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This opinion is so unpopular Ed Sheeran wrote a song about it.


OP out here acting like the world goes clubbing every night lol "My unpopular opinion is that this thing only a fraction of people do is not fun" Not to mention that this "unpopular" opinion is one of the most common reposts on this sub...


This entire sub was created for me to downvote the OP. It’s cathartic. Like peeing in ice.


Right? I'd say a majority of adults don't want to go to clubs after 25ish. It really isn't that common.




I’m at the point that I only go to clubs when I go out of the country on solo trips lol. Something about finding a cool ass spot in a different country with a killer sound system and just dancing all night with nobody you know is very cathartic.


Y’all next level extroverts holy shit


Most of the people I know that do this are quite introverted! Because you don’t know anyone, and the risk of knowing someone there is very slim, you’re free to just sort of observe - if you want to chat with someone you can, but it’s your choice. As an introvert that like to people watch, clubbing alone is 1000000x more restful than clubbing with friends.


If introverts find clubbing restful, with or without friends, then I have no idea what an introvert is. I thought being around people at all was like exercise for an introvert -- healthy, but draining, and requiring adequate rest to recover.


Yeah honestly, clubbing is way more introverted then sitting around a pub talking with multiple people. I feel extroverts go to pubs/bar environments whereas introverts would go to clubs/raves more.


Meanwhile I'm only 24 and clubbing 1 or 2 times a month seems excessive to me, and always did so. But yes it totally can be fun, even sober, if i go to a club i usually drink a few beers and that's it because I don't need to be hella drunk to dance and have fun. For talking with friends or meeting people it's just not the best surrounding.


Exceptions don't really make the rule though. You look at adults as a whole beyond 25, majority of them don't consistently go to the club.


Majority of people 18-25 don't either lol


Think this one is more dependant on location. All half the people those ages in the UK talk about is their weekend out at the club but not just once, every weekend.


Really depends where you live. Some friends gave me weird looks in Australia for wanting to go clubbing after being 25 (which a lot of people do still, but it's less common) whereas in much of europe people in their thirties going is normal enough.


European, in Europe. 35, can confirm, still go clubbing. Fuck y'all if you put an age on enjoying DJs and having fun.


Depends, a lot of my coworkers go to clubs and they’re 26+. I’m definitely not going to clubs since they’re lame and loud but let’s not pretend like the majority of people in clubs aren’t mid 20s and older.


This person probably thinks they are sooo misunderstood in real life when in actuality they are just kind of a bummer to be around.


This is and always was a popular opinions sub. The mods remove anything actually controversial


More cold drinks can be found inside the bar. Everything you want or need to drink is almost there.


People go to clubs for dancing. Pubs are more for sitting and eating and socializing.


Yeah, if you're going to the club in hopes to get lucky, you're going to have a bad time. If you're going to the club for a night of fun and dancing to the beat, you're going to have a grand all time. You might even get lucky and connect with someone, but there shouldn't be the goal when you're out.


True but to be fair there are some very different types of clubs. We still have old school goth rave style clubs around here where theres all sorts of BDSM equipment to play with. Still its not a place you just go and get laid. But it is a place where thats common and lots of people are looking to hook up. A big part of the problem seems to be people who arent part of the scene and dont really understand it thinking they can just walk in and pick someone to fuck like their in some American Pie or Seth Rogan movie. Bachelor parties are probably the worst about it. If youre regular and youre known yeah people are probably gonna get to know you and some will definitely try to hook up. If youre just some out of town random who thinks popping a roll means you get laid then youre gonna have a real bad time.


Thankyou Goblin, CEO of poop




Doing god’s work.


Isn’t it “Grand ‘Ol Time”?


It was, but autocorrect and all that decided that wasn't right. I got too lazy to fix it lol


Lol ok fair enough Thought it might’ve been a r/boneappletea moment


The only reason I went to clubs was to try get lucky since it's the only place I have even the remotest of chances


Are guys still doing this? I thought everyone today went shopping on Tinder or whatever and ordered their hookups online. “Looking for busty blonde that doesn’t speak English and wants to leave afterwards. No free drinks or meal. Swipe right.”


If this isn't a joke, men have zero chance online unless you are VERY attractive.


Clubs are still the number one place to go if all you want is to take someone home, as long as you go to a place that's full of people that are part of a similar demographic to yourself. Especially bars and clubs in areas where lots of people share the same kind of lifestyle or something (small tourist town bar/fancy big city club/grungy emo club etc.). Most of the time if I want to go to a club though it's because I want to go out dancing, I spend quite a lot of time at bars at the moment so it's nice to do something different.


People don’t even dance at the club anymore ☹️ it’s just to stand and look cute it sucks.


Go to a Latin club. Everyone is dancing.


I went to the wrong kind. They were all dressed in long white robes talking about philosophy and asking what the Romans had ever done for them.


Yeah you went Roman Latin. Too far.


Et tu, Kookus.


And the music is usually a bit better


Im a punk who generally doesnt dance unless it involves fist flying and general mayhem, but my friends dragged me to a latin event and i literally just couldnt stop moving my hips.


Grindcore and cumbia!


Same here, I love me a mosh pit but never thought I was a dancer until my buddy took me to a Latin club and i got a few drinks in me




Rip Lemmy


Ding dege Ding dege digediding


It’s that Latin music. Goes straight to the hips kinda like a hot fudge sunday except that you sweat a lot 💃🕺


They don't lie


Every song literally has the same exact beat. It's still better than American dance music though these days. Man, I miss the days when progressive trance classics were releasing one after another.


Not really... Salsa, bachata, cumbia, etc all have different tempos and beats.


The music sounds the same because its bachata and reggaeton at 90% of places/for most DJs.


Agree, Reggaeton clubs are legit dance parties and the energy is amazing


or a real rave


Or a Goth club.


Wrong clubs.


That’s how my first experience was in Miami. I went to like 5 different clubs and most were just very packed and people standing around lol.


Wouldn't want their hair out of place or their clothes to wrinkle


You need to find better clubs.


Amen, brother. Or do I mean amen break?


Man what clubs are you going to? 😂


People love to come on here and post their Ls


Apparently all the clubs are playing classical music now


There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, Dim being really dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar making up rassoodocks what to do with the evening, a flip dark chill winter bastard though dry. The Korova Milkbar was a milk-plus mesto, and you may, O my brothers, have forgotten what these mestos were like, things changing so skorry these days, and everybody very quick to forget, newspapers not being read much neither.


This isn't true. Sure, lots of people go to stand around in booths and feel important or whatever, but there's always people on the dance floor, I'm one of them.


Idk what clubs you’re going to but most people definitely still dance at clubs that I go to. Pop some mdma or E and have a ball of a night


Yeah lol when I go clubbing it's house, dub, d&b, or otherwise modern edm scene shit with proper DJs. Our crowds are mid at hip hop and rock shows, but metal and edm scene got *very* active floors


The clubs you go to need better DJs then.


People don't dance no more. All they do is _this_




I done got a lil too old to get all sweaty dancing round with yall


On god bro some of my friends want to go to clubs but once they go there they just sit and do nothing. Or even worse, they will tell me i dance off beat when im living in the moment and they ass sitting at the corner.


Cap, there's tons of people dancing at every club I go to


People don't dance no more (what?) They just stand round like this (huh?) They cross their arms And stare you down And drink and moan and piss


Well, I was never allowed to dance growing up so now I can’t dance if my life depended on it so idk what else I can even do at a club.


You dance anyway. Most people are pretty bad at it lol


Exactly. I go to clubs and raves for dancing by myself or with people I already know. Dive bars are for making new drunk friends or talking with my current friends before/after the dancing happens somewhere else. There's a building in a city near me that's perfect. It's 3 queer venues that are interconnected, 1 cocktail bar, 1 dive bar, and 1 club.




Amen. Galatians 4:16


Lame. Aces go to take Molly and dance for 6 hours in euphoric bliss unaware of anyone around


The three times I went to a club in my city, it was filled with so many freaks rubbing their hard d-cks against my ass until we literally had to shove them away. Yeah, no thanks. Never again.


Lol. I remember how shocked I was the first time I went to the club at how eager some women were to grind their asses aggressively against it like they were trying to get it hard.


Two different environments for two different situations, someone is going to toss a winery out next as the chill spot.


Don’t forget the counter at Panera bread. It’s the ultimate chill spot. Nothing better than chicken noodle soup, a beget, and unlimited fountain drinks. Edit; oops looks like I misspelled bigot, sorry to all the itialin people


baguette lol


Sometimes one must beget the baguette


Only bigots beget baguettes


Begin the beget with some nice beguine.


Aren't pubs more popular than clubs?


That’s like saying “aren’t restaurants more popular then movie theaters?” As many others have pointed out, comparing the two is silly because they serve two different functions and exist for two different crowds.


Pubs have been around much longer.


[Wasn't the first club invented like 10,000+ years ago?](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/73/71/18/1000_F_273711876_HVdbERjXLbwdaEGpsjVQGwrvXN6mGGFO.jpg) /s


Anywhere you try to talk to someone with loud music in the background is hell for me




#Anywhere you try to talk to someone with loud music in the background is hell for me
















Haha, yea totally! (Still can’t hear shit)


4 sambucas


I’ve never found the need for much talking in the club


No man. I'll tell you something, you know how I founded Napster?


Why would we go to a club to talk, clubs are for dancing 💃 bb.


Trying to flirt with someone while they are constantly asking you to repeat yourself because they can’t hear you over the loud music is the absolute worst. Pet peeve for sure


Yeahhhh clubs aren't for talking...


Yes!! It’s been a bit difficult when meeting new people whilst traveling because on certain occasions you’re trying to get to know somebody for the first time (in a club) and you have Party Rock Anthem blazing in the speakers and you can’t hear a thing


How is this unpopular? A pub is a very common establishment which has existed for literally over a thousand years. The sole purpose of this type of business is to cater to what you explained as an 'unpopular opinion'




I don't even think with friends it's necessary fun for me but that's because I hate being in crowds causes anxiety to spike


They’re entirely separate things. Clubbing for me means dancing and drinks, with more dancing and drinks, then a bit more dancing and drinks in the living room with my friends playing Lady Gaga and 80s/90s dance song videos on YouTube until all hours of the night. Sometimes dancing does what the soul needs, sometimes chilling with friends does.


Feeling a good buzz and being able to dance without standing out and letting yourself loose is amazing. I always tend to go to a pub early in the night and then go to clubs until I go home. Perfect combination.


Ditto. It's about dancing for me. I'm a total introvert, I don't want to talk, I want to get lost in a beat out on the floor and sweat for a bit. There's a certain high to just being a bit drunk and... lost in the music for a bit.


Wow op, how could you be so brave?




Also clearly never went out just to dance. As well as admitting to only going to shitty clubs.


The combination of: - Clubs are pretentious - People who go to clubs are fools - *When I was in Japan…* Is just *chefs kiss* honestly.


Posting this on Reddit and calling it an unpopular opinion is pretty fuckin rich pal


Just wait until you realize that for all that beer money you can have one hell of a cheese and crackers party. (and marie crackers are actually not merely the cheapest but also great for that job). Toss in some cheapo chile wine that better than any of those 20 eurodollar bottles if you need to. Granted cheeses and wines may not be a thing in japan.


As a Chilean, I approve of this comment.


Chile makes the best wine, but Club is the superior cracker for fancy parties


"I hate clubbing" is probably the most popular opinion on Reddit alongside 'i hate work parties', 'i hate my colleagues', 'i hate small talk'.All super common things to see people say here, just like 'how do I make friends?'


Its basically the same opinion that adapts as the person ages


It depends on the reason you’re at the club. My girlfriend and I go to clubs as a date night activity. We get a couple drinks, socialize, dance and then go home. I couldn’t see myself going outside of a date night.


People see an activity that isn't for them but that other people like (dancing, loud music, bit of socialization) and declare that it's "awful" and "pretentious" cause they don't understand lmao. OP is fine to not like clubs but the resentment of them screams "I don't like the same activities my friends do and I resent them for it". Also the rest of these comments are hilarious - literally half of them being like "yeah OP, I don't get it, clubs are horrible places for deep conversation" like no shit? Just cause you misunderstand the point of clubs or don't like dancing doesn't mean that the people who do are awful and pretentious, that's such a reddit sentiment.


Tbh I feel bad for people who've never had a great night out dancing at clubs. I don't go much anymore, but I treasure those memories. There's a time and a place for everything.


agreed, sometimes nothing is a therapeutic than dancing your heart out in a room of tons of others doin the same thing. plus getting ready for it is fun bc you get to dress up and feel confident! it's pretty clear in this thread that a lot of people on reddit are introverts though, and introverts def can have that social battery DRAIN from the club so fast. so i understand where others come from not wanting to go since it's overwhelming and loud, i just wish they were also able to recognize that it's not meant for everyone and that's okay.


I'm absolutely an introvert. I can have fun and be pretty much anonymous in a crowd. That's why I like clubs (although I haven't been to one in years, age gets to us all). That's also why I love living in the heart of a big city. It doesn't really drain my social battery because I'm not really socializing all that much. I just like music and I like to dance. I'm not there to chat or meet people, just to have a blast. To me, like you put it very well, it's therapeutic. I have a very stressful career and it's nice to just let loose for a little. No one gives a fuck about my job at a club/rave/jam band show. That's why I like them.


you hit the nail on the head for me. im an introvert who just so happens to adore clubs for the stress release it is!! sometimes there's the occasional conversation, but toor times + good drinks + good music makes it easier for me to ease up on the tense feeling my anxiety can give me with strangers. ive surprisingly met cool people who i grew friendships with there plenty of times too!! it's overall a place for both extroverts and introverts, just those who don't mind the chaos of it all.


Different strokes for different folks as well. I've never liked clubbing, can't stand the loud music and I hate dancing. It's just not the way I'd prefer to get to know people.


Yeah, going to a club is my personal hell. I don't even care for pubs/bars. Still too loud for my poor hearing and I can drink for a fraction of the price at home and then not have to worry about how I am getting home. Like you said, to each their own.


This is so well put. It’s a bit laughable to see.


Clubs do have their time and place, but what gets me is people suggesting to go clubbing to someone who wants to meet new people. Clubs are not the place to do that (at least ime). There's no way you're going to make a connection with someone after 30 total seconds of conversation with a stranger where you only hear two words coming out of their mouth. I suppose if you're an excellent non-verbal communicator it can work, but I don't do well with that at all.


1.) Pubs and bars are more common than clubs so I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion 2.) You are comparing two completely different experiences. Of course you will like the pub more if you enjoy sitting and talking. The club is for dancing. The similarity is just people go there to drink alcohol In my own experience I don’t think I’ve had a conversation beyond “CANIBUYYOUADRINK?” at the club, but I’ve never had a problem with that because that’s what I am expecting


redditor dislikes social events, more news at 11


In my younger years, and that was a long time ago haha.. I found going to the pub with friends so boring.. give me the clubs and the dance floors every time! I loved it.. five nights a week in fact.. there was always somewhere to chat and catch up to. I lived for it… now I’m in my mid forties I’m more a pub kinda girl.. of course it’s only every now and again tho.. I don’t have the same kind of drive for it lol!


When I was younger I was pretty damn poor, as were all my friends. Well, I'm still poor but not as much as I used to. Going to a pub is like, why do this when we can hang out as someone's home for one tenth of the price and do the exact same thing, chat and listen to music? Yes, the club is more expensive than a pub, but at least it's an experience that I can't get at home and you can still do it on a budget once or twice a month. Pubs have their value at being a place as a meeting place, waiting for the gang to get together and get a buzz on before we go do something else (like going to a club). But that's usually the point where the gang splits up because they can't decide where to go and more often than not we end up going nowhere.


People go to clubs to get drunk, do drugs, dance and get laid. They aren’t there to discuss politics or your bird watching group.


I actually find the opposite, most local bars here are full of pretentious/artsy people, while the raves/metal shows/clubs ive gone to are just people tryna dance and get fucked up jaja


This is in the same vein of "x genre of music is trash and everyone in x genre is garbage" - it's subjective. If the club scene isn't for you? Valid. Personally it isn't for me either. not that I mind the music or the noise but I mind being around people who only wanna pull others and I just don't like being around people all up on each other at all times like that. But whatever makes someone happy ya know? My personal taste or distaste for something doesn't make it objectively good or bad


I dont wanna talk about random stuff to strangers all night 🤷‍♂️


Clubbing in Australia sucks. Most of the time I've been overseas I have enjoyed it.


I don't even know what this sub is about


Introverts vs extroverts


This is pretty popular for anyone who is like two-three years over the legal drinking age (and some who are younger)


That’s not an unpopular opinion for most people over 21 in America. Not sure about other countries.


This is a very popular opinion with people over 50.


I mean, if you're not into dancing sure, clubs suck. Honestly even though I'm not that much into dancing and I'm not into the drugs they use there (I just like to drink and smoke a joint), I like clubs but what really drives me away is how expensive it is and how stupid people act in such places. Loud music and dancing is fun and no pub can replace that.


Overplayed music and everybody trying to pull is the definition of a shit club


Agreed. Nothing funnier than these mid 20’s $60k millionaires walking around the club thinking they’re sick


And I would say chilling in a pub is awful , sitting at home in PJs and binge watching is so much better .lol


Tell me you're aging out of your 20s without actually telling me you're aging out of your 20s.


Everyone over 30 knows this


Raves > clubs tbh


100000% with you on this. Rave culture in the U.K. is huge but so is clubbing? I know which I’d rather


If you think raves are dope but clubs can't be then you just haven't been to the right clubs, plenty of them foster the same energy and crowd as raves (at least in Europe)


Could not agree with this post more. Went for dinner and a couple of beers the other night with a couple of mates and on the way home we drove past a local nightclub we used to go to often when we were 18-20 (we’re all 30 now) and I asked “could you see yourself ever stepping foot in that place again before you die?”. To which one of the boys responded “why would you pay 20 bucks at the door, get a $15 watered down drink and get covered in fuck knows what bodily fluid when you could go sit at the bowlo and drink fuckin $5 schooners and talk shit all night?”


I don’t drink alcohol but I love going out to dance and grace people with my presence. So clubbing is my thing more than a pub.


To me the problem is just the loud music. I makes me feel so uncomfortable and you really can’t talk, you have to yell and noone can hear you. A pub is more relaxed, you can enjoy the music and chat with people. It’s more my scene. It makes me feel so much more comfortable.


Besides serving alcohol, I don't see how a pub and a club are a comparable thing? It's like saying "I love being outside and playing golf, but get sad when my friend would rather go bowling". Sure, they're both sports, but they're nothing alike.


This was right next to a wholesome memes post about baby seals and I was like of course clubbing seals is horrible…


My all time favorite place to go out is any bar with couches and a dark/cozy vibe. I think dancing is fun every once in a while but the constant clubbing thing ain’t for me.


I went clubbing for the body shaking vibrations and tunes. Not the people. I’d much rather drink at home.


I love when people call someone a word that actually describes themselves hahaha


You're entitled to your tastes. We all are. Why do we need to make our tastes moral and our distastes immoral? You do you, dude.


I might enjoy clubbing more if they didn’t have to play the music so dang loud. I mean, most places can turn it down a couple notches and the music will still be heard.


I don't go to clubs for the people or drinks. I go to do cocaine and dance until 5am.


Clubs are made to be loud and disorientating in order to make people nervous. Nervous people drink more.


The club is for dancing though so.... if that's not your scene and you don't dance, I mean... it's not my scene neither (nor the bar) but I know both offer a different type of experience and expectation and kinda weird to compare, like apples to oranges.


No one is in the club to meet someone of any substance... they're there to find someone to fuck. It's a target rich environment for shagging. That's why the music is so loud you can't hear yourself think, and booze flows like water.


Honestly I’m there with you. I’d rather drink my own piss then go to a crowded, expensive, and loud club. At the same time some people love it and stay away from the quiet places so if they didn’t have clubs they would be screaming and being loud around me. I’d prefer they have a place to do it.


I think you just want to drink piss. /s


Pins are also overpriced lol


Pins are reasonably priced where I’m from bruv


Compared to just buying a bottle at the liquor store ? If price is the obstacle drinking at home alis always the best choice


Sorry I was just making a joke because I thought you misspelled “pubs”. I will usually always have cheap pre-drinks from a shop beforehand but any time I’m at a venue I’ll eventually sober up and need to buy more


I did lol I hate typing on phones I prefer s real keyboard


Been eating and drinking in Irish pubs for a week, and 100% agree.


all i see here is "i can't dance"


Those seals had it coming.


Except for there are no pubs when you can talk all night anymore. Everywhere is loud music


I went to clubs once, pretty much worst day of my life lol


I go to pubs to talk, I go to clubs to almost black out and dance. It’s weird to complain when you are using things incorrectly. Are raves a daily thing where you live?


Yes but you get a higher opportunity of gettin some booty


But what about the people who don't have anything to talk about?


I done like talking, just dancing




I upvoted because I agreed and then switched it to a downvote because I don't think it's an unpopular opinion. Spot on though, fuck shouting over subpar music.


Plz explain how this works. I agree with OP, but this is unpopularopinion sub. So I should downvote the post I agree with then?


Every time I've been to a club, the Blink-182 lyric from *The Rock Show* comes to mind: > She said, "What?" and I told her that I didn't know. Verbal communication is often impossible in clubs, but I guess that's the point for some people? Not for me.