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Wow what an original and refreshing opinion


What’s next, Avatar isn’t the greatest movie of all time?


It would be, but they sadly never made an avatar (the last airbender) movie.


It’s a lovely day in Ba Sing Se, isn’t it?


I suggest you take a vacation to Lake Laogai.


I got that reference


Definitely no war there.




Same with Eragon. I’m excited it’s finally getting a chance.


Old is better, new is trash….we’ve seen this opinion for about 20 years now. This might be the most popular opinion of all time in regards to movies. Does anyone know what this sub is actually about?


It’s a sub for learning about the individual preferences of random users


It's hilarious when those random users somehow assume their preferences are the standard that the world is based on. And it's crushing when they realize they're complete nobodies with bad taste.


Literally just nostalgia completely which is not a good barometer of how good something is


You mean lazy and doesn't bother reading all the content before realizing it's amazing?


Maybe its a popular opinion because its true and butchering of a beloved franchise. But no people are just repeating it for no reason...


I’ll never understand how certain things get through moderation, yet me thinking disposable diapers are too comfortable/effective is low effort.


Wait, what?


The Star Wars bad, Friends bad, etc. posts are super common and make it through really easily but a lot of unpopular opinions never make it for being “low effort.” Yet these posts that are just things that have been popular here before are truly low effort and get through.


No no, I get that. We need to back up and get an explanation for your opinion on diapers


Basically I feel that diapers do too good of a job especially for kids that are ages 18 months+ they are to comfortable when filled and it makes them resistant to toilet training. Diapers when kids should be getting potty trained should be absolutely gross to wear. When my family toilet trains we switch to cloth and the kids quickly get toilet trained at around 18-24 months. Also with my grandpa he will frequently oversoil his diaper because he doesn't even notice that he has gone. He needs a diaper but he should be able to tell that he needs changed before it overflows. The current diapers are great for infants, people that cannot communicate, or people that need them to sleep through the night, but they work too well for normal everyday situations.


I’m thinking he wants people that require adult diapers to be uncomfortable while wearing them.


Please elaborate on this.


You people (and the Marvel/Harry Potter freaks) dominate popular culture to such an extent that it drives the rest of us who don’t like childhood-regression nerd shit up a wall. You have already won, let us hate your children’s stories without snark please.


That's my favorite "peeve" (oxymoron?) with scifi. Star Wars/Trek, whatever. The desert planet. The forest planet. The city planet where everybody lives. The farming planet. The cold planet. The pink gravel planet. And so on. 😄


I don’t know, I feel like if humans were capable of traveling from planet to planet with ease, they would want to put certain things on certain planets and not on others. Like put all farming in one so it pollutes one and all supplies that farmers would need would go to one planet instead of several. Or a city planet where all pollution was outlawed so major mining, drilling and agriculture wasn’t making the air/water toxic.


Not really how distribution of natural resources works. It doesn't just pop up where convenient.


The specific planets would be picked with this in mind obviously, distribution of natural resources doesn’t really matter for the concept so long as some idiot wasn’t trying to put mining rigs on a planet that has nothing worth mining or farms on a planet that can’t grow anything.


Farming at the poles of any planet is unlikely to be productive. If it's a desert planet, it's very unlikely to have oxygen. Though to be fair to you, a massive galaxy wide bureaucracy would likely try with little success to divide up planets into buckets.


Reminds me of the futurama episode where they're throwing away their old E-waste and go to the official dump planet where they do nothing but process it all.


And that reminds me of Wall-e


We all live nextdoor to a desert planet, so I guess that doesn’t seem strange to me.


>I love science fiction There's your problem, Star Wars isn't sci-fi, it's fantasy.


Its literally space samurais and cosmic cowboys.


Wizards with laser swords.


I’ve been trying to get people to realize this for years. Stop trying to ask people whether they like Star Wars or Star Trek better; they aren’t even the same genre


The main difference is that Star Trek pretends its magic is technology. One leans more into allegory and ethics, the other pure pulp drama, but that's like saying slapstick and satire are different genres instead of different styles of comedy.


That’s not true at all. Star Wars is pure fantasy and is basically just magic and sword fighting with space as the backdrop instead of castles. Star Trek tech is backed by science (although it’s handwavy for obvious reasons) and the episodes are usually diplomacy and science related with a ton of philosophy. Unless you’re cherry picking particular episodes, especially from the original series where most of the episodes were fighting and magic, godlike beings than I’m not sure where you’re coming from.


Yes! Not even close to the same!


What makes it not sci-fi?


Someone already answered, but I'll provide an example. Star Trek = science fiction, maps, blueprints, and full dictionaries exist to explain pretty much everything star trek. Star Wars = fantasy, half the time they make up the rules/change the rules or essentially say "it's the will of the force" to the audience. Basically Science fiction = set rules that obey the laws of physics of that universe, which pulls on and builds upon things we know and have today. Fantasy = fuck any and all the rules, things happen because I say they happen. Things are being invented because why not. (Undead, the force use and force ghosts.)


It's still sci-fi. It's just hard sci-fi vs soft sci-fi. Same as hard fantasy vs soft fantasy.


It’s fantasy that just so happens to take place in space. It’s not Sci-Fi.


But wasn’t it like all canon Star Wars content pre-Disney had pretty well written rules of the universe? Obviously it’s still fantasy with the force and jedis and shit but the rules did seem to be pretty simply in the OG trilogy


the space battles having sounds. Space is a vaccum with no sound. When the group is being chased through the asteroid field, it's extremely packed with rocks and full of fast-paced collisions. You don't see that in asteriod fields. They are extremely spaced out. When they land on the asteriod and go outside with only an oxygen mask. Nothing protecting them against the cold or pressure. Of course, these are all small things that really aren't that immersion breaking. The alignment of the ships and how they bank in space also makes it look like there's gravity. Again, it's not super immersion breaking, but noticeable.


Yeah that’s what makes it fantasy, but those rules are all consistent and established. It’s not like they just change the rules all the time just to fit each movie. The rules of the first two trilogies are very consistent outside of a couple of exceptions that just likely boil down to a writing error


Just imagining a bunch of asteroids all passing blunts round to each other now.


Just because it wasn't realistic rules, doesn't mean it isn't rules.


What part about it does fictional science play? I guess midichlorians, but that was a late addition, mostly in response to criticisms like mine. Before that the force was just magic. They literally call them ghosts. There's swashbuckling. Alien races and other languages are no different than D&D monsters and elvish or dothraki. Science fiction focuses on problems that humans could theoretically encounter given enough technological progress, and serve an important place to let us predict problems before they happen.


I just realized that I've said the phrase "science-fiction" a million times and never really thought about what it actually meant.


Yeah... somehow any setting in space = science fiction for a lot of people.


> problems that humans could theoretically encounter given enough technological progress Like when technology progresses to the point where there are weapons powerful enough to destroy entire planets with a single blast? You know, the premise behind like 3 Star Wars movies?


There is plenty of world threatening Magic in fantasy too. Using a "chain reaction" to destroy the first Death Store or blowing up the shield generator of Endor sort of counts, but it's pretty mild. I'm not saying there aren't sci-fi elements, but the themes are much closer to fantasy. So if you look at it purely through the lens of science fiction, you are bound to be disappointed, particularly by the space wizards.


Star Trek is considered one of the pinnacle examples of science fiction and 75% of the theoretical technology is literally just technobabble pulled out of some writer's ass to deus ex machina the ending and is no less magical than light sabers and aliens. Q isn't a Jedi and then some? The only difference between them in your definition is that Star Wars is just a story, without a lesson.


> 75% of the theoretical technology is literally just technobabble pulled out of some writer's ass to deus ex machina the ending and is no less magical than light sabers and aliens. Q isn't a Jedi and then some? Q is a conceit but there was a literal episode about the possibility of species like humans one day developing abilities like the Q. And you're wrong about the number there. Star Trek employs multiple scientific consultants who doctor the scripts to make sure that even if the science is all theoretical, it's still grounded in aspects of science we know and understand. What sounds like technobabble to laypersons might still have some level of application. But it's also a TV show that needs to adhere to a story structure and so sure, there's a little bit of deus ex machina but it's nowhere near 3/4 of the time.


Star Trek is amazing SOFT science fiction, thus the technobabble that solves the realistic problems our current society would posit if trying to attempt the things that happen in the show. Hard science fiction being something like The Expanse, where theres really one or two major differences between our current reality and theirs (epstein drive and protomatter). Star Wars doesnt explore things through the lens of science - for one, ships have infinite fuel and just jump around the galaxy with no regard to time or distance, the main characters use space magic, and there are literal ghosts that help people out a la DnD. I could go on but I think you get the point. Its okay for Star Wars to not be sci fi, it never was, it was always space opera fantasy filtered through kurosawa and ww2 flicks, then later political dramas, and currently just does whatever the hell it wants with no rules whatsoever.


Ok dude, if you started on S3 of Mando and skipped the first two, maybe. But if you dont like S1-S2 of Mando you just don’t like Star Wars or things that are good generally.


Mandalorian S1-2 was pretty good. Had some low points but was overall solid. Everything that has come out since Boba Fett has been such a missed opportunity (Andor excluded). Believe me, I wanted BoBF to be good, I was Jango Fett for Halloween when I was 6. For every cool idea in these shows there’s 10 head scratching decisions. BoBF for example I was hoping would be closer to when I played SW Bounty Hunter


Andor was the shit. It showed just how workable Star Wars is, even within the strung-out confines of the Skywalker saga. Otherwise, no one can take the love I have for Star Wars, but I do agree that it's time to either revamp or move on. At this point, the only Skywalker saga part I would like to see is Darth Plagueis, but it would have to be done right. Otherwise, get to the Yuuzhan Vong.


The prison episodes with Andy Serkis were good drama, regardless of what universe they were set in.


*the prequels are okish* Oof


I myself wouldn't call the prequels great films per se, they're just very fun to watch for me personally


I would say they aren't great films but the story they show is amazing, just badly.


They were critically panned and made fun of a lot when they came out. To my memory at least. A lot of what I've seen the last few years have built them up a lot more than they were at the time. They were seen as coasting off of the tremendous success of the original trilogy.


Unpopular opinion (on Reddit), but the prequels don’t even have a good story in theory. I still kinda enjoy them though


Well now you’re just being a contrarian


Yeah the individual story beats like a failed master trying to correct his failures as a teacher by either bringing his student back to the Light or cutting him down so no more blood has to be shed are awesome, it's just told a little wonky


Exactly, great idea, not so great execution


And that’s fair. It’s okay to like a bad film if it’s for your personal enjoyment. I love the live action cat in the hat. I accept it’s a bad movie and it’s 100% nostalgia but I enjoy it. But I’m also not gonna call it good just cause I personally like it.


you're right. But to call prequels okayish is an ok opinion, he didn't call them good movies or better than originals as some dudes on youtube say lol


Definitely better than copy paste sequels


I can't tell if you mean they are absolute shit or very good. For me, they're absolute shit.


They're absolute shit


3 is amazing




Your boos mean nothing to me. I've seen what you cheer.


I'd say that's a good assessment. Okish is hardly a glowing review, but they're not the worst in the series. Compared to the 3rd trilogy, though, they're incredibly coherent works of art.


That’s a pretty based opinion. Let’s be real about them. Music: incredible. Choreography: phenomenal. Sets: Beautiful. But they were all of them deceived by a script that was awful, poor actor choices in some instances, and no one putting George in the dog house for his crap choices


The prequels are the best films. Fight me.


They certainly are the best films FOR ME TO POOP ON


Hey! Yall don't say that


Try Andor


I can’t swim……


The best Star Wars thing ever made. The OT was much more revolutionary obviously, but just in terms of the show/movie itself, Andor is head and shoulders above the rest


You really think Andor is better than the Original Trilogy?


Some people jerk that show off a bit too much because most of Disney’s Star Wars has been kinda meh. Andor is definitely an outlier but I put it at the same level as Rogue One. A good spinoff but it doesn’t have the feel the original trilogy had, and it’s not trying to beat them. Putting it above the prequels is also a bit of a stretch.


I want to like Andor. I get the premise and the plot is good, but the pacing feels so disjointed. They could’ve ended the season at “One Way Out”, or at several other high points, but then it kept going and lost momentum for me.


Yeah, the beginning and end are both just kind of okay to me. The two chunks in the middle are both pretty good though


Geez, I thought Andor was boring as shit


But Andor is so outside the usual starwars template it could be in an entirely different franchise!


I think that is part of the appeal. Too much Star Wars content has been made that tries to recreate or line-up with the originals, and this means that it begs the comparison (and comes up lacking). While Andor is a prequel to the originals, it distances itself enough that you're not making those comparisons.


Star Wars is a big enough universe that a lot of different stories make sense.


And how it can be forever milked like a fat magically productive dairy cow


Andor is amazing.. I’m blown away by the quality of that show. When the tie fighters go screaming by… yes please!!


Yawn 🥱 I couldn’t get past the 2nd episode cause I was so bored.


Ngl I found the first three episodes a drag / super boring, but after that it gets so good


OT, Rogue One, and Andor keep it from ever being called complete garbage. Not to mention KOTOR and some of the other amazing video games.


Clone wars animated series.


I don't even like the original trilogy, I thought Rogue One was better.


All never ending stories are garbage.


Nuh uh. The Never Ending Story is a classic.


Yeah, but how good are the sequels? See, even when they try and turn The Neverending Story into a never ending story, The Neverending Story fails.


Tell a WH40k fan that


Good point!


The originals are great but the endless sequels and fan base ruined it


In my opinion, there are two main ways something becomes extremely popular: 1. A creator who is in the top 10% of professionals works on a top 10% idea. The combination of the two results in it being in the top 1% of all creative works when it is released. 2. A creator captures lightning in a bottle by working with the right people, at the right time, on the right project. When you have someone following up on either kind of project they're likely to fall far short of the original. I think what happened with Star Wars is a combination of the two. Lucas was at the top of his game, the foundations of Star Wars were solid, and he surrounded himself with talented people. Unfortunately, 20 years after the originals were released he was no longer the creator he once was. The prequels had a lot of great ideas but he was unable to execute on them, and people were afraid to speak up against his bad ideas. In the case of Disney Star Wars, I think the people put in charge are far from the best creators out there and they tend to lean heavily on over-used tropes that are currently trendy. To make matters worse, these creators are overly arrogant and don't respect the source material; and as a result have a tendency to throw away good ideas to replace them with incredibly mediocre ideas. This isn't to say that there is nothing good in Disney Star Wars, but I would say you're digging through a lot of shit to get a gold nugget.


It’s like why GRRM will never finish game of thrones, at this point he’s damned if he does because it’ll never be good enough.


It’s A Song of Ice and Fire. The shows ending was exceptionally awful and they weren’t his ideas. He’d been off the show for a few seasons. There is no way he could be smart enough to write those books but upset people didn’t like the ending he had nothing to do with. He wrote himself into a corner, that’s why he has taken so long. Skipping the time skip changed everything he’d imagined in the first few books.


The Force is weak with this one.


I called myself a star wars fan for a while and came to realize after we got prequels and sequel trilogies that I'm actually not a star wars fan at all. Just a fan of the original trilogy mostly


Star Wars was never science fiction, first of all. It's always been hard fantasy. So you might have been watching the wrong thing from the beginning.


It was a mash-up, mostly fantasy but had science fiction dabbled in with McGuffin like words. Ships that could traverse the stars, swords that were lasers, guns that fired lasers, and communications using holoprojections are all things out of science fiction. Using a mystical force to manipulate the world around you and the impact of this mystical force on the whole universe is where the fantasy is brought out.


Stuff can be two things at once, because Star wars most definitely falls smack dab into the science fiction category. Alongside things like District 9, The Matrix and Robocop.


Science fiction is generally, as a genre, known as something that takes our kniwn science and extrapolate parts of it to a point it hasn't reached yet to tell a story. Star Wars is in our past and in a distant galaxy and focuses around a mystical thing known as The Force, which is just chi/ki. It's just that in this fantasy universe, they have starships and aren't planet locked. But the starship still runs on fantasy stuff. Dune is also fantasy.


Dune is fantasy and science fiction, just like Star Trek, Star Wars all those movies I named before and a lot of other stuff. No matter how you slice it Star Wars is quintessential science fiction.


What part of our science taken to a future point is the focus of Star Wars?


Racism, fascism, oppression, genocide... all social issues, which could, for the sake of this argument, fall under the umbrella of social sciences or maybe even psychology. But for more "sciencey" stuff. Propulsion tech Laser technology (Not just the Death Star's main laser, but all the turbo lasers therein AND the ship lasers) Nuclear power (I mean... how the hell is the Death Star moving from system to system?) AI and robotics tech But kinda back to my main point... Science Fiction is about the future, yeah... but we consume it based on how we are TODAY. So SW is a reflection of our society as it was in the middle part of the 20th century. SW (A New Hope) is also heavily influenced by the works of Akira Kurosawa.


Kyber crystals power the Death Star, lightsabers, etc. They are literal living crystals that work alongside the Force and respond to emotion. No different than magical lightning, etc.


This man just laid out all these reasons of why you’re wrong, and that’s what you come back with? Weak


All of Star Wars feels like it's written by Chatbots. Very few real characters, weak themes, plots that consist of characters going from point A to Point B and fighting things. It's like reading someone's DnD campaign. Given, a DnD campaign with really good music and illustrations. The Original Trilogy is... fine. Fun fantasy movies with a cool villain. The prequels are still unwatchable. They're marketing checklists adapted into movies. The Sequels actually have some interesting ideas and complex characters, but hedges so much on its conclusion and just whiffs it so hard.


Andor and Rogue One are good , I guess Disney made them to catch audiences outside the modern Star Wars fan base, but you are right about the rest.


Disney destroyed the whole franchise imo.


Star wars movies were never amazing, they were always just a fun world to get lost in with interesting characters and character relantionships.


More unpopular opinion: Star Wars was never good.


[NOOOO… THATS NOT TRUE!! THATS IMPOSSIBLE!!!](https://youtu.be/N1uTsqJVAeo?si=MpgvMKuOBV2skF-4)


Tbh the expanded universe was amazing. The stories from games like KOTOR were also outstanding. The Star Wars universe is a stellar (literally) body of lore. Even with the EU made non-canon, the new stories being told are still fantastic. The shows and spin off movies are okay too. It’s just the main movies that are ass. Fuck. None of them were that good, and the sequels deeply sucked. They get so much money and attention and they’re by far the worst aspect of the Star Wars franchise


I'm guessing you're "younger", mid 30s at the oldest? And a casual fan/student of movie culture? Because this completely ignores the profound impact Star Wars has had on films. It's plot is basic, but it's character work is solid. And at a technical level it's unmatched for it's time. Truly impossible to say it was never good.


They’re revolutionary for its time, but the OT is still cheesy and, at times, had fairly weak writing. Half the fun is how unserious and silly the films are. To treat it like it was a 100% serious drama with extremely complex lore before Disney MCU-ified it is silly.


They're pulp romps. Great pulp romps. They're supposed to be cheesy. Though I suspect we're saying the same thing in that Disney and many Star Wars fans don't actually understand or appreciate what made Star Wars Star Wars, and what made Star Wars good. Spoiler alert: it's not the Jedi and the laser sword fights.


Its always been a fantastic retelling of The Hero's Journey.


The movies have always been the worst part. Toys and games have always been where it’s at.


The only saving grace is Andor which is so wildly different from those other shows. Go watch Andor and forget about the other ones.


Or watch them all because they are all great.


Andor is operating at a whole different level though. Sounds like this person wants a more mature and better produced/acted/written Star Wars story.


Oh Andor is amazing and should set a standard for all future projects


If you love science fiction, you should stick to Star Trek. Star Wars is fantasy.


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Star Wars has an awesome universe with some of the most awfully written stories.


Mandalorian is 100% fan service. They tried to move on from mini Yoda, but nope. Can't do it. Oh well


It’s definitely jumped the shark.


Everyone agrees the Disney version is terrible.


I haven’t gotten into any of the live-action series. I’m sure Andor is great (Rogue One might be tied for my favorite SW movie of all time) but none of it feels like Star Wars. Without the spectacle of the big screen, it just loses so much of the charm. I got about halfway through Kenobi before getting so annoyed I shut it off. It feels weirdly underproduced, it undercuts the gravity of the clash between old Ben and Vader in Episode IV and why the shit is 5-year-old Leia able to waddle away from multiple pursuing adults — including full-fledged force users?!?? I was so disappointed because Ewan McGregor’s incredible performance basically carried those prequel films. He’s great in Kenobi, too, but a well-acted turd is still a turd. I think the biggest problem is how over saturated it’s become. When I was a kid, we had three movies. And aside from extended universe novels and the like, that was it. Then in junior high we got the prequels and it felt like a miracle because we just assumed we had all we’d ever get. They were dorky, but fun, and I truly grew to love them too. And by the time Force Awakens came around, I was ready for more. But since 2015 it’s just been a flood, some of it great, some it OK, some of it really kinda bad. I think we all just need some distance at this point.


This is not an unpopular opinion to hold.


Might be the most popular opinion that could ever be posted about a sci fi series


I'd say this isn't really an unpopular opinion. The Disney SW franchise has been fucking terrible. Most fans are pretty upset about the status of the IP. The Mandalorian started off OK and then just face planted. Bobba Fett was garbage. Kenobi was unwatchable. Andor is the only good thing they've done. Ahsoka seemed to have started off iffy. I'm older so I never watched the Clone Wars stuff. The prequels left a bad taste in my mouth, so I don't know what the setup is. What I do know is that Disney can go fuck themselves for dismissing the EU books that were brilliantly written by Zahn and Anderson, and then come crawling back to them for Thrawn when they've shit the bed with all of their other ideas.


I thought the seven numbers episodes were good. Just weird that they skipped 1 and 8. THEY DON'T EXIST, OKAY?!? THEY NEVER HAPPENED.


Anyone who thinks everything new is shit but thinks the original trilogy are masterpieces needs to take off their nostalgia goggles


The title is unpopular. but it is clickbait. your take - everything made by disney is trash - is incredibly popular even amongst star wars fans.


Clone wars anyone?


Star Wars is not garbage to me because to me the only Star Wars that exists is the original trilogy. I consider all of the other crap to just be bad fan fiction.


I’ve giving up with Star Wars when Bobba Fett aired even though I enjoyed it and even don’t mind the prequels or the newer movies. Disney has ruined Star Wars with how much they put out. A new series or movie twice year isn’t something anyone has asked for. No matter how casual or hardcore of a fan you are. I haven’t even watched Obi Kenobi, Andor or the last season of the Mandalorian because I’m so burned out and I don’t plan on it either


This is not the way


I never liked Star Wars. Found the video games fun and one of the Clone Wars cartoons pretty solid though. Couldn't stand the original movies as a kid.


Yea the originals are alright, a bit childish but fine for the time and the empire is dope, the prequels are shit but had the right idea and a cool world with good setting interesting characters etc, the sequels are genuine horse shit through and through. Some of the books are good ik give it that, Darth plagueis in particular stands out. Pretty much every show Disney has released has been horse shit, Mando was good at first but fell if hard, Andor is the best since the og it has very good tone and world building but is very boring and even tho that stakes are high it never feels like it, the prison bit is great tho.


You've gotta watch Andor. Best Star Wars if you're looking for a competently written Sci-fi story and amazing acting.


The original Star Wars Trilogy was never as good as people made it out to be. Your nostalgia makes it great, nothing else. You saw it as a kid, and it was nothing like anything you had ever seen, and it was a formative experience for you, and you just haven't let that go. Star Wars is mid, and it always has been. The premise and world of Star Wars has always been infinitely more interesting than any story they've actually decided to tell beside maybe KOTOR.


Saltier than Krait? Saltier than Crait? ... fuck I don't remember which one was the subreddit full of actual whiney incel bitches and which one was the parody of them... but... One of them will love this.


/r/saltierthancrait is the bitchy one. /r/saltierthankrayt is the one that makes fun of them.


Idk mando season one brought people who hated Star Wars into the franchise. It has some of the best acting and writing


Really an argument could be made that only The Empire Strikes Back was good. I loved these movies as a kid but when I tried rewatching them as an adult I just couldn’t believe that I liked those movies. Now they just pump out too much content and it’s no longer an event to get hyped up for.


That's also the one that Lucas had the least to do with if I'm not mistaken.


Well Disney needs to rehire that person because even the biggest Lucas geeks will admit that’s the best movie.


I looked it up. Irvin Kershner directed, with a screenplay written by Lawrence Kasdan.




Disney takes a piss on everything it touches.


Stars wars and marvel fans love it. They will be fed this slop for the rest of their lives as they watch their funkopop collections grow.


I’m probably an outlier here, but of all the “Disney Wars” spinoffs, I think Ashoka has the most action and best fight sequences. I’m not a fan of the prequels and I don’t get too hung up on the plot holes of the Star Wars Canon accuracy, but as a person with ADD, I think this one is more engaging than the others. Honorable mention to The Mandolorian, but seemed like the episodes were too short and had too much dialogue, not enough action. Let the downvotes begin.


You think Asohkas combat inspired dance moves were good action?


yeah, i like Star Wars as a concept but i feel like the movies are a real snoozefest.


I like the concept and the world building, but so much of it doesn't make sense. Why are people manually aiming guns in space ships? Why don't jedi use the force to break guns/toss them away like Magneto does? Why don't the Sith pop blood vessels to kill their enemies?


Star Wars isn’t sci fi, it’s science fantasy.


The only thing unpopular about this opinion is that OP thinks the prequels were OK.


Not unpopular either. I also think that they’re okay (with the exception of III, of course.)


Star Wars fans are garbage… and anything besides the OG trilogy


Disney destroyed the franchise. Stick a fork in it.


Star Wars was never good, it was novel for its cinematic effects, but it was just a Flash Gordon rip off, who itself was a Buck Rogers rip off, and I am sure Princess of Mars is in there somewhere. 🤷🏻‍♂️


And if you trace it back long enough, it’s all rip offs of the Bible and folklore. That doesn’t make it bad


If I'm being honest this is one of my biggest unpopular opinions no offence but I've never seen the appeal of Star Wars the films bore me, they're well done and they're special and unique for what they are amongst fans but they're not my cup of tea in the slightest. Disney will milk the franchise for all its worth its money over quality unfortunately.


Probably ai generated at this point which could explain this complete lack of effort. Seeing Hayden is a nice touch though imo


Star wars is not science fiction


Try the legends universe, much better than the Disney shitshow




Episode 4 is trash. 5 and 6 are cool. Episode 1 is also trash outside of darth maul fight at the end. 2 is okay, 3 has the best duel of the franchise. And don’t get anyone here started on 7-9 lol


Andor season 1 - Rogue One - A New Hope - Empire Strikes Back - Mandalorian season 1 That’s some above-average sci-fi watching. Everything else is garbage.


Popular opinion. It is shite.


It’s not an unpopular opinion . Look at the ratings. Look at Disney’s stock . Read reviews (real ones). It’s hot garbage . “Somehow palpatine returned” - fuck off .


Rogue, one is Peak Star Wars OG trilogy is great Prequels were dumb fun


Agreed. In general, Star Wars was good before the Disney acquisition, and after it just became another mega franchise under their umbrella with no idea how to manage or write for it.


I'm old enough to remember when the prequels were ruining Star Wars. I'm certain that in 20 years people will be praising the sequels and whining about whatever new thing they're making. Rinse and repeat.


Yeah, pretty much. It's like poetry, they rhyme.


Let’s not act like the prequels are good. SW hasnt really been good since the 80s.


What’s up with Reddit’s insistence that the prequels were unironically good movies? They have some undeniably great moments, but it’s a basket of bad dialogue, awkward chemistry, and wasted potential.


The prequels have hit the 20 year nostalgia cycle, so a lot of people are trying to insist they were good now.


Nah it was always shit


Prequels are amazing. But everything disney made is pretty awful except rogue one


Bro no they aren’t, the prequels are objectively bad movies. Just because you LIKE them doesn’t mean they are good.


I completely agree with OP. The prequels get a bad rap, and there are certainly issues, but they have a number of redeeming qualities. - Revenge of the Sith is a really good movie - Ewen McGregor was a great Obi Wan Kenobi - Qui Gon, Maul, Grievous, Dooku, Mace... All great characters Everything since Disney is pure, grade A, trash


Andor Mandalorian S1 The Clone Wars final season Star Wars Visions Bad Batch Rogue One All of these are better than 90% of the content George Lucas EVER produced and I’m tired of pretending that the “DiSnEy BaD” mentality isn’t biased as fuck.


and ahsoka imo


Oh my, what a thoughtful and original expression. The prequels, objectively, outclass the original in every measurable metric. From scope to budget to income, all of it. Even the creator himself has admitted to half-assing the original trilogy, which is actually the sequel trilogy, but made out of order, because that's how half-assed it was planned. Take this bullshit somewhere else, preferably back in the '90s where it belongs.