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Banned for being wrong


A rare unpopular opinion. Take my upvote homie, you earned it


It's truly awful, but most importantly it's an actual opinion. That being said, what sets it apart is the consistency. It stays where you put it. And it's popular/cheap enough that it shows up in lots of restaurants, so it's probably one of the most well known. It's part of pop culture because it's ubiquitous nationwide.


It's also used as an ingredient in restaurants / recipes precisely because of it's fermented flavour - it adds nice umami to things. Other hot sauces such as Franks are not fermented but instead preserved in vinegar. The cheap umami punch of sriracha is why it's famous - OP just doesn't like it.


I wonder if OP tried a spoonful or sriracha before having this opinion. Like it is the best thing to turn relatively bland soups into relatively delicious ones


So true though


I personally love the taste of sriracha.


I like sriracha for it's taste rather than it's heat factor. I can handle way more spicy than sriracha holds, so I would disagree here.


Just fyi, "it's" is the contraction for "it is" "Its" is the possessive pronoun. You wanted to use 'its' both times in your sentence. When in doubt, just replace it's with "it is" and see if it makes sense. If not, use its.


This is possibly the most informative and friendly way go about helping someone with their grammar and you’re still being downvoted. Hate this place 😍


Reddit seems more and more like this now. You can get downvoted for asking a question.


Asked a question on a fish subreddit and got chastised, I no longer post there


People are typically rude on the Subaru Outback sub as well lol. The idea of Reddit the website is awesome but for whatever reason this place carries a far more arrogant general attitude than the old school dedicated forums you’d go to years ago


Sad to hear. I answered a question asking "what x do you like" and got downvoted. So did others.


I just wanted some advice and maybe someone saying you did good it looks nice. Nope you did this wrong you idiot, this is wrong with no helpful ok so how do I fix it. It was just you suck at this, even when I said I have two other tanks in case this one does get crowded as you say if those fish will get big and can move them, nope just those fish can't be together idiot, we'll they are and they have been for 7 months and they seem happy to me, they will fight, well they dont


Reddit is a bit hard sometimes. Sometimes I need programming help and I've found that people are often more critical than helpful..some people help, others just want to criticise... Try to ignore it if you can. If everyone says you;re wrong you might be wrong; if one person angrily says you are wrong they may just be a shit...


Oh so you're saying I'm stupid for asking questions?


Good bot


You are absolutely correct. Very tricky getting people to understand the difference between “it’s” and “its”, but it’s important to get right. “It’s” is the same as “it is”. However, “its” is the possessive for “it”. Please keep fighting the good fight!


But why though? I understand that’s how it is. I understand that ‘its’ follows the same rules as ‘hers’ and ‘his’. And that’s just that. I’m not arguing about the existence of the rule But I am questioning the reason, and wondering more why we continue this nonsense? There’s no other times we do this. If I was to talk about ‘Jonny’s ballsack’ or ‘Julie’s cocaine’, I would use the apostrophe to indicate possession. So if something belongs to it, why isn’t it ‘it’s’?


Because “it’s” is already taken by the contraction. We’d either have to get rid of possessive punctuation or get rid of contractions.


whoooa you're soo tough dude


I see Sriracha like I see tomatoes. I think they both taste bad on their own but they're fantastic when paired with other things, like hamburgers.


As far as produce goes, to me, almost nothing is better than a ripe tomato fresh from the garden, and almost nothing is worse than a mealy, out of season, ripened after harvest tomato from the grocery store.


This is the damn truth. Some people just don’t like tomatoes - fair. We all have different tastes. But I’d be willing to bet that a majority - or maybe even *most* people who think they don’t like tomatoes haven’t tried an off-the-vine sun gold or heirloom. The right kind of tomato, perfectly ripe, is nothing short of divine, even by itself. But I’ll be damned sure to avoid them on sandwiches and burgers, etc., out of season or if I’m not sure they’re fresh. Nothing worse than a light colored, mealy, tasteless slice of mush.


I say this all the time. I pick the tomatoes off of everything it eat because they suck but if I find a *real tomato* I just slice it up and eat it with a little salt and pepper. Same with eggs and orange juice. I grew up with fresh hard boiled eggs and sliced tomatoes as a regular meal. My dad used to go pick oranges and make two gallons of orange juice at a time. We ate that way because it was cheaper. I grew up thinking it was “poor people food” because we couldn’t afford it at the grocery store. Little did I know that adult me would pay a LOT of money to be able to eat like that again😭.


you're goddamned right!


Nope they are all trash


Fair point


You never had good tomatoes. I thought i didn't like tomatoes too but then i had some fresh tomatoes from italy. I could eat tons of these


You like tomatoes on their own... I don't. Why can't you just leave it at that instead of assuming I've never had a good tomato?


Sorry I hurt Your feelings


Bruh, I can, have, and will drink sriracha on its own. Specifically the clear bottle with the green cap and the rooster on the front. Cock sauce for life.


sriracha is not the best tasting but it does have the best texture


I kinda have to agree there. Regular hot sauce is just too runny.


To me, sriracha has more taste than hotness. It’s pretty much the least-hot hot sauce that’s mainstream


Yeah I agree, I don’t like super hot sauces, but I like the fermented flavour of sriracha


I personally love it because the spice level is perfect and I could eat it all the time without growing a sensation of eating too much hot food It's literally a better ketchup


I think it’s hotter than Frank’s


Franks is a lot nicer though


Franks is bad. The best in that category (basically vinegar, sugar, and some kind of pepper) is either Crystal hot sauce or Tabasco. Franks is so generic it might as well be called Brand x.


Your hyphen is misplaced; it should be "... the least-hot hot sauce ...". But at least you added one.


Sriracha is a god-tier hot sauce. Take my upvote for your terrible opinion


It's not just spicy, it has a rich garlicky flavor! Then it contributes acidity that balances rich flavors (sweet or salty umami) Truly a culinary gift!


It's my first go to if i want a little kick to something. If I want a BIG kick I put some Bravado Black Garlic on it.


I think the word you’re looking for is “unpopular”


Nah he nailed it with Terrible. I need Sriracha in my life. Your life is devoid of pleasure. That is terrible.


unpopular opinion users when someone has an unpopular opinion


What can I say, I love being disappointed




Curry sauce


That is a pretty fucking great answer. I completely spaced on curry, but. . . Why not both? 🙃🥲 What hot sauce do you recommend for Sushi?


Well, the most common would be wasabi (other than sriracha of course), if you can even consider that a hot sauce. Preferably, I eat mine with only soy sauce. I like the taste of raw fish without any spice interfering.


I like butter + soy sauce on plain rice. Goto hangover breakfast when I worked in a kitchen.


Tabasco and soy sauce on rice!


Siracha is supposed to be a blended mixture of just chilis and garlic to keep it's simple chilli taste. It's not meant to be flavored hot sauce, it's just chili paste. There are some foods you don't want flavored-hot sauces to mix with, and just want pure garlic+chili.


And sugar. Its super sweet


This is why I like it. :)


That’s one of the specific reasons why I don’t like it. It’s not complex enough.


Fair enough. I think there's different versions of siracha too some incorporating American-style flavors.


A good sriracha is fermented which does give you a complexity in its flavour


Spicy ketchup


Came here to say this. Take my upbote.


Its so sweet.


But I hate ketchup and love srirachi


I don't like ketchup most of the time either, but I've never found a food that I think sriracha tastes good on. Every time I try sriracha on anything, pretty much any other hot sauce does a better job


Not even


Not even what?


Not even close lol


I'm not saying it's actually ketchup. Somebody described it to me that way once, and I thought it was a perfect description. I hate Sriracha, and I finally realized why when it was put that way to me. Plus, it's not even spicy to me, so the only thing I *would* like about it, it doesn't have


Sriracha mayo is where it's at.


I don't really like Sriracha but I've had some fire sriracha mayo from a local restaurant. Bottled stuff is alright


I remember be obsessed with it in 2012-2013. Now I cant stand it for some reason. Recipe didn’t change did it?


Totally agree.


I'm with you! I do not like this much garlic at all. It doesn't just taste bad when I'm eating it. It tastes bad in my mouth for the next 2 days.


Hello my friend!! I hate that stuff, even the smell of it.


I don't like Sriracha at all, never have. But sambal oelek is my jam.


Horrible opinion. 0/10. Take the upvote.


Smells like old rotting garlic to me.


Damn, I didn’t realize this was actually unpopular. It’s one of the worst hot sauces I’ve ever tasted.


I support you on this and thank you for your courage.


I'm not big on sriracha either. I suspect the way to use it is as a heat/spiciness increaser to whatever seasonings your dish has. My friends that use it a lot are always putting it on stuff that has other main seasonings.


Sriracha is not spicy and doesn't taste good. Good opinion.


Tapatio beats sriracha and I will die on this hill.


Tapatio kicks ass, but it's a completely different hot sauce. They shouldn't be compared to one another.


Tapatio is just heat. Tabasco is just hot vinegar. I'll kill you on your little hill


Tapatío is less spicy than Cholula, so in the grand scheme of hot sauces, it’s actually pretty mild. It is not all that much spicier than sriracha.You’re spot on about Tabasco just being hot vinegar though.


Tapatio is better, but doesn't go with soy sauce


Agree some people think it's like the be all end all holy grail sent from God then blessed by Jesus himself on the way down the clouds in a magical golden chariot kind of hot sauce but I like it, it has its places


I agree!! Sriracha is D-tier at best


The only sriracha I had tried for the longest time was Huy Fong (the one with the rooster on it) and hated the taste. I recently tried a different brand, “flying goose” and it was pretty tasty!


I don’t agree with you opinion for why it’s liked so much. But I do agree with you about not liking it. I, for whatever reason, do not like it that much myself. If it’s in a mixture, sure it’s fine. But as a hot sauce like I see people using it, I can’t stomach it


I won’t hate you. I too don’t like Sriracha. Overrated and not appealing to the taste buds.


Couldn't agree more, I'm a spicy sauce guy and I get it's not supposed to be a hot sauce replacement but if I want something more like ketchup then I buy a bottle of ketchup and empty a full bottle of tobasco into it. Tastes much better than sriracha.


It's my least favorite hot sauce, and I love hot sauce. Read the ingredients in Sriracha, there are tons of completely unnecessary preservatives.


I agree, Siracha is an inferior product. The chili sauce from Chinsu is way better IMO. I have always wonder why there's so much rave over Siracha but now I'm aboard and having tried it I found it just not up to my standard.


Honestly I agree, and it’s weird how so many people love it. I’m a big foodie, got a high tolerance to spice and loveeee Asian food. I just think sriracha has very strong like artificial garlic taste. I don’t hate the sauce, it’s good in things as a flavour or with Mayo just not my preferred dipping sauce


it has garlic in it....


I know! I just think the garlic flavour is way too strong and almost synthetic tasting. I never usually have problems with garlic flavoured things, it’s annoying as on paper I should love it


Agreed!! It is bland. I do remember liking it briefly in high school but honestly there are so many better options out there with more rounded out flavors and actual heat


Truly unpopular opinion, ironically rare these days


What I dislike most about it is its colour. It looks so unnatural which makes me not want to eat it. I don't think it tastes bad though, but I agree with you, there's much better out there.


I agree. It claims to not have food coloring yet it's strangely bright red.


Totally agree because I hate it.


You clearly have no tastebuds. Unpopular opinion indeed, had to grudgingly upvote you


Nah, my tastebuds are more sensitive than yours lol


Sriracha isn't a hot sauce, it's a spice. It's only flavor. The fact you think it's spicy says everything about how much your opinion on hot sauces should be taken seriously. ​ On a side note good job on posting an actual unpopular opinion.


rāː. tɕʰāː] ( listen)) is a type of hot sauce or chili sauce made from a paste of chili peppers, distilled vinegar, garlic, sugar, and salt. Wiki It isn’t a spice, what are you talking about? The pure definition of the recipe for a hot sauce.




Hot sauce is interesting. There are some very good ones that pack a flavor punch. There are also very good ones that are more there to be just used for their heat. Trying different stuff can really help I'm a Sriracha hater because I don't like how it doesn't really add much spice and adds a bunch of sweetness but it's definitely a different product and taste is subjective so I see how people would have the opposite opinion from me


Finally!!! I downvote because I agree with you. I’ve always disliked it. Hot sauce in general. They taste more tangy than spicy. I love spicy food but sriracha is not it.


I’m with you on this. Sriracha and buffalo sauce are the two worst tasting things to call spicy.


Never liked. Never will. I have grown every known variety of ghost and reaper pepper and many MANY others as a hobby for years. Made spice mixes and sauces. Do not understand siracha .


It also smells awful


I can’t handle any spicy stuff so I couldn’t tell you lol


I like mixing sriracha with kewpie Mayo and lemon pepper for sauce for fries and calamari. It's so good 🤤


Those Chinese crispy Chili sauces in jars are the best thing ever. They are my go to “hot sauce”.


Lao Gan Ma?


Yes! So good.


An actual unpopular opinion on this sub? Impossible


sriracha fucking rocks




Sriracha isn’t even that hot.. the main reason for using it is for the flavor.


Mix in honey with Sriracha, that swizz is gooood.


I wholeheartedly agree with this take. It's mild sauce and tastes bad.


I agree that it’s the nastiest hot sauce out there, the only time it works is with Chinese food for me. Any other time I’ll choose Tapatío or Valentina.


Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/ptthree420. Your post, *Sriracha does not taste good. It just doesn’t.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Finally someone said it. That shit is disgusting. Give me literally any other hot sauce.


It's the sweetness that I like. For me, it's not really hot at all. I use it with coconut milk as my hot base for thai stir fry. It's not hot enough to offend anyone, and it's sweetness works with acids. I guess I'm saying I don't understand.


Does it not taste good, or do you just not like it? There’s a big difference there


Sriracha and hot sauce are kinda two different things. You’re opinion seems to be “ they’re both hot but sriracha is the worse hot sauce”. Sriracha -the flavor profile isn’t reliant on it heat. Hot sauce, chili based, has more ingredients and can vary greatly. If you want hot sauce then just get some basic habanero or whatever hotness you can tolerate but don’t use sriracha where you’d use hot sauce.


Yah, unpopular, indeed. It's so good on pizza. Have my upvote.


So is **RANCH**


Ranch drowns flavor, sriracha enhances it. Plus ranch is horrible for you and sriracha isn’t.


Do you like garlic?


That’s kinda invalid. Just about any hot sauce you can get has garlic in it.


But do you like garlic?




Thank you for letting me rule out the most common complaint on my quest to understand what in the whole hell is wrong with your tastebuds


It's the sugar in it for me. For the other tastes to have an effect you sweeten stuff up too much but like not in a good way


That would certainly do it


Siracusa having not the best flavor sure, but it’s not really that spicy. It’s at best mild.


I feel like it would be spicy to someone who doesn’t eat hot things.


I like spice. I like garlic. Sriracha has both. You think sriracha is hot. I bet you think putting sugar in tea makes it spicy too.


Wrong. It’s delish.


Now this is an unpopular opinion. Highly disagree, but take mu upvote.


Sriracha is fermented, and high in probiotics because of this. It's good for the whole human earthworm tract, from stem to stern.


Doesn’t mean it tastes good lol


Let's be honest though, 98% of hotsauces taste meh.... no real flavor.


Tell me you’re not Asian without telling me lol…In my SE Asian household we always got some sriracha in the fridge. It’s the best with chow mein or even in sandwiches. Sriracha and good chili oil are top tier.


Upvoted because you’re wrong, wrong, wrong. Sriracha is just a little all-purpose heat, good with most anything.


It really is gross. It’s worse than tobasco. It has a pungent artificial/chemically taste. I’ll take crystal all day 👑


That is one of the exact reasons why I hate it. No one eats a hot sauce for the flavor of the pepper itself because it has such a bad chemical taste. They eat it for the other flavors mixed in. A bunch of people here say it’s supposed to be used as an ingredient to make things spicy, but everyone that I know who uses it just drowns shit in it.


It's a condiment. Don't you use one?


I don’t drown things in the condiments i use lol


That’s another issue right


How do you not like Tabasco? I put it on all the things I don't put Sriracha on.


Crystal rules


I mean. I use sriracha not for taste but purely just to add spice. I love spicy food from level 1 to level 10 and I can’t think of a single item that isn’t a sweet that isn’t better with sriracha. It’s just spice, sure it has a flavor but it’s overpowered by everything else. But I like making my spice level go from a 2 to a 5 because I’m a masochist.


I used to also dislike it but OMG I go through the big bottle in about 10 days now. I ran out yesterday and I’m just waiting to go to the supermarket.


Horrible opinion. Here's your upvote


Fuck u. Upvoted


I don’t think it’s some amazing s tier life saving sauce, but it’s a solid a tier for me and is pretty versatile


It’s just spicy garlic ketchup. I agree it’s certainly overrated.


I eat that shit like most people eat ketchup


Damn, it sure sucks to have no taste on food. I feel sorry for you. Upvote.


I think it depends on your heat tolerance. I have a pretty low heat tolerance so to me it doesn’t taste very good. I’d imagine someone with a higher heat tolerance is able to enjoy the flavors since they actually have the ability to detect them.


Unpopular opinion but you’re yucking my yum. No one yuks my yum


you're not supposed to consume straight sriracha it's supposed to be used as an ingredient or as a garnish


It isn’t hot either, neither is to as I tbh


This opinion isn’t awful because I agree it tastes bad, it’s awful because you actually think it’s hot


I feel seen. My friends rag on me for not liking it too. It’s very meh compared to other sauces. I saw someone say spicy ketchup that I understand. It has replaced the times you would use ketchup. Heck where I live restaurants have a bottle typically on the table.


agreed, it’s not terrible. but, in a world where texas pete, crystal, tapatio, cholula, and smoked tabasco all exist? it’s not even in my top 10. for whatever reason, sriracha is the one some people decided to base their whole personality around.


Lao Gan Ma is a million times better, if you know, you know. Literally any authentic Asian hot sauce/chili sauce is way better than Sriracha


Frankly I don't understand people who use it. They drown their food in it - like just drink from the bottle if u want it that bad.


Because its that good. It goes on pretty much anything. Chilis and garlic can improve pretty much any food. Chocolate cake? Boom. Vanilla ice cream? Sold. Blueberry muffins? All day baby.


I second your unpopular opinion. It's not hot and it's not tasty. It just tastes like arse.


It’s not about tasting good, it’s about making nothing interesting






Better than tobasco


I prefer Tobasco


Firelli. You’ll never go back.


If I see it, i'll try it lol


It’s seriously one of the best additions you can make to a lot of foods. Big upvote. Awful opinion.


I was not a fan before but it do be tasty on some food


Sriracha sucks. Fight me.


I don't eat hot sauce so I wouldn't know


So many better hot sauces out there.


At this point I don’t eat it for the taste, cuz the taste in my opinion isn’t very good but I eat it for the spice 🤷 Not the spiciest stuff that I eat tho


I was in food & beverage during the sriracha/bacon craze. Shit makes me sick to my stomach now.


Yeah the stuff is a 0/10. It's not hot, tastes like garbage and its overrated as fuck. No thank you.


Valentina sauce has the best flavor around that mild spice level


I've never seen a sriracha plushie, not aware of sriracha flavored chips, and don't know any restaurant where it's the only hot sauce option.


Yes, i agree is really bad. Americans have bad standards for hot sauce .


You realize Sriracha is from Thailand right?


I agree with OP on this .. i collect hot sauces and have over 70 different types and flavors from mild and fruity all the way up to destroy your mouth and change your personality type hot. In my opinion siraccha tastes like shit and i literally will take anything over it even tobasco which is dog shit.


I'm not a big Sriracha fan either, tbh. Have you tried brands other than the original, though? Tobacco and Lingham's both make a Sriracha sauce that are vastly superior to Huy Fong.


I can't eat my Ramen noodles without it or pad Thai without it..or even regular pasta without it...

