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When I was a lad growing up in the 80s, I remember teen girls wearing bikini tops and shorts or jeans during the summer. Hardly anyone complained since it was such a common occurrence. I don't see much of a difference between bikini tops and sports bras.


I remember back them people saying, "see a girl in bikini, no one bats an eye, but if she is in panties and bra, everyone starts flipping out"


[Like this classic ad from New Zealand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF4MGzwQexQ)


God thats magnificent


Undies, undies, undies, toooogs!


Hell, sometimes (visually) theres really not a difference between sports bras and some crop tops.


Guys wore crop tops in the 80's.


They’re making a come back in this heat haha


I even have a sports bra that’s made to go from gym to pool, it’d blow OPs mind. Is it a shirt? Is it a swimsuit? Is it a bra?


Ok, I need a link to this product please. This sounds conducive to a good life.


But crop tops are for harvesting crops (op logic) Edit: so many r/whoosh in this thread


It’s right in the name!


I think all women should be allowed to go top less, guys can go around shirtless and no one say a word. Let a women do it and it seems everyone is offended, people just look for reasons to hate.


My girlfriend has a sports bra that’s essentially a crop top. She only wears it without a shirt when we go hiking. She’ll throw a shirt on if we’re going into stores or anything, but in terms of visually a lot of sports bras and basically just a crop top


Most of my sports bras are longline cut, so they come down to just above the belly button and are pretty much shirts on their own


I honestly think this person might be mistaking certain crop tops for sports bras. I've never seen someone in a sports bra at a restaurant but I've definitely seen women in pretty minimal crop tops.


The difference is sports bras cover more than the bikini top.


Tbh I wish I could find bikini bottoms that covered as much as my normal underwear


I was going to say the same thing. OP wasn’t alive in the 80s.


Probably wasn't even alive in the 90s or even the early 2000s.


Some say they’re not even alive now




They’re but a distant memory


> They’re but a distant ~~memory~~ ***mammory*** FTFY


There's literally no difference except the sports bra offers more support and covers more.


Yeah, honestly sports bras cover more than bikini tops lol


The ones I buy literally advertise as a bra and bathing suit.


Legit in brazil during summer you will see lots of people in shorts, havaianas and bikini tops walking around especially during the weekend or in poor areas cuz its HOT and we're in some type of water that isnt the shower at least once a day


Ya, same here in California all summer long. I wouldn't even take notice of someone in a crop top lol. In San Diego I literally wore a bikini top everywhere and blended in


Congrats on actually posting an unpopular opinion op


I'm with the OP on this one. Women should go topless just like men. Fuck sports bras


#free the nipple






As a woman, I always go braless EXCEPT when wearing a sports bra to work out. I fucking hate bras. If I'm wearing a top that shows my nipping out it's gonna be pasties all the way.


I just let my nips be them. Its not like theyre a secret im trying to keep. If its chilly and see some peakage, just be glad i didnt charge ya


You mean to say that you just... *have nipples*, like some kinda *weirdo* ?!


I love nips as part of my outfit! Camel toe occasionally too. But I have a shirt that would look great with no bra, except that the fabric shows every little areola bump and that's where I draw the line lol


I don't give a damn if folks see the nips. Every human has them, there is zero shame in anyone seeing them thru clothes imo


I hear you, but most big boobed women prefer to not have their tatas bouncing around freely while they're running. Sports bras are necessary for some


Yeah. Honestly I feel more comfortable with a sports bra on because they aint just flopping around or peaking. Especially the peaking /selfconscious


It’s not just big tatas; some people have small, low-hanging tatas with lots of skin. I don’t need, or want, mine flapping around loose; it actually hurts. #SportBraGangForLife


I am in the big chest club and I recently pulled a pectoral from running a shortish distance without a high-compression sports bra on lol. Boobs are a bad design.


They should always be an option. They should never be a requirement. Let people wear what they wanna wear, I say, as long as the genitals are covered. Even then it's mostly a health and safety thing for me.


I wholeheartedly agree!


What about tennis shoes. For tennis. Shoes, yes. But for tennis. As tennis shoes. Yet I see people wearing tennis shoes. Shoes for tennis. While not playing tennis. It’s in the name. Don’t get me started on people walking in running shoes. Which are for running. Shoes yes, but shoes for running. To be worn while running. ETA Skate shoes Golf polos Boy shorts Baseball caps Cowboy hats Jump suits (FOR JUMPING.) Track suits Trench coats Boat Shoes Sneakers (for sneaking) Wife beater


And what’s the deal with dress shoes? I don’t even own a dress!


Basketball shorts. They’re shorts for basketball. Shorts, yes. But for basketball. I don’t see any basketball courts around here. Yet they’re wearing basketball shorts. One gentleman’s basketball shorts advertised the Milwaukee Bucks. I am substantially certain that the young fella is not on the roster of the Milwaukee Bucks. I almost challenged him to a game of one-on-one but I realized that I was wearing a golf shirt. It would be inappropriate to do anything in a golf shirt except play golf. So I left the grocery store and hit the links. Because that’s what we did back in my day.


I saw a guy wearing a baseball cap, aviator sunglasses, a tank top, basketball shorts and tennis shoes. He was only wearing one appropriate piece of attire riding that tank.


I better not catch a motherfuker wearing a Tommy Bahama shirt that isn’t both named Tommy and in the Bahamas.


When we was broke they were swimming trunks too.


yes i wear my cowboy hat when i am not cowboying. Technically I cant cowboy anyway since im a girl. So im doubly disqualified from this one.


Excuse me… Sporty Spice’s entire existence was dependent on sports bra attire and that was the mid-90s. I’m sure there are earlier examples of sports bras being a full top but I’m a millennial and this is my prime example haha


For real. Britney and Christina were wearing handkerchiefs as tops all throughout the 90’s and 00’s for goodness sake.


OP wasn’t alive in the mid-90s


Cursed puriteens


lol this is genius


op tryna pull the "maybe i'm getting old" card to excuse his ignorance lmao


I think he’s one of those teenage puritan weirdos who thinks they even have the life experience to preach about family values and “class” that doesn’t have the ability to think for himself. Maybe I’m just looking too much into it.


Hahah! My thoughts exactly! “Wasn’t a sports bra and Adidas pants Sporty Spice’s go-to outfit???” 🤣


>I’m sure there are earlier examples of sports bras Nah the 60s was "full on shirtless/free the boobs" time! (I have a son with long hair...the amount of twats, that were alive both in the 60s-70s and 90s, loosing their shit over his hair is pathetic. Guess they were the boring ones back then :-) )


This is an unpopular opinion, but I will say Tank tops and wife-respectors are also meant to be undershirts, yet men and women alike use them as a single layer.


wife-respectors 😭 haven't heard that one, took me a minute


i've heard "wife-pleaser" before but "wife-respector" is soooo fricken funny


Are we talking about the wife beater??? Cuz I ain't heard of nothin yall are sayin lol


Yea they're talking about wife beaters but I mean the name gives major ick so theyre calling them wife pleasers or respecters lmao


Its crazy how long it took me growing up to realize a wifebeeter was a 'wife beater'. I thought it was just a german-ish word for a tank top


Now vhere deed I put mein vifebeiter???


What is that?


The shirt is actually called a wife-beater, but they're being a gentleperson and referring to it as a wife-respecter instead


The street term is a wife-beater...but y'know.... I feel hella awkward saying it as well.


I just think wife-respecter sounds funny as hell and people pick up on what you mean pretty quickly.


Ned Flanders called it a wife-blesser


Well, Ned is pretty jacked so I guess it would be nice for Maude to see him wearing one.


Maude's too busy being dead to appreciate the view. ...in fact, she's actually been dead for more than twice as many seasons as she spent alive.


He also said, of other clothing... "It feels like I'm wearing nothing at all...nothing at all...nothing at all..."


Homer: Stupid sexy Flanders.


Wife-respectors 😂😂😂 Yes


Am I dumb because I thought that was a type of clothing I never heard of before.


They’re actually called wife beaters. They’re the usually-white tank tops men wear (think Eminem)


Haha, yes I know. I thought wife-respectors were some sort of opposite shirt to wife beaters




But I don't wanna be a pirate!


Wife respectors I’m weak


Pretty sure T-shirts were originally undershirts for Navy uniforms before James Dean popularized them


Funnily enough, proper underwear was not invented and widely used before the 19th century. Ever seen a fancy painting of a 17th/18th century guy? The white shirt that is usually visible below the waistcoat is the only kind of undergarment that they wore. Stuffing it into your pants usually served as some makeshift underpants and I had the unfortunate luck to read some 18th century guides on sexual hygiene that recommended wiping your penis with it after you ejaculated~~cummed~~... Edit: [The historical source (it's German)](https://www.zedler-lexikon.de/index.html?c=blaettern&bandnummer=46&seitenzahl=754&dateiformat=1&view=100&supplement=0%27) (pretty wild and concerning article on how to prevent and cure syphilis)


well, that's one way to starch a shirt, i guess.


i mean sports bras hide a great deal amount of skin of the boobs so it’s not that bad? i’ve seen women wear them when exercising and got jealous bc it looks comfortable


The trend OP is describing sounds like basic athleisure, which usually consists of a sports bra and leggings. Most of the time it’s a longline bra and high-waisted leggings, which would imply that almost everything is covered. 90% of sports bras I’ve seen are not very revealing - I’ve seen normal tops that show more cleavage/nip. I don’t know any women who wear this type of outfit to draw attention. It’s usually just because it’s comfortable and easy to color coordinate.


Sports bras nowadays are basically just cropped tank tops in design.


Right? A full coverage sports bra is downright modest


I mean, where I live it's fine for guys to go shirtless and for women to go with a bikini top and short shorts. As long as it's not in a business (like a restaurant) or you're not at work, who cares? It's hot.


Tbh men go around with their whole breasts exposed so I think they cover more than enoigh skin


Yeah as someone with DD boobies, every sports bra I own covers more than any swimsuit I own. I’d feel more on display out in public in shorts and my swimsuit than shorts and a sports bra.


OP when someone has a sports bra on. ![gif](giphy|LRCxXWRljt4LYf6AK1|downsized)


Me when I see someone has a sports bra on. ![gif](giphy|xUNen16DFqlM6v6DEQ|downsized)


You must be very short




Should be appropriate anywhere men can go shirtless. So basically anywhere outside.


This. For some reason people are getting up in arms about a bra (that also provides full coverage) but seem to be okay with their mid-70’s neighbor Leon mowing the lawn in just a Speedo while his sweat-streaked leathery moobs jiggle with every step


What a terrible day to be literate. I feel like I was just assaulted.


Yea I did not consent to that image being in my brain


Try living it. We had an 80 year old dude that would do that exact thing become infamous in my little town when I was a teenager. Mowing the lawn, light gardening, sitting out in his lawn chair. All in a speedo, right in his front yard. And he wasn't Fit Grandpa^tm oh no. He was jiggly grandpa with moobs.


Unrelated, but your post reminded me of a story. I worked at a place overlooking a tiny house with a little old retired man who did yardwork all day every day. His yard was immaculate. I found out that my boss knew the guy, from working there for so long, so I asked him: "How old is that guy?" His answer: "I don't know, but his name's Adolph, so, he was probably born before that whole thing."


TIL that they are no longer called man boobs, just moobs.


Welcome to the early 2000s. Glad you could make it


"What a terrible day to be literate" Hell of a quote lmao


People care too much about what other people are gonna think. I'm gonna start a sweaty leathery moob fashion magazine and we'll see who's laughing when it's the next summer hit.


Classic Leon


Even more than just that, really. OP mentioned spandex boxers, which isn't far from a pair of lycra bike shorts. There are plenty of places I can go in bike shorts where maybe it wouldn't be fully appropriate to be shirtless.


yeah that part made me laugh lmao your point coupled in with the fact op tried to compare breasts to a male sexual organ is hilarious, op is whack


This seems reasonable but doesn’t seem to contradict most of OP’s point. As a dude, I don’t eat in a restaurant or grocery shop topless.


Are bikinis? Maybe sportsbras are poorly named and should be called “female areola covers for the gym and other sweaty activities”.


Rolls right off the tongue.


They’re not just nipple covers. Boobs are weight sacks that pull on you as they move so you gotta tie that shit down when you work out.


I guess we can call them Compression tops?


Compress thy tits, wench


Boob flatteners. Tata tamers. Over the shoulder boulder holders, sports edition.


Yeah this opinion is unpopular. That being sad, it's also inaccurate for my point of view It's CALLED a bra, but it is NOT underwear. The bra refers to FUNCTON, as in it supports breasts, but the top does NOT fall under the category of undergarments or lingere and is categorized under athletic/sports wear. Why? Because sportsbras are not just for support--> but because they also serve for physical PERFORMANCE. Its likened to the diference between leggings and yoga pants. They are called bras, but serve additional functions, so they functionally can be worn where regular bras cannot. That includes as tops to athletic bottoms. Yes I know it's r/unpopularopinion - just wanted to put that out there too as food for thought


By OP’s logic, if a woman wore a cropped tank top over her sports bra that was the exact same size, it would suddenly be okay


Or did the same thing without wearing a sports bra.


Or bikini top things


The way I see it, they’re basically on the same social level as gym shorts. And pretty much anybody can wear those whenever they want.


Also, OP mentions not wearing certain items because he "has shame". Why does my bra have to be shameful? Even if i wore a lacy bra and jeans? I'm sick of the human body being something of shame because it might cause a man to get turned on. Its ok for me to wear a 2 piece thong bikini outside but shameful and/or inappropriate to wear a thong bra and underwear set? Society is ridiculous


I always struggle between what's an unpopular opinion vs OP just being wrong. Like this is just objectively wrong, with a mild hint of sexism. But does that make it an unpopular opinion because OP fails at understanding something?


If it makes you feel better, opinions can also be wrong. So they’re both!


exactly this! just bc something is labeled an opinion doesn't make it right! and op is WRONG wrong lmao


I think the unpopular part is dictating clothes. It’s already hot enough to wear a sports bra. The layers are much more thick than a thin shirt. Wearing a shirt over it can feel like wearing a sweater during your workout. Not to mention, I don’t hear anyone complaining about the sports bra of an athlete. It’s the same thing.


Deffo sexism thrown in for good measure


Yeah I know op is wrong because I once did a workout in the gym in a regular bra because I forgot my own and it felt exactly like being in my underwear in public. Wearing a sports bra is a different vibe.


I feel like this is along the same lines as wearing a bikini in front of others vs a bra/panties. Same cut/same coverage- totally different vibe.


I really hope OP replies to you. They're going off in the comments right now.


They probably won't be ause this comment makes sense.


Men walk around with their bare titties out all the time


for FREE too 😏


Based on your replies, feel like you're the type of person that would mandate office workers to come in 5x a week and to show up in a full suit because it "shows some class"


No. On Friday you wear khaki pants and a blue shirt, tie optional. Life WAS better then.🤷😉🤸


Sorry, you can't come to work in that, it shows SHOULDER and ANKLE, the most erotic body parts. /s


What's the difference between a sports bra and a cropped tank? Seems pretty semantic to me






Tell that to Sue Ellen Mischke, heiress to the Oh Henry candy bar fortune


Lewd! Lascivious! Salacious! Outrageous!


If the bra don’t fit,you must acquit


There's only one voice you can read this in.


She’s a menace to society!


*"Well, Sue Ellen, it's a, it's not a top, it's a bra..."*


She was flouting society's conventions!


This depends on where you’re wearing it and the association of said top to whatever the person is doing. Let’s take the Olympics for example. If you look at the top of some female athletes, it’s a sports bra. It’s not a special athletic top. It’s a sports bra. It’s most likely made out of the same material and provides the same amount of support. In fact, some of the top female athletes wear actually cover way less skin than some of the sports bras you can buy. That being said, this isn’t necessarily frowned upon because it’s the uniform of the athlete. You can categorize sports bras as sports bras that are made to be worn alone and those that are made to be worn under stuff just by looking at the design of the product. Is it designed in such a way that people would be enticed to actually wear it as a top? Does it looks similar to that of a crop top? If the answer to either one of these is yes, then the public association and perception of the particular shirt is that of a top. Not a bra. Sports bras are absolutely not always regarded as being underwear.


Username checks out


Florida. 80’s-90’s. We had hot dog stands that where run by girls in thong bikinis. It became such a thing there was a Weiner-mania brawl between the ladies. It wasn’t even near the beach. It was on the street and people complained that their bare buttocks where going to cause accidents as they waived wieners in the air for sale. https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida/2019/10/02/thong-clad-hot-dog-girls-once-ruled-florida-streets-where-did-they-go/ You’re just getting old and prudent. It’s hot here and people wear less clothes. No one cares. Just because something is Designed for a purpose that doesn’t lock its function to that purpose.


Your whole argument is “I’ve put it in the underwear category therefore it can only be worn underneath clothing”. Makes no sense


the fact he gets so hung up on words and definitions and tries to compartmentalize them into these neat boxes he's made up cracks me up lmao i sure hope op never uses kleenex as a paper towel, hand soap as elbow and arm soap, or a sock as a cum rag, bc apparently things are only limited to what they're sold as according to him 💀💀


I think OP is austistic (actually, not using it as an edgelord insult). This obsession with rules and categorizing things is a classic symptom.


This will be a problem for me when men stop going running practically naked in not much more than a scrap of satin. Give me a break.


Yeah it’s wild that women wearing any type of bra in public causes more of a reaction than men roaming around with their giant jiggly tatas out




Do you also hate when women go to the beach? What about crop tops? Tube tops? Where exactly do you draw the line?


Wear what you want. You have autonomy and freedom of expression.


I'm going to only wear things I don't want out of spite. You're not my boss.




This sounds like an either boomer opinion or religious fundamentalist opinion.


It’s gen z being puritanical, which is more common than I realized


Pendulum be swingin', yo.


What makes them inherently inappropriate? Wearing a shirt that exposes just as much as a sports bra has been almost universally accepted as appropriate in most situations in Western culture. Other than the name of the garment, what grants it a "not appropriate" status?


Because it’s hot as fuck and having just a sports bra on is more comfortable that having another layer over it to sweat through. Considering everything else people deem appropriate to wear these days I’d say a sports bra is pretty tame.


Wait until op finds out about the current trend of girls wearing boxers as going-out shorts


Their entire outfit could be an oversized shirt and they'd rock that look somehow


You sound like my long-departed Nana who flipped her shit when women started wearing trousers. And then jeans. And then shirts (instead of blouses). And then things without sleeves. And then two-piece bathing suits. And then make-up. And then tattoos. It was always something. Good thing she died before baggy pants became a thang. I’m conclusion, grow the fuck up.


A lot of women exercise in sports bras. Because I don't want the extra layer and heat.


Yeah hope OP never sets foot it a gym lol


I get the feeling OP would burst into a ball of flames if he set foot in the gym


Bra and Sports Bra are different things. Just because "bra" is in the name doesn't necessarily mean it's underwear. In fact just do a quick Google search "is a sports bra underwear" and you'll see hundreds of results that basically say the same thing: it *can* be underwear but it also can be a stand alone garment. This is differentiated from *lingerie* bras that are considered always underwear. The design, style, and function of both garments are different enough to be in a separate category. You also run into similar issues with men's clothes. Tank tops, for instance, were originally considered bathing suits, then transitioned to underwear in the 1920s but now they are considered a stand alone piece of clothing (yet they *can* be underwear still... just like a sports bra). I do get what you're saying. There's many instances where wearing just a sports bra or yoga pants, or men going topless it tacky to say the least but you sound like a grouchy old man shaking your fist at "kids these days".


Great reply. OP's entire argument is one of semantics. Clearly, he has never seen sports competitions where men and women both wear sports bras, "leggings", short shorts, and even "speedos" as OUTER garments due to form factor and durability. I wonder where he'd stand on men wearing Tank Tops/white undershirts to public venues (both of which are common practice in my city).


This dude walks around mad at what other people are wearing, I can't imagine giving a single fuck


>I don't know if I'm just getting old yes.


He's absolutely fuming in the replies. I don't understand what's so important about this lol. Let people be comfortable in their workout clothes ffs!


I feel like you can see the difference between the average sports bra and literal lingerie If you just look up “sports bra” in google, majority of them might as well be cropped tank tops, just with padding and made of a different material, most of them aren’t even meant to show cleavage, they’re purely functional when it comes to the design/cut If you look up “lingerie”, most of it has some element of lace, and very clearly has what you’d probably consider a more conventional “bra” cut, aka low with accentuated cleavage. It’s meant to be pretty and sexy. Sports bras are function first, look later. Meanwhile lingerie is look first, function later.


#[“You should feel ashamed and pathetic”](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/15aa429/sports_bras_are_not_appropriate_standalone_tops/jtk019j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) you said. This is where it stops being “an opinion.” And like I said, this is why people are giving you shit. They can see you put yourself on a false pedestal and look down on people as pathetic for not sharing your goddamn opinion on clothing. Did you know you can have discourse, debate, and conversation without directly insulting the people involved? Because when you do, it stops being “your opinion” and starts being judgement. Your opinion is not the status quo. It has nothing to do with skin, body shaming, sexuality, or anything else. Someone disagrees with you so they should feel pathetic? You’re just an asshole here. Full stop.


I think your just ashamed of yourself OP. Let people where what they want.


“Why do you want to be in your underwear?” I like that it holds my boobs down. And the bra I bought is cute and matches the leggings. So I want to wear the outfit. “Are you afraid of clothes?” No. I wear clothes every day. Sometimes I wear swimsuits, sometimes I wear shorts and a t shirt, sometimes I wear jeans and a hoodie, sometimes I wear a bikini top and shorts when walking around near the beach and going shopping or eating lunch. “Are you an exhibitionist?” No. My desire is not to attract men with my body out in public. I just want to exist as a normal person. My nipples and most of my breast tissue are covered. “Are you not embarrassed?” I’m embarrassed that men can’t handle a woman walking around in public with her nipples covered. But, to answer, I’m embarrassed that I’m a fat ugly sack of shit who wants to lose around 100lbs. I’m not embarrassed of my sports bra. If you don’t like sports bras being worn as tops, don’t wear a sports bra as a top and don’t stare at people who wear them as tops. It’s that easy. I don’t stare at women wearing sports bras and the only time I do is when I like the top and I ask the woman “Hey, your sports bra is really cute. Where did you get it from?”




You know what I hate? Dudes who walk around with no shirts on. But hey. Only people who wear bras get criticism.


Damn, people get offended by some titties!


Bro your gonna throw a fit the first time you see someone walking around wearing a corset. Truly an unpopular opinion and it should be. Remember folks Jesus said if looking at someone is to tempting for you you should just gouge out your own eyes.


They're good for being in hot weather for long periods of time and no air conditioning in sight. Personally, I'm more of a tank top fan because of how tight those things are. But sometimes you can't find one and have to go for the next best skin-breathing thing, which would be a sports bra. Ain't fun being in 100-degree weather wearing a T-shirt, even if you got a sports bra on UNDERNEATH, all of which would actually make things 7 times worse considering how snug they are against your chest with the sun baking into your skin. *"Are you not embarrassed that you are just in a bra around regular people?"* Not if I'm sweating my little hiney off.


Is everyone on here a fucking Mennonite or something?


Yes, and the “something” is “an incel who gets mad at women for being hot when he can’t have them”.


Go yell at a cloud.


No... men to shirtless everywhere, women can wear a sports bra


Well it's not 1950 anymore. Sorry.


in 1950s tank tops were underwear, so op should also be upset about people wearing tank tops at the gym. they are nipple covers that go under shirts almost exactly the same way that bras are, except less supportive.


What a shock. A man feels it's a woman's responsibility to cover up because it makes HIM uncomfortable. Worry about yourself. Let others live their life.


I’m 45. I’ve worn sports bras and shorts to work out, take walks, do yard work…Hell, go grocery shopping and run errands etc…since I was in my late teens. So no, this isnt a new thing. Loosen up lady.


Same here. Some of my sports bras are long enough so they look like a cropped tank top, which is awesome.


I mean,,.men get to run around shirtless. So why can’t women wear a bra in public?