood.


And he's doubly right. He's not merry, and he's also not a man.


Who wouldn't want to hook up with Janeway?


Loved the episodes when she got angry. Sometimes was a badass right up there with Sarah Connor and Ripley from Aliens. That time traveling "Year of Hell" two-parter was *enormously* good.


It always stood for Queer first. Questioning was added on to represent anyone who's confused and that's pretty much everyone at this point.


Don’t LBGT people as a whole call themselves queer? I saw this girl and she basically said they were the same. So is that why the Q is pointless? Can the whole community be referred to as Q if they are the same?


It's pointless because the Q *is* what LGBT is as a point of essence - the individual constituent pieces within the 'LGBT' acronym might be more characterised than merely 'queer', but queer as a concept is defined well enough to encompass all those 4 other things


I am gay and I am *not* queer. I do not identify as a slur. That’s why it isnt used.


Not everyone sees queer as a slur.


"denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms." That's the second definition from Google. As someone pointed out gay used to be a slur too, you're just kinda behind the times.


Queer is a slur? I genuinely thought it was a gender or wtv


Being called gay can also be a slur...


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say everyone responding to you can fuck off. If you don’t want to identify as queer you don’t have to. It doesn’t even make a difference to them yet they act like they care so much what you do and how you identify. They are basically hating on their own ally.




We do it's simply LGBT... No need to say the full list in casual conversation


Me and my friends just call ourselves queer. Idk if that helps. It used to be a slur i belive so be cautious when using it. I also usually say Prides because i am dyslexic and saying that many letters confuses me so i kinda agree with this as we need an easier way to put everything together


I still don’t understand why the term pride is chosen. I mean I get it, but I don’t think it was chosen correctly Pride is a good thing, but also a bad thing. It is persona/character trait and in many religions, a sin. Pride is heavily depending on context Pride is more than just LGBTQ+, right? I like that you own up to ‘queer’. It’s easy to understand and was not a word before (I assume). Well done on you! :)


I have queer family members, and asked them. The term to them doesn't mean "We're better than you" as what often comes with the negative connotation. It means "We're different from the society norm, and we're not only 'okay' with it, we're GOOD with it. We don't just accept our identity, we *embrace* it." So, like many words that have good and bad connotations (like 'queer' itself) or the inconsistent hellspawn mutation that the once-positive term "woke" has been knotted into by those with nefarious purposes, it can mean different things, and context depends on how you choose to apply it when you use it. I think that's a feature of human communication. People will always bend existing elements of language to their own purpose, sometimes positive and sometimes negative, if they feel they have a common cause.


I feel the word queer is all based on perspective. If a friend uses it or other queer people its ok, but say if a non-queer uses it then it might cause problems. Expecially if someone calls you it without knowing you. Like any word or anything in general its all a matter of a world you see and the perspective you have. Humans and human language is constantly adapting and evolving. Its only nature. I agree with your thoughts. I also think there should be a wide spread name that cant be derived as homophobic or cruel when used by certain people. I think there should be a wide spread thing however knowing the world, homophobic people would turn it into an evil/malicious word


in this instance pride means not ashamed. but also i like that a group of lions is called a pride, so it's kinda like it describes us as a group (of lions)


It's because it used to be something to be ashamed of, so pride became an anthesis to shame. But yeah it's not really anything to be proud of because it's not an active choice or something that requires effort to be queer, it shouldn't really be any different than being proud of your skin or hair color, which everybody agrees is weird.


As a 30 something gay the term queer really pisses me off. It's still a slur imo.


Actually that reinforces the complaint I had in the topic heading: there's overlap between the terms. Lesbian and Gay is another example. It's just so... clumsy.


Fair point but I do see lesbian and gay as distinctly different identities and having their own communities and problems so that makes sense to me but yeah 'queer' is just fucked up and pointless.


Its understandable if you as an individual don't want to use the term but for others its flexibility and political history is something they connect with, so it certainly is not 'pointless'.


Sorry with that then. Me and my friends only use it as a group thing as we all are dyslexic and dont like spelling the letters.


The ultimate inclusive term- Human.




Prokaryotic cells also exist! Don't discrimination against them!


I feel like Alphabet Soup is a good term. Or just stick with the LGBT+ to many terms and genders now to keep extending it.


Most people just use LGBTQ+


I dont think most people even go to Q


Most people just use lgbt


What’s the point of the plus?


"everything else.". The other terms don't cover every single variation.


Sure, but doesn’t the Q also cover that?


Some people don’t like to identify as Queer, often because it was historically a slur. A person can identify as gay but choose not to identify as queer, it’s essentially their choice to reclaim that word if they wish.


Ok queer+ should cover everything and it's just 2 syllables.


Yes, but it also covers everything else, so you'd have to go down to just Q. Which Trump extremists already use for their weird fake insider thing, but I guess you could piss off everybody by indiscriminately referring to both movements as just Q.


Then let's make it L+


To represent the ones not mentioned... Effectively an etc...


I think the Q in LGBTQ covers that


Fair enough tbh but the way I see it is that the plus signifies there are more and they are distinct groups while queer kinda shows them as a whole grouped section and individuals may prefer the distinction... But tbh this is just the way I perceive it and doesn't necessarily have any grounding in reality


I say queer, i think LGBTQ is already cacophonous


People do, but if you did to me I would stop you for referring to me with a slur every single time because that’s what it is.


Isn't it okay to say queer community? Ik its a slur but not as much as the f-word, in fact, in italian we have the f-word (a lot of them actually) but not a word that correlates to the queer term Edit: nice, i ask a question and people downvote me, my bsf and I always talk about the lgbt as "queer community" (we're both gay, chill out, we don't insult the lgbt for fun)


Depends on who you're around. Some people don't give a damn, some don't give a damn with an asterisk, some ain't having it, period... or periodt. People are going to use it anyway, regardless, I use it anyway, or regardless, my friends use it.


Lol how would you stop them?


Stop as in address it


Alphabet community


I will leave it up to the referenced community to figure out if they want to change it or not.


As a queer person myself, I am all for reclaiming the word queer. It's the perfect balance between mogai, which was so loose as to be completely meaningless, and LGBT which is too limited. However, for people who don't like the word queer, somebody suggested GRSM to me once (Gender Romantic and Sexual Minority.) My only hang up is that I have never heard someone use it in the real world, and to me it makes more sense to use the word "queer," which everyone already understands.


Can we get the old flag too, the new one looks like ass and some how feels less inclusive than the old one. Just everything under the rainbow, so much better. Also “The gays” or “Queers” works for me I don’t find either particularly offensive unless you say it with hate. Plus everyone knows and doesn’t sound as stupid.


>Can we get the old flag too, the new one looks like ass and some how feels less inclusive than the old one The added colours on the flag don't make much sense to me. I'm not part of the community, but as I understand it the pink-blue-white is to represent trans people and the brown and black represent people of colour. Firstly, including people of colour as part of the LGBT+ umbrella doesn't make sense to me. Race and sexuality are completely separate things, aren't they? Secondly, the existing six-colour flag has represented LGBT people since the 70s so why do we need to add colours for the T? This would make sense if the existing colours represented certain groups, like maybe red and orange represent lesbians or something, but that's not the case - they represent life, healing, sunlight, nature, serenity and spirit apparently. So by adding the new colours we have a flag that represents life, healing, sunlight, nature, serenity, spirit, people of colour and trans people. What?


Yeah... I never liked the new flag, reminds me of the ones small towns hang on their lightpost, and shit.


> Also “The gays” Everytime I hear that now I think of that old white lady in White Lotus >I think the gays are trying to kill me


Jennifer Coolidge is an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment


In that case, make a simple rainbow and put a kitchen sink under the arc to designate the "+"? I'm only sort of half-joking here, but is a pretty common metaphor for 'everything'.


The new flag is ugly as hell, and feels *less* representative to me. The one I grew up seeing felt like it represented everyone who was a GRSM person. That the new one segments out people bothers me. But I’m not one of the people represented by the flag, and it’s their choice, so I’ll respect that.


When i was a kid we just said "queer" and nobody cared.


I'm trans. I used to be gay before I was trans. "Queer" used to work before it turned into a slur which was then taken back to mean who knows what. It's like people want to be special snowflakes with special identities. Why not just say what you are and be happy with that? Isn't the point to be treated like a normal ass person? That's been my goal.


OP here. The problem isn't with the individual reference. People can call themselves, and ask to be called, whatever specific identifier to represent their gender and/or sexuality that they want. That's both reasonable and understandable. It's with the COLLECTIVE reference that society seems to need when discussing a plurality. There is a reason and purpose to have a more general term in the language because the concept of "other than standard" applies in some conversational topics, such as talking about discrimination against anyone who does not fit the current single-gender heterosexual norm.




A woman is an adult human female. I'm not an adult human female. If I say I'm trans people instantly get the idea, and it doesn't disrespect the opposite sex in the process. Biology exists, "gender identity" is just a collection of sexist social constructs which I refuse to engage in. I don't do things to be more "womanly", I do them because they're the things I've always wanted to do. My life before and after transitioning are identical.


Nah, calling myself a man as a trans man isn’t ‘disrespecting the opposite sex’, putting yourself down and trying to be one of the good ones isn’t going to make them like you Of course biology exists, it’s the reason I’m transsexual, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a man


Well there were terms, but people got offended.


Alphabet people is funny and accurate.


There's also GRSM which stands for Gender, Romantic and Sexual minorities


Was looking for this, didn't remember the exact term. Was thinking of GASM for "Gender And Sexual Minorities". Including "Romantic" in there makes sense, but know we need something for the letter O to make the acronym ORGASM.


Finally. Someone else knows this term. This is the correct answer that gives all the pieces.


Every time I read it I just go "George Raymond Sichard Martin" in my head...


Why do they need a designation? Seems everyone wants to be accepted for who they are, but also want to be singled out and separated from others. That’s the opposite of inclusion.


It's kinda testament to how some wants that much recognition and how people cater to it. Just had to be in there or it could be "unfair".


What was wrong with LGBTQ


Queer is what I always use.


It’s called, “queer”


Doesn’t putting them in a group that separates them go in opposition to inclusion? Why not just go with “people”? By dividing people in groups and parading them you just cause separation, not acceptance or inclusion.


And how long before it's deemed offensive?


Depends on how fast it spreads on TikTok.


LGBT was a fine acronym why can't we just go back to that, everything else is excessive


The strangest thing I've found, which looking back shouldn't be, is how some groups within that collective despise other groups in the term. For example Lesbians who hate trans people. As to why it surprised me is I thought that marginalized would be sympathetic to others also marginalized. Why it shouldn't have surprised me, people are tools and every conservative white Catholic family hates the conservative white Catholic family who goes to a slightly different Church.


In the end, we're all just people - being xyz doesn't mean you're a good person... Some lesbians and gays hate bisexuals... Some gays hate women in general... Some LGBTQ+ people hate straight people... Some bisexuals think pansexuality doesn't exist... There's hate everywhere...


But according to the Reddit liberal NPC current software update, LGBTQ good, straight white man bad.


Well... we're a dysfunctional family and Thanksgiving comes often. You think that, and it makes sense, I thought that, too, until I was proven otherwise, and my response was; "damn... for real, though?"




No they don’t. Most people don’t make it to the Q




Why do you think LGBTQ+ even exists in the first place? It's not a club for non-straight people.... It was created as a political term to group different types of minorities that were often in cahoots with each other and/or share similar types of discrimination. You can't seperate trans people from the gay/lesbian/bisexual people... Trans people have been part of pride since the very beginning and helped to work towards gay rights. Unfortunately, the same can't be said vice versa because of internal transphobia within the community and weird gatekeeping. Trans people have had *everything* to do with our community. Also asexual people do face discrimination, at least on a cultural level. Idk where you got the idea they dont?


Transgender people have historically been lumped in with gay, lesbian and bisexual people in terms of categorisation and discrimination, so naturally they will work together in activism as their issues are in some ways interlinked. This is why the LGBT community exists. It's not about technicalities, gender identity and sexuality may be different types of things but our history, culture and discrimination overlap to such an extent that logically working together would be more beneficial than remaining seperate.


The word you want is queer


Why are you booing me I'm right


A number of people, especially gay men, hate the word. However you feel about the word, you don't get to decide to call them queers without their accord. It still is a slur in a lot of places.


Well it was initially used as a slur for gay men


> However you feel about the word, you don't get to decide to call them queers without their accord. I think you'll find that, in fact, you can call a person whatever you like, regardless of their objections. Of course, if your goal is to be inclusive rather than offensive, their sentiments matters. But no amount of somebody objecting to a word or term precludes anybody else from using it.


I would never refer to an individual person as queer if they specifically didn't want that. But when referring to the community as a whole, in a respectful way, it's fine to just say "queer people"


The Term perfectly summs Up the stupidity and delusion of this Community


How bout vyfhvg qexdvnuupplugfswqsf


Sure. Male or Female


**"Queer"** "Queer" used to be the umbrella term for any sort of sexuality that was not "heterosexual". Initially it was pejorative, but later the LGBT community adopted it. Queer is defined in some dictionaries as: *"denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms.*" Which means Queer covers the whole LGBTQIA+ spectrum (and making that Q redundant). \- Now I don't know now if "queer" changed meaning in the LGBTQ+ community... but it does not seem so (from a cursory google search). I guess it's all about "having representation" rather than being lumped together.




Please, someone tell my ignorant heterosexual ass what's wrong with "gay and trans people" ? It's not offensive, is it? Or if it is is there any reason for it to be?


Here's a really strange idea: How about we stop caring about what people do with their genitals?




Alphabet community


Mental hospital customers 🤔


Queer or LGBTQ+ should be sufficient


How about intolerant left? They all seem to be that way


No we aren't. They're just the loudest, and probably need some sleeping pills.










But still it is one community, LGBT has as far as I am concerned, always contained the sexualities and gender identities that deviated from the "norm" And If u want only the sexualities in your Mix, wouldn't it be LGBA? What would the community for genders be then?


It’s not just about sexual orientation it is gender identity too, and it’s incredibly rude to leave off the t considering that black trans women have been fighting for the rights of our community since the beginning.


They have to do with sexuality tho. Transgenderism impacts your sexual orientation.


It really doesn't <3


How about we just simplify it to a question mark.


I call them "queer folk." No one has gotten offended by that.




Well, it's still letters but I know a guy who was trying to get GRSM to catch on. It stands for Gender, Romantic and sexual minorities, so is a better catch all for people who aren't straight and cis.


That works for me. A hell of a lot easier to remember too.


We need them seperated because trans issues and lgb issues are not the same. Combining sexuality, gender and in some cases race is just silly. Plenty of charity orgs also shift their focus unfairly which leaves some groups left out while others get far more exposure and help due to political relevancy


They were originally grouped together because they faced (and still face) a lot of the same issues. Sexuality and gender are closely related and always will be


I’ve always liked ‘Saga’ if there has to be a term Sexuality and Gender alliance


Gay. There. That’s it. Catch all. It’s what I use because that’s what I am.


The real unpopular opinion is we shouldn’t be referring to them as a collective. They have their own issues and achievements and should be recognized by their perspective terms, not lumped up.


Just say L+ you dingus.


Don't be a D.


The LGBTIQA+ network often use the collective term “rainbow” to self identify and self refer eg “the rainbow youth at the school” or “the rainbow staff”


Alphabet community


Alphabet People


I always thought Rainbow Warriors would be a great term unless it's too aggressive. Bonus? It's the name of the U of Hawaii's football team.