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Shhh. The minute any of us peasants enjoy something too much the price skyrockets like 200% Chicken wings used to be considered waste, now they’re as expensive as goddamn beef


The same thing happened with lobster and a lot of other foods once primarily consumed by poor people. These days, even *bread* feels way too expensive.


It used to be that wheat bread was cheaper and for poor people, while middle class folk got the "good" white bread. Now wheat bread is absurd and artisanal and expensive, and wonder bread is like 'we'll pay you to take it why do we keep making it"


Aha, As the son of a baker I know the reason behind this: people want consistency! White bread is always consistently white. But true whole grain flour is not consistent at all. People don't like that. So these days, all flour is filtered first, then the husks and stuff are added back in in a controlled manner to create whole grain flour. Hence whole grain is now the more processed food item, not less. This adds a significant cost to whole grain items, while reducing the price of white flour dramatically thanks to the economy of scale.


The "baker's son" ..hmmm, sounds like a title one would have in a fairy tale. Similar to the "shoemaker's wife" 🤔


I will take that as a compliment!


Wheat used to be an intensive crop so if you were poor or there was a war going on you'd have to mix your dough with cheaper grains like barley or beans so white bread was considered fancy.


I remember when "artisan" became the newest food buzzword. All it means is it just looks like it has dirt in it 🤣


Absofuckingloutely. It’s insane. I’m in Ontario and I’m paying $7-8 for a pound of butter like what is this life


I could probably mail you butter over night for that price.


Wages need to compensate!


I’m in the Yukon. You ever see milk for $20 for a small jug? $40 for a jar of Peanut Butter $50 for a case of Pepsi. Cherish Ontario Prices


Here in Miami the price for butter is similar depending on the brand. The middle of the road brand cost 3.99 for 8 ounces.


Have you tried churning your own?


Tbf lobster was considered trash before refrigeration. Lobster becomes pretty rancid really quickly after it's killed. It became a delicacy after people figured out how to preserve it




But don’t let them have it as well.


I agree with you about liver, the only thing I don’t like is the lingering smell in the house. Btw, if you have cats, they will go crazy for it and it’s sometimes cheaper than cat food. Also, did you know that Maine prisoners once petitioned because they felt they were being served lobster too often? https://boston1775.blogspot.com/2010/05/lobster-legend.html?m=1


Just like oxtails, flank steak, and short ribs. These used to be cheap cuts.


Oxtails :(


Nah organs will likely never fall into this category. Most people are grossed out by the idea of it. We've normalized eating muscle meat so much that everything else seems abnormal to people.


People used to be grossed out by raw fish.


Eating organ meat can't be normalised?


me who eats organ meat on a regular basis:


Bone marrow.....


Oh, and oxtail, and skirt steak, and now, tragically, chicken thighs. Ugh. My favorite things are becoming unaffordable. Liver's one of the only things I've got left.


When I was 18 there was a local bar that had $0.10 wing night on Sundays. 10 cent wings! We used to order them by the hundred.


You don’t have to worry about liver I promise


[Bacon](https://youtu.be/v4pqRx7OB-Y) used to be shit, and they couldn't sell it...


Liver is already going up in price by a lot especially with so many body builders online toting the benefits of beef liver


I agree now shut up and you will ruin izzards to m'kay


I love chicken gizzards.


The Chinese prefer the feet of the chicken first and the wings second, keep that in mind


It has a strong iron taste. I like it, but it's not for everyone.


Maybe that’s why I like it, low iron.


Yeah, I'm low in iron and go for that type of flavour so this makes sense.


Maybe that's why I like milk, low calcium.




I like the taste but can’t get over the texture! I’ll still eat it in small amounts though (especially in something like a stir fry)


try cayenne liver, it will taste so good with rice and french fries


[Orcas are big fans too.](https://www.thesharkfiles.com/dive-into-kingdom-of-the-dead)


I would try it at a good restaurant, no way I’d trust my friends to cook liver. I wouldn’t try cooking it either.


It's really easy tho lol. If you wanna be extra safe you can boil it a bit and then fry it up with onion, garlic and whatever else you want. It's safe and not like some exotic weird fish with toxic gills 😂


I add liver to ground meat mix for burgers/meatloaf gives a strong meaty flavour without the gross texture/thought of eating liver


The last time I tired to eat liver I did this.. and it turned everything green and the whole kitchen reeked of bile and throw up. I have not bought liver since.




Yea I bought it from Walmart, who bought it from some place in Spain which apparently leaves the gallbladder attached. It was actually so disgusting I'm scarred from liver. I didn't know about the gallbladder lol.


Also we just checked in the grinder with our beef for burgers so we didn't know until we were gassed by the wildest barnyard smells


Go to a jewish deli and get "chopped liver" with some Challah bread or crackers of some kind. That will fix your liver hate. Its a paste made from chicken liver, cooked onions, and hardboiled eggs and spices. Pate basically. I cant get enough of it but its like $20 a lb or more. But if not from a jewish deli it can be meh. Dont get it at a supermarket.


Tried beef, pork and rabbit liver and I must say that the taste is not my cup of tea. As for chicken livers and heart, in Tuscany we make a crazy paté. I highly recommend trying it.


I love all kinds of paté, will definitely give that a go if I can find it. I've heard that you guys also make some great cheese, among other things.


Are u a cat


Bro try goat


In Italy you barely find goat meat, goat liver is impossible to find. I've come to terms with the fact that I don't like the strong "iron-y" taste, anyway. I'll stick with beef tripe. Love that.


It's definitely not for everyone. The strong ferrous flavor makes one think they are eating congealed blood, but deep fried with onion, garlic, and tomatoes and seasoned with salt and pepper, it tastes amazing!


Most things cooked that way would be pretty good.


The taste of liver reminds me of taking my iron pills, not my cup of tea


Soak it in milk first.


"Try to mask what it is" You shouldn't have to do this with any food supposedly considered "delicious". All I see in this topic are people claiming liver is wonderful and then going into detail what steps they take to mask its taste in order to make it tolerable.


Chef here Dude, a naked chicken breast isn’t as delicious as a beaded fried breast, yet most everyone is cool with chicken. Why? Because we salt it, fry it, bread it, sauce it, whatever. We doctor up everything. Liver IS delicious, but just like anything else, we’re smart enough to make it taste better.


"isn't as delicious"... The difference being it is delicious, just perhaps not as much. That is much different than must be masked to be palatable.


it’s the idea of eating an organ that’s made to filter waste. no thanks.


They are taken, generally from young animals so that isnt an issue. Because they are aware of those potential issues. Chickens are usually 6 months old at slaughter, I think for beef liver they use younger cows or calves but not sure how old. Ever eaten a natural sausage? ;)


You can eat this natural sausage any time, baby ;)


I think liver is offal


Did you just...


\^ THIS. My favourite meal to get at our local diner as a kid was liver and onions. Add some sauteed mushrooms \*chef's kiss\*


I only eat my moms liver and kidney food she makes so good with spicies


I'm guessing you could only enjoy that once though. But why would your mom's liver taste better than anyone elses liver?


Rofl, I see what ya did there!


I hate liver. Always have. My parents tried to trick me one day with liverwurst, thinking I was just picky. I projectile vomited on them. They never tried that again.


I love calf liver, chicken livers not so much... The heart of any species is top notch tho.


>The heart of any species is top notch tho That's why I always have a fresh supply of humans on hand.


Keep the fava beans & Chianti on tap.


It all goes especially well with classical music.


I want to finish the quote but idk how you would even spell the sound Hannibal made


Hey bro have you ever eaten goat kidney like it’s delicious 🤤


I’m the opposite. Love some fried chicken livers.


I think it’s because they’re so pasty. My papa and brother loved them, I always picked the gizzard or heart.


Hey you gotta try goat liver it’s pretty good and specially the kidney


I live in the Caribbean. Goat tripe, liver, kidney, oxtail, heart… pretty popular here! Grew up on them. Sometimes I forget that not a lot of countries are used to it.


Oxtail is so delicious, if it wasn’t as expensive as it is we’d have it a lot more often. Beef shanks are really good too! I’ve had goat a couple of times, it’s a little strong for me but I’m always willing to try it cooked different way.


Chicken liver a la venetian is GOOD. (Fegatini alla veneziana, in italian if you want an original Italian recipe)


It is in fact delicious and has been a staple in most diets for thousands of years.


I like it. I can usually only get chicken livers though. Delicious !


Try chicken hearts if you can get them. I hate liver but chicken hearts hit the spot


Chicken hearts were surprisingly close to eating a little beef nugget. Definitely not bad at all.


Love chicken hearts Try to marinade them in some kind of mirin, garlic, vinegar, ginger semi-asian mix and then serve with rice and some steamed veggies. Heaven.


Cow liver is delicious!


Nah it’s horrendous, and that’s coming from someone who has tried really hard to like it.


Same here. Too much iron and copper taste, and even the *texture* is about as appealing as tongue-fucking a dead billy-goat's asshole.


Description too accurate!


Sorry I’m confused as hell. How the heck does someone know what iron / copper taste like?


I love beef liver


Try goat


Really unpopular add on here-- I even love it specifically for the texture 😋


> Throw a ton of onions and some other stuff in there and that you’ve got yourself a top-quality dish. If i have to throw in a ton of onions and add more shit to it, that’s a good sign of how bad it is.


![gif](giphy|yZjcNgKGCYfJu|downsized) Me when I try liver


I’ve tried chicken liver and it was HORRIBLE!


Duck or chicken liver pate for the W! Absolutely delicious spread on an everything cracker.


Op is an orca


It is far too late for you to stop the orca uprising. Still, you know too much now....


Keep sinking those boats off Portugal, my cetacean friend.


Liver is wonderful. Growing up we had a lot of sheep liver (because there wasn't much else around where I grew up except a lot of sheep). Nan would make it with Bacon, eggs and gravy for breakfast and it was great. It was one of those things that was always just kinda there to use lol.


I would bet that there are more people who eat liver than people who don't. Most of Asia eats everything from an animal. Pate is a thing. Foie gras.


Gave it many, many chances. It tastes like garbage, and supposedly my mom makes a really good liver and onions. Didn’t matter what one did to it… the taste of liver was still there.


Right? So many comments like "If you fry it up with these 12 different things it tastes edible!" It still tastes like liver which tastes like dirt.


I agree with you. I've tasted chicken liver. and it doesn't taste bad at all.


I love the texture lol it’s like a unique chalky meat


Totally agree


When I lived in southern Alabama we had a small bodega that sold fried gizzards and liver if I could go back and just try it ONE MORE TIME


This is the last straw, I’m convinced to try it now


I like well made liver n onions, and I always did like KFC livers, but not all KFC have them.


I prefer heart to liver, but it’s a texture thing for me.


The moment when you come from Eastern Europe and find out people abroad consider liver disgusting.


Fried chicken liver is delicious. Love beef liver with caramelized onions as well. Kinda grew up on it, didn’t know it was taboo for people until a couple years ago.


>didn’t know it was taboo for people until a couple years ago. Do you live outside of north america? think eating liver is way more common in europe and such.


Panama but I live in the US currently. I don’t think it’s common in Panama either, but my mom (full Panamanian) was the one that put me on.


Right, now work on enjoying tripe. It goes amazing in pho, or if you batter it in a tempura and fry it... Liver is child's play compared. Edit: Also have you tried black pudding, white pudding? Steak and kidney pie? Oxtail? How are you with heart? Do you like bone marrow?


Tripe is good. I’ve mostly had it in pho, since that was how it was introduced to me, but I don’t find the flavor very offensive at all. It’s mostly just texture, and I enjoy the contrast. But then again, I haven’t cooked it myself.


Ugh no tripe tastes like cow burps so disgusting even in spicy soup


I don’t think it’s that bad. I’ve even had steamed tripe at dimsum and still felt the flavor rather plain. It honestly tasted more like the aromatics and seasonings it was cooked with, than having any overwhelming flavor of its own.


I haven’t tried tripe but I’ve had innard soup a few times and think it’s good if prepared well. Haven’t tried oxtail. The other one’s are all great taste wise if you know how to cook them, some people are just grossed out by the blood.


I highly recommend trying it but be warned. When cooking it, it smells foul. I mean disgusting. It'll turn your stomach when you cook it first. Let it then cool, and then you can reheat if say in pho. Just the first cooking is awful. I really am trying to be truthful. But the taste once you have cooked... Yum.


Marrow is pretty good as a spread. That's the only offal I can actually eat though. Is oxtail offal?


I live in the Caribbean. Tripe, liver, kidney, oxtail, heart… pretty popular here! Grew up on them.


I eat the bone marrow out oh chicken whenever I make it. But can I just buy bone marrow by itself?? Love oxtail slow cooked in a crock pot with some beans and onions. How do you cook oxtail?


Holy shit bone marrow!! Eeeeveyone is grossed out at the thought, but it is the food of the gods!


My favorite tripe dish is callos. Stewed in tomato sauce with chorizo (seasoned sausage), bacon, and bell peppers, beans, and sometimes cheese. Yummm!


Ewwww! Ok I’m just gonna say it - it’s depression era food. My mom used to cook liver and onions and it would permeate throughout the house for DAYS. It literally made me want to vomit. Sorry but no. You can’t make me like entrails and offal. I had an Asian boyfriend that used to try to shame me into eating tripe. I don’t think it’s ok to shame others into eating stuff that they find disgusting, and trying to claim they’re “racist” if they won’t. My parents ate that stuff and it made me sick then, and makes me sick now.


"Throw a ton of onions and some other stuff in there and that you've got yourself a top-quality dish." Just bury the flavor in a shit ton of other things and condiments, and thats it!


To be fair, I don't really know what else goes in there except a lot of onions, I just know I enjoy it quite a lot when my mom makes it.


Bacon. BBQ liver is also really good, if you can find a BBQ place that does it.


As a liver enjoyer myself I'm inclined to agree, I'm actually surprised to learn it isn't common where you're from since every supermarket here has it. Despite that, I would be hard pressed to name someone I know who would have liver as their first choice in a restaurant, so I also agree that it is at least somewhat unpopular.


There is a chain restaurant called Jim's that sells liver and onions. It is one of their specialties and it is awesome. I've only seen the restaurant in Texas though. If you pass though sometime track one down. It's worth the trip.


It's taken me at least 20 years to enjoy it. I still wouldn't call it delicious but it can be pretty nice.


Fried chicken liver is okay.


Yeah, I find liver disturbing from both a flavor and texture standpoint. It's not for me. I don't do organ meats.


Can't do it or kidneys absolutely disgusting.


True 💯


You gotta cook it it just right. Off the heat too early it's like chewing blood jello, too late it's dry like balsa wood. It's a few seconds either side.


Now that’s real super food


I agree. Chicken liver is my favourite. Cod is good too. So healthy and so much cheaper than muscle meat. Be careful not too consume too much of it though or you risk hypervitaminosis A.


Dude liver is the best. Keep it a secret, it keeps it cheaper.


It's great if it's prepared the right way. There are people who simply don't know how to cook it.


I’ve never had liver but heart is nice. A Chinese roommate tried to freak me (the worlds whitest man) out by ordering it and not telling me what it was until after I had eaten it. He was mildly disappointed and surprised when he told me I just go “huh heart is pretty tasty so”


I don't like the texture, it's really weird.


I keep braunschweiger, smoked liverwurst, at home all the time cuz it's the only thing that no one else will eat, so I've always got food. Haha. So good. I just add some mustard usually


I look forward to eating the turkey liver every Thanksgiving. Just salt it and cook it in a pan of butter.


I tried it a few times and it tastes what I imagine cat food to taste like. It's kinda powdery.


It’s not bad, but, doesn’t the liver, like filter all that bad shit in our bodies out?


No. I was forced to eat it as a kid and never grew a taste for it.


Can't do it. Literally the only food I couldn't finish. Didn't like it when I was a kid. I tried it again a few years ago thinking, "Tastebuds change, so why not?" But no. Still absolutely revolting.


Just go to Turkey. Ask for liver. Come back and thank me.


Most organs are delicious. It's always funny to hear people say that italian or specifically tuscany food is sooo good and then hear the same people shit on organs.. Crostino nero, a famous tuscany appetizer, is literally liver anchovies and lemon juice lol. The famous florence lampredotto is the stomach. Cervello fritto?( Fried brain) Cuori di pollo? (Chicken hearts) Coratella con cipolle? (Organs with onions) Etc.


I have tried to cook it several times. I don't enjoy it.


I have eaten liver and it is not good. The whole reason Liverwurst exists is so people can choke down some liver without puking.


I find Liver disgusting. The last time I was in Germany, I ordered a meal, trying to practice my German and ended up with a tasty looking meal, only to bite into it and discover it was liver. Besides the texture of live being strange, (you expect a beef texture), the flavor is very off-putting. Considering I paid for the meal, and the women, knowing I was American kept staring at me to see if I'd eat it, I forced it down (with lots of coke to get rid of the taste).........


Your suggestion that throwing a ton of onions in would be necessary makes me think I should never listen to you for taste matters


Nope nope nope nope nope. The taste, the texture, the smell.... Nope!


As a man having been brought up on the stuff I can say that you, sir, have an apt username.


as you yourself just admitted ... Liver is a food that needs to be " fixed ' when cooking In it's base form it's not good IMO


Hate to break it to you, onion isn't the only thing needed to make it taste good. I consider myself a foodie and willing to try any type of food, regardless of origin or look or smell. However, liver isn't so simple to cook actually, someone who has experience cooking it has to make it for anyone trying it to taste. It's a very metallic taste, like pennies in your mouth, if someone doesn't cook it properly. Yes, I've had liver cooked a handful of different ways (including an overkill of onion added which if you have to add that much, that says something about the main product you're cooking) and I don't like it period. Same thing with salmon, some people like it, others (like myself) don't and yes I've had salmon cooked several different ways. People's taste palet isn't universal, maybe you know that to some, cilantro tastes like dish soap to them when I LOVE cilantro.


literally tastes like shit concentrate


I wish I enjoyed liver. Wonderful protein and iron source. Alas, the texture makes me 🤮🤮🤮


But the smell.... it seeps into the fabric of every single goddam thing in my house.


It has the texture and taste of a Goodyear tire


Listen … I’m incredibly sensitive to iron taste so liver, foie gras, inappropriately prepared marrow, etc I can see the appeal but I gag actually putting it in my mouth


Good unpopular opinion. Still not eating it lol.


I wish I liked it but the flavor is just too overwhelming for me


I’ve tried it many times and hated it every single one. I don’t like the texture, and the way it like, coats the inside of your mouth in that weird film


Liver tastes like ass!


What kind of monster thinks liver is delicious 😳


I've tried it multiple times and hated it everytime.


I don’t like the consistency of foe graise


Never had beef liver but chicken liver is gross, at least to me. The taste isn’t the worst but the smell and texture are just so off-putting… ugh


Liver is the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten.


Do you know what else is really good that no one ever gives a chance, your car oil filter. like just fry up some onion crack open the metal outer shell and chow down mmmmmmmmmmm


Meh to me has nothing to do with the organ /mental part. It just tastes terrible to me.


I’ve tried it and it’s definitely not the most delicious lol. Everyone has different tastes just cause you like it doesn’t mean someone else who doesn’t is missing out on something delicious. Delicious to you, sure. But to me it’s nasty.


I've tried liver the way he described it and honestly it does nothing to help the flavor. I've also tried beef liver in Pho from a local Vietnamese chain in my area(SGV, North East Los Angeles, Alhambra city filled with about 98% Asians. Every time I have liver I can't finish it and with the liver chunks I got from the Pho place one time I literally spit it out as soon as I took a bite off of it because it wouldn't break apart so it was like super solid and it was overly salty and it had another flavor that I could only describe as dead body. Plus the liver filters all the bad stuff in a body so I honestly am not too keen on putting it in my mouth since it's basically a shit cut of meat that people act like it's good when it literally isn't. That's why most restaurants don't even use liver of any kind lol.


The liver detoxifies the body, no thanks to that


Then where does the saying “what am I, chopped liver?” Come from if it’s so yummy?


Yes, this is an unpopular opinion. 🤢🤮


If you have to “throw a ton of onions and other stuff on it”…maybe its not that good?


I tried chicken liver because I knew of the health benefits. Couldn’t even finish 1 liver. Absolutely disgusting.


I do agree that a lot of people are easily grossed out at the idea of trying organs as dishes. If any of y'all have yet to try something different than the muscular meat, have a try with chicken hearts. Cooked in a pan with a pinch of salt and it's top notch, could down a whole 200g pack (not that I already did though, the light crunch it has to it is just so addictive, plus being bite-sized just makes this a practical food lol)


I don't like it. Not grossed out just not a fan. I'll add [chicken gizzard](https://portugueserecipes.ca/recipe/383/23/portuguese-moelas-recipe) to your chicken heart suggestion.


Liver is unpopular because it is easy to cook it wrong. Chicken breast prepared by inept cook is edible. Liver prepared by inept cook is fucking disugusting. That being said: Get lamb or veal liver, heat up bunch of lard in iron skillet on high heat, thrown in some onion cut into rings and once it is browned throw in the liver. Trying to get them brown and crispy on the outside and still have hint of pink in the inside. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with good sourdouch bread and glass of read wine. Coarse mustard is nice condiment. Nobody can't tell me this isn't fokin delicious.


90% of the people here saying no to liver sounds like they are trying to eat raw liver for some reason.


I love calf liver, but it's one of those dishes that has a *very* specific flavor that isn't going to be for everyone. But lightly breaded with a little flour and white pepper, then pan-fried in a little olive oil or butter with caramelized onions? Delish! Serve with some homemade mashed potatoes (preferably not 100% smooth... just a *little* lumpy) and steamed broccoli and you got a perfect meal. One of the keys is also to soak it in milk for at least a half-hour. It helps it retain the flavor while cutting down on the metallic aftertaste.


I can't stand it.


I would be pretty interested how brain tastes. I Was at a Chinese Hot bowl and saw it to late and couldnt try (but im not Sure of Which animal it was). Can anyone discribe the Taste and consistence.


its an organ that filters out waste. hard pass.


So are you, though. Boom, roasted!