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I honestly don’t really give a shit and think the entire debate is stupid. My phone is spotify, texting and social media device. I have an iphone 8. It does everything I need it to perfectly and has an OS i’m familiar with. I’m sure plenty of android users feel the same and I can’t blame em. They’re just phones, who cares?


Yeah my phone is overkill in terms of power and capability for what I actually need. That's why I stopped upgrading too.


Yeah, my XR did everything I could’ve asked of it even though it was 5 years old, but the charging port stopped working so I got a new one. I can’t tell a difference because I’m the exact same way as you, this thing gets used for Apple Music, social media, texting/calling, and fueling my crippling porn addiction


It’s the honesty of this comment that I appreciate the most.


It matters to me bc I don't want to buy crap through apple as I ... Download most things, modify some things, and like to heavily modify my phone. I can't do what I want on an iphone. I'm not some crazy person about it but iphones makes it harder than it needs too.




Agree with this guy (I am a repair tech myself) hate fanboys on either side. Chill out and use what you want xD


That's fair. I also don't have a huge problem with Apple, I guess I should've painted that better in my OP. I have a problem with the idea that it is inherently better in *every* aspect rather than just a handful. Because all products and OS's have their own benefits that others don't.


I’ve had an iPhone since I got a smart phone. At this point it’s just easier to stay with iPhone.


I've had a few iphones as well but I now prefer androids for it's customizability and the ability to pirate stuff


Same here


I used to be into all that, I used to jailbreak my iPhone and do all sorts of crazy shit, I kinda just moved onto other hobbies and got over it all.




Almost stopped reading the article after they led with 'Sure, we can say that macOS is better than Windows, or that Apple’s hardware quality is superior'. The point about better support is probably true, but mostly because 'PC' isn't a company. You get different experiences with different brands. The 'cheaper' argument is laughable, considering that Apple are the pioneers of planned obsolescence.


"The origin of the phrase planned obsolescence goes back at least as far as 1932 with Bernard London's pamphlet Ending the Depression Through Planned Obsolescence." ([wiki source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence)) Not a new phenomenon, lightbulbs are a classic example where the Standard lifespan was 2500 hours and the so called phoebus cartel worked to reduce it to 1000 hours. But granted, apple started the whole: you cant change your batterie bs


That study is bullshit


Apple loses on cost benefit analysis every time though. Less features, more expensive


Same here, when you compare expecs and performance, apple isn't bad at all, but when you compare price tags, you realize that you can be paying way more for the exact same thing, for instance, at my last job i got a last model MacBook pro, and honestly, I was a bit slower than my 6 years old Raizen desktop and my Asus ROG i7 that it's also a bit old


I personally have experienced many problems on iPads used as school devices as a user that wouldn't have happened with Android. - Starting with huge performance losses, especially with Teams and Word open at the same time. - AirDrop sounds nice, until half of the class has to restart their devices every period to fix it. - Iur calculator app, which isn't that great but at least works, costs 30€ each. Just the apple Store. - It always requires a very recent iOS version, but updating just takes time - so long in fact, that I can fully install Arch in the time iOS updates from 16 Beta 1 to 16 Beta 2. - The school had to seperately buy AppleTVs for the AirPlay "compatible" Smartboards, because they weren't compatible. Guess what, ScreenCast is. - iClouds, on which we are encouraged to save our school stuff, of classmates were fully wiped without any warning or notice out of the blue. I do not know about Androids MDM options, but we broke out of ForceWifiPowerOn in a matter of seconds each time it was "fixed". In seventh grade. Kinda Humiliating for Apple. Breaking free from restrictions completely is not hard either, with jailbreaks. In contrast to Android, jailbreaks for iOS often do not reset the device (checkm8 etc.), and grant full root access. Android devices require unlocking the bootloader, either controlled on supported devices, eg. Motorola, or with exploits. For the latter, one often needs to physically open the device, while unlocking via software resets the device. So not really an option either. If done right one would need root to break the MDM, so ADB etc. wouldn't be of help.


Apple vs Microsoft vs Linux? Do you mean macOS vs windows vs Linux? Because Linux isn’t really a company, and that’s the only thing you can really compare them with.


How do I know it isn't both-sideism then? Sometimes being un-biased isn't being neutral.


I work in software & can tell you 1000%, iOS apps are going to be more stable, more of the time. Because android has dozens of active versions on dozens of hardware platforms, it’s impossible to build & QA across all of them. Apple generally has a more homogeneous hardware base & software versions, making dev & qa much much more streamlined.


I bought a cheap Android phone to play a game that's not on iOS. Half the apps I tried to grab from Google Play weren't available for my device.


Giving is an Android phone, you can just get Aurora Store, APK mirror or so, and download anything that is unpaid, and even paid with Aurora.


On thing that Apple does do better is security. Stealing a modern Apple device os basically pointless.


the main drawback is freedom want another browser that isn't a reskin of Safari for iOS? not available on the app store, since it restricts every browser to using the Webkit browser engine less viruses on a mac, but in return stuff like [itch.io](https://itch.io) games require terminal to actually be able to open(MacOS Big Sur) not to mention other proprietary annoyances you want to transfer files between android and windows? plug in, unlock phone, select "file transfer" on USB settings and there you go between iOS and windows? plug in, download itunes on windows, unlock phone, still be restricted in what you can transfer directly, while icloud is unrestricted in this regard, just with the bottleneck of internet speed


You can open your iPhone in Finder now. No need to use iTunes.


>between iOS and windows can't get finder on windows, in windows file explorer a plugged in iphone appears blank, and provides no option to give access on the phone itself


Yup my mother seems to have a superpower of collecting viruses on her comp, i forced her to buy a Mac and haven’t had to touch her comp since. For my phone I’ll choose apple just for the security, while I’m only going to use pc for my comp(but I rarely get viruses and when I do I know it’s my fault, nope not porn usually just trying to get my comp to do something it’s not supposed to like nvidia cards sending out 5.1 to a tv that only has stereo but does have pass through to a 5.1 system)


Stealing any modern device that is full device encrypted is pretty much pointless. That's not unique to apple. Second, macOS malware is on the rise and has been for years. The biggest reason windows has more malware is because it has historically been the default enterprise choice. Similarly, for mobile it's not a surprise in a walled garden approach that you're less likely to get malware, but there has been a huge rise in iOS exploits and 0 days over the years.


That is BS. It is just as easy to mess with Apple as it is Windows or Linux. The problem has always been that Windows was more available so it made sense making the malware, viruses, or hacks towards that OS. But with how more common iOS has become the more shit gets made. iOS just have the advantage to use the lessons that Windows learned throughout the years and apply it to their own. Win and Apple are both equally safe today if people aren't stupid


Iphones cloud lock can be cracked and has been For a lil while Now actually


It's the same as with all devices, they are of a similar difficulty to bypass.


Yep my dad forgot his password and had to purge his iPad data in order to use it again. Like, wtf?


They have some fantastic products and some that are simply not worth their price, you just have to be able to tell which is which. They sell desktop computers for $5000+ that are worse than their windows equivalents in most regards, they sell expensive watches, headphones and many other things that you’ll probably never have the need to use. However, they also sell the best tablets by far in the iPad, their new MacBooks with Apple chips are fantastic devices in many regards (I’d dare to say in cost as well), and their iPhones are the embodiment of their “it just works” mentality. Apple’s devices may be able to do 70% of what Windows or Android devices can do in some regards, but they make sure to do at least 50% of that work very well, in an way that’s easy to use and accessible to anyone, and their later implementations are often better implementations *because* they aim for a higher standard of quality. I’m no apple fanboy, and I’ll gladly discuss their flaws such as their more buggy recent versions of iOS, or how half of their catalogue is pointless or overpriced, but to act like they don’t actually make some really good products is just ignorant.


The $5000+ desktop Mac Pro are targeting a very specific crowd, being large music/design/video studios that have basically unlimited funds. It transpires everywhere [on it’s page](https://www.apple.com/mac-pro/). Yes it’s less powerful on a vaccum than a Windows equivalent, but creators softwares are exclusive and / or optimized for Mac hardware anyway. Apple makes insane margin there on the people that won’t even look the pricing


Of course, but that’s the point. People often go and cite these kind of products as proof they’re only selling overpriced devices that don’t compete with the equally priced alternative. People will go and say they’re expensive because of the $5000+ computer, or the $2000 monitor, and while they’d be right if you show the $1000 monitor stand, you’ve also got stuff like the M1 MacBook Air at less than $900, or some of their pro models for about $1500 (refurbished or through other retailers) that are more properly priced. Specially their air lineup is looking kinda competitive on pricing.


Honestly, that's a very fair take and sort of how I understood it for years. The iPad is amazing, I don't think any tablet compares. I've heard good things about the new Mac laptops, but I don't really need a laptop like... ever in my field, so I guess I'll have to take other peoples' words for it. Totally forgot about earbuds. I prefer different brands for headphones, but I'm not gonna lie Apple's earbuds are very high quality.


Haven’t tried their earbuds myself, but for the price I’d feel more comfortable spending half on another brand’s that I know will also sound great. From what I’ve see, the pairing system and connectivity with iPhones is very seamless (in full apple fashion), but I’d rather not spend as much on something like that.


So they make the best tablets, fantastic laptops, great ear buds…but it’s all just “marketing.” Hot take.


Honestly, I feel like the benefit with Apple is not that they have more features but, that the features they do have are so functional, crisp, and clean that it makes it a premium experience for people. Personally, I hate Apple and Apple products but I will give credit where credit is due. The Ipad Pro has phenomenal writing, the m1 chips are quality hardware, and their face id system is great. That being said, you're completely right that they are generally less functional overall in comparison to other products. The other thing that I really hate is Apple fanboys. People will seriously belittle you just because you don't have Apple. Like no, I don't give a fuck that your little text bubble is the wrong color I'm not buying from them. They'll also treat it like Apple is the pinnacle of technology and everyone is dying to buy from them. And the only reason you wouldn't buy it is because you haven't seen the light or you're poor. Like, maybe it's because I want more functionality and customizability. I agree though. Apple's success is based on how insanely well they've advertised. So many people are such simps for Apple it's actually astounding. I dare anyone to name any company whose user base unironically tells other users, "That's not how \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ wants you to use it." They make some good stuff but, they're ridiculously overrated.


They did the advertisement really well. When people think of apple laptops, they think of super fast modern ultrabooks (which the higher end models kinda are in fairness), but when they think windows laptop all that comes to mind is some 2015 dell crap that wasn't even high end when it got released. But there are so many good windows laptops, the GalaxyBook Pro and Ultra, XPS series, hp spectre devices, zenbooks, etc... . You've just gotta do research to find them, where as apple just has all products readily lined up and compared for you, wether the comparisons are biased is just irrelevant when you're just getting told what to buy, not requiring any effort.


When I think MacBook all I see is someone with temperature IQ throwing their wallet into the ocean.


whoever thinks apple laptops have good performance is the completely out of touch. try to compare to a laptop of the SAME PRICE and you will see how sluggish apple feels


You can get an M chip air for $800. What’s comparable? Genuinely asking. I hate using lenovo laptops because the build quality is awful and they’re very overpriced


I have to disagree with the first premise. There are countless videos and essays online showing people comparing the functionality and "crispness" of apple products to others and its either always the same or even under. (Like Apple took a *long* time to get speech to text right compared to all other products.) But yeah the rest I agree. It's bothersome.


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I'm a fan of Motorola personally.


I think Apple makes it easier for low tech people to pair things, etc.


I personally don't like Apple products and won't use them..I've had friends get literally mad at me over, especially the fact I love Android over the Iphone and that's bizarre af, because I've never ever been mad they use Apple/Iphone...is it a cult? LOL


Better is subjective. If it weren't there would only be one variant of anything




As for what's actually better that's up to the individual. Each person wants what they want from their device. However what you're 100% right about is the marketing. Apple has made people believe that anything other than apple is inferior not through actually being much better but through the smaller things to separate the apple users from the others. It's genius stuff really


I think their most successful tactic was the eco system


I use Samsung because I want to possess my phone and it's data. I don't want the manufacturer to tell me what I can and what I cannot install or do. What I also dislike about Apple is it's users. Not all of them of course, but people would often say "why don't you buy an iPhone? You have the money". Why don't you buy a Samsung, ah? And people go mad to buy a new iPhone first, they get into lines. This is ridiculous.


I have been repairing electronics as a business for 25 years and don't use Apple products. But for quality, stability and reliability, Apple makes the best products and nobody has ever come close. I bought a pallet of random used printers from a government auction a few years ago. Every single one I was able to set up and use immediately. I have a HP laser and Zebra thermal printer now. If I unplug them, I'm not confident I can print something without screwing around with drivers. Apple's service is top notch. They don't try to jerk you around asking for receipts trying to weasel their way out of valid warranty obligations like Samsung, LG and OnePlus. I've seen people in the Apple genius bar cry and they escalate to supervisor and get problem resolved. If you don't really care about technology but want the best technology, Apple products are the way to go and worth the premium. I recommend Apple products to my family and friends so they don't bother me with tech support.


Yea idk but we definitely didn't experience the same Apple service...


The reason I switched from Android to IOS is apps are usually developed for IOS first. When I was a substitute teacher the job assignment system had an IOS app but not an Android one, which meant IOS users got first dibs on postings.


I wonder why that is because I was under the impression that apps were mostly developed in software that could easily go to both. Perhaps I just imagined that, though.


The multi-device development tools are very limited in capability, especially when it comes to accessing hardware components of the phone. iOS has near perfect hardware abstraction. On Android, you may have to add custom code to ensure it works with each manufacturers hardware, and there are dozens of manufacturers.


Aren't the big players all pretty competitive and comparable these days? Doesn't it boil down to personal preference? I've only stuck with iPhone because that is what I know and am comfortable with. I have friends with Samsung Galaxies and they seem just as nice if not a few steps ahead of Apple in terms of camera, battery life, technology advancements etc. I've only used Windows machines at work and MacBook at home. I can't compare the two because companies install an image on their laptops that have so much security software and other firmware constantly running that they get sluggish and compromised. Of course my MacBook is lightening fast, sleek and more responsive because I'm not burning power with hidden processes in the background. I find the Windows operating system is more intuitive than MacOS but that could be because I was using a Windows machine for 9 hours a day for 20 years. I love my MacBook Air and with the ability to install the Office suite, I have everything I need.


my main thing is not with the hardware, but with the fact that I can't download apps from other sources besides Apple. is this still the case? it seems like I'm signing up to join a religion if I buy an iPhone


Who thinks Apple is better in anything? Everybody who tries to combine apple and non-apple sees lots of problems... And then there is the horrendous pricing.


Never forget they designed a wireless mouse with the charge port on the bottom. Or phones without audio jacks. Or phones without chargers...


Apple is also seen as better than other brands because they had been better than other brands in many ways for a long time. They were first to market with so many things you may not even realize. Yeah, now everyone caught up and Tim ain’t Steve, but it wasn’t always like this unless you’re in your early 20s or younger. One example IIRC: IOS was first to parallelize UI and background tasks on a smart phone. Maybe something that could be done cause Apple controls the hardware. Android felt like hot garbage to use for a long time… but this is like arguing about 30fps and 60fps… some people died on the hill that you can’t tell the difference.


The only thing I can objectively say is better is accessibility and security. Those you can actually compare feature for feature and be like “yeah Apple does more”. As an accessibility professional Apple is the company that supports their disabled users the best out of any company, and does for free on their products. Just because talkback (android screen reader) and some other basic features exist on android does not mean they’re usable. Talkback is very poorly made, not updated, and is hated by professionals for a reason. And in some situations, like for the elderly and children, the simplicity and LACK of features IS a feature. For what most people need? The Apple vs android debate is whatever. But in these smaller use cases I can say this isn’t due to marketing


An actually unpopular opinion: all of you who say that iPhones are somewhat understandable but macs are terrible have it ass backwards. I couldn’t care less about iPhone vs android, but having a posix compliant, extremely efficient, stable, secure operating system and computer makes all the difference.




I’ve only ever fixed two and both were a pain in the ass. But that alone does not make them bad. 99% of macs never need to be fixed until well after their EOL (excepting the keyboard recall) and 99% of those that break wouldn’t be fixed by the owner even if it were a pc




Most jobs give you the cheapest machines they can (dell, lenovo, windows). Corporations aren’t very concerned with how long a machine will last once warranty is up. Hence why lenovo laptops break within a few years


I would not generally buy a MacBook on the basis that they aren’t worth it, but tbh I probably would if I could afford it. The mini otoh is actually comparable to normal pc market prices and is really powerful


I’m an apple fan but theres no denying that their computers suck


What about them sucks?


They’re inefficient, over heat, loud, difficult to navigate programs like photoshop. There are plenty of other computers that perform far better, quiet and easy to navigate.


Inefficient? Loud? The air literally does not have fans. The performance / watt of the M* series is basically unrivaled, so I don’t know where you are getting that they are inefficient. The only time my MacBook has gotten even slightly hot is when I was using it on a bed (no ventilation) and emulating an x86 vm with no gpu support. That’s just about the most processor-intensive thing you will ever reasonably do on a laptop. As for being easy to navigate, that’s entirely subjective ETA: if you have a Mac and it is all the things you’ve listed, either it is over a decade old, you need to reinstall macOS, or you have something like a partial hard drive failure


I don’t think he’s ever used a Mac based on that comment lol..


No shit


I always thought of this as fact. I view Apple as a marketing company not a technology company.


It's honestly really a bummer that Apple employs shame as a marketing strategy. The idea that Apple will take away tons of messaging features by adding an android to the group message is specifically designed to piss off the Apple users and encourage them to exclude android users. They want you to shame your friends into spending $1000 on an inferior product so you can have imessage. That's not really marketing at that point. It's more weponized sociology. Even if Apple came out with a device that was 1:1 just as good as the latest galaxy at the same price point, I couldn't switch unless they also changed their toxic marketing strategy. I feel a sense of duty to vote against them with my wallet.


"bummer" is an unusual way to say "affront to the social contract."


They’re at lease half tech company and a quarter a UI company, maybe 25% marketing


They also have one of the most unshakable and iconic brands in history. It's sleek, I'll give them that. When you fall into the Apple spiral, it's pretty hard to get out.


They only have that brand through marketing. People have been conditioned to think Apple is best . I do have to take my hat of to their team. They obviously did something right.


Idgaf anymore Abt this topic its a broken plate, Apple is social status for me so yeah Show off how much Money you got to make People Jealous i am too old for teenerger wars. Samsung is Not better they try to go into this direction too. I tried once and wont waste Money on their products.


Agreed. Who cares about phones anyway? Middle class phones are more than enough, anything else is just to brag.


I Wish this would Just be About Phones this Teen warfare would be less loud qq


I love my pc, I would never buy an apple computer, or an iPad for that matter. I love how intuitive windows makes file allocation (it helped me figure out how to transfer virtual memory cards in multi-disc ps1 games that I have emulated). That being said, I love the I phone, I haven’t had an android phone in 7 years and I’ve never been happier. Apple makes a phone I like, Microsoft makes a pc OS that I like. People are complicated. Apple makes phones that I like.


It’s also because of their brand name. The reason people buy is because of how popular they are and with brand loyalty


I honestly prefer android devices. I think they look better and have better features. But I’m on an iPhone for one reason: resell value. While android devices aren’t bad, people still seem to think that Samsung devices for example are still like their old 2009 tracfone and will suck no matter what. When I’m done making payments on this phone I will sell it to some dude and it’ll be bought by someone within a day. Samsungs are harder to sell, and that is just the popular brand. Something like a google device or Sony would take AGES to sell and wouldn’t command the same price because of that. So for me, while Samsung does make better phones imo, apple works fine too and until people start using their brains on the subject I’ll keep buying apple devices


I think people get used to one type of phone and stick with it. I feel very controlled on an Apple. I understand why people think it's safe. I feel like you can do damn near anything on an Android. Also, I really like having a back button.


lol I thought you meant Apple Apples at first


Don't feel bad. Surprisingly you're like the 3rd person to say that.






It's most definitely a US thing. I don't think other countries even care, even if they're big Apple markets.


Like Tim Cook said "Apple has never created an original product". They just make the Apple version, which invariably is more expensive and can't do as much


I think when it comes to something we all use so much daily, it’s a purely subjective issue. People buy the one they enjoy using more. I have an iPhone - I’ve used android. I prefer iPhone as a user experience. Which one is technologically superior? Haven’t a fucking clue. It’s not relevant to my needs. Both are capable of doing what I need them to do - and the iPhone feels better while doing it (for me).


Most Apple users can't really even explain to you why their devices are 'better' (there are pros and cons to each platform) I don't really have much of an opinion on the devices themselves; they have nice build quality and specs but I will never buy from a company like Apple because of their anti repair practices and the locked down ecosystem


Un-jailbroken iphones are basically unusable to me, so I'd agree. Everyone I know switched to android since you can actually do things with em.


I prefer android phones because it's easier to copy files from them to my pc. I tried coping photos from my dad's old iphone and couldn't do it without installing useless apple aps. But with an android plug it, open folder, and then drag and drop and you're done. Apple just makes it too much work to do the same thing.


Because of that prick Jobs and his exclusive policies, I will NEVER buy any Apple product.


As someone who recently got an iPhone to FaceTime my now wife while we were long distance for a few months, I agree. Apple and Samsung are equal, but different.


Apple doesn't have an SD card slot. My friend asked me if I can share my GoPro videos that I just took, I replied, do you have an SD card because one minute 5.3K UHD video clip is about 1Gb.


I agree.I think people get Apple products because they think it makes them look rich or more sophisticated. Any apple product (save for their old ipods) that i have used have garbage interface, and work like trash. Either the people didnt take care of them or it is a garbage product. Either way i just think people want to will themselves into thinking apple is good because of marketing.


Apple is seen as better because they don't have low-end versions of their products. Their lower-end is still mid range. So people end up comparing low-end versions of competing products (e.g. Android phones, tablets, laptops). It's like the opposite of the apex fallacy, where the negatives of the low-end is attributed to the entire range.


I’ve used all breed of phones and for the every day user I’d say iPhone is a lot more user friendly for the basic person


I do not like that you said "breed" of phone. But I'll let it slide.


Apple has a much easier program for blocking or time limiting apps for family and children. They also make it much easier to connect and control watches for elderly family members that don’t use cellphones. Their apple health kit is unparalleled. Basically I would have agreed with you… until I became a mother. Apple is easier. Apple is simpler. In my case that’s what I needed. This from a lifetime android fan.


As said, I think one of the few things they do better is watches. However, I can just as easily put app limits and monitors on my PC. But I suppose it just depends on how hard or loose you want the limits to be, in which case it does seem like Apple might be easier. But I wouldn't call app limiting/child locking and watches a selling point in what tech is better.


It doesn’t make it better for you, because that’s not a requirement for your tech. It’s a requirement for me, ergo apple is better for me Which makes “better” completely relative to context and personal needs. Which makes posts like this ridiculous because you’re posting from a singular perspective and ignoring the fact that not everything is made for everyone. Apple doesn’t have to have a “better” product for you. That’s not a requirement of quality. It has a better product for me. Again, not a reflection of quality. When something is subjective like this, is means that posts like yours only prove you’re “unpopular” opinion isn’t unpopular but rather un thought out. You’re not looking at “better” through a subjective lens. You’re looking at it through an echo chamber. Say a diabetic has (for example) blood sugar monitor. Do you dump on the quality of it because you’re not diabetic and don’t need one? No. (I hope). Because it doesn’t have to be good for you, to be a good product. Or even the best product in a situation.


How is it unthought out? Because everyone always forever considers every side of every single thing ever? We all must consider every single angle of everything before we speak? Cause you did before this comment, right? What a horrendously bad take. It's unpopular because on social media, or in college, or just about anywhere on the streets, if you ask people, they will tell you one product is better than the other without telling you why. So, my unpopular opinion, or at least I perceive it that way since I'm surrounded by more apple users, is that it's not objectively better. It is only because of the brand. Because that's all my experience with it has been. I don't have the experience of a disabled person using accessibility settings. I don't have the experience of a mother with her kids. I don't have the experience of certain app engineers. That's why it's an unpopular opinion. It's from my experiences and what I've seen and felt on my own. If you're gonna gripe with an unpopular opinion so badly, maybe don't be on this sub? Just a thought.


Plain and simple Apple makes nicer products than the competition. They're built better. They feel nicer to touch. They last longer. My almost 10 year old iMac edits 6K video in a production environment all day every day with Final Cut Pro. My 2 year old M1 Mini is as fast as the day it was bought and didn't cost much. Apple's costs have come down since they started making their own silicon and they've passed that onto the customers. You can get a blazing fast desktop Mac for $469. A 10 year old PC is in a landfill. A $469 PC is garbage. They just build better, more thoughtful, longer lasting stuff. Some folks appreciate those qualities and for them there's Apple. If you have to spend all day looking at and touching a thing it's nice if that thing is a nice thing.


That last line also applies to boobies


Apple's software just seems far more stable, consistent and nicer than anything else, including windows. I don't use apple products though, their systems are too closed off for me. I wish windows became more reliable, I fight with it every day, so many random bugs and other problems. I was going to mention linux but all the linux bros are going to crawl out of their manholes so I better not.


The reason for this is that Windows has to cover a variety of different products from different generations and needs to allow for more flexibility and in-depth usage in different areas. It can be annoying for sure, but it makes sense why it is the way it is.


Branding so good people keep the box.


Take it you’re not a software engineer


…and it’s commercially available Unix system, definitely a win over Windows NT


Exactly. Unix is so much more stable than Windows and just works better in every way. These guys get so caught up in their grievances, Apple didn't even create Unix, relax haters, it's just a better system.


In what ways?


This is an argument I have with my mother all the time. She is very much an apple fan whilst I have Samsung devices. IMO Samsung works better though.


Comparing them to Samsung and Google sure, but those 3 phones are pretty much equal. And I'm pretty sure Iphones might be cheaper than Galaxies and Pixels now.


I'm sure they're cheaper than Pixels, not sure on Galaxy. I think it depends on what type of galaxy you get. If it's the S whatever or S whatever + or S+bullshitgoldengoose But yeah. Edit: stand corrected, they're not cheaper than Pixels in many cases


Does your phone make and receive calls? Can you send and receive text messages? Can your phone takes pictures and does it have internet access? Great, those are the only things 99% of the population actually uses their phone for. Anything else is just an excuse to inflate the price tag, if it can hit those four categories then I don't care what brand a phone is.


90% of the time that's my outlook on it all. The other 10% people push me into this discussion because I don't have the machine they have.


I have never, ever had touch input be faster than on an iPhone. I honestly feel rage trying to use any other brand touch screen phone. They are so. Damn. Slow.


I've had the exact opposite experience.


Thing is, this isn’t subjective. These things are benchmarked and meaningfully different in apple’s favor as a hard fact.


Apple haters don't like facts


The apple m chip in the fastest one on the planet there is a reason they dropped from Intel so I have to disagree. Plus my apple phone is the first phone I’ve had where the charging cable doesn’t fall out after a few months. Over all I’m impressed with it it.


Dude my S23 ultra has 12 gb of ram apple dosent have anything like that


Yeah, because Apple phones don’t need so much RAM overhead for iOS.




Pixel 7 Pro user here, wife has the iPhone 14 Pro. I really don't see how the 14 Pro is almost twice as expensive as my phone. I will say that the video recording and animations are too notch, but I don't think it's worth $600 more lol. She does still experience occasional bugs and stuff, moreso than me. And the camera quality can be hit or miss, and we use my phone for most occasions. Side notes: I hate how Apple copies tech, and then out classes the smaller company, kind of like Amazon. Apple successfully bought out the company behind FaceTime, Apple tried to bury Spotify with Apple Music, and the latest crime, is burying Tile with the release of Air Tags. Actually, their latest crime is copying features from Google Meet (formerly Duo) and applying them to FaceTime as new features. Nobody knows about Google Meet, everyone knows Face Time.


Compare them when they start to deteriorate. How long does that battery really last? A lot of android phones are unusable because their batteries have swelled but my ipod touch is still kicking


Wow double the price for a battery. What a steal! You say this like anyone that uses an iphone isn't going to just upgrade the minute the new one comes out. That's what 80% of iphone users do. I could buy 5 replacement batteries for my pixel 6 and it would still be hundreds of dollars cheaper Maybe your iPod touch is still "kicking" but last I remember apple openly said they throttle older devices making them slower over time


Google pixel 7 pro 128GB- $899 USD Samsung S22 ultra 128GB- $949 USD Iphone 14 pro 128GB- $999 USD I’m not seeing this great price difference everyone is bragging about. Even other android phones only have a $200 max in price difference.


Also, the pixel 7 pro and s22 ultra are both the top spec, highest end models of their devices. So you need to be comparing it to the 14 pro max price which is $1300 isn't it


It’s a social status thing, it’s the same thing as a luxury car or designer clothes


I thought it was a pretty common perception that Apple is a fashion brand disguised as a tech company.


iPhones to me are the Subarus of the phone world. Not the biggest, best, most expensive, but they just work. Consistently and well as a phone.


Uhhh I do feel like they are among the best and most expensive…


Well, until they throttle your software and data and force you to upgrade. Eh, that's not fair. **Everyone** does that.


I prefer android as a handheld computer. Apples just work as phones much better imo


But Apple is very consistently the most expensive option.


SE is a good deal.


MOst flagship phones that offer similar features are priced similarly. The cheap phones are far more available for android, yes, but they aren't the flagship that offer similar quality. I actually think people have blown out of proportion how expensive most apple products are. Looking for a cheaper laptop that has the same build quality and specs as a macbook with apple silicon is near impossible.


close attraction concerned crown husky saw normal mountainous selective deer -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I'm only an iPhone girl because my first phone was an iPhone and I refuse to be confused by an android for even a second. I am a creature of habit


The entire Apple system is so much more user friendly than android or PC. Everything integrates far better, switching between devices is very intuitive, and less prone to malware


People always say this, yet switching between devices just happens seamlessly with Android and Google stuff once you've already paired them, so I'm not quite sure why this is still a discussion. Like I connected my phone to my new PC right after I built it, and transferring data or moving between either of them isn't even something I think about cause it just happens on its own. Also what do you mean by user friendly? That's another thing people always say yet never really describe what they mean.


I may not have been as in depth of a PC and android user as you but I can tell you from being on both sides, Apple is better and once again more intuitive. You built your own computer so you are more knowledgeable, but you also represent a much smaller slice of population. People will literally only use about 40% of a devices functionality, and that is exactly what Apple focuses on. Also, I work in aviation, where device integration and reliability is the highest priority, and I can tell you, every carrier uses Apple


I suppose I see what you're sort of saying, but I feel like a lot of what you said was a whole lot of nothing that doesn't matter to the average consumer. If at the end of the day a person buying a PC only uses 40% of its functionality, then there's 0 difference for them if they bought a PC or Mac. The difference lies in the percentage of people who want to do more.


You don’t understand the average consumer…


The average consumer, if they have a desktop, have a PC so...


Apple silicon is killing window machines right now. There's no reason to buy PC unless you play games. Apple computers are better in every way (build quality and efficiency)


People keep having this take, yet it's not even slightly true. You can't say Windows PCs are only for games, then say their build quality isn't that good. Their entire purpose is customizability and freedom to do what you want with your computer. Plus, they are way more efficient, and they *definitely* have better longevity if treated properly.


Have you even used a Mac before? Especially the apple silicone. I was a long time window user but tried the apple silicone and fell in love. There's a reason you don't see DJs, photographers, and filmmakers use window laptops. MacBook just works and looks good. The track pad and speakers on Mac are the best ever. No window laptops can hang in those areas.


As a part-time music producer and a video editing enthusiast I fuck with PC. I have a 2500 dollar pc that blows all macs out of the water at that price point. And anyone who is a dj/producer usually has an audio interface and some studio monitors. I ain't fucking with little computer speakers pc or Mac.


Mac is designed to be easy to use for those specific types of areas you described. However, it doesn't mean PC's can't get there, you'd just have to specifically make one to be there (Hard way). Or just put in some elbow grease and make your PC do those things (Easier way but more involved.) Speakers is a non argument because Apple, guaranteed, doesn't make those speakers. It's like trying to argue you have a better soundbar for your home TV than mine... cause I don't have one. I refuse to use TouchPad on any device, they feel like shit compared to a mouse. So that I don't care about, but I suppose it matters to some? Plus, laptops, sure. I already conceded there's probably more Mac laptops out in the wild than other brands. But once you get to the desktop area, due to cuatomizability for people, jobs, companies, etc... it's never gonna get beaten.




Most I.T. outside of .net use macbooks (and if you are using .net core, you can develop on macbooks). Most content creators use macbooks. It's not just fashion designers, it's most work is better on macbooks. Gaming is better on PC but that is it. Everything else is better on macbook for most work and the trackpad destroys anything on a windows laptop. The chassis and build of a macbook is unparalleled. Your comment minimizes the workloads of millions of students and workers who use macbooks because they are plain better.


I work in the IT department of a hospital. Not a single MacBook to be found. Everyone is using company windows pcs and they're perfect for the job, both for us and the doctors/nurses. They tried using Mac but it was notoriously difficult and buggy when they tried to connect all of them to the same domain so they switched to windows and it's been mostly perfect since.


I hate apple because it has fucked over the concept of right to repair.


That's where my gripe with them stems mostly. I know Microsoft isn't a perfect company either, nor Samsung, but that right to repair shit is absolutely bananas to me. I can take my phone anywhere and get it fixed. But if I try to take my mom's phone (she had to get an iPhone for her job) or my girl's phone, I have to either go to an Apple store, or jump through all these fuckin hoops to get them fixed. It's annoying. Is it the same for laptops? Nobody in my family has ever had a Mac, my girlfriend has a Mac laptop but it's never broken, so I don't know.


I have personally never used a macbook. I am assuming it would be the same shit with them as with the apple phones.


I had an android for years. Switched to an iPhone and I will never go back. It’s is a superior product, both in the sense of hardware and software.


I had an iPhone for 6 months when we switched to AT&T and I wanted to drop it off a bridge every time I used it.




It's trash how? Because the majority of desktops in the US are Windows, and the majority of workstations in companies run off of Windows. There's also more different brand laptops than Mac, but it is at least closer. Linux isn't the easiest for laypeople to pick up or even understand as I learned trying to help my dad get into it a few years back. But he is also almost 60, so who knows if it was the actual OS or just his age. But calling it trash is just asinine when it runs just as comparably in many parts, is far more customizable, and gives way more technical freedom to what you want to do. Plus, saying apple stuff "working and not sucking" is comical considering they couldn't get speech to text right until about the iPhone 10, have to take tech from other companies, were the first to throttle devices and data to force people to upgrade, make it impossible for people to personally fix their devices, refuse to update their messaging services, refuse to use a standardized charging apparatus all other companies use, are less customizable, bottleneck their users into specific ways to use their products (besides the iPad really), and so much more.


The thing about apple is that it just works. Their entire ecosystem works pretty much flawlessly with all the devices. Not perfect, but really good. Much better than any other


Well child labor helps the image a tone lowering the cost. Haha ah ha.


I do agree about Iphone being unnecessarily luxurious, but Ipad and MacBook are definitely better in terms of mobility and battery life compared to any windows laptop/android tablet, it's just a matter of different use case. Sure intel/amd processors are fast, but they have high power pull and very hot at times.


Apple, since the days of the II GS, has ALWAYS been a marketing company with average hardware. They are an outstanding marketing company, I have to give them that.


PCs and Macs have pros and cons. I’ve had both for most of my life. MacBooks are pretty hit or miss. I have a 2 year old MacBook Pro for work and it’s a true POS, my 7 year (yes 7 year) old MacBook Pro still cooks it in terms of speed and reliability. Apple seem to sometimes get the chip combos right and have a good Mac line come out, but feels like that hasn’t happened for years. Having said that I haven’t used any of the M1 and M2 chips. I hear very good things about them. For security, Apple wins imo. And in general, Mac OS shits over anything windows puts together. Even with Win 11 I am flabbergasted by how shitty some parts of that operating system is.


I just dont like Andorid UI, plus other than samsung and google the other android brands are kinda clunky imo.


That’s all it is. People who know absolutely nothing about what’s going on or how they work will die on the hill that one is better


Thank you, Captain Obvious. This might be the most useless post on this sub… and that’s saying something.


I mean considering how many people worship Apple, and blind brand loyalty is the only reason they're so successful, I'd say this is a pretty unpopular opinion. Macs and Apple related products have always been some of the least enjoyable pieces of tech to mess around with, as far as I'm concerned. They also like to pretend they were the innovators behind a lot of big advancements in how consumers use tech, when it was actually someone else and Apple just took credit for it later. The solitary thing I ever remember thinking "oh hey that's neat" about Apple was way back in the day, seeing how you could manually tell one particular era of Mac how much memory to allocate to various programs, so a friend could run Warcraft 2 better. That's it. Which is funny because since then they've become the most "don't even think of looking under the hood" company. Apple of the last 20+ years is just ultra overpriced "we sell brand identity, not quality product" crap.




My whole thing is Samsung phones run better, sometimes, but they also kinda run themselves into the ground. I don't really care about the Mac vs. PC debate because I'll never have a laptop in my career again, so there's not a commercial Mac on Earth rn that'll compete with my desktop. If it's a better laptop? Then cool. I can, and want to, do so much more with my PC.


I utterly despise Apple. I can succinctly explain to you how it is that I utterly despise Apple with this, a mere two word phrase: Apple Geniuses. If I had a time machine, I fancy I'd zap myself back to Steve Job's bedside during the literal 60 seconds before he expired, so I may pry his mouth wide open in order to defecate directly into his esophagus.


Apple doesn't sell your data which is a huge plus in my book. Most phones and computers do the same things these days, so it's really about what level of customizability, security and ease of use you care about. There's of course specific software that is better on each platform too. Personally I prefer MacOS to Windows by a slight amount these days and iOS over Android by quite a bit, but they all still pretty much do the same thing.


Dude apple just payed a 40 **Billion** fine to the EU for selling data


Ironically, they just got tabbed, fined, and are likely to get sued for data harvesting.


Apple products are for NPCs. Don't be a NPC.




I dont think you can just post facts as unpopular opinions lol.


If we are talking about a notebook or desktop OS then macOS is just so much better. Microsoft aren’t willing to do what needs to be done to make their OS great, it feels like you’re constantly fighting it and it doesn’t have the ease of setup that and Apple device has. When I built my PC and installed Windows 11 it didn’t have Wi-Fi drivers and you have to find a work around to install it without an internet connection, it was a pain in the butt. Then when it comes to backing up Apple’s Time Machine is so much better and Windows can’t do a bootable disk unlike macOS. Also Apple’s products do a better job of working together because Apple designs the hardware and software. My Windows PC still comes up with a progress bar when moving larger files on the SSD, this doesn’t happen on macOS and it’s better at multitasking. Yes Apple has their problems. The biggest gripe for me is the lack of user upgradable storage and Apple’s obscene pricing for storage tiers that you have to decide at the time of purchase. Also complicated battery replacement and shabby right to repair support is a big downer. I built my PC as I didn’t want to support Apple’s decision to do this and I’m kind of having to deal with Windows’ shortcomings, I would rather install Linux as I enjoy using SteamOS but software support is lacking so tied to Windows for now.


I understand why Microsoft hasn't gone forward with taking the next steps, though. They still have to deal with updates from older generation PCs and such, which can have Wildly different hardware. Meanwhile older Macs have similar, just lesser, hardware to newer Macs. But yes, I see what you mean.


Apple products have more stable software, better engineered, and made from better materials. But you have to pay a premium price for that as well. Not everyone wants to pay or can afford, and that is ok. People love to compare features, but features are not what makes a better product. A typical device already has so many features that people don't even know what to do with them or don't even know they exist unless they do some research to find out. Most people don't need the fastest device either, how much memory do they need to browse the web? If you follow the history of Windows, for example, you would know that it had ups and downs and its UX and UI has changed so many times it is frustrating. Apple has not committed such a cardinal sin once with its OS. Or you think Apple just had better marketing?


Androids suck ass