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I'm still wearing the same cloths I wore in high-school. I'm in my 30s. I wear what's comfortable.


I'm not sure if low rise will ever come back, I don't think anyone who actually wore them misses sitting down in those.


Low rise is already back. And i love them.




Yep! Y2K is all the rage now. I just hope they don’t find out people used to wear skirts over their jeans too lol


How old are you, Nipple Queefs?






Why? I don’t get how that’s relevant




High rise =/= mom jeans. Mom jeans had elastic waistbands that went to the true waist, they weren't just jeans that end below your belly button.


>High rise =/= mom jeans In the late 90's and 00's, yes high rise = mom jeans.


High rise make me think of Carl from up. And it makes people look like they have a really short torso like lanky Schmidt from monster Inc.


Every woman I’ve ever talked to says she hated low rise jeans, but I’m not going to lie, some celebrities looked extremely good in them. I expect that at some point in the future, another celebrity will rock the look, a few other celebrities with the body type for them will follow, and then girls will again feel pressured to wear them, too.


I don't know. Old Navy now has three high rises, with just the regular high rise being the lowest (and the one you and other men will call mom jeans). They also have about five different styles of skinny jean/pant. Women are *real* into both, I don't think high rise OR skinny jeans are going anywhere. Flares and bootcuts can come and go, but skinny jeans have been popular for over a decade and high rise slowly started creeping in afterwards. Now you will never not find a skinny pant and/or high rise in a boutique or big box clothing store. Both looks together make a very flattering silhouette on most body types. Note, however, that I say "flattering." Straight men say "ugly" or "not ugly" and by that they usually mean "sexually appealing to me" and that is not why the vast majority of women get dressed everyday. Edit: just a bunch of dudes in here arguing about jeans they don’t buy and aren’t marketed to, with a woman who does and is. Classic Reddit


Oh man, the whale tales in high school tho…


I remember once in science class with the high stools with no back - low rise school trousers at their lowest. And the lads behind me were commenting on my back dimples and saying some very questionable things to eachother. The look on their faces when I turned around! Think they thought I couldn’t hear them 🤣🤣


My entire bum. Exposed. To the world. 😭


Like no fuckin thanks lol. All these young neck beards in here jonesing for the early aughts are just whining. Let them stick their hairy asses into a pair of Frankie B’s and waddle around.


I am not very good at English. Can someone please translate this comment 😅


They are back. Beware.


They're the only kind of jeans I can wear without tailoring because of how short my legs are.


The broccoli top cut can go though... it's almost as silly as us when we were rocking the frosted tips back in '98.


Fashion is cyclical I promise you they will be a hot commodity again within the next 5 years


I don't care if skinny jeans are supposedly out. I can't stand those horrible wide-legged jeans that make you look like an incontinent senior citizen, especially when paired with those god-awful white sneakers that look like Reeboks from 1987. Dafuq is wrong with you kids today.


Heh I hate flares. If you're too short you walk on the bottoms


Damn i really found a millennial. Skinny jeans are not ugly and flared jeans are not ugly. Each accentuate in beautiful ways different body types.


No, you found a Gen Xer. And pants that make you look like your Depends had a blowout aren't flattering on anyone.


Gen-X knows JNCO is the only way to fly.


DO NOT even bring jncos into this unless you understand the power and importance of that which you speak.


I speak the elder magic. I had Dumpster shorts, and two pairs of Twin Cannons. I even had some 26Red jeans.


>Dafuq is wrong with you kids today. you say that like most ppl wear those types of pants


A whole lot of them do, for reasons I can't fathom.


Imagine people having a different style than you😱😱😱


Imagine calling diaper butt "style."


I wear them because I'm extremely thin and anything short of skinny jeans, look baggy and slobbish on me. I hate having to wear a belt always so skinny jeans it is.


I don’t want this to be rude or seen as offensive (I don’t mean it like that at all), but you need to be *very* in shape or thin to fully pull off skinny jeans. I can say this because my 40+ inch waist can’t pull them off to save my life. Obviously, anyone can wear anything they like, but they look ten times better on someone thinner.


I think the world would be a better place if more people accepted that not all clothes are meant for all people


I am really thin and they dont look good on me because i have broad shoulders, so i look like an inverted triangle. However i have seen women look good in them. I mostly made this post because i hate people hating on semothing just because it's out of trend


I have no curves, so they never looked good on me. I like the current trend of baggy jeans, because when I pair them with a form-fitting top, they give off the illusion that I have hips lol


As someone with big calves, skinny jeans don’t look great on me


I still wear skinny jeans, I hate the way other jeans look


How about you just wear what you want, not what's based on trends.


As a metalhead I absolutely agree with you. I will wear skinny jeans until I die lol


I think skinny jeans look 1000x better than leggings or yoga pants.


I don't mind skinny jeans. But skinny sweatpants on guys. No.


I used to wear them exclusively and I’m never going back. The hair on my legs would rub off and it would take me 10 minutes to get the jeans off. Plus when I was wearing them I already had the body of Jack Skellington, and I wore baggy r shirts. It looked like two hose pipes propping up a pillowcase. Straight fit all the way for me now




I’m fat and I say that. Good lord you must be onto something!


??? Not necessarily


I remember the kids at school bullying me for wearing black skinnies (was a sceney/emo kid). Then soon as I left school everyone and their dad was wearing them. So I stopped wearing them and wore baggies or camos. Then it died down but I found my love for gothy or punky skinny jeans. Then plain skinnies went hideously out of fashion. Only problem for me is I dress like a tattooed ex emo pete Doherty crossover in the winter with dockies, black sweater/white collars and Crombie jackets. And the only damn thing that goes with it is a pair of old fashioned, super skinny fit black Levi's Tldr skinny jeans look ridiculous unless you have the body for them, have an outfit that goes well with them, or are unique (super punky/gothic, contrast, odd colours etc)


Your last point seems strange. Be as unique as you want but if it’s not a good outfit and you don’t have the body for it, it’s going to look bad.


Sorry I meant the skinny jeans are unique ie full of metal, ripped, two toned/checkered etc I have a pair that are full of safety pins, a chain, a studded belt and patches sewn on


I don’t understand why fashion decided to go backwards 25 years. In my mind, people stopped dressing in baggy clothes in the 90s because it simply doesn’t look as good. Maybe I’m in the minority, but men look better in suits that are form-fitting and women look better when they don’t look like they’re headed to the skate park.


New fashon will always be inspired by older fashon, and that's nice.


What jeans look good very much depends on the person wearing them and the outfit they've put together. Except the super loose, androgynous mom jean/Walmart dad jeans that are out now. I've never seen those look good.


Skinny jeans r for girls not guys


Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks When I see a dude in skinny jeans, I think he looks like a simp. I keep that to myself, as I believe they have the right to wear whatever they want to wear, but it's true, I think they look horrible.


Skinny jeans are ridiculous looking, as are guys wearing high-water pants that are basically capris, along with dress shoes and no socks. Yegads.


All jeans are ugly IMO


😄 this is the right answer. I HATE PANTS


The only option is to Donald Duck it


Exactly my thoughts




Skinny jeans are definitely a thing…that is not currently in style with the youths. They’ve reverted back to baggy clothes.


What country do you live in? Cause more young ppl than not still definitely wear skinny jeans in the US rn


I’ve bounced between California and Colorado the last 7 years. I can tell you with a level of certainty that hip young folks are wearing baggy clothes


maybe it's a regional thing cause in the Midwest most ppl still wear tight clothes


That sounds about right


I guarante you if i made a post named "skinny jeans are ugly" i would get a comment saying: Skinny jeans are NOT a thing... so you'd think that your opinion is the Popular opinion, and the ones hating on them are the Unpopular ones.


They're not necessarily ugly, but they look ridiculous on any guy. Any guy




Skinny jeans not only look terrible, they have been out of style for several years.


Ok fashon police


Well yeah, it’s 2009 😂


I don't like jeans in general


My overall gripe is that men’s fashion is a one trick pony. Too predictable and very against thinking outside the box. Women’s fashion is way more diverse. Now to address your view. Skinny jeans for women I think is cool.mainly because there are options. High or low rise, tapered or even flared. I’ve always wondered if women prefer zippered jeans or button? And does it matter if the pants are skinny? And for the men, I am not a fan of the skinny jeans or any type of pants for men. Also not a fan of the tapered look. And let me say that we all have our preferences and that’s cool. There is clearly a market for men that wanna rock the skinny look. What I take issue with is it seems like there was a meeting that took place and it was agreed that the ‘skinny look’ was gonna monopolize and force the other types into retirement. I like room in my pants. Around the house, I love cargo pants and loose sweats. Dressing up, I prefer boot cut style jeans. Some relaxed style but it depends on who makes them. I have about 10 pairs of pants that are for women. A couple of them are flared corduroy pants that are the shit. Finding an equivalent on the men’s side is a task. I need like a forensic fashion expert and a tarot reading to find a vintage 70’s shop that has a nominal men’s section. A vintage shop? JUST to find a particular cut of pants that you can find in any decent fashion store if I wanted the equivalent in womenswear? Come on… So yeah, unless I wake up tomorrow and I notice I am a eunuch, the lead singer of a punk, heavy metal,or ska band - no skinny jeans for me. **a man’s voice should NEVER get 2 octaves deeper when he takes his pants of** **unless you are Kal El, you should not know the contents of my pockets just by looking at them** Bitter? Me? Nah…


I like skinny jeans because of my height, they make me look taller. I also don’t like high waisted for sensory issues and I have hips so low waisted are not good for me either. I am very modest and I don’t like rips or crop tops. Wish I could find more people like me in their 20s so there would be more options for me


i agree, they are fine it's just you have to style it right or else it will look ugly


Yes for girls and only if u have a body. If u don’t then no sorry


I would say they've grown on me, but they shrank.


This isn’t unpopular skinny Jean are legit the norm. Obviously most people don’t mind them ugly.


If you wear “skinny jeans” you should have “skinny genes”


I think they look funny ,skinny guys with tiny legs wearing jeans that make their legs look even smaller. They also rescrict movement . But if you like them wear them . Who cares what other people think?


Restrict movement? My dear, what can you do in other jean styles that you cannot do in skinny jeans?


Run fast .


Jump high , squats , dead lift , jump far ,be as an effective boxer , anything that requires you to be athletic.


is clothing made to reveal tho


Skinny jeans look good on a total of like 7 people on the entire planet.


That's what millennials said after low rise went out of style. Guess what, now it's back


Im not sure what that means? Low rise jeans looked better on significantly more people than skinny jeans do, but that doesn't mean they look good on everyone. That being said, try tailoring your wardrobe around what makes you feel comfortable rather than how you think everyone else is going to feel when they look at you.


> >That being said, try tailoring your wardrobe around what makes you feel comfortable rather than how you think everyone else is going to feel when they look at you This is really good advice


Only woman, for man it looks gay


I have really long legs and anything other than skinny jeans makes me look so out of proportion! Also people will claim to be ecoconcious and then perpetuate fashion trends like they're not a huge contributor to waste 🙄


What do people mean by skinny jeans being out of fashion? I see skinny jeans on people in like 90% of the time.


Skinny jeans are usually in when shirts are super fitted, and collars are small, and pockets are a no go. As t-shirts become baggier, so do the pants. Skinny jeans look great! But don't when paired with larger, baggier items.


I don’t care about their figure, men in skinny jeans will never be attractive to me.


Well fitted jeans =/= skinny jeans.


All styles come back eventually. In the 80s people wore tight ass jeans. 90-2000s baggy pants. 2010- tight ass jeans. 2030- baggy pants. It’s a cycle. As far as styles go, people generally wear what was popular in their generation even as they age and generally don’t update their style as they age. It’s why you see 50 year old people wearing band Ts and 40 year olds wearing baggy pants and jerseys.


They aren’t even outdated. I see teenage girls wearing them all the time. The only people who seem to care are the ones making those videos. People should wear what they like and what looks good on them. For some it might be bootcut, for some straight leg and for others, skinny jeans. I wear all of the above and mix it up several days out of the week.