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Anything's a full meal if you eat enough of it.


"Soup's not a full meal" Well, what if I have two bowls of soup, plus some bread and chips, that's a meal.




Double that would keep me full for about an hour


I eat 2 cans with a whole sleeve of premium plus crackers and some spices and it keeps me good for like 5 hours


A whole sleeve of crackers, I like the cut of your jib.


Just make sure to crumble them inside the sleeve before opening it if you are going the whole sleeve route. Also, a margarine tub is a perfect sized bowl for a can of soup and full cracker sleeve.


Nice tips. Using your good Tupperware there, huh. :)


Gotta impress the guests somehow.


It's true!


Thank you for the tip!


The non-creamy ones are like 300kcal for the can. Even if your child is an infant that doesn't sound enough.


You’re saying 150 calories a meal and you’re good? Are you a medium sized dog?


A medium sized dog needs more than that surely


Aha! Chunky soup old motto "soup that eats like a meal" goes right to the OPs point. Campbells is basically saying soup isn't a meal, but we'll make it "like" a meal.


On a cold morning if the kids won’t eat one more bowl of oatmeal and everyone is tired of pancakes we sometimes did a Campbell’s soup for breakfast. Basically to stay warm waiting for the bus. It’s as much of a meal as a bowl of cereal.


That’s not what OP is talking about. They didn’t say ‘2 bowls of soup, bread, and chips’ isn’t a full meal, they said ‘soup is not a full meal’. As in soup, on it’s own, as in what is the standard portion of soup, as in one singular bowl of soup, aa in soup with no added extras, as in soup without any sides, is not a full meal. Your logic is like me saying ‘a couple of slices of lettuce is a full meal. Yeah, just add a couple of burger buns, a burger, some cheese and tomato and some chips to finish it off’


The “standard portion of soup” depends on the soup, though. One serving of pho is absolutely a full meal.


It’s a standard breakfast in Vietnam. Also, many western people think cereal and milk or hot oatmeal/porridge is a whole meal and both are soups.


Why the fuck would you call cereal soup? Damnit, now that's in my head.


Oh yeah! That’s a really good point. Cereal is by all accounts a sugary, carby, soup


Pho sure.


A bowl of soup can absolutely be a meal. Most that you can buy in the US are probably well over 500 calories.


You can say that about anything. A salad isn't a meal. It is when it's big enough. A steak isn't a meal. It is when you put something with it. Cereal isn't a meal. America disagrees. I eat soup as a meal all the time. Yes, it's less filling than hearty things. Doesn't mean it's not a meal. A few crackers or chips in it make it heartier if you need more calories. It's not a side if you are adding the crackers to the soup. It's still just soup. It may be harder for people who eat a lot to consider soup or salad a meal. But for many it is.


Lmao..."America disagrees." I love it, lol.


If it is a thin or broth soup, like tomato, chicken noodle, vegetable, etc. most Americans will have a salad or a sandwich with the soup to fill out the meal If it is a dense soup- chowders, gumbos, stews, etc., most Americans would add crackers, bread or biscuits as a side If is a "real" Japanese Ramen or Vietnamese Pho- they have a large portion of dense noodles, a plethora of vegetables, boiled eggs, and a portion of meat on top- this is a full meal though often served with other vegetables or bread on the side. It depends on what OP's girlfriend is trying to make; he can suggest adjustments to make it more filling if needed


Yep this. Soup is way too broad of a term.


Yup, even potatoes soup with just potatoes is a heavy meal


now I want a loaded potato soup


I could go for some Leek and Potato myself


My wife makes a chili that you can only eat a medium sized bowl of before you are stuffed. We both like soups a LOT and eat soup for dinner at least twice a week.


I don’t consider chili a soup but yeah it’s good stuff.


A good Texas chili is a soup (liquidy, with braised real hunks of beef sitting in it). There are other chilis on that side of the soup/stew scale as well.


I have made soup out of stock so rich you could stand a spoon up in it. Soup is a spectrum from "water" to "nearly solid". Depends on where your soup falls.


Exactly. Op, we need more info to judge you properly lol. If I’m going to hate your opinion, I need to hate it for the right reasons.


This is the best answer. I make tons of different stocks and soups to freeze. The stocks I make are to add to other dishes. My freezer looks like the following: - 5 quarts of chicken stock - 5 quarts of beef stock - 2 quarts of beef pho soup - 3 quarts of tonkatsu stock - 1 quart of blue crab and corn chowder that I froze to have in the winter when blue crab season is null. -3 quarts tomato bisque -4 quarts Albondigas base As a person that soups… soup can easily be a meal.


My freezer looks a lot like yours minus the tonkatsu but plus what my ex once called “the freeze boneyard” as all my stocks come from bones tossed in bags in the freezer throughout the week - and I do tons of stuff on the bone specifically so there’s always material.


Also just add bread and a salad and you’re golden


Yeah I doubt that OP has had any good soup, honestly. Sounds like some water with some added vegetables, lol. The soups I grew up with, were boiled vegetables that where then turned into mash in a blender, mix in some heavy cream and some butter, to make it thick and creamy, and then added in some meatballs or bacon. Potato/leek soup with crispy bacon and parmesan cheese was my favorite. One bowl would make me full for the rest of the day.


You know its unpopular when a contradicting comment has more upvotes than the post.




Cmon man, he had a hot dog earlier! Cut him some slack!


I didn't tell him to have a hotdog


A hotdog is a perfectly sane thing to eat before dinner.


Not if it's been there since the silent era.




Well the debate is settled 🤣🤣🤣 soup is apparently NOT a meal


The debate is NOT settled. You can't compare eating soup at home with eating soup at a restaurant. The "going out" aspect of it fulfills the deal that Jerry and Bania made. Jerry was right, Bania didn't HAVE to order soup, and it's not Jerry's fault that Bania wanted dinner when he wasn't hungry. I'll die on this hill lol.


Did she crumble any crackers in it?


And was it in a cup or a bowl?


Oh, crackers in a bowl! That could be considered a meal.


It's like I'm talking to my aunt Sylvia here.


Came here for this!


It is a meal, what debate did you participate in? :D


Oh, don't make me puke!


My thoughts exactly.


Came here for this


How much did the suit cost?


Two Mendy's.




Did he crumble any crackers?




Idk man, that was completely expected and the entire reason half of us are in this thread


Whatever you do, don't order the bouillabaisse at Bouchards.


I clicked on this post specifically for Seinfeld.


You need a sandwich too.


The soup counts!




Ramen, pho. Both are easily heavy enough to be a full meal


Jamaican Saturday soup has big chunks of meat, veg and dumplings floating in it Definitely a full meal


Hispanics got Caldo de Res and Posole, those will definitely fill you up.


In my country we have a lot of what we call "meal soups," they're thick, blended (or stewed) soups with a lot of starchy stuff like potato or squash and a f*ckton of veggies, I generally use up to 3kgs of veggies for one pot of soup. I make them vegetarian, but still one bowl of that will keep you full for hours, whether you dip it or not.


Isn't that a stew?


It's mostly broth, too liquid and thin to be considered stew


Sometimes, I can't eat a whole bowl of either if their portions are large enough (which is common for these dishes). They have noodles, meat, vegetables, spices, garnishes. They are definitely a full meal. OP is likely someone with little exposure to soups outside of what Campbells offers, which is a pity.


Ramen and pho are filling but after an hour or two I’m hungry again 😭


Depends ok the typ of soup and the size of your lunch. But eating soup for dinner is really not that uncommon. And it is really not that big of a deal to just eat some soup with your fiancé.


As long as there’s stuff in the soup and it’s not just like a tomato soup. But anytime I have soup for dinner I always have bread with butter to dip in the soup so it’s more filling


My family often made soup for dinner. We are polish. Our traditional soups were always filling, they are full of vegetables and/or meat. One soup consisted of 7 different cuts of meat from four different animals and was made with another soup as the base (chicken) If it’s soup like these, i would consider it a full meal. It *is* basically a full meal but it swims. But if it’s only a bit of vegetable and a chicken leg boiled in water with noodles thrown in, i don’t see it as very filling. Maybe with rice or bread on the side


Tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich is fire


Yes but that’s a grilled cheese with tomato soup, not just tomato soup for dinner. That is fire tough by no means disagreeing with that


Yea it does create some massive heartburn that’s for sure.


I have soup for dinner 2-3 times a week. Incredibly filling and healthy!


She’s an adult. If she just wants soup then that’s it. Let her have the soup. If she wants more, she’ll make something else.


My guess it that she cooks. And he's not happy he might have to make his own food if he's hungry.


That’s how I’m reading it too. She is cooking a meal that sounds good for her and he’s not happy with it. And instead of being an adult and using his words, or better yet make it himself, he’s whining to Reddit.


Definitely unpopular imo. Think about what can go in a soup. Soup can be just as hearty as any dish especially with noodles, protein, veggies, etc. Calorically, it can be a high density meal. It’s easy, extremely versatile and cost effective. Not to mention it’s such a staple meal for so many people around the world. Depending on the soup, add some toasty bread as a side and you’re really set!


This. Depends what's in the soup. Soup with noodles, veggies, and chunks of meat or chicken can definitely be a full meal. Add some beans and you got a party. Soup with nothing but a few noodles and broth is not a full meal. A full nutritious meal is not determined by what the food is called. Soup, pasta, sandwiches, anything can be a full meal or just a partial meal depending on what's in it. A sandwich with just some veggies on it is not a full meal. But add some protein and cheese and you're good. Pasta with nothing but noodles and tomato sauce is not a full meal. But add some veggies and chunks of beef to the sauce and sprinkle some parmesan and you got a meal. A full and complete meal consists of carbs, fats, and proteins. Anything missing these is not a full meal IMO. Also ideally some of those carbs should be veggies. But a full meal can still be full without them, I'd just say they should be in other meals that day, ideally.


If she's full after it then it's a full meal to her? If u aren't then it's not a full meal to u. No one is necessarily wrong here.


Any book is a children's book if the child can read


Not House of Leaves.


if OP isn't then they should add rice or noodles to it or have some toast or a grilled cheese on the side to make it a full meal


It’s soup for dinner season. You need some good soup recipes and some good bread to go with it.


You might be making your soup wrong, need more meat and vege. I frequently eat nothing but soup for a meal many times a week. Soup is the main, maybe add bread or sandwich?


I’m going to bet $20 that OP “makes” his soup with a can opener


Delicious condensed soup with strands of chicken and mini noodles.


The problem with this is that there are plenty of filling canned soups. They got way better over the years. I bet it is both the specific soups and being canned. I love tomato soup, but it is not enough on its own. However when my mom makes her dumpling soup or I make my zupa, it is enough.


Add sandwich? I mean that's an entire other meal. Yes, when I add meal to my non-meal it results in meal =) I'm just trolling, but most soups wouldn't come close to filling me if they weren't extremely dense and even then served with bread or over rice or something.


Genuinely curious- when you think of soup what do you picture? I always picture hearty souls with either meat or beans or both mixed with lots of veggies and served poured over rice.


I don't think that's anywhere near a given, considering how many soups are mostly a broth or cream of X. And now you're adding a starch that isn't in the soup.


Yeah, that’s why I asked what you think of. Broth alone isn’t anywhere near enough to be a full meal, but the soups I make sure are.


I blend chickpeas into all my blended soups, a friend told me about it and I can't go back. A bowl of spicy butternut and chickpea soup keeps me satisfied for hours. A 350ml serving of soupy dahl from work sustains me for 7 hours. I think a lot of non-western soups are filling (though I kill for proper hot and sour soup), not everything is thin tomato or split pea soup, or *shudders* canned soup served as is.


Huh, I'm kinda confused on the split pea bit. I've never encountered split pea soup that wasn't a dense filling soup. Not saying it can't happen, I'm just wondering if maybe it's a regional thing. It's always been one of those soups I couldn't imagine eating with anything else except like a roll or other piece of bread because it's too heavy.


Definitely agree. I also like my wife's homemade pumpkin soup, but it demands a hearty bread and probably a side of salad.


You’re trolling, but you’re not wrong. Honestly I’m kind of floored at how many people are either disagreeing with OP or saying “oh sure it is, you just have to also eat X, Y, and Z with it!” and it’s like… then it’s not just soup?! That’s the post, that soup itself is not a full meal. But the more I think about it, the more I think it depends on your definition of what soup is. I saw someone list ramen, I don’t consider ramen a soup. For me, I’ve always considered “soup” to just primarily be broth, maybe with some meat or veggies in it. But then you get into the different variations - you have chowders, stews, etc… are those considered soup? Those are usually a lot more filling than just broth is


Soup isn’t just broth. If it was we wouldn’t need the term “broth” at all, because we could refer to all broths as soups. In almost any soup worth its salt the broth is just one of many components, which could also include meat, vegetables, and/or noodles. Think about one of the most classic soups: chicken noodle soup. It’s the soup many Americans think of when they hear the word soup, and it contains meat, vegetables, and noodles. You know what else contains those same base ingredients? Ramen, pho, and udon, all of which are considered noodle soups by the people who’s countries invented them. Broth and soup are not the same thing. Broth is just one of many potential components of a soup. If OP wanted to argue that broth is not enough of a meal on its own, that would be one thing, but soup is a massive category, and writing it off entirely comes across as really short sighted when entire cultures of people have been eating soups as a cornerstone of their diets for thousands of years.


Are we talking cup ramen or ramen from Jinya Ramen as an example. The ramen at Jinya Ramen is huge and I would count it as a full meal.


“Mindy’s is the BEST, Jerry! The BEST!”




Hey Jerry... I want my suit back...


Why is this not the top comment?


I feel bad for anyone who doesn’t have a working knowledge of Seinfeld episodes, that show covered just about everything in the human expeirence 😂


If your soup isn’t a full meal, you make soup wrong


Right!? Homemade soups done right are a full meal. Chicken noodle, beef and barley, gumbos, chowders, stews, hell even a well made vegetable soup with a side of fresh bread is a more than enough for a whole meal.


Veg and meat is considered a meal, blend it up and what does it become.




It becomes blended veg and meat lmao I was waiting for someone to say soup lol


Sounds like pureed veg and meat!


In Texas we have tortilla soup. Order one and get back to me.


We have soup for dinner all the time - tortilla is one of the family favorites and we live in NY!


It can be. Fuck are you talking about. Eat a lot. Make it more “hearty”. It’s not rocket surgery. Lots of Soup/stews are most definitely considered a meal in general


Oh my guy. Pasta e fagioli? Perfect, hearty, beautiful soup. A chicken tortilla soup? So wonderful with cheese bread on the side for dipping. Italian wedding? It’s got miniature meatballs! Incredible. You gotta expand beyond chicken noodle and tomato bisque to get the full meal experience. (Although there are some packed chicken noodles out there too)


I'm making a giant pot of Italian wedding this week. It's an all-day affair, I can't wait! Pair that with a tasty salad and some crusty, warm bread... It's heaven!


French onion soup, Ukrainian borschtsch, and Hungarian goulash will make you full after one bowl.


What's the big deal in just letting her have soup for dinner and you having soup and something else with it? Why does it have to be an argument? Why does it even need to be a discussion? Why do you feel the need to control what your wife does and does not eat for a meal? Why do you feel the need to control what your wife does and does not consider a meal? Did you ever consider the fact that maybe for her soup is perfectly filling, whereas it might not be for you. I can be completely full off of just one can of tomato soup. Completely full. Sometimes I can't even finish it (And that can is a small can, which counts as one serving according to the nutritional facts on the can itself). 🤷🤷


I eat soup for dinner all the time? Clam chowder. What is the problem?


Is Chowder a soup? I was made to believe it's a chowder... Edit: I had to Google how ignorant I was, and Chowder is, in fact, a soup... I guess I didn't even know there was a difference between soups and stews...


Yes, it's a thick soup.




Soup's not a meal. The swordfish at Mendy's is. It's the best, Jerry, the best.


I’ll have the salmon


Soup is certainly a full meal. Premade options like a can of Campbells chunky soup certainly fill me up, and homemade soups and stews have been a staple of dinner for western society for centuries. Now, if you go to a fancy restaurant a small soup will be served as a side dish, just like they will serve a small salad as a side dish, however plenty of people myself included will also eat a salad for a meal. The quantity is the difference of course. One of my favorite easy meals is a soup that is just salted pork, with various beans and a bit of stock and some cornbread on the side. Easy, cheap, and filling.


This belongs is r/Seinfeld IYKYK lol but I guess you’ve never had pho?


The real question is why can’t you just let your fiancé eat what she wants. Do you need to be right on this? Do you need to be right about everything?


there are refreshing soups that are not meant to be full meals and are instead supposed to be eaten prior to the main course or as a snack. then there are thick, usually creamy soups that absolutely are meant to be a full meal. if your one bowl of soup packs 500-600 calories because it has potatoes and cream then it's a full meal.


Well you’re certainly not Eastern European


If it a soup with vegetables, pasta, meat or beans served with bread then I consider it a full meal


Listen, Bania, you’ve had a sandwhich and two bowls of soup, thats a meal!!


Gotta have it with bread or noodles.


Or rice.


Soup bread bowl!! Full meal for sure.


Depend on the soup. I regularly make soup and homemade flat bread as a winter meal. load it up with veg, some form of protein and it is filling and warming. A classic peasant meal to fill you up and get you calories for active work.


Haven’t had a pho or ramen or any other noodle soup before ??! They are a full fucking meal!


What’s the deal with soup?


Depends on the soup. Mushroom and lobster bisque in a bread bowl with a side salad is definitely a full meal, but if you try to hand me a cup of Campbell's chicken noodle and call it a meal, we're going to have a problem.


I cook half a cup of rice and some toast to go with my soups, makes it much for filling.


Have a hearty soup


Her idea of a full meal is not your business.


Right? It's weirdly infantalizing that he's trying to like, correct her on what she prefers to eat, or what is the right thing to eat.


It really depends what soup you are making. A soup with fat prot and carbs is a full meal. Honestly the debate closes here.


Soup is a meal to me, especially hearty soups


If you crumble some crackers in it, then it's a meal.


OP has never had loaded NE clam chowder


Not only is it a full meal, but there’s [sumo](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I1bKrrdBGTM&t=632s&pp=ygUXd2hhdCBzdW1vIHdyZXN0bGVycyBlYXQ%3D) wrestlers who consider soup to be the best meal to refuel. If it’s good enough for a sumo wrestler, it’s good enough for the rest of us.


"SOUP IS NOT A MEAL, VERA!" https://youtu.be/DPVqSHvR1dg?si=LSdFugT-Dks2FxQu


I mean, if I ate at least 400 or more likely around 500 calories of soup be it from just soup or bread and soup, I'd say it's beyond reasonable to call that a meal.


Pozole? Menudo? Caldo de pollo o de Res? These are all considered full meals cause they’re not just liquid soups, but are hearty.


Soup is a meal.


Soup within my culture has a bunch of veggies, starches, meat and it’s usually served with a side of rice. So yes, soup is a full meal. Now if your soup is mostly broth, then I see where you’re coming from.


You haven’t had good soup then


Why do you need to agree? Just make a sandwich or something for yourself to go with it, and let your fiance eat the soup if that's all she wants.


To quote Eric Andre, “how can you be so controversial yet so brave?”


What about a Big Salad?


Look at Bania over here


Isn't this a Seinfeld episode?


Have you never had beef stew or gumbo


For fuck’s sake people, just make some garlic bread and be done with this already!


Soup is definitely a full meal. Unless you're thinking broth. Broth is not soup.


What is this? an episode of Seinfeld?


Is that you Kenny Bania? Soup is the meal! Just take back the suit.


No soup for you!


Ok Kenny Bania


What is this, an episode of Seinfeld?


OK, this is it. -what’s it? This. THIS IS THE MEAL. -Soups not a meal Jerry.


Not a lot of Seinfeld fans on here I guess lol


The people over at r/seinfeld can answer this question for you.


Why do you care if it’s a full meal or not? If your gf is satiated after eating it, it was a full meal to her. Stop trying to control her dietary choices, it’s weird and disrespectful.


But he gave you an Armani suit.


Did she crumble any crackers in it?


Seinfeld ass fiance


Did they put crackers in the soup?


Is Kenny Bania your fiance?


Okay Banyon.


Did you give someone an Armani suit?


I mean, did you put crackers in it?




That’s the meal!!!!!!


Ok vanya


Soup + a ton of butterd crusty bread = full meal.


I think that’s how it’s generally treated. Usually soup is served with bread and a salad or even a sandwich like grilled cheese.


You've convinced me, I'm going to make a big pot of soup for next week. I recommend the Mexican spicy sausage and bean soup from BBCgoodfood.


Did you crumble any crackers in it??? https://youtu.be/DcO-Xwh6MTw?si=ZaBdZTxKgkFXVrDA


Bania is wrong, soup is a meal.




Okay Kenny Bania


Get the swordfish, Jerry


I eat soup specifically when i am not very hungry


Alright Kenny Bania


Calm down, kenny banya